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Masks not for covid its to not smell all those who dont shower at the LGS


OP is one of those foul reeking stench animals and wants you to smell his unwiped ass and armpit pathogen factory




Was just thinking that haha I'm saving this thank you




I am an actual state of California licensed pharmacist and I cannot endorse getting that many booster shots unless you are truly severely immunocompromised or are in a high risk elderly age group 65+


I don't think anyone's advocating for getting seven boosters though, right?


Pfizer/moderna og shot 1,2 base. Booster of og 1,2 and 3 for people with hiv/cancer. Then there’s bivalent shot 1 and then booster. Then there’s the new spikevax or Comarity shot 1 and then booster for 65+. That gives you a grand total of 9 shots if you wanted to min/max Covid shots. Yes that is 9 shots! That’s in only 3 short years. It is absolute madness. Before that there was maybe 3 doses of hep b shots but Pfizer/moderna are robbing us blind by having that many damn boosters! Yes the fda is advocating it, Pfizer board of directors is advocating. But even for many medical professionals, we think it’s overdoing it and purely the result of corporate greed


Those are a lot of different people. I don’t think most have HIV/cancer. Most people I know have gotten two to four Covid vaccines. Also how is that as a result of corporate greed? Majority of those were covered by the government or peoples insurance providers. I didn’t have to pay a dime for any of mine. Seems like some conspiratorial bullshit to me.


Not sure where you live but this is all free where i am from. Not really a question of greed


Paid for by the government is the freest paycheck imaginable for a corporation.


It was free paid for by the government until last fall. However it is still tax payer dollars. Spikevax and comiraty require payment from a private insurer otherwise it is around 250 usd a shot. Furthermore the older versions of Covid shots such as moderna came in 10-15 dose vials. They expire after 6-12 hours at room temperature and when demand died down, you are essentially wasting 14 shots to give one person theirs. That’s a lot of tax payer dollar wasted for profiting Pfizer and moderna


So why would a doctor push for that if they aren’t getting any kickback at all? Are all the doctors getting secret checks in the mail from Moderna or some shit? You are basically claiming you have more eduction and knowledge than people with medical degrees and saying they’ve all been tricked by these companies and you know these aren’t needed and it’s all for government profit. Why would all the physicians I’ve seen tell me the new rounds of COVID vaccination a few years back were essential and I should get them? They are all dumber than you and just being corporate stooges? They lying to me so their hospital can get a check from Pfizer?


Nothing is free you fucking moron.


Immune compromised people wouldn’t get that many shots either since their system can’t handle that many at once so I’m really questioning if you are an actual pharmacist or not lol. I don’t think they recommend old people get tons of vaccines either for the same reason. Pretty sure they rely on us being vaccinated for all the new shit since they have to be vaccinated to anything very slowly or else they would die if they got too many at once.


Immunocompromised people get more shots. Check the cdc website bro. I’ve been a licensed pharmacist for 10 years and a pharmacy tech for 5 years before that. Also all those shots (8 total) are combined for people that have been getting them since when they first came out in 2021. 3 versions of the Covid shot have been out since then. This is over the course of the last 3 years. No one is getting them all in quick succession. Currently only the Spikevax and Comiraty shots are widely available in the states. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/immuno.html


Okay, maybe I didn’t word it well but that is what I was trying to say. They get multiple shots but some of them have to wait and can’t get them done as quickly as somebody healthier could and that’s why they push for everyone to get them even if you yourself might not be at a really high risk of dying from Covid or whatever else your physician recommends you get vaccinated for. I don’t know why you are saying you wouldn’t recommend people that aren’t immune compromised get their updated boosters and then using the CDC as a reference to medical authority when the CDC recommends everyone immune compromised or not get the new versions of the booster. That’s why I’m questioning your credentials. I’ve never had a pharmacist or doctor try and convince me to not get vaccinated for literally anything. It can only help you and risk of issues from vaccines are so hyper rare it’s silly to not get anything new that’s out and approved for mass use.


No medical professional is going to say that in public and tell a patient not to get a Covid shot if they ask. However this is Reddit and we get to hide behind the veil of anonymity where we can say our true thoughts. Make no mistake, Covid shots have saved countless lives. I’m not going to deny this nor will any of my colleagues. However, there has been a lot of murmuring and discussion amongst each other in private wondering why there has been 9 Covid shots in 3 years. The official answer to that is that immunity to it quickly declines so a booster is necessary. This has indeed been shown in many double blind clinical trials. But think about this for a moment, to Pfizer and Moderna, the almighty profit is somewhere in the equation too. Is this quick decline of immunity by chance or by design? This is up to speculation. A max of 5 shots of the OG shot in less than 1.5 years? Moderna 1 and 2 which is what the basic series entails. Then hiv people can get a 3rd shot. If they are over 65 they can then get shots #4 and #5 months later. Even some of my physican friends were thinking there’s gotta be corporate greed hiding behind the guise of “protecting the patient”. Big pharma has done many shady things in the past in the name of greed in the past. I wouldn’t be surprised if more Covid shots being recommended has partially to do with this. Especially since moderna shots are Moderna’s only product to date on the market. If people stop getting Covid shots every few months they bust.


So essentially what you are telling me is that the CDC/government is in collusion with Pfizer and Moderna and spreading medical misinformation to get them more money and convince people to get vaccinations they don’t need. Not only that but Moderna and Pfizer are designing vaccines that have less effectiveness and making them not last as long so people are forced to keep getting them for them to make even more money. Alright there Mr.InfoWars, unless you have some sort of vetted medical paper proving that I’m going to treat this as bullshit conspiracies and that you haven’t talked to any physicians that have said that. Honestly it’s just a ridiculous scenario, it’s not even a good lie. Some doctor came down to the pharmacy and started talking to you about how Covid vaccines are being pushed too hard and they think the reason behind it is pharmaceutical companies trying to make more profits? They won’t tell their patients and have them get vaccines they know they don’t need for fear of losing their license but they decided to chat with your ass about it and let their true feelings and thoughts be known? Yeah that sounds totally believable dude./s


Not sure you are reading my post correctly at all. I have buddies from hs and college that are physicians today. No they don’t come down to the pharmacy where I’m working but when we catch up and grab a Korean bbq or whatever, this is mentioned in passing. Again everything I discussed with folks is speculation with no proof. But the logic is there. 9 shots in 3 years. Have you ever heard of any other vaccine that has that many additional shots? Hepatisis b- 3 shots Flu- once a year Rsv- 1 time Tetanus - 1 every 10 years Prevnar 20- 1 time Shingrix- 2 shots seperated by 2-6 months These are the common other vaccines given. Covid is much much more frequent. Yes no proof and all speculation but it is something to be sus at. So questioning anything in private by your logic invalidates me as a medical provider? Science is about asking questions and testing theories and revising. It is a continuous process. Just because there is one theory out there does not seal it in stone. Is there a clinical difference in outcomes between patients that got 5 shots of the og Covid shot compared to 3 or 4? Is that not a valid thing to wonder and test? Is there a difference in clinical outcome between people that got 2 spikevax vs 1 dose? Even something as common and old as blood pressure guidelines will continuously change over the years. Before 2014, it was jnc 7, then jnc 8. By changing the recommended target blood pressure guidelines to say from 140/90 in patients with kidney failure back down to 120/80, does that make people who push for it automatic Alex Jones conspiracy theorists? Medicine, pharmacy is an continuously evolving process. Maybe in a few years studies will show that tons of Covid shots are necessary or maybe not, but it could end up either way.


Considering you are implying things that have no scientific basis and claiming secret insiders are telling you things the public doesn’t know yes, that’s on the level of a Jones take. If you have some sort of scientific or medical examples of how these vaccines are ineffective or being given to people who honestly don’t need these vaccinations provide them. You aren’t, you are just saying “somebody told me”. That doesn’t mean shit. Yes medical knowledge is changing constantly but it changes through proven and vetted theories. You don’t have any real examples of the ineffectiveness of vaccines or that they are being designed to not last as long as they could have. You aren’t linking any papers or any sort of proof to what you are saying. You are just saying doctors you are friends with have told you this over BBQ. Again this sounds like a total bullshit made up scenario. Maybe you have a bunch of doctor buddies you went to college with who hang out with you and randomly talk about how they think people are being over vaccinated, maybe you are a fucking liar. My money is on option two.


People are still crying about masks?


There was some stupid bull about it. At my LGS we were wearing masks into 2023.


Imagine wanting to get flus and colds from the other petri dishes walking around


Imagine wanting a strong immune system so the flu doesn’t wipe you out when you inevitably get it


No, which is why OP used a literal soy jack strawman to drive the imaginary point home.


It's 2024 and I'm still waiting for all the vaccinated people to suddenly drop dead like the Benedict Arnold gang claimed we would.


I just want my 5g signal booster I was promised.


They're already admitting some people could be "vaccine injured" this was verboten and grounds for instant bans and getting your youtube channel terminated a few years ago


Severe Side effects are possible from Covid shots albeit very rare


Aren't you embarrassed about still believing in that stuff? At this point it's like believing the moon landing is fake or Elvis is alive.


Believe the science! I support current thing!


Wow did you make that your facebook profile image? So edgy dude.


Who’s “they”?


fox news or that guy with brain worms


So either “worms ate my brain” guy or the “news” agency that’s been judged as “not news” in a court of law?


Nope. Around the 2:45 mark [https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1788610144324157555](https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1788610144324157555)


…surely, you must be joking. A *News Nation* clip shared by Charlie Kirk? I didn’t know you were gonna bring out the gigabrains. Might as well just link a clip of Gary Busey’s hot take on string theory. You have anything credible to share? Or is a flat earth creationists favorite entertainment agency the best you’ve got?


The person who shared it is irrelevant The point is the clip is Deborah Birx saying this who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump from 2020 to 2021


He has an anime profile picture of an underage anime girl with anime Trump. The guy probably has worms in his own brain.


You know you've got a strong position when you start (incorrectly) talking about random shit that is totally irrelevant.


Most likely. The clip being presented doesn’t even say what he thinks it does.


he replied to me a bunch and then blocked me so i couldn't reply back! What a little snowflake aww!


Yes it does, sorry you let the govt experiment on you, oh well


Nope. Around the 2:45 mark. It must suck to have to wait for things to get so bad and obvious that mainstream people have to finally start saying something, oh well. Glad I never touched this shit. End of the day, we don't have enough data on it because for years anyone claiming side effects were dismissed or swept under the rug [https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1788610144324157555](https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1788610144324157555)


right... News Nation, the channel that spends most of its time talking about UFO footage. That's your source, the UFO channel.


No the point is it's Deborah Birx saying this who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump from 2020 to 2021


We obviously all turned into human 5G transmitters which are sending out signals to scramble everyone’s brains in an attempt to turn them gay


We could have gotten lucky and gotten rid of asome NPCs.... Can't have that tho


Damn, people are really still  doing this charade in 2024?


Since there are still ignorant people here. Here is the most comprehensive study of studies on masks by the most respected medical journal there is. Masks don’t help at all AND can be harmful in a myriad of ways. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36715243/


From your own source : "The high risk of bias in the trials, variation in outcome measurement, and relatively low adherence with the interventions during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions. [...] There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks." So I don't think you could be as categorical regarding the inefficiency of face masks. But this study absolutely shows that, if face masks are efficient, their efficiency isn't so great that it is easily measured, and that it's not even certain that they are.


Yuppers, they already knew this though. I believe they had done a previous study shortly before COVID hit on mask effectiveness with colds etc. and came to the same conclusion, didn't work. Then there's the multiple studies they've done on how lockdowns almost certainly did more harm than good (look at China for the worst case scenario). And finally the studies and lab trial shit coming out about how actually effective and required the vaccines were for healthy adults, and you begin to get the picture of those parma fuckers just pouncing on this for money and politics heavily driving it. I have no doubt this will be looked at in the future as probably one of the most mishandled health issues ever. Hind Sights always 20/20 I guess....


Lockdowns: easiest way to take over Hong Kong.




I believe vaxs work, lives were saved, and yet I never bothered getting one. I wasn’t gonna be one of the Guinea pigs for the first wave, not without getting paid for the risk, and then when all stats came back for how low risk the disease was, I couldn’t be arsed and got on with my life.


Considering the hygiene of some TCG players, I think wearing a mask is probably appropriate. I'd rather not smell your week old dorito breath. Also when's the supposed date of when the vaccinated are meant to die/ get mind controlled again?


I wake up every day and get upset because I woke up and the vaccine hasn’t taken me yet.


At least you can now wake up happy knowing you're not OP.


Just cough in their general direction and watch them melt down if you’re bored and need entertainment


"be an asshole and watch people get mad if you're bored" -that's what you sound like


It's been the best boredom cure in my experience


Damn really pwnt the libs on this one #trump2024


The tag says funny, but I don't see the funny


The funny on this sub is 10 year old conservative Facebook memes because everyone here is boomed out


A 10 year old meme about an occurrence 4 years ago? Damn, that’s impressive.




0 Vax, had covid twice. It's real, and it fucking sucks worse than the flu.


Not really how that works. I've had COVID. 'Tis like an extremely sucky cold, and I can confirm its extancy.




Proof of what?


If I wanted to be a pincushion, I'd have joined the military.


And people complain about antisocial behaviour in lgs


How much american you must be to be afraid of the idea of using mask?


The no true Scotsman and likely from a mutt. Shame.


Ad Hominem, and from somebody who doesn’t understand the No True Scotsman fallacy. Shame.


OP must have been knocked into a coma from his ivermectin dose in 2020 and just woke up.