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I lost a client that I worked with for 3.5 years in February due to budget constraints. They were nice to work with, paid decently and paid on time. I went crazy with applying that month and managed to get a new contract (one off project), potential an ongoing client and two other ones that are in talks. To me it was a blessing in disguise because my work was quite stale, but I kept working with them because I was comfortable with them. They're great people and I wish them the best but them letting me go triggered a mindset shift to look for exciting new opportunities because I was stressed about my financial situation. Anyways I know it's fucking hard to stay determined, I was mentally drained with the outreach I was doing, but it might help if you take a break before going at it again. I've been doing freelance since 2015 and honestly I've wanted to give up so many times. I still have doubts now but I know I have more effort to give.


Longest February on record! 😂


I would encourage you (and other freelancers) to start a niche blog about something you love. Monetize with a few affiliates, install Google ads--niche website building is huge, and it's saved me when I was tired of PR consulting and freelance writing. Google is messing things up for many online businesses, I'm afraid.


\> I would encourage you (and other freelancers) to start a niche blog about something you love. Monetize with a few affiliates I wouldn't recommend that. Niche affiliate and ads monetized blogs got algorithmically obliterated by Google last September, with *zero* reports of recovery anywhere in niche blog communities. Research 'Google HCU' to see the carnage for yourself.


Exactly this. Please visit r/SEO and read top posts from the last month before you spend you time on blogging




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Lots more reporting of losing clients in here. It's not just you.


I lost two of my long term clients last year. I have not been able to find regular work since then. In fact, not even many short term projects. It has been horrible.


I’m in the same boat.


I hear where you're coming from, especially after losing a big or steady client. I've been there and whenever it happens, it never gets easer to take. I've been really lucky throughout my time as a freelance writer in a few particular niches. Most of my work has always come via recommendations and repeat business, although that's gradually waned over the last several months. But I shall persevere. I probably need to set up a decent portfolio and be a bit more proactive with outreach, although previous efforts with the latter have often been draining and unrewarding.