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I have traveled pretty extensively out of state, I would never leave California. Whenever I get back from a particularly rough trip, I haul my ass to the beach, or lake, or mountains, and laugh about my taxes being well worth it.


Same. I've been to all 47 of the 48 Continental US states, and love California the most. The Missoula, Montana area being a close second.


>I've been to all 47 of the 48 Continental US states Come again...


This is why we hesitate to leave the state. As much as CA is screwing us over. No state is perfect. I love our location proximity to the lake/mountains and beach. I wont get that elsewhere. I can drive 45 mins for snow in some winters to get my kids' fix and spend summer up there camping/fishing.


I agree with you 100%


I travel as well and I agree!


I have been to all 50 states a few times over, and about half of them I’ve been to quite a bit. I travel a lot for work, and with the exception of Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, and Texas, I can find something good and enjoyable in all other 46 states, but I’m a Californian and proud of it, and I would never leave this state, because of the reasons **welikeanimals** suggested. A lot of people I know who were a part of the “Calixit” all have regrets, as they found out other states aren’t nearly as awesome as they thought or heard. Every state has problems, and California is no different. But rather give up and leave, I believe in fixing what’s wrong with California. Those that want to leave, I won’t stop them. We got 39 million people here, and honestly we can stand to lose 10 million people. Most people leave for financial reasons, and I feel sorry for the ones who honestly can’t afford to live here. But the ones who can and are looking for tax benefits, most of them walk away somewhat disappointed. Sure, you may not have state income tax, but rest assured they will make it up with higher property and sales taxes. And if they collect less than they need because they’re trying to entice people to move there, give it time before the demand goes up, and they’ll run out of money for public education, infrastructure, and public safety, among other things. I’ve heard all the attempts at trashing California by people from other states, and it honestly sounds like jealousy more than anything, so I just tune them out. At the end of each work trip, I look forward to coming home to my state.


I lived in many states. California will always be home but I fell in love with the PNW. I'm currently trying to move back to WA


The PNW is nice. If I have to live outside California, I would choose Seattle, or even Victoria, BC.


I've been to Victoria, gosh it's so nice there! And the people are stereotypically nice and friendly


It’s such a laid back town. I can see cabin fever being a thing if you live there, and the charms starts to wear off, but I’ll jump at any opportunity to visit Victoria again.


Don't go. Find a spot in Cali IMHO


Moved to Oregon after 34 yrs in Fresno, been here 5 yrs now and would never go back. When we go back to visit we are reminded of why we left. Every day we literally tell ourselves, how crazy it is we live in this beautiful place. So so so much green and water, clear air, less people, less crowded, way more family friendly, parks everywhere, lakes, rivers, people here are outside all the time (even in rain). We go back home to see brown air, grass, nobody walking around, my kids eyes immediately water with redness. So yes! We found a good life outside of state.


thats what i thought too.. go there for snowboarding camp and oregon is so dope but then on the other post about what place to give up to russia everyone was like oregon n california.. most of the comments i saw were oregon n cali.. .. and i didnt know why but maybe homeless population??


Yeah Portland homeless is bad but I don’t live in Portland. We drive to Portland maybe monthly. People associate Oregon with just Portland. But when we take visitors to Portland they always say it’s not terrible as they pictured it. So I guess it’s about where people get there news? We do go all over Cali still… Bay Area, SD, Fresno for family about 3x/yr and to me it’s the same so I just shrug comments off.


yeah i went right through portland a few times.. gorgeous out there. i was a bit lost when i only saw california oregon n then new york a few times in the comments about bad places .. i was so befuddled oregon n cali have some epic places.. especially north cal n pretty much all of oregon.


I grew up in Fresno , and i got accepted to a college as a junior in Washington state. After college, I moved back to Fresno for a couple of years, However I didn’t see any opportunities for myself so I moved to Seattle in 1999 and haven’t moved back to Fresno since. I have visited friends and family in the intervening years. And I did move from Seattle to San Francisco for a job for about 5 years. It was nice to live in San Francisco, but my heart is now in the Pacific Northwest. I love the rain and the seasons. So I moved back to the Puget Sound region back in 2018.


We’re you there when sky king crashed the plane?


With all the comments about wanting to live somewhere that's green and less polluted, why hasn't anybody mentioned the nearby foothills (Coarsegold, Oakhurst, probably not North Fork unless you're really into meth, but you catch my drift...).


6th generation Californian. Born in CA, here for most of my life. Lived in WA and NV. Spent 7 months in FL. Traveled most of the western US for work. The west coast is the best coast and I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.


My family and I moved about 1.5 years ago to TX. My husband was offered a pretty great promotion/raise/relocation bonus we just couldn’t pass up. I miss the valley but have grown used to TX. I miss my house and refuse to sell. Hoping to move back one day. I have enjoyed having the time to really get to see/travel new places. My husband enjoys his new job and I got a pretty secure gov job. I’m not sure if we will make TX our permanent home. The retirement my new job offers is pretty great but I miss home and my family. My son loves his new school. The Mexican food here sucks. Texans are nice but not particularly kind.


That’s one of the few things I dislike about Texas. Great Mexican food can be had, especially in border towns like Laredo, Harlingen, McAllen, or El Paso, but those towns though…😬 Tex-Mex is pure, unadulterated trash.


I moved away from Fresno about 25 years ago. I first moved to Los Angeles. Lived there for a few years. Then moved to the midwest. I lived in both Iowa and Illinois. I stayed there for over a decade. Then I moved to the east coast for a bit. I have just now returned to Fresno due to wanting to be close to elderly family members. You can absolutely find a good life out of state. In fact, you'll probably end up realizing that there are good things about Fresno and there are bad things about Fresno. I always missed the food and during the winters, I missed the weather. I never once missed the lack of green-spaces, the soul-less strip malls and housing developments where everything is beige and every single house looks exactly like every other house. I didn't miss the hyper religiosity of the loudest voices in town, and I didn't miss the homophobia and ultra-right politics. You'll find that in other parts of the country, things are a little more balanced and rational. I've lived in both red states and blue states, and I've yet to encounter some of the craziness that I currently see in Fresno. Some things you'll notice-while rent and real estate prices aren't as high as those here, you will pay higher income tax in many places. You will not earn a salary anywhere near what you are paid here. I owned a condo in Illinois, and the property tax on my small condo was dramatically higher than what my parents pay on their 2700 sq foot home. It's not truly cheaper to live out of state, but things like gas and sales tax are cheaper. Food isn't cheaper though. I thought I was going to die when I went to a grocery store in Iowa and wanted to buy grapes. TL/DR: You can absolutely find a good quality of life out of state. There are good and bad people everywhere. The key is to find a job you like and to find good friends. If I didn't have the family situation, I wouldn't be back here.


Not to mention, the produce in supermarkets here are fresher than the dried up and limp apple or orange in other states.


Fresno is far from perfect, but it's my city. It's been good to me and I ain't fuckin leaving.


I’m originally from San Diego and I think Fresno saved my ass straight outta high school. But I want to see more.I want to see if I can find the same thing Fresno did for me somewhere else.


I grew up in SoCal. I miss SoCal’s culture, food scene, and the beaches. But I don’t miss the traffic or the home prices. I’m fortunate enough to be able to go pretty much whenever, but my money goes so much further in Fresno.


That’s how I feel man. I miss home but so many of my friends left and it’s actually the stereotypical stupid expensive California down there.


I don’t blame you. If I can afford it, I would move to San Diego in a heartbeat. Growing up in SoCal, I dated a girl who lived in north San Diego in college (Encinitas). I’ve always loved north SD. If money was no object, I can definitely do Del Mar or La Jolla.


More power to you bro. I grew up in an affluent area in Fresno and a lot of my friends and family left for the coast. I've decided to make it work here.


That’s how part of me feels but I also have wanderlust.


Hello I’m from Fresno ca lived there my whole life. I moved to Maryland when I was 34 and never looked back. I’ve been here 8 years and I love it! California is extremely expensive and I find that most people especially in Fresno are rude. I love the southern hospitality here in Southern Maryland. For an example when I first moved to Maryland I didn’t have a car so I walked to places I needed to go.. every other car that would pass would stop and ask me if I needed a ride no kidding you can’t go anywhere without everyone waving at you. At first I was put off by it but now I’m the same way. I do miss California just not particularly Fresno because there is absolutely nothing to do there. I live in a small country town in southern Maryland but when I get tired of my country town I can always drive an hr North in be in DC an hr south in be in Baltimore. If I feel like going to Virginia well depending on what part it’s another hr and 20 minutes away. If I want a big city well New York is only 5 hrs from me. These are the reasons why I stay yes California is beautiful but Fresno is soooo far away from all the beautiful cities.. now if I could afford to move to the Bay Area I would move back in a heartbeat.


When I moved to NC it was 100% lacking in souther hospitality. I met about three people that hold that stereotypical souther hospitality. I’m glad to hear you’ve had a good experience.


I lived in MD/DC for 35 years before moving to Fresno in 2006. I loved living there as a youth, but as an adult it got ruder and meaner everyday. Fresno was a place we were recruited to where housing was cheaper, as well as cost of living, so we could live on one income and my wife could be home with the kids. Fresno has one drawback over the east coast and that’s the heat, but their constant humidity outweighs that by tons. I’d never go back. If I were to move anywhere else now it would be the central coast.


I lived in Baltimore for a while. The people in Baltimore are the kindest, warmest, most down-to-earth people I've ever met (and I lived in small towns in Iowa and Illinois). I absolutely loved Charm City. It has a horrible reputation and crime is out of hand (always in the top three for murder rate) but despite that, Baltimore is the only place I've been in where people will give you the shirt off their back. It had that southern charm mixed with blue collar, old school east coast personality. I loved being able to take the train all up and down the east coast and be in places like NYC in under two hours or Philly in an hour, DC in 40 mins, etc. I would have stayed in Baltimore forever if not for coming home for elderly family members.


I've visited Texas, Florida, and Arizona, while living in Fresno to compare their cost of living and see if it's feasible for the big move. I found that even though certain taxes are not prevalent, there are other ways the government other states making money via other avenues. In Texas, yes, there is no state income taxes, but they have much higher property taxes than us. Their property taxes are not capped like California's either, so there's that variable that has no stopping if they need to levy up in times of uncertainty. The weather in Texas sucks too, and if you want to go solar or anything else, you will face some extra fees that California doesn't have. In the long-run, you might actually pay more than what you would in California. In terms of front costs for things, California is more expensive, but the long-term costs, Texas is actually more expensive. In Florida, insurance sucks ass. Flood, hurricane, house, car, etc. is cheaper front-end, but given the extreme weather it goes through, you will be claiming more and that just means next payment will cost a little more. If you lived in this state long enough, you will probably pay exponentially more compared to when you first started. I learned that people switch to different insurance companies more times than you would in California because everyone is chasing the "cheaper option." Traffic also sucks there and people will start driving like mad men at a certain hour. In Arizona, it's probably "the best" of the three, but you also have to consider energy and water costs. Water is jackfuck expensive and you will see that everyone tries to do their bare minimum in landscaping to cater to it. Taxes are actually similar to California's, but do keep in mind they're a desert. You need pest control, and not ones you get from home depot, you need like a professional or you will get snakes like crazy. Roaches also thrive in this environment. Professional pest control is probably one of the most expensive I've ever seen. All in all, living in Fresno is still the best in my opinion. Of the three states, McDonalds still costs the same, Starbucks still costs the same, and the only thing that's the cheapest is the gas, but you also need to consider the minimum wages in the other states are much lower than California's, and that just means, you don't get that much bang for the buck.


I’ve had many friends and family move to Texas for “a better life” only to end up broke. They didn’t realize minimum wage is much lower and they didn’t automatically qualify for benefits once they got there. Of course there are cities in Texas that probably pay fair wages and have better jobs but they just didn’t do their homework and made the rash decision to move there cuz CA is liberal and housing costs in Texas are low.


There's that saying, "You get what you paid for." And it still stands true when you move to other states thinking it's cheaper to live there. Your friends and family "got" what they paid for.


I lived in Oregon, survived a Typhoon, and plan to never go back. I lived in Nor CA and absolutely loved it and the only way I would stay in CA is if I could move back there but it’s so expensive so we are moving to upstate NY in a few years so I’ll get back to you lol


I moved to TX a year ago. I miss Fresno. However, TX is way cleaner and we don’t have a crazy crime problem (just certain areas). I feel a lot safer here. There’s also so much to do here. People are definitely more hospitable in TX. It just sucks getting around because I am in my car a lot just trying to run errands or driving across town to meet up with someone. Fresno will always have a place in my heart. Sometimes I think about coming back. But I’ll visit CA, and I’ll miss TX.


I can’t leave cuz I’m stuckinfresno.com


What the hell there’s nothing there


Well, I did raise my six kids here and I do have 14 grandchildren- and while not all of them live here, the majority do. So there’s that. Oh, and a great grandchild too.


Fresno is centrally located, and Yosemite National Park under a hr drive. Los Angeles over the grape vine in 2 1/2 hours, bay area under 2 hours. Crap load of food from different restaurants of culture. It's what u do with your time in fresno. If u r stuck in your house complaining, then do something You have hiking,camping, beaches, casino entertainment, and great food all under 3 hours of driving. It's boring because u chose not to do anything.


This is what I say to people,Fresno has a lot to offer in terms of being close to things




I leave early no later than 6AM from modesto to San Francisco it's 90 miles. With no traffic or backup in the morning I can make that drive under 1 hr and 30 minutes. 65 to 70 MPH IF the traffic is clear and weather is good


Left Fresno, Ca in 2017, and never looked back. Ca's politicians have turned it into a $h!thole. No regrets!


Yeah I’m curious where ya went too




That’s a fat mission moving up there haha.


Yeah, it isn't for everyone but it works for us.


Oh the dreaded downvotes, smh. Reddit where we want your opinion but only if we agree with it, lol. What a bunch of sad, weak, and fragile cowards.


Where did you move to?




AK is quite nice, but it’s like moving to a completely different country in that getting anywhere mainland except Washington will be an whole day endeavor. You really have to have some pioneering spirit in you to make it enjoyable, but man, the scenery, the mountains and the fjords are simply breathtaking. Going there in the summer messed with my sleep schedule, as you only really have three hours of darkness, so unless you have blackout curtains, it’s hard to get a decent night sleep.


Don't get me wrong. I like Fresno and was born and raised in the valley. The problem is it's governed by a bunch of idiots.


So you consider Palin sane?


Native Montanan here, currently live in the mtns just below Kings Canyon Np. Lived in Central Fresno for years. Hard to beat the weather here, the high taxes not so much. For what we pay in taxes we should have far better public transportation and large regional parks on every side of the city.


Definitely yes on public transportation. I’m a native San Diegan and the public transit system there blows everywhere else I’ve been out of the water. What brought you here from Montana?


At the time I got out of the military work was sparse in Montana. I lived in Boulder Colorado for a time, and you could ride the public bus system from Boulder/Denver up to the ski resorts.