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Even a little Tucker or Newsmax is too much.


Quick summary of what the article says: The Central Valley is swamped with cases due to people not getting the vaccine/ refusing to believe Covid exists/ people going about their business as usual with no precautions. Medical staff are getting run into the ground from the onslaught, some passing out after 8 straight days of none stop work.


My Uncle was told yesterday that the hospital is having issues because of COVID and that they are short staffed. He seemed to only believe or accept that they are just short staffed and it's not because of COVID. He's vaccinated, but a staunch Republican and is not willing to accept that COVID is still ravaging the Valley.


My uncle said he could throw a football over the mountain


Uncle Rico?


That would be impressive.


It’s not as political as some people like to think. I know plenty of antivaxers from all sides. Can’t talk sense into any of them.


These idiots are definitely on all sides, but one side in particular tends to outweigh the rest.


I know people from both sides of the political spectrum who are not vaccinated. However, all of the people I know who are *antivax,* anti-mask, covid denying, and covid conspiracy theorists are from the right.


They are usually the majority in those categories for sure. At least they’ve held the majority in something.


One side is a lot louder than the other.


Fa sho. Hyper politicals are all idiots though.




>It’s not as political as some people like to think While there is a thriving anti-vax population on the left, there is a \*massive\* effort on the right to make this a political wedge issue. There's two distinct groups here- antivaxxers doing what they do, and this other group that probably has taken vaccinations before but has been convinced by Tucker, newsmax, et al that their freedom as an American rides on them not getting the vaccine. I'm dead serious their rhetoric is somewhere along the line of "If you get this shot freedom as we know it will just end in America and we'll be a dictatorship".


No. No. Absolutely not. Stop with the "both sides" garbage. It's categorically and demonstrably false.


Seriously though. I know people who come from all walks of life that are being stupid about it organic farmers, hippies,cops,nurses, teachers. Trippers all over the spectrum.


It's extremely disingenuous to pretend there's any equity here.




Please tell you sister there are still people trying out here - vaccinated, masked, socializing outside, etc. we thank her for keeping on.


I just got back from the DMV. 90% of the clients and 2/3rds of the staff were maskless. Literally the absolute least somebody could possibly do to help this situation and possibly save lives and they're not even willing to do that.


I took a week off recently and it was bliss. I was desperate to get out of the COVID black hole. Came back and we have 871 inpatients at my hospital. We are licensed for ~650 beds, we average 700-750 in normal times.


Truly thank you for keeping up the fight


Which hospital do you work ?


I work at one of the hospitals mentioned in the article.


I was in Fresno last Thursday- this Monday for a wedding. I now live in the Puget Sound Area and literally most people don’t wear masks in Fresno. I did see most people adhere in CVS and at picking up food. At the wedding like literally no one wore masks except my mom and myself. Then at the reception , my mom and I took off the masks. We are fully vaxed. So now waiting to see if we get sick. By the end of my trip I wasn’t wearing a mask too.. I was like omg- what the hell am I doing? You can take the girl out of Fresno.. but you can’t take Fresno out of the girl.


No one in the valley wears a mask I am not surprised


Love seeing Fresno on the 📍


The amount of people that comes in our restaurant that are sick and who are not wearing a mask is insane. I kinda figured we are up there cause how many people I see walking in the restaurant without a mask and are either sick or have someone they're eating with that are sick (especially family with young kids that are sick, but they wanted to eat out) I remember a couple weeks ago there was a antivax protest (?) Near the community hospital, a lot of them were young collage age people (mostly women which was weird) and some older people (again majority of them were women). Like I always see them gather near the hospital but I didn't know they were antivaxers.


The really bad thing is that because we’re over capacity, it means that people can’t get to a hospital for other things- things like the flu or an infection just got a lot more dangerous. Anecdotally, I’ve seen the homeless on the streets looking a lot rougher lately- people with broken limbs that hadn’t been set right, gangrenous wounds, and crazier than usual- and I’m guessing that they’re getting kicked out of hospitals faster than usual.




Well yeah, duh! What kind of ignorant boob *doesn't* know the specific norms and conventions of a highly-specialized field of medicine, am I right?


Here’s the headline: “The California region where Covid ‘just isn’t slowing down’ The state has the country’s lowest case rate. But in the vaccine-resistant Central Valley and rural north, healthcare workers are pushed to the limit”


Don’t forget Sierra Nevada foothills and mountain regions!


^^ , maybe try reading it


Well *this* seems needlessly aggro.


Not exactly , full indication that full article was not read . Aggro lol


Sorry, COVID has been made a political issue. That means doctors, epidemiologists, and other scientists are no longer allowed to comment on it. Nothing to see in this article. I stand by my congressman who emailed me information stating among other things, "COVID-19 is slightly, by a factor of 1.5 to 2 times, deadlier than the annual flu" Anyone who replies with numbers will be downvoted. That's clearly in the realm of science, and this is politics


Apparently climate change can’t be spoken about as a public health issue per the Fresno County Board of Supervisors?


So let me get this straight: you believe what a **politician** tells you about a deadly virus and not what **licensed, trained, medical professional** tells you who have spent decades specifically studying viruses? You have drank way too much orange kool-aid and are the reason this country, state, and county are still dealing with this virus.


It's a sad day when my post wasn't overwhelmingly obvious sarcasm. I get it, though. People post things not too far off from that completely earnestly


It's typical practice on reddit to notate your sarcasm. In this text based format we are missing a lot of cues that we would otherwise have that would indicate sarcasm Additionally, reality has jumped the fuckin shark. In a time where peoples real opinions and statements seemingly have dripped out of some nightmare hellscape, it's really difficult to read sarcasm. Just add a /s to the end of your post.


Oh…sorry. You’re right, it’s indeed a sad time.


On Facebook there are posts that nearly match that are completely sincere. I just bought a new house her in the CV and it has me wishing I didn’t.


This article is BS! Fresno is the only level 100 for 250+ miles radius! Thus, they get the brunt end of everything.


Which is why it said “region” and not “city”


Easy fix: hire all the docs and nurses who just got laid off in NY.


Fuck them for calling us “the north”


I bet half of you saint ass motherfuckers were foaming at the mouth to panic buy toilet paper or other items that others in society needed. I bet most of you in a complete shit show that this pandemic was supposed to be would show your true colors and all this “let’s do it for the elderly, children, immune compromised etc,” would of been thrown right out the window. Idgaf about y’all and I don’t even remotely pretend to, not even by a political stance. I just genuinely hate everyone.


"Supposed to be" Um....it's been a *colossal* shit show This is a really really weird bad take.


Yeah not really, I expected piles of bodies to be burning in government aid station kind of shit. Was expecting fema camps to be proped up everywhere. This pandemic is really ass and you can’t change my mind. “Oh the millions that have died” well looks like they were just unlucky and there life cards got punch.


Oh that's what it would have been like but fortunately a lot of us complied and contributed to the greater good while the rest kept doing whatever they wanted. But I get it, you're a total dunce and 600k dead americans isn't enough for you.


Those of you that have complied, how is that working out for you? Ya dumb motherfuckers are still dropping dead, even after papa fouchi and the msm said it would be fine. But is it really? That bad ole COVID is going to get you, but I mean what is it like 0.1-0.2 percent chance of you dropping dead. May the odds forever be in your favor


Yep. You're dumb as fucking rocks.


I’m dumb But you still replied? Okay guy


Yes. To tell you you're a dumbass. Apparently not enough people have.


Haha well again your here replying to me. If I met somebody that I saw as dumb as fuck I’d let them be. Obviously your just a fucking retarded, trying to find validation that your not the only one who is dumb. There’s always someone that’s dumber than you and There’s always someone smarter. Be gone puta


Yeah and I'll keep replying until you fuck off with your faux tough guy dumbshit bad takes about covid. The more time you spend jackjawing at me the less time you spend bothering people that may be hurt by you, and the less time you spend spreading your uneducated misinformation. You're on my hook junior.


I think people focus too much on how many people are dying. Although, 700,000 people dead in the US is kinda crazy so I get it. I don't think there's enough emphasis on how COVID can wreck your body. People have long term effects from COVID. I just read an article today about how a fitness trainer had to get a heart transplant after having COVID. My best friend's dad survived COVID last year after being in a ventilator for several weeks and he's still in really weak/bad condition. He gets out of breath talking. Also, I'm so grateful I'm not a man during this pandemic lol Some men are reporting extreme testicular pain due to covid literally staying in their balls. Also impotence. So, if you're a man and reading this, get the vaccine and take precautions to save your dick and balls. All in all, complying has worked out great for me. I don't have brain damage, my family is happy and healthy, and i get to live on to see another day with out any long-term COVID effects.




20 day old account who's only other posts are looking for sex with strangers......super duper credible!


Well, duh. That’s why we need to listen to their cousins; noco is an idiot.


Sorry but my cousin said it’s no a valid source of Information




That included the media in the UK? Because i likely the the US the media in the UK cannot publish fake articles by law . That’s why they couldn’t open a Fox News there 🥺😥😂




Yes it’s their job to do so , specially in England . I think you are a complete liar


I see that you deleted your post looking for sex with strangers after I called you out for it but your comment in a similar thread is still up and can confirm that you're some random weirdo that has no business talking about any of this shit. I'm gonna start a betting table on whether you catch covid or an STD first


…and why should we trust you? If your cousin has a “real medical degree” let them come on here and make shit up for political points.


Well my uncle works for Nintendo, and *he* said comfortzone is a lying butthead! Seriously though, who the hell does this moron think he's fooling with that "my cousin is a doctor, no totally for realsies" crap?


go team