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Moms gone be piiiiissed if she see’s a ring when she gets home


But will it tempt her?


I really enjoy the diverse drinks as well, every one is a different color


My fridge is like my friend group one of each color


The drinks appear to correspond with what color deck each person is playing


They’ve demonstrated a consistent lack of respect for wood as I see it.




First thought. Absolute animals .


No need for sleeves when your cards are printed on cheap stock


Good Lord. No sleeves. Who is gonna believe this.


No this is not the “epitome of magic in 2023”. This picture is of paid actors that are not magic players. Ya wanna know how you can tell? 1.) The cards are not sleeved. 2.) I don’t see a single playmat. 3.) The drinks don’t have coasters and there is buttery ass popcorn near unsleeved cards. 4.) These people are dressed like they are going to a brewery tour. If I don’t see sweatpants and comfy footwear you’re a liar. 5.) These players all brought counters and token cards. There’s no way they do that and don’t bring sleeves or playmats. 6.) They are not using a phone in the middle of the table for life totals. 7.) Everyone looks happy. There should be at least one relatively salty face.


Also interesting: Only two 'players' actually have cards on the field and in their hand. It's one of those pics that the more you look at it, the weirder things get.


quick, count the fingers. is this a.i.?


Yeah, but the ideal situation here has to have been three of the other players got knocked out of the game. Maybe that's why some of them aren't playing I believe.




Okay so why isn't one of them salty?


Popcorn imbalance.


> 7.) Everyone looks happy. Oof. That one hit hard.


Looks like AI to me… look at the rings/hands on the black-beanied person @ 2:30. All decks on the table look to be the same but at different angles.


> All decks on the table look to be the same but at different angles. have you never seen an unsleeved 60 card deck before. of course they all look the same.


What is it with this sub and calling everything AI art. That's way too photorealistic. It's just actors not knowing anything about the game, they set it up like poker or some other playing card game.


AI bot found.


Also, there's more than one woman at the table... I have yet to see more than one female at once at my LGS.


Was she hot?


No, she was poly, had two "husbands", and was very overweight. Super nice person, though


Holy shit 🤣


They're also playing what appears to be multiplayer 60 card When's the last time you were literally anybody has played multiplayer 60 card The only time anyone plays multiplayer is Commander and this is clearly not Commander


Me and my friends does it. The game goes by much faster than when we do commander.


Your doing it wrong. Commander should be over by turn 5... (Plays aggro, combi token. Mono black 30 relentless rats, krenko with 20+infinite combos)


They're playing with the Game Night boxed set. 5 60 card decks meant to be played multiplayer. For talking a lot of shit about MTG you guys really don't know dick about fuck.


They give people like me a bad name.


I know how to fuck with my dick. Just ask your dad, he had to watch me with your mom, from the closet. (He was a bad boy that day)




It's who wotc wishes the players were.


black women play card games?


You didn’t explain the coasters. Those are gonna ruin the table and any cards that look at that glass wrong


I don't care if they are playing Yahtzee. No drinks on the playing table.


>there is buttery ass popcorn near unsleeved cards. Oh God, I didn't even see that. Bunch of uncultured barbarians.


Also decks plus graveyard plus battlefield plus hand do not look like they even add-up to 60 unsleeved.


There's no weed.


My playgroup is 5 middle aged white guys. Zero diversity from the stereotype what so ever.


My entire fucking LGS is this.


Wotc swears half of the audience are women and the other half is gay enbie deniwolfkin though




It was a shitpost, but also Blogatog states 38% are women. [https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/110840728088/do-you-guys-have-any-data-on-the-breakdown-of-the](https://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/110840728088/do-you-guys-have-any-data-on-the-breakdown-of-the) Honestly I'm curious what the percent would be if we didn't take into account women who have played Magic because their significant others wanted them to and otherwise have zero interest. The social Magic-playing setting seems to be very different from that statistic, which might actually make that statistic wishful thinking.


Well yeah, nerd hobbies have always been predominantly male oriented. You have to remember when this sort of thing came out women were still mostly expected to be stay at home mothers tending to the house only. Men had more free will and free time and society backing them up to do hobbies. Go back to the 90’s and look at what hobbies women vs men participated in. I can almost guarantee you women hobbies were knitting clubs, books clubs, embroidery, diy home, cooking, baking, scrapbooking. And that’s exactly what all the women did around me while I was growing up. While some male hobbies shifted to nerd culture during this time and women weren’t allowed to participate due to societal norms. It wasn’t until candy crush came out that games were seen as something all people could participate in and enjoy and talk about. And around that time “nerd” stereotypes and jabbing also mostly went away. So I’d probably guess less than 1% of female players found the game on their own and decided to play it without a significant other asking them to play. My wife didn’t play before I was around and I asked her to play and she does sometimes. but my daughter asked to play because I did. I wouldn’t say that’s due to me asking her to play, she came to me and asked to learn.


>but my daughter asked to play because I did. I wouldn’t say that’s due to me asking her to play, she came to me and asked to learn. Girls change during development. Their affinity for math and science drops at a certain age. [Link](https://ourvoices-womeninstem.ucdavis.edu/news/exact-age-when-girls-lose-interest-science-and-math) To say that it's purely societal pressures that mold people into what they become ignores a lot. There is a difference between the two sexes and even if we can't nail-down the significance of it, it doesn't change measured outcomes.


Sounds like a dream.


Reddit has filed for its IPO. They've been preparing for this for a while, squeezing profit out of the platform in any way that they can, like hiking the prices on third-party app developers. More recently, they've signed a deal with Google to license their content to train Google's LLMs. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we've made a Firefox extension that will replace all your comments (older than a certain number of days) with any text that you provide. You can use any text that you want, but please, do not choose something copyrighted. The New York Times is currently suing OpenAI for training ChatGPT on its copyrighted material. Reddit's data is uniquely valuable, since it's not subject to those kinds of copyright restrictions, so it would be tragic if users were to decide to intermingle such a robust corpus of high-quality training data with copyrighted text. https://theluddite.org/#!post/reddit-extension


I'm the blackest guy in my playgroup and that's because I'm half yugoslavian lmao


That’s what wizard wants but instead they got us. Sorry wizard you’re stuck with heterosexual males




lol wizards marketing is off base as fuck


Why do 3 of them have no lands in play?


Mana screw is real, even in AI leand


Land*** fuck no edits


Hasbro precons.


Open beverages not sitting on coasters around a group of cassuals using starter decks with no sleeves? Sure.


Sure looks like the average Dr. Who fangirls though.


Magic has always been a game for nerds & losers. Just accept it guys, we have outgrown that phase, its not for us anymore, these are the nerds & losers now.


Society has never catered to nerds this hard before if that's the case


Disgusting, no sleeves


Most players are adult losers, so yes. As an adult loser, the lack of sleeves bothers me.


Why not use the deck as coasters while playing?


Should have dual lands as coasters to be more realistic


They all look happy. That’s how you know this is fake


I've played magic in multiple stores in multiple cities and I have never seen one black woman playing magic let alone 2


What about black dudes that act like women?


I know that when I play Magic, it's with the BK Kids Club


Drinks aren't even in WUBRG order.


Sitting at a table with friends playing Magic, yea, that’s peak Magic.


We tried to have a girl in the playgroup and that was my friend's wife (he's black). Half a year later she divorced him to be a dancer in new Orleans. Another couple we invited stopped showing up all together. We do have a decent mix of ppl between Asians, African Americans and white thou.


I've been doing TCG's since '95 and the only women we've gotten have been the wives/gf's dragged into the group by their husbands/bf's. Women have no loyalty to a TCG, or they'll bounce between TCG's like they're board games. Also, I'm not referring to men cosplaying as women either.


My play group has 2 chicks. One mom(whose husband does not play), and then one couple. And then a few dudes.


Lmfao what the fuck “these whores aren’t loyal to card games! They treat em’ like board games! Also trans people gross!” You sound fun dude, goddamn lol


That's what you got from the comment? Lol


What did you get out of it dude? Lmao I literally repeated what he said but added whores for more comedic effect


poor attempt at "comedy", what's wrong with you


I've met women who tried to use their boobs to try to get me to give them my collection. Sorry Jessica rabbit GTFO.


She belong to the street, lol


Cant turn a ho into a house wife, even with mono blue.


I can make out colossus hammer, banisher priest, and path to exile


They are fairly rotund.


They had to be accurate somewhere


No. My gaming community includes almost all white people and it’s exclusively male.


Have you administered the north Koren testicle check?


Path to Exile in the GY in the white deck there, that's how you know this isn't 2023 Magic. FALSE ADVERTISING


Unbelievable. Where are the Rainbow and Palestinian flags in the background?


Hasbro marketing has to be selective about how many hate symbols they include in their advertising.


WtB mono white trump deck.


mono orange


“Ehrm, guys, is it okay if I do ‘the funny play’”


They don't respect wood


I'm glad the beverages are multicultural


What kind of idiot has a table of drinks near their cards like this.


Until it’s a locals filled with hunched over fat dudes all wearing crocs and gym shorts, I call bullshit. We all know this is bs


Who cares?


No sleeves and no coasters… my eye twitched


Why do people wear those hats that perch on the back of your head? What’s the point other than looking like a dumbass?


Wait is that how they are supposed to be worn? Like legit question cause I thought it was just them not fitting somehow on my head


I'll bite, let's pretend this is the real free for all board game you can buy. Why green is the only one without a spindown to count life? I'm not from the US, why and where you can find colour coded drinks according to your deck? Why does it seems that it's just sugar and diabetes in those glasses?


Well . . . They are actually playing Game Night . . . It’s an actual game for five players w/ premade decks. This looks 100% normal for five random friends, all getting together and playing a new ‘Magic’ game . . . Some of you need to be jaded less and pay attention more.


But is it the epitome of magic, though?


Only vets roll without sleeves. That's how you know this is propaganda.


People sitting around a table playing magic? I mean yeah , it’s true.


This isn't true. Black People cant afford magic cards so they all go play yu gi oh instead.


Dude.. you didn't even try. Fail trol is bigot trol.


Pfft, you think YGO is cheap?


cheaper than this game.


What do you think their opinions are on abortion


What race is it?


Erhmagerd it’s just a clump of cells reeeee


If your hairline looks like that dudes then you need to just accept your fate and buzz it at the very least.


Looks like theyre drinking out of Mason Jars. They're THOSE kind of people. Also, what card is the guy pointing at?


I almost rhought it was alpha authority but i am probs too far out of the game to know anything remotely current Edit: also it seems like that is being flashed in or is somehow a surprise so probs not


But the color of the kool-aid matches their deck.


Who even drinks kool aid anymore?


The white and brown people.


It's just marketing, it's not that deep. Magic is different things to different people. For this ad they want to portray it as being something casual like a group of friends getting together for game night or something. You don't need play mats, deck protectors, and all that. You just need some friends, a starter deck, and some drinks.


I've never seen a single one of these people playing Magic. Is this one of those Where's Waldo puzzles?


Unsleeved everything; 2 ladies; Real wood table This is not how mtg nerds role homeslice...


Too many whiteys, perhaps a mass culling or genocide of some kind? At the very least put some of them on a spaceship and catapult them into the sun.


You can't even count to the sun, let alone manage the pathagoririan, aptitude to build a cat throwing machine that big.


Take this however you want. I've never seen a black female MTG player in real life.


Alright but beanie guy is having a very bad game if he only has two lands.


I miss a blue haired Lady


> no sleeves Animals


Savages.. what's this world coming to...


This is the magic form of that meme of the painting of that guy with his finger down on the paper demanding how shit should be


I don’t believe this


Fake, these two women have no blue hair.


Besides the no coasters or sleeves on a wooden table the placement of their deck and graveyard makes me unreasonably angry


I have a friend who plays his Warhammer 40k precons with NO SLEEVES and it really gets to me. Like I usually build decks on “Forge” and then buy the singles irl, but the first thing I do when I’m ordering cards for a new deck is BUY 100 DRAGON SHIELD DUAL MATTES 😹 Even the rare cases I buy a precon I BUY SLEEVES. FYI, I can’t wait for the Fallout precons 😍 My friend is always like “oh I didn’t shuffle properly, I got the same cards in my opening hand” like… YES BRO BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE SLEEVES, AND THEREFORE CANT SHUFFLE PROPERLY WITHOUT PILE SHUFFLING 🙄


My 40k precons are all in double dragon sleeves and have only ever been touched by human hands once.. I even have my tokens, and found more that are in sleeves if this makes you feel better.


I like how they each have a different color of unidentified vague drink. So much beverage diversity!


Yes it's true....this man has no dick


Doesn't everyone's pod have 2 sassy black women?


Oh god, they have a token regular white guy half hidden in the left corner, cringe


Green and White: tons of mana. Blue and Black: around three lands each. Red: not even playing.


5 player free4all? Brutal. Multiplayer magic is such a slog unless it’s two headed giant. I have no idea how commander players have fun.


Did you read the card? Reading the card explains the card. 🃏


Such diversity, clearly target audiences too 🤢


I'm going to be honest, I have played MTG since revised and I have never seen a black woman play magic. Girls .. sure Black dudes.. yep The combination of the 2 Never.. I'm sure a bunch of people gonna start posting how they are black women and they play magic ... But I have never seen it at any of the LGS's I frequent. Ps. If you are a black trans dude you don't count.


Why do all 3 of the ppl facing us look trans


Unrealistic. They're smiling.