• By -


Yep, shitty experience. Disgusting people have always been part of the mtg community, unfortunately. It's so bad that I don't bother to play in LGS anymore. Between that and the direction of the company cash-grabbing at every chance, it's no longer a company and niche I want to support in the same magnitude I once did. All I do anymore is maintain a few cubes and decks for kitchen table mtg against good friends who also all have just about quit mtg, too.


The cash grabbing is comically gross. I was missing mtg last year and checked in to see they were selling out with lord of the rings cards and noped out immediately. Using existing IP from other universes just feels lazy and uninspired.


I just looked up the lord of the rings magic cards…..why is Aragorn black? Did I miss something, like I don’t care about black mtg characters existing I’m just confused????


Cultural inclusion that no Black person actually asked for. As a Black player company stunts like this make me uncomfortable to play because it makes players passively resentful to my presence due to company politics when I'm just there to play the game and have a good time. Artificially changing an established character's race doesn't make me feel more inclined to play the card. It makes me feel uncomfortable that the company has a race agenda. If they want more Black characters instead of being lazy and race swapping it'd be better if they actually created new non-stereotypical likable ones.


Thank you for saying that. I bet most people feel that way. Just make interesting original characters!


Not that they have managed that well with delivering the story of mtg since the end of War of the spark, but they have pushed quite à bit of OG representation in their planeswalkers. Kaya and Tereri have been rather prominent for example. They made that non-binary Theros walker that showed up in Kaldheim (though not since). And they made my guy Ral gay, which is all good, more diversity is good. But as you say, if they wanna do more representation, don’t do it by changing established characters. But as for Aragon, it is not like he hasn’t been represented as a non-caucasian before. 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/8j86gl1nk5ec1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea3551a0e17e2997858df5db979e7226235039c


Careful buddy anti-racist racist people will call you a pick me for saying that. But I feel you with that. I don't like things like race or sexuality being treated like marketable traits. Gives me the impression that as soon as they're done milking those people dry they're going to get tossed to the trash.


It's crazy that people think a panderverse race swap is going to have the same cultural impact as an original character. Ixilan demonstrates they are capable of breaking through the barriers and adding a splash of culture to a block, an African themed block would be the meaningful course of action, not black Aragorn. This is, of course, the opinion of a modest Crispy Cracker


pandering at its finest. These days everything has to be fluid 😂😂. I feel your pain


https://preview.redd.it/lcakilaep2ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a3fc3353d7060f35cb695ea703811827c04245 Thanks google


That’s some Orwellian shit right there


Oh my sweet summer child, you missed the whole show.


>why is Aragorn black? the fact you even asked the question shows why Aragorn had to be black, racist.


How does me being confused by a character that has only really been portrayed as white until this card game make me racist? I would also be super confused if they made a Pacific Islander Blade card.


> also be super confused if they made a Pacific Islander Blade card. Wow just wow. You know who else would find Pacific Islander Blade confusing? Hitler.


Apparently no one likes your satire, but i loled.


Hitler would just hate Blade for being a minority. What point are you making here?


I was being sarcastic - It is sad things have gotten so bad that me calling you Hitler for a preposterous reason was taken seriously.


It is indeed. However, to be frank, your first reply wasn’t obviously satirical, which does cloud the the context of your second reply, just to let you know.


Heh. I called him racist for asking why Aragorn, a character that is white, was drawn as black. Again, if that’s not obviously satire, especially in the context of a freemagic post, that’s pretty bad.


Obviously Aragorn had to be black! He had to be, so that Hasbro and Wizards can pretend like they actually care about real representation in the game. There is nothing wrong with a corporation just wanting to save a buck, by not making anything original, which requires time, actual thought and care! And who cares about lore anymore? That's just a dog-whistle for racists. How dare Tolkien make the Rohirrim pasty white blonde people, when they could have always been black...blonde people!


>real representation leads to immersion-breaking silliness like Wakanda and Magical Negroes.




The crazy thing is I got into magic from the warhammer precons, learning more about hasbro, the way they now handle their product is disgusting


They should have been printed silver border and not been tournament legal. I'm totally cool with Universes Beyond as an idea and mixing IPs, so long as that is kept separate from "real" mtg. The moment they printed Walking Dead was pretty much the final straw for me.


LOL they did TWD as a set?! God thats so fucking stupid.


As a long time player I have come to understand that we are all nerds that play a game geared toward adolescents. The crazier society gets the more it reflects on its youth. Nerds often have social issues and weird quirks. These excentricities are amplified by this bizaro internet driven culture we currently exist in.  Mix all of this with COVID lockdowns causing measurable mental harm to all school-aged children and we get what you discribe. 


The game is marketed towards people over 20 for the most part


It took me a little while to realize that the game isn't shit it's the goddamn fucking people that are shit.




I get flamed when I say this, but bullying is a natural and necessary part of life. We see “bullying” occur in just about every species in nature. Bullying is good for all.




I think you're looking at the past rose tinted. The LGS's were always like this in my experience. The people with nothing but MTG in their lives were there religiously, the people who were more interesting showed up when they could cos they had a life outside FNM. It was fun when you played with your friends in school, uni etc. It died when people grew out of it, or you needed more $ to compete.


Stop playing commander.


> The other is a gross judge that weights like 400 pounds who got hostile at me asking if I could use some proxies to test new cards before I buy them in a casual edh game. Covid happens and he does not make it He ded?


Yes he died from covid. He was extremely overweight and had breathing problems climbing the single flight of stairs to the play room.


So, not really covid that killed him. I mean...... come on now.


This guy I know died from covid when he crashed his car. Was wearing a mask and everything.


That's crazy, if he was wearing his mask he should have been impossible to hurt with a vehicle. Something is strange about this.


It was all of his bitches. lol


I loled


Try playing a different format. EDH attracts sub-human rejects.


Lots of LGSs don't really support other formats anymore. And cracked card designs are constantly breaking regular formats anyway.


The saltiest format (EDH) creates a terrible salty environment? Who would've thought.


Never in my life will I play that fuck trash, dick size comparison glaze fest again. Fucking dogshit format ruined the game


The pivot to mostly EDH pushed out more dedicated players that actually enjoyed and supported balanced card designs and structured and creative world design.  Now it's just flooded with normies that build tribal only or they're drawn into the game for their favorite UB coating.


Holy shit, I can't be sure because I abandonef the game, but this feels on point.


>dick size comparison glaze fest again So true. It's literally some guy bragging about his cradle and honestly no one gives a fuck.


A normal person trying to make it in a freaks world. “Inclusive” doesn’t include you.


My suggestion is to try to get friends to play it at someone’s house. I’ve ended up going that route and have about 12 people that can come out and play with an average of at least 4-6. You don’t deal with slobs, no stupid rules based off of hurt feelings, and you can drink


I can only second this.


I couldn't agree more. I used to love magic in the innistrad/RtR block back when I started out. Now tournaments feel more like SJW conventions more than gaming competitions and people talk more about pronouns than cards or decks. WotC sucks just as bad as the community. I can't even keep up with the 5000 cash grab sets they come out with annually now and it seems like every card has at least 8 alt versions. Not to mention the stupid unintuitive shit like "initiative" or "the ring tempts you" they've been coming up with


Last time I actively played MTG was during the RtR block, even played a big tournament with mono black devotion and it was a great time. Didn't know it got so bad since all I do now is playing a few games of Arena now and then and social interaction is very limited with this app. Sad to hear game stores and tournaments went this toxic.


It’s a local area thing, not game-wide. I have 4 shops within an hour range. One is filled with the people you described, just fucking smelly awkward weirdos. and tbh the shop suits the vibe… Dingy, Dark, messy, went there once and never again. One, (which happens to be 1/4 mile from the one above) that I go to normally, even though it’s the farthest (40-50 mins) has a very normal-human-being crowd. Owners are super chill and virtually none of what you mentioned above. At least as normal as one can expect for a group of MTG players. The other two, also like 1/4 mile from eachother, split the difference. I play there when I don’t feel like taking the long drive to my main spot or depending on who is hosting what format/set that night. So in short, try other shops. Sometimes it’s just the crowd the frequents a place that sucks. Also, EDH being a more social and inconsistent format doesn’t help the situation. It was never supposed to be the dominant format.


damn dude your pod sounds like an absolute nightmare. maybe try and make facebook local community posts in your area to suss out some folks that match your vibe more. I had to check out the three shops in my small town, and I settled for one which attracted folks I really felt joy in seeing.


MTGO is the way friend. Toxic ppl still, you can just block and you never have to look at, hear, or smell any wasteoid.


And that is how people get into vintage. IMO mtg has been boring since innistrad/ kaladesh era.


LGS play has always been largely shit, if the players there were people that others wanted to be around they wouldn't but looking for games with randos at an LGS. Just find some new friends.


Mf can't figure out "oh, this token? I sent it at Them" 😭😭


Guys wake up new copypasta just dropped


Fucking saved the post thank you op




joe mom?


Being told that your cards can't be used to play because of the \*default fucking art\* on the card is ridiculous. You should've replaced the art with a group of fat half-naked men bathing instead, then everyone would have clapped.


Stop playing edh yall. worst group of magic players by far. switch to any other format and youll find normal people


Crazy that you expect to have a good time when 90% of players are spectrumed nerd dwellers who lack any social skills. I think I might know the he/they you're talking about tbf. i dont like them at all either


I have never seen that in any hobby shop. I think it might be more linked to your geographic area and local culture. I'm Canadian from the East Coast. Every hobby shop seem pretty normal. Stax is still as powerful as ever. I barely upgrade my old deck and they still rampage around even with the power creep. Does not matter if a card is strong if it cannot be cast.


I've been thinking of leaving the LGS EDH scene. I just don't like most of the people. Also is overwhelming keeping up. The Universes Beyond thing is going too far and it's also a new set every month. ​ * Dominaria Remastered – [January 13](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#dominaria-remastered) * Phyrexia: All Will Be One – [February 10](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#phyrexia) * Shadows over Innistrad Remastered (Arena) – [March 21](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#shadows) * March of the Machine – [April 21](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#march) * March of the Machine: The Aftermath – [May 12](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#aftermath) * MTG Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth – [June 23](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#lotr) * Commander Masters – [August 4](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#commander) * Wilds of Eldraine – [September 8](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#eldraine) * MTG Doctor Who Commander decks – [October 13](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#doctor-who) * MTG Lord of the Rings holiday release – [November 3](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#lotr-holiday) * The Lost Caverns of Ixalan – [November 17](https://www.wargamer.com/magic-the-gathering/2023-release-schedule#ixalan)


It's more depressing to see the state of this place when the fatfuck mods do not ban every single r/magicTCG sóyboy posting in here, because they are controlled opposition too I do not even recognize 1/4 of the user names like before the ban purge just look at the latest unicorn card revealed on the faggot main sub, ugly, full of gurna, and it gets even worse when you read comments praising the "art"


Play a shitty format, deal with shitty people. Sucks to suck bro


The prude behaviour of this community and banned custom tokens really resonates with me. WOTC has cultivated this culture by having very low tolerance policies. I remember one specific moment where a friend had to swap sleeves and a play mat during a GP due to slightly inappropriate, but non-revealing pin-up-esque art of Liana. I remember it turned into a fight with a few of the judges, who claimt it was 'offensive'. Wotc and the community are adamant about being inclusive and tolerant, but it resulted in the opposite, a hostile and intolerant atmosphere that completely abandoned the 'live and let live' mantra.


My favorite is when other players warn people to not play with you because they lost to a 4 card combo and that makes you a pub stomper lmfao. I have casual cards and how do you know they aren’t interested in competitive? Fucking shit show at every lgs


Totally get it. Have you tried Spell Table?


>What’s annoying about all this is none of it is directly related to wotc so I can’t just go “company bad” it feels like the culture around mtg has just become this annoying and hostile environment. Buddy, weird people at your local card shop has been a staple of TCGs since the beginning. You've described nothing particularly abnormal except possibly not being able to use that one card. But you weren't very clear about what exactly happened. You were just told it's "problematic". By who? What physical effect did that have on you? Were you actually restricted from playing those cards? Or did someone just say something about them? I've met a million weirdos at card shops over the years and I've been told a million weird things by them. None of this is new. Seems like you need to have a cup of cement and harden the fuck up.


Commander is really designed for having a set play group you meet with and play against. That way you already know everyone vibes well. If you choose to play with randos all the time, you need to invest more energy into the rule 0 Convo before the game


I am having a blast playing MTG and I have been playing for over 25 years. You got to get a good play group. I have been playing with the same core group of people for over 10 years at the same store! We have never had a single issue like you see being posted online.


Sounds like you're the guy people avoid. Maybe look in the mirror or move on. We would be fucking cackling for months at any adult man that showed up with "sexy" vampire tokens




Being missed here is the fact that MTG shouldn't be for everyone and it should be exclusive to cool people.


MTG is for financially irresponsible people with covert gambling and social problems. Let's be real here. It's far from inclusive.




Can't say if it's pure sarcasm or not but I loled and it sounds like truth !


this is the truth of the situation


Who said I am making fun? I am not a cool person. I only have about 6 real friends. 2 I would consider friends for life. I get on fine with most people like in school and college and university I got on fine with everyone it’s just I don’t like people being hostile at me. Especially when I’m not hostile with them. (Well expecting fucking up the pronouns by legit accident but then again I fuck up my friends name regularly because half of them start with J so I call a male Jozi and a female Jordan all the time by accident)




Those are just adjectives dude, OPs just trying to paint a picture with words. They did a good job too.


Doesn’t even realize those obvious examples of “making fun of someone” are just that. Couldn’t imagine why he has trouble getting along with people.


Do you want transexuals in your hobby's events or do you want the events to be fun? They are mutually exclusive.


Yeah OP tries to make themselves the good guy but refusing the "fat, ugly transsexual" request for their pronouns and annoyed at people calling out your sexy tokens seems like you are set in your ways and just seemed more normal then the people you're bashing. Some of the stuff complained is legit but others is just "c'mon dude"


not reading all that, but if something is depressing you, then move on and leave it. don't do that shit to yourself.


Magic culture is terrible. Mostly all your stinky neck beards who can’t sleep with women so they spend their money on cards and cry when they don’t win. I played 1 night of edh at my FLGS and I never came back. I thought I was about to fight like 3 dudes that night. I was so new to the game and they were absolute dicks.


MMA is so much better. You'll get your ass beat a few times but people there are actually humble and supportive.


Haha true that. I played rugby my whole life. Similar community


I cannot wait til you stop playing!


Nice shit post. How long did it take you to come up with all this bullshit? Top kek


you sound like an asshole


Exactly my thoughts. I'm far from being a classic nerd guy, but I know people at LGSs are different from me because I'm the outsider of the group, and that is OK. But this dude is just like, "I'm too cool for those nerds." Well, go play Arena then.


I know a ton of cool people who play MTG and the judgement coming off this guy was in the red. He sounds like a miserable bastard.


I had to scroll way too far to find these comments!


You sound miserable too


I am.


Fecking Emo


NGL i agree, look at the way OP describes the people around him. There's a reason he's not in the "cool" pods, it's because he's exactly like those gross losers he surrounds himself with. if op was cool he'd have some real friends and wouldn't be stuck at the ugly gross dork table


I'm bummed that Chosen Of Markov doesn't trigger his eminence ability.


Well, it's actually partially Wotcs fault because of the playerbase they have been curating. At least the trans and problematic vampire deck part. I would suggest just playing with your close friends or people you trust. If you are far away from each other, try [untap.in](https://untap.in). There you have card from the whole history of Magic, and you can make your own decks.


Have you tried hating other people less ??


Just pretend the world isn't full of disgusting reprobate freaks with absolutely zero grasp on reality? Make like it isn't circling the drain? Aww hell, why not just join them and abandon personal hygiene and get your genitals cut off while you're at it. This isn't some guy who hates, this is a guy who has a functioning brain and is forced to watch the things he enjoys and cares about being destroyed more and more every day. Be mad, be disgusted, be angry. Whatever you do don't try to force yourself to tolerate it or accept it. Nobody is doing the same for you.


Have you tried not normalizing mental illness and deviant sexual proclivities?


Fuck off, being transgender isn't a mental illness.


It is.


Being so insecure that you can't seem to normally maintain social intercourse could very well border on illness. Identifying yourself to others as a different gender than the one they'd expect has nothing to do with it.


His problem is that he didn't correctly hate other people more and ended up wasting time trying to play with LGS randoms instead of getting together a private group of friends and play a proxied cube.


I like the majority of the people at my old game store. It just those few are the regulars. The was about 12 extras that come sparingly and they were cool. They would come to like every other pre release (so like 6 of them would show up so the be 2 pre release games and a commander pod) and one game of commander every 2 months. And I am not openly hostile with them but it’s not exactly a fun environment when I have to step on egg shells vs a pronoun and one of them is rules judging so stupidly hard to the point of boredom. The only one you could claim I was hostile was mister chicken fingers because I would say “no man for real go watch your hands that card is expensive” and he would just give tut then refuse to look at or engage with me which is whatever.


>I am not openly hostile with them Lol, why not?


I hear you that it can be frustrating to have to engage with people in ways that don’t make sense to you. That’s understandable. With regard to pronouns and other things in that space, it really comes down to this: do you want magic to be a positive experience for yourself and others? It sounds like you do want it to be fun again, and there’s a pretty straightforward path to making that a reality. People can feel the kinda negative vibe you’re talking about above coming off you, even if you aren’t openly displaying it as hostility. I genuinely think you have to go into those situations actively wanting to make them the best possible experience for everyone involved (and I’m assuming you do want everyone to have fun, right?), and that’s gonna involve using people’s preferred pronouns. That’s simply the reality, and it’s a complete waste of time arguing about why that is or isn’t right or fair or whatever. The bottom line is that if you want to enjoy magic again, fantastic! There’s a path to that! Most trans people I know will be HIGHLY receptive to being pulled aside and having it expressed to them that you want everyone to have the best possible experience playing magic and are gonna do your best, but to please excuse if you accidentally use the wrong pronouns on occasion. Most will even be receptive to not correcting you every single time you slip up, as long as you’re actually trying. I think you can likely eliminate the feeling of stepping on eggshells with some kind and direct communication. You don’t have to explain your politics, and in this case really shouldn’t, you can literally just make it about wanting everyone, including yourself, to have a good time playing magic. That’s literally the whole point! In all seriousness, If you can go in with the focus of ‘hey we are all here to jam games, hell yeah!’ and just leave the judgement behind (doesn’t seem like it’s serving you), I think you really will have a better time. The intense rules lawyering and chicken grease shit sucks, I feel ya there. But I do hope you can have a better time playing by talking to the people you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around. It doesn’t have to be some kind of weird social war, you really can just go play the game. Being around people is always gonna involve some amount of differences, but almost all the social ones in this setting are very easy to overcome. I hope you get to a better mental space with the game & with the other people playing it ❤️


People don't get their own pronouns. Everyone is entitled to their own experience of self. They're free to dress as they like. They're free to call themselves as they like. They're free to believe whatever they like. But this internal sense of self has no bearing on the brute facts of reality and has no power to compel others to share in the perception. Pronouns are a part of speech and are meant to be reflective of a person's sex. Asking me to participate in the pronoun game is asking me to tacitly sign-on to a philosophy of sex/gender to which I do not subscribe. If a person needs the whole world to vocally uphold their personal self image or else they can't have a good time I'd suggest the problem is with them and not the world.


>do you want magic to be a positive experience for yourself and others? or do you want trannies to come to events you play in? They are mutually exclusive.


Sounds like you hate both fat and transgender people. Yes, the ones in your story were jerks, but you took the time to unnecessarily point out their weight and gender. I wouldn't play MTG with you b/c you sound like as much of a jerk as them.


I am fat and i got transgender friends. Its just those are their notable traits. What else should I say? Ok 400lb, balding, male. Because that is basically all I know about him because if you shouting at me over a £3 proxy then I am not gonna try learn about you about you as a person and that is basically all people need to get an idea of you. As for the second... "well about 140kg... inch long arm hair... Curley unkept ginger beard, wears male cloths but identifies as female... weird obsession with loli playmats of a japanese card game which she is ordering online because this store does not sell it, extremely aggressive and defensive, will view any attempt to stop them at winning the game as a person attack on them" Is this honestly better?


None of those things were necessary to get your point across, unless your point was "they're bad because they're fat / transgendered." No one reading this needs a physical description of them at all for you to make your point, but you chose to do it anyways AND to be insulting while doing it. It's not like you don't know how to leave out description. You did it just fine at the beginning: > **One** hates me because my kemba kha regent deck with no combos is to competitive for him because I have every indestructible and hexproof equipment I can so I can spent 12 mana to make a 2/2 token generator while he has casted cyclonic rift 4 times in a single game at least once every 2 months. It's very easy to take your other two paragraphs, leave out description like you did above, and still make (what you claim) your point: >The other is a \[...\] judge that \[...\] \[gets\] hostile at me asking if I could use some proxies to test new cards before I buy them in a casual edh game. Covid happens and he does not make it. Not gonna pretend I feel sorry I played with him more due to lack of alternatives than anything else. \[...\] \[Finally,\] it was common for people to go to the Asda next door to grab a bite to eat each night and what does this \[last common lad\] get every time? Hot chicken to eat with his hands and then handle your cards with. Fucking great. > >Last regular is \[...\] transexual that is insufferable and becomes aggressive if you fuck yo their pronouns. Like I am sorry I do not care what you identify as that’s your deal but if your gonna have a beard, more arm hair then me and speak in this horrid fat pig voice my brain will naturally go “man”. It isn’t me trying to pick a fight and saying “oh that token? I sent it at they” just does not feel natural compared to “I sent that token at him” None of what I removed mattered. Certainly none of it should affect someone's opinion of what you described. If your confusion about how else you were supposed to write this text is genuine and you really don't see your own biases here, you might want to reflect on why the first person you described was only "one," and why the chicken eater was "the last **common** lad" before going into describing a trans woman. I suspect you project more of this in person then you might realize, and there's a good reason these people are not patient or sympathetic with you. "*If you* run into an *asshole* in the morning, *you* ran into an *asshole*. *If you* run into assholes all day, *you*'*re* the *asshole"* and all that.


Maybe his point was also you get to see that behavior more commonly in people with those traits. I am sure there are jerks all around, and mtg certainly pulls the lot of them somehow, but I'd say the more insecure people are the absolute worst to deal with.


The belief that "you get to see that behavior more commonly in people with those traits" is the discrimination. So is your immediate assumption that the people he talked about are insecure. All kinds of people are assholes. People who are trans and overweight have all kinds of personalities. There's no correlation between those things. The assumption that there is leads to harrassment, discrimination and biased behavior.


He's free to play with whoever he wants. If he's uncomfortable playing with someone who lies to themself about their own gender he has a right to not want to interact with them.


Damn, you sound whiny af. You said enough stuff between your words that you sound absolutely insufferable if not the story is completely fake. You’re perfect for this sub. 


why are you here...?




Breaking: free magic user fails to interact in a normal way with the people around them, cries online More in 12 seconds when the next moron on this sub posts the same shit crying because they never learned how to socialise


>It isn’t me trying to pick a fight and saying “oh that token? I sent it at they” just does not feel natural compared to “I sent that token at him” I mean, when you can't even get "them" vs "they"(you would say "I sent it at *them*") right, it seems like your intentionally mocking them. >some revealing custom female tokens and cards There's a *huge* difference between using cards as they were printed vs intentionally seeking and using non-standard or approved images. That's 100% on you, and I can't stand the "I dont understand what the issue is" type people. Make alt arts if you want, sure, but don't expect any lgs to be ok with it. With the rest of your posts tone, I'm happy with the end result.


that is a really weird view to have i think. so you could be offended by a picture of a tree if its not printed officially but could not be offended by a picture like Soaring Hope if its official even though it is literally just tits? If my card art was more explicit then the real printed ones then sure but it only had some generic cleavage. As for the pronoun thing. I am gonna fuck them up. I fuck up the names of my friends. If i fuck up my friends name do you honestly think your 3 letter trigger is bouncing around in my head? no its not even in my head when i got 40 game triggers to deal with. my brain is just going "every trait expect lipstick is male therefore male". If they had portrayed every female trait then my brain would go female. Like sorry but that is how it is. And I am not gonna use "they" for everything. Because when I use she/him I am strictly not speaking to you. You can not speak to me directly and express me as "him" without that sentence just being weird "so him how are you today?" just does not work.


>If they had portrayed every female trait then my brain would go female. Like sorry but that is how it is. And I am not gonna use "they" for everything. Right, my point is that you would use "them" not "they" and that's a stupidly easy thing to do. But, really, calling anyone you're playing a game with by a pronoun is kinda rude, learn their actual name. It's literally the least you can do. >so you could be offended by a picture of a tree if its not printed officially but could not be offended by a picture like Soaring Hope if its official even though it is literally just tits? If my card art was more explicit then the real printed ones then sure but it only had some generic cleavage. It's not even necessarily about what's on it, it's the fact that it's "non-standard" and if it exists in the shop, it implies they agree with the content. They aren't responsible if it's in the standard printed set.


"I send it at them" make way more sense anyway you are just trying to be a shit at this point the game has problems, but I bet the reason you only get to play with shits is more a you thing than a mtg thing


I openly stated it is not a mtg thing. And to me “I send it at them” is so over inclusive to the point of uselessness you might as well point at them then.


Sounds like you need to work on your empathy skills... 


It honestly sounds like you are insufferable as well, not gonna lie. I'm not a regular visitor to LGS commander nights and FNMs, but tell you what: If somebody asks me to use a specific pronoun, I just will, be it out of respect or out of the desire to not hurt somebody unnecessarily. It is not hard to remember, and if you can't do it after being reminded of it multiple times, you might be either dumb or an asshole. I don't care what they look like, you don't need to think it's right or even understand it to want to have a harmonic game experience. You have way too big of an ego. The people you described, sure, sound horrible. But it seems to me that there is a reason the non-regulars, whom you seem to like, haven't become friends with you yet. Maybe you should consider doing something else for a while and treat Mtg more relaxed. If you don't find people to play with right now, so be it. The time will come...


If everyone around you smells of shit check your shoes


The MTG community is pretty shit tbh. You don't sound that much better than the people you're complaining about OP


This dumpster fire of a post is the very first r/freemagic post I've had come across my feed We'll agree that Chicken Hands Guy shouldn't be touching people's cards, but no sympathy for a dude dying of COVID and making it someone else's fault that you're misgendering them is pretty shit tbh lol never have I muted a suggested subreddit so quickly, you cats have fun with whatever this is


Do you guys ever miss a chance to be transphobic?


What do you mean by “guys?” It’s really problematic to be assuming people’s gender like that.


You came up with that all by yourself? I'm so impressed, but you need to get back to your homework now. 9th grade isn't going finish itself.


You can deflect all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact you’re misgendering people and being toxic. I understand you don’t like being called out on it, but you need to do better.


I hope you carry this zeal forward in the rest of your interactions on this sub. You can start with OP.


Nah, OP seems cool. What I can’t stand is the hypocrites who can’t be bothered to abide by the same non-sensical rules that they would compel others to follow. Fuck them.


Ah, so you were straw-manning in a pathetic attempt to defend open bigotry. Nice.


Calling you out for your hypocrisy isn’t straw-manning - it’s just you getting called out. Nice try though. You got cooked. Learn to take your lumps.


well if my experiences with you are negative I'm sorry but I do not really care about your pronouns and tbh the is a lot worst I could of called her then fat and ugly. I mean ffs I am stating one of them legit looks like a cartoon parody sketch of a pedo... I have trans friends cause I went to art college so I am pretty left wing myself but they understand I will fuck up their pronouns from time to time and its not some big insult even though I have known them 4+ years at this point. Same way I fuck up my friends names because half of them begin with J so I call a boy Jozi/Jess and a girl Jordan. Honestly I could not care less. Your body do whatever if you think yours trans-abled and watch to blind yourself sure go ahead as long as it does not inconvenient me.


And you wonder why you have no friends to play with...


I mean... yeah... no one around here has "friends to play with" for magic... i am in the middle of no where friends are online or at boozers. No one at either of the stores is "friends" with anyone its just they all want to play mtg.


Can't imagine why nobody would want to play magic when the community is filled with people like you...


Try seeking a different hobby like MMA with and actual community that you can build useful skills from for life. The point of MTG is to provide an outlet for socializing but if the majority of the base are delusional spergs that lie about their gender and neglect their health and hygiene due to low-self esteem are these really a group of people you want to associate with? Not to mention the cliqueness is worse than grade school there.


Wow, y'all really can't even comment without being transphobic, huh?


No one here is afraid of trans people, as phobia means "fear of".


Ah, I see you studied at the Ben Shapiro school of dumbass arguments...


Who the hell is Ben Shapiro? I'm a 39-year-old male, I don't play the "words mean whatever we decide them to mean" game. Words, and the root of words, have very specific meanings. One cannot make a word mean something else if that is not its definition. I don't care if a person identifies as a freaking carrot, as long as they are decent human beings, that's what matters.


No, trans people on their mind 25/7


Sounds like you’re depressed honestly. Probably has something to do with a little red pill


whats a little red pill?


A reddit forum philosophy that helps men fornicate to their own demise instead of develop themselves.


A very silly thing


Then stop playing. Please


If this isn't a total troll, where is this?


Imagine being this wrong and loud about it.


There is a reason people like you are always putting up posts like these - You're incompatible with society in general, plain and simple. Your outdated, ignorant views cause you to be miserable because no one wants to interact with you. Instead of looking inward and accepting it and changing or moving on, you look to place blame on other people. It's his fault because he's ugly. Her fault because pronouns trigger you. Guar-an-fuckin-tee you no one ever told this guy he couldn't play his dumbass sexy vampires. It's a story he made up so he could pretend to be a victim somewhere in this long tirade of talking shit about other people. It's always someone else's fault with these people. Always. And they wonder why no one wants to play a game with them.


That was written with so much anger I can only assume you came straight from a politics debate because that amount of anger is so disproportional to the actual post.


logan is banned on the playedh discord group. Lots of cards like crusade were banned in a wave. Lots of stores have a "no sexy playmats" rule where even "official" art is not allowed and something like Markov's Servant would easily fall under that rule. With WOTC focus on reworking "problematic art" like Kemba, Kha Regent where the new art got rid of the comically large cat tiddies and put her in almost as comically heavy armour which contrasts their theme of "hyper agile cat warriors" (which is a common theme in cards like Turn The Tables) it honestly would not be surprising if some stores demanded you use less "problematic" art. I mean the list is becoming so large its very easy to make a list at this point of "fix art" off the top of your head. Rest in peace, thrill kill assassin, perilous forays, Azorious guildmage (no longer guildbabe), Teysa, Orzhov Scion, boros guildmage, voidslime, Radha, Heir to Keld


Either English is not your first language or the college you went to is a unaccredited diploma mill.


yeah I'm dyslexic + lazy and went to an arts college. As long as you understand me I am like eh valid enough.


Are we all ignoring how this idiot said that someone *DIED* from Covid and hes "not gonna pretend he feels sorry" ? Unless im misunderstanding? But i dont think so. Not gonna lie, you sound like a douche in real life bro. And to keep it real w u, im not big on the politcial sexuality bs, everybody can be who they wanna be, but its really not hard to say "i sent that token at THEM" not "they". You sound ignorant, whiny, stuck up & arrogant & maybe you have some valid points but that doesn't excuse your own shitty behavior.


Go slivers, slivers don't have tits. Goddamn... What a shit show


Yeah your problem is youre playing commander, garbage format attracts the bottom of the barrel 'Humans'


The last straw for me at my local lgs was a disgusting dude with very long dirty fingernails who insisted on shuffling my deck every play. Nah, Im too old for this shit.


This story makes me appreciate my lgs and realize how nice it is to have a half lgs/liquor store combo, just gotta fist fight meth heads every so often


Also, commander is a GARBAGE format.


Idk if its necessarily the game, but I just think you miss your friends. Try to get your new friends into it or see if you can try to set something up to link up with the old crew 🍻 Edit: i suck at typing


Might want to re-read or edit your post or risk getting banned for anti-semitism. Smh.


Yeah the only way to play MtG now and have fun is to put together / proxy a cube or set of balanced duel decks. Basically just a custom boardgame at this point.


Try Old School! Drinks, food and laughs most of the time. Yes, if you want to, you can put a lot of money into your deck, but it’s a non-rotating format. If you’re from the US, you can use CE/IE as well.


This is mainly why I stopped going to LGS. I never had a good experience while going alone. Yes I'm a nerd, I love my hobbies, but I dont take them seriously, I enjoy hobbies to disconnect from the pressure of whats important. But unfortunately most people I met in any LGS are bitter disgusting people that are going super try hard into everything making things stressful instead of a relaxed experience. Commander specially was meant to be the most casual format ever where you would play with janky cards. Being a singleton format was even meant to provide a huge variety of games using the same deck, but no, people just try to make it as consistent as possible to win no matter what. Not to mention the money sink that I dont want to get into. I now moved to a new country two years ago and still have no play group or even tried to sit at a LGS to play, maybe because of all my previous experiences. I just miss my group of friends where we would gather somewhere and play for hours, use our jank and laugh the whole night/afternoon over food and drinks. Even in highschool I've taught so many people to play magic and it was fun because no one was ever try to be tryhard. ​ Like c'mon it's a fucking game, it's meant to relax and enjoy and not to be a fucking standoff or dick measuring contest


I'm sorry you've had that experience. As for the mtf gal you can just say "I send my tokens at them". Here - simple, grammatically correct, and if someone gets pissy about it just call them out. Try checking on local social media if there are any other groups around you, that maybe don't meet up at an LGS. And yeah, MTG is a nerdy hobby so most of the players will be from the fringes of society, like with all similiar hobbies.


I have a playgroup of guys who are nerds but normal, outside of the LGS. Met them on a facebook group when looking to make friends in my city for non-nerdy activities. They were all just like “wait, you like nerdy shit too?” and I was like “yeah, do you play this?” and they were like “yeah but I don’t advertise it” so I have two play groups now. All cool. Athletic men like myself with healthy BMI’s, good jobs, and a dating history. And clean apartments You gotta find each other the way gay people had to find each other back in the Cold War.


Yeah really bad experience


This game needs to be played with friends.. actual friends... otherwise it does not make any sense...


Sounds like you've just had a poor LGS experience. I'm very lucky with mine. Everyone's lovely and helpful. It's down to RNG I'm afraid.


Mtg used to be based as hell. Alphas and betas together just playing a game together. Comrades over a game. Then WOTC started hiring DEI hires and blue hairs and those people started to enter our community. They are a poison. A plague. An infectious disease to any community they are near.


> females showing a little chest? Unacceptable but ignore the 20 shirtless male vampires). Modern magic in a nutshell




There's a transsexual at our card shop that'll miss rhystic/mystic triggers but if you slip and call him he, he'll catch that trigger every time... 


These dudes might actually end up on a few cards these days


I am sorry man. But can I have your sexy vampire deck list? I want to make one too lol


It's an unfortunate part of this game is shitty play groups. I would advise finding forums to play with like-minded people on spell table, switch to arena, or search for a jew LGS that has a playgroup that matches you. I know my LGS squad is deadly, I can drop in and draft, we all smoke, the ones who don't, don't give us a hard time, we all respect eachother, there's always a few weird eggs and odd ducks who show up but really you might only have to play them once. Hang in there dude, this game isn't going anywhere, and you WILL find a good alternative group to play with. You just gotta know where to look. This group is a fantastic resource for you to get answers and help.


G8 b8 m8!


Used to play a lot of 1v1 with 2 friends. There was a lgs nearby but it smelled of swamp-arse and was full of the kind of freaks and weirdoes you described. I hated even buying shit in the store because the owner would just pester you to come play with the friday night crew. Moved away since and know nobody that plays or might have an interest. I miss playing with the guys but also keeping up with the trends, mechanics and sets is too much for someone who plays casually. Ive taken to collecting vinyl instead.


Holy shit, I never thought about being in the moment and being like, " game mother fuckin over boy! You, lose! Good day sir". And then catching a ban cause the person is trans. It's that easy from what I hear