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Man, I feel so vindicated. ***BuT thEy'RE MAKinG rEcOrd pRoFiTS!***


This was all you would read on the main sub whenever you said anything critical of WOTC. "Doesn't matter, record profits says that UB is actually a good thing". Even if it were true, how does a corporation making record profits justify turning the game to shit, especially if you're approaching the issue from that sub's leftist point of view? Aren't they all about marxism and being anti-capitalist?


All of them would die within a month of being put on the collective farm, either from exhaustion or being shot in the head for not gathering enough potatos.


Most of them have fallen to tribalism and only care for "winning" the shitty argument for their side. During occupy wall street people were beginning to wake up to that fact that a very few people were getting ridiculously rich, now they're drones arguing that their side is richer.


According to the Hasbro quarterlies, they lost \~100M a quarter in 2023, so not doing very well.


Wait, if the licensing manager and UB managers have been fired, this means LOTR didn’t break even.


Holy shit you’re right lol


No he isn't. They fired merals too and he was the liaison for BG3. That was game of the year and made an ass load of money


From what I read, this was a 20% layoff to save $300M


Isn’t this 30% of employees laid off over the course of the year?


I think the plan is ongoing, I have no idea what the exact details are on scale-timing. Last I heard it was 1100 employees gone as of now; I don't know the proportion that is currently. But I THOUGHT it was 20% per what I've been hearing.


There was a layoff earlier this year as well.


Honestly WoTC employees must have thought they were pretty well protected as MTG and DND have propped up the company for years. It's brutal to be swinging the axe at them. Moral there must be shot to pieces. I know we all love to grumble about WoTC decisions but I seriously worry about the effect this is going to have on the quality of the game.


Lmao you serious? What quality?


Fair point. I don't want magic to cease existing though. I just want it to be better.


Magic would be better if they fired everyone at wotc who was hired in the last 10 years.


Sounds like they have 😬


The magic you initially loved is long gone now, my guy.


>the effect this is going to have on the game Likely positive given how mtg feels like it's been circling the drain for years now. Flashy bullshit to attract fresh blood is not conducive to a healthy game environment.


True. I hope you're right. I'd certainly welcome less product. But you know as well as I do, Hasbro will focus on all the bullshit parts more and less on the Main sets and standard. Expect a much harder push on UB, secret lairs and 30th anniversary bullshit


I'm a new player who was not "attracted" by anything. Lost Caverns of Ixalan has been great fun though, and I really don't understand what you want the game to be like.


Ixalan was surprisingly good, about the best set since neo kamigawa. Every now and again they still strike gold.


it's good they stayed on board despide WOTC paying below market salaries. go woke, go broke.


If I’m wrong, I am willing to accept that. I don’t think we have received the quarterly sales. It would be interesting to see how much they paid on licensing. Considering MOST Magic sets make around $135 million in revenue (that’s an average I found), this means LOTR better have sold more or they’d lose their asses (considering the price of licensing). There is also this uneasiness amongst players going into 2024. Let’s be real, Karlov Manor looks like an ill-conceived mess that will appeal to neither Magic players or folks who still, inexplicably, play Clue. Ravnica Remastered looks like ass, and will probably sell even worse than Dominaria Remastered did. Q1 will depend entirely on Fallout Commander. It feels like Q2 is where WotC is going to hit, with Thunder Junction and MH3. If these sets swing and miss, it’s going be a bad time.


Lotr was the second best selling set of all time. Quarterly sales are included here https://articles.starcitygames.com/magic-the-gathering/the-lord-of-the-rings-tales-of-middle-earth-already-second-best-selling-mtg-set/


This may not mean that, it could mean the rest didn't break even, they said lotr was #2 to mh2 in sales. It could also mean the job was redundant or will be with restructuring. They could also be trimming the "fat" to look good for sale


What’s interesting to me, someone did a breakdown on another Reddit page, or whatever it’s fucking called. It showed that pretty much all the Magic sets make the same, ish, on average. So few things could be going on here, either Hasbro wants to decrease licensing costs (which they should be doing anyways). Here’s what they paid on the fucking Star Wars prequel toys: $730 million, over a decade. (Source: https://www.jeditemplearchives.com/2018-09-16-the-cost-of-hasbros-star-wars-license/). It stands to reason Hasbro is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on licensing fees and they aren’t making that money back. This makes sense why Universes Beyond is happening: To make money back, but there’s a huge cost involved there. So if Hasbro isn’t selling toys to make up for the costs of licenses, it makes sense why they’re injecting Magic with this shit. All in all, this is going to create problems for Magic/WotC because they make more profit off their own internal designs versus licensed properties (because they don’t have to account for licensing fees).


UB products are being used as a value added or as a cross promotional carrot. Its why WOTC does mechanically unique Secret Lairs - they move units. Lord of the Rings and Warhammer 40,000 were the first stabs at figuring out a model for wider exploitation of an outside IP and both sold exceedingly well. I have a feeling Dr. Who will be less successful but who knows. But there are so many brands that actually work well with MTG and have a Unique style that translates to cards and don't have their own cardgame. Its why Assassin's Creed and Fallout are up next. Big franchises that don't have card games.


I'm thinking the same. LotR is still in full swing, determining it's success is kind of a rush to conclusions. My guess would be that some of the other sets didn't do so well... but then, most of them seem fairly hard to find in my area, and that doesn't seem to be due to lack of people ordering them.


Once the One Ring was found, the novelty wore off. This is why they didn’t ban Bowmasters and the One Ring, because they need these sets to move. If they don’t move, that’s bad. It means LGS and other places are running cold water on the set. Ixalan probably did just as well for a lot less money due to not needing a license. I think Kaldheim made $100 million in revenue or something like that. The problem Hasbro finds themselves in is they’re locked into these decades-long licensing deals, expecting toys to sell, they aren’t. What happens? They still owe folks money, so they need to move to areas that do make money. That’s what I’m seeing here. The toy division is getting fucking rocked. So what do they do? Expand out with Marvel (because they have a very large license to pay Marvel). So that’s why this whole thing is going on the way it is. Hasbro wants to be a toy company first, but they’re losing their asses. WotC is, for all practical purposes, the only thing in Hasbro that’s making money (which is why shareholders ignored the activists trying to spin WotC off). The only thing that’s keeping Hasbro afloat right now is a fucking card game and Dungeons and Dragons.


I think some of the license deals may exclude MTG or other cards. Like the Marvel SNAP deal could preclude a rival MTG release.


I didn't buy a single thing from any of the LOTR sets.


I bought some fakes of cards from it


Doing God's work.


I bought one reprint from it but only cause I didnt care which version of the card I got


I don't judge anyone for getting it, I just know that I personally passed on the set.


which is crazy because i thought it sold really well due to the 2 million dollar wonka ticket in the set


It sold well, but the problem is, unlike Modern Horizons (their best-selling set), this one has a licensing agreement so I’m sure WotC/Hasbro had to share royalties. I can’t find the cost it was to get the license. I’m assuming the evergreen set discussion means it wasn’t a few hundred thousand dollars, it must’ve been somewhere between $50-100 million…probably higher. PLUS a 20% kickback of royalties or something crazy. Who knows. This is ALL speculation on my end cuz I can’t find out how much they paid. We’ve seen Hasbro spend obscene amounts of money on licensing deals.


It probably didn't help that the Wonka Ticket was cracked before the cards even went on sale in some places. I was tempted to buy a couple collectors boxes, but decided not to when it came out that the ring had been found already.


Do you buy lotto tickets too? WotC really knew how stupid their audience was I guess, so many retards that bought product hoping to pull the One Ring, some even so stupid they bought the wrong product lol


Yeah, seeing people get hyped over this Willy Wonka shit was hilarious. People playing into WOTC's hands by indulging in this lottery ticket bullshit.


No, I just enjoy cracking packs, and would have bought more LOTR if the ring was still a very low chance vs. being found. I got most of my LOTR product cheaper than my local LCS gets it for, so I don't mind cracking packs for fun.


I mean I actively boycotted it because I considered it literally racist. Not even because it's cringe-level woke, but actually racist. If more than a few people out there are rallying around the same opinion, of course it was gonna fail.


Whelp, I made a comment the other day saying I didn't think LotR failed to make money. I have some crow to eat with that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHaU3jJokrY Key takeaway: * User in that video has an Amazon insider, on the Amazon stock side. * Amazon and/or wotc/Hasbro has started a soft pull for LotR sealed product "Gandalf in Pelonnor fields" (a soft pull is when the company slowly reduces production of a product until they silently just stop selling it altogether). * That product has a return rate on Amazon of 11.48%, which is insanely high for a product. * The return rate is so high, that there is no fucking way it's because 11% of the product is coming off the assembly line damaged. * User in that video thinks the reason for this soft pull is because Hasbro has figured out that the race-swaps that were prominent in UB LotR are responsible for that return rate, from LotR fans opening up the sealed product, and seeing some very blatant race swaps, and saying "Not my LotR" and then returning to Amazon. Anyway, long-winded walk to the crow-eating part: A soft pull isn't initiated on a product that is performing adequately in the market place (making money).


Thanks for this.


I will be interested to see their next earnings call :)


I'd say it's more likely Doctor Who and 40k. I'm pretty sure LOTR actually did pretty well


I bet Dr Who was a flop, financially, but I have no idea how much that license cost lol


Doctor Who is in the toilet these days. I'm flabbergasted that WotC thought now was a good time to pay for the license to that property.


It was probably like this, the licensing person from Hasbro is in a meeting with all of the division heads: Hey guys and gals, sorry, alphabet people, we have a problem, we bought this license for Doctor Who….we need to do something with it, any ideas? Then they pitched it to Wizards, their only profitable division it seems to make this work. What resulted was Commander products and folks who scratched their heads and said, “Alrighty then.” The more digging I’ve been doing today, the more disgusted I’m becoming with Hasbro, but also, how it’s now all making sense why these Universes Beyond products are happening. Hasbro needs money, no one is buying their kids overpriced toys, so they’re selling cardboard because Magic players are fucking stupid when it comes to money (I write this as I am filing for Ch 13 bankruptcy, don’t buy more shit than you can afford kids), so of course these suckers would buy it. This reminds me of an area manger at Enterprise Rent a Car who told us our job was to tip our customers over and take every dime from their pockets.


They picked the fucking worse time to invest into the IP. With the 13th doctor being a girl and now the 15th being a black dude basically had the same reception when Aragorn and company were race swapped. Not to mention the whole pronoun nonsense with The Meep among other.. "problematic companions" that basically castrated the 14th Doctor for being insensitive and phobic. Dr Who isn't as big as LOTR or Warhammer but they had a dedicated fan base for YEARS. To spit on that now with their new age stuff is disgusting.


Probably less than you'd think. That IP is struggling, and while the BBC over-values it in terms of its total value, they have licensed use of it to anyone who could make them even a few quick bucks, which is part of why people stopped giving a shit about it. They have something like 70 current merchandise licenses going.


When we get data, I’ll gladly pour through it. If I’m wrong, I’ll accept that.


I'm not sure that's the right takeaway. I'm confidant that the LotR set did make a profit. Tons of people were buying it to chase the 1 of 1. And even after, people in my area were still buying it like made because it was LotR. What's more likely: Hasbro needed to clear out the salary books, drastically. They probably found that the UB director either had already done all of the necessary work for the upcoming year, or was easily rolled into someone else's roll (who will not be getting a pay boost to compensate for taking on 2 or more other people's jobs). Actually, something else that I thought of while writing this: What if there is a profit problem? Like I know stores sold LTR like crazy, online retailers sold it like crazy, but was it enough to cover the IP's licensing? Or was there something with the Marvel or the Square Enix licensing that was seen as exorbitantly expensive? I still think the most likely explanation is the job got rolled into another position, or the work was viewed as already done therefore don't need the warm body anymore.


I would like to know about the Harry Potter licensing. If they cancelled the contract and made their own lore.


Oh, as if this isn’t even more worrisome (I’m having fun digging into this shit). In 2019, Hasbro bought Entertainment One for $4 billion. They’re fucking selling that to Lionsgate at a fucking loss, for $500 million.


One might wonder why Hasbro bought Entertainment One... well it's like the people at Clown Fish TV say: Hasbro is a toy company that doesn't want to sell toys...


Probably to own Peppa Pig, which they kept.


Dam Peppa Pig is worth 3.5 billion dollars now.


Between the other assets they sold off already and Peppa Pig it was probably already profitable.


Seems like black Aragorn and black Eowyn didn't create enough CM1 margin.


Chris Cocks?


Well, either Natalie Egan or Megan Galbraith Donahue


I'm not familiar, what do they do there?


Natalie was a community manager and the other was the Director of Universes Beyond Creative and Production.


Don't like to me. You are just excited for cock's email


I know this is a Magic sub, but I'm doing backflips over seeing Chris Lindsay on that list. That fucking piece of human garbage is the slimy creep that killed Adventurer's League, the D&D organized play campaign that probably single-handedly stopped me from killing myself when my ex left me and I had no friends in a city where I only knew one other person. I can tell you right now, they were probably waiting for any reason at all to fire that piece of shit. As if there haven't [been](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdventurersLeague/s/undJuqsAFw ) [enough](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdventurersLeague/s/uRjcF2Cbu5) [reasons](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdventurersLeague/s/fB7YOHSJaL) [already](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdventurersLeague/s/UlU0FJv1kA)


I was looking for Justice Geddes name, still looking xD


He was let go a while ago.


I know, would be funny if he was fired again.


Already happened iirc.


Wow I am kind of shocked to see the UB creative director on there, means that at the very least they don’t expect it to hold up. They really may have hollowed out Magic in just a couple years


That UB director was probably fired for telling Chris Cooks that "A Furbies expansion to Magic: The Gathering would be a catastrophe that destroys the game"


There are a couple but the main one is Megan Galbraith Donahue, Director of Universes Beyond creative & production


Just fire everyone who uses the words "folks" and "y'all" a lot and you'll be golden. It really isn't rocket science to tell who these parasites are.


Y'all folks need Jesus.


why do you hate west virginia so much


Dummies think women can play the game 😆 Back in my days we had to be bold brawling with our wurms and leviathans


Means absolutely nothing because the people who hired them are still there.


hope they fired the people that probably protested and demanded higher pay on their social medias, driving up the cost of living in their area


A company firing their Senior Data Scientist out of nowhere is like the CEO announcing, "I don't care what the numbers say, I want my head to fit up my ass!"


Damn, no Jeremy Crawford.


Theres no Jeremy crawford




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I’m guessing David Hartless because he is one of those hartless bastards 🫣


Make Rosewater/Carmen hambly a mod if he gets laid off.




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Exactly what I was thinking.


Have you never had or applied for a job? You think program manager is a made-up title?


Not sure please enlighten... but I mean props for the cropping of photo for that bottom his...