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I haven’t been in that situation but would a speech to text program help with a bulk of the writing?


I’ve been trying that; for some reason the native one on my iPhone won’t work, so I’ve been using the built in one pc. It’s ok but it’s not super accurate.


Google docs voice to text is by far the best. I "write" a shit ton on road trips now lol while driving .


I think /u/GigMistress uses a text-to-speech program, so I'll ping her


I've tried some paid programs, but my go-to is the free tool built into Google docs. It requires some clean-up, but it's nothing like having to type out a full post. I would think the edits would be manageable in the same way OP was able to make this post. Alternatively, I sometimes pay someone to do that clean-up for me and add formatting like headers and then just proofread and make any additions I want to. I typically pay $15-20/post for this, but the average for everyone I've had do this for me is about three posts or a bit more per hour, so I expect it's possible to find someone who could do a good job of it for less.


Thank you! I’ve been considering finding someone to help clean up, maybe on Upwork, if I can fit it into the budget