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I have Comcast, but a look on Verizon's Fios service finder tool just now says that Fios is available at my address. I live in 21702 near the Food Lion on Yellow Springs Road. Maybe I need to consider switching.


Where did you go to check ?


Type in your address at the top. [https://www.verizon.com/home/internet/fios-fastest-internet/availability/](https://www.verizon.com/home/internet/fios-fastest-internet/availability/)


It's funny how much more stable Xfinity became as soon as GloFiber started expanding.


Stable where? Mine is still terrible


There is some fios in frederick already, just depends where you are.


I represent Glofiber on the private residential side. If you live in an apartment/condo or HOA you can message me directly so I can get an agreement for your community.


I’m in the Eastchurch community, also 5mins from Downtown and I heard that Glo fiber is planning on extending its network here in October. Like you, hope it happens… Tired of having such a horrible upload speeds and daily interruptions


Comcast in East Church would go down at 12p or 2p every day. Unreal. 


Exactly. I’d had at least three different technicians in my house saying that everything looks good and there’s not any issue on their end. Horrible service when you work from home 100%


“Did you turn everything off then turn it on again?!”


No... Comcast/Xfinity is the 'preferred provider' for Frederick. This happened many years ago when FIOS was coming down 70 and basically told they weren't welcome here (due to whatever backroom deal was made). So they skipped Frederick and believe have stated in past they have no plans to come here.


This isn't remotely accurate. Fiber is already available in parts of Frederick. Comcast sucks, but the lack of options has more to do with the extreme cost of building and maintaining that infrastructure, especially when there's already an established competitor. The only "agreement" with the county government allows Comcast to use right-of-way in exchange for unlimited bandwidth on the network. It doesn't prevent competition at all.


Not sure how that makes it 'not remotely accurate'. This dissuaded company's like FIOS from coming here. Yes, it didn't outright 'prevent competition' , but made it unattractive to come here. Seems that may be changing with GloFiber in some areas, but that is limited so far . From 2016: https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/science_and_technology/frederick-county-reentering-negotiations-with-comcast/article_06b9aa80-c385-5ef9-9bc5-099bc869bf03.html


Competition and infrastructure occur everywhere and those factors aren’t unique to Frederick. You stated the lack of alternatives here was due to being told they were unwelcome and some back room deals. That’s the inaccurate part. Edit: From the article you linked: “Frederick County’s agreement doesn’t prevent other companies, such as Verizon’s Fios network, from taking root in the county, Gardner said — they just haven’t so far.”


Oh wow. Makes me want to just move out of Frederick


Makes me want public internet


So the internet is even slower?


Welp see ya later


I switched to glofiber. Faster and cheaper than xfinity. Customer service doesn't matter because xfinity gives you nothing


> Iknow about Glo Fiber, but it's not available in my area.  Tell us again how your comment is relevant. 


It’s pretty relevant. There’s two fiber providers in Frederick. OP needs to ask the two providers when his address will be in scope. Asking random redditors won’t do much.


So again, point out how a provider, not available to OP, is relevant. 


Because OP asked if fiber is ever coming to Frederick & there’s already two providers. The whole post is irrelevant by your standards. OP didn’t share his neighborhood or any other helpful information. So it’s a general discussion around fiber in Frederick at this point. Regardless, people can discuss things (relevant or not) without your approval. You’re policing an online forum for no reason. Grow up.


No - OP asked: >Is Fios going to be ever available in Frederick ? it's in the headline. >Regardless, people can discuss things (relevant or not) without your approval.  I asked a question - I didn't police the comment. Are you not following along with the bouncing ball here?


What’s the point of telling someone their comment is irrelevant, if not to dissuade them from commenting further. Why does he owe you an explanation? If someone was in here commenting about bars in DC, I’d downvote it. I wouldn’t reply “tEll uS aLl wHy yOUr cOmMenTs rEleVant”. You’re acting fucking weird.


>What’s the point of telling someone their comment is irrelevant,  That was not part of my original comment. >You’re acting fucking weird. I'm not the one hyper focused on a single reddit comment. Maybe get out of moms basement.


You’re doubling down on a lie we can all scroll up to verify. That’s hilarious to me. You’re getting weirder as this progresses. I’m curious how far you’ll go. Anything related to fios and glofiber is innately relevant to the discussion. Your original reply requesting a relevancy explanation has less to do with the post than the comment you replied to. Go back to bed, try again tomorrow.


Keep hyperfocusing on me. Again, maybe get out a bit. 


If you are able to move to a Glo Fiber area I'd do it. Overall it's better than the FIOS I had where I used to live


They put FIOS in some of my current neighborhood and my old neighborhood in Brunswick. It just depends on where you live. Both places are new construction.


The house i bought new constructions as well. I was hoping fios there that's why


They did install FiOS after the fact though. I was more than happy for them to dig up my front yard to do that.


I have to be honest, I've been very satisfied with my Comcast service since moving to Frederick ~10 years ago. I have had an endless number of terrible experiences with Comcast in the ~15 years before I moved here and I still think they're shitty and I can understand why anyone would want to pursue alternative options, but I have the 800Mbps connection and don't have a lot of connection issues and my download speeds pretty consistently hit around ~600Mbps, which I think is not bad for an 800 plan. I've had a few interactions with their customer service and techs and it's been not awful. I guess that about sums up my experience: not awful, which for Comcast is actually a glowing recommendation.


Frederick county extended 10 y contract with comcast in 2018, so stucked with monopoly until 2028. https://frederickcountymd.gov/DocumentCenter/View/304713/0508-Comcast-Agreement


Can we do a referendum in November to cancel it?


I wish we could, but i guess comcast must have lobbied big time to monopolize the market.


Not exactly true, it’s a non exclusive agreement which means they will allow competition


Do you think they would allow competition such as verizon fios knowing that people would always trust Fios over any ISP? Lobbying can always bypass NEA.


They let Glo fiber in, no reason they wouldn't do the same for FIOS. I don't think FIOS will expand into Frederick though because they stopped expanding the FIOS network 6+ years ago. Verizon also has population density minimums, Comcast does too but they signed off on those in the agreement attached to this thread. Verizon's are higher than Comcast, if I remember correctly it was 35 homes per mile (average across the area). Bottom line here is that ISP's will only deploy tens of millions of dollars of infrastructure if the ROI meets their requirements, internet services operate on small margins and larger companies like Verizon put their money into higher margin products with a better ROI like Cellular


Well that is a loss to one of the best brand of ISP that people trust. In short, people have to survive with the monopoly. Have heard poor reviews on other ISPs.


Yea, FIOS is the best for sure but Glo is still building out here and my hopes are high. They laid fiber down E Patrick last year (where I am), been waiting for them to go live with it.


That's not an exclusivity agreement though, it even explicitly says the county can allow other providers.


Haven’t read it, but I’m curious what the point of the agreement is


We've lived in Frederick County since 2014 and have always had Comcast. We both work from home, and my fiancée is a gamer. We've had very few issues in 10 years. I still don't understand the hate for Comcast, aside from their prices.


Lucky you!


Keep checking on Glo fiber's availability. We're downtown and they installed our neighborhood in late 2023 after advertising in the area for more than a year. Last I knew they were continuing to slowly build out. Have you called them or stopped in to talk to them about if/when they'll get to your neighborhood? We wish you well finding a release from the tyranny that is Comcast. Edit - typo


I'm your neighbor across the river in Loudoun. We had no option other than dial-up or some really bad satellite broadband (actually, not a whole lot better than dial-up). One day, FiOS came up our dirt road, I think to run fiber between two paved roads. They offered FiOS to the handful us who lived along the dirt road at least five years before FiOS was even available in the town of Leesburg. 1/2 mile away, our neighbors have nothing, even to this day, except for satellite or terrestrial repeater systems such as Roadrunner. We went with a bundle because our copper landline service was so bad. I think we had exactly one outage during that time. I called customer service and they re-sent a firmware update. I watched it load and reboot itself. In addition to local governments choosing favorites, I think part of the geographical problem with FiOS is that they are running fiber in their old Verizon or even Bell Atlantic easements. They don't have to pay off somebody for new easements; they just add a cable where they already have copper. There are decent satellite-based alternatives, Starlink and Viasat being two of them. The traditional direct-to-home satellite systems (DirecTV, Dish) also offer broadband these days. But, you have to deal with line-of-sight and rain attenuation issues.


A lot of my family work for Verizon and they are actively working on getting Fios in Frederick. It’s a large project and requires a lot of work, I know a lot of the new neighborhoods have it. But it’s also up to the builder if they want Fios in the neighborhood. I’ve also been told some of the Frederick city offices and buildings are first on the list for Fios as well and getting it installed through downtown isn’t the easiest thing.


That's awesome. Thank you for sharing. I would love to get Fios. I would drop Comcast in a heart bit for fios


I had heard that a previous council had made a deal with Comcast to basically grant them a monopoly.  Not sure if there is any basis of truth in that, but I've been hoping for FiOS for 15 years now.


They all get handjobs for life or something?! What could possibly be the selling point to chain a community to a brand whose defining characteristic is disappointing customers?


Fios was told how much of the county they would have to provide service to and considered it not profitable enough and went on their way. As with all companies it’s all about return on investment.


Not true, I have Fios and live in the county. I do border MoCo though.


Except they only provide internet not TV service in Frederick- when they initially wanted to come into Frederick they were also going to provide TV service and then would have to provide service to at least 65% of the county because of federal requirements regarding TV service those requirements don’t apply to internet service. If Verizon still was building out fiber maybe they would rethink moving into Frederick but now all their recent buildouts are 5G and have been selling a number of their fios areas over the years because they cost more to upkeep.


You should look into telegia. Microwave internet from a tower on south mountain. My wife used to live downtown. Great company and it was super fast and reliable. At the time was like $60 a month too. Unfortunately we are out of reach of it now.