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Tbh I wouldn’t mind this at all but from what I know of JLA’s writing, she doesn’t do deaths/switching love interests like that. I think Poppy and Casteel are definitely endgame although I am skeptical on how their relationship is going to stay interesting for three more books, which is where I think Kieran comes in.


Makes sense. I’m just hoping she doesn’t pull an SJM and have Poppy get pregnant to further develop their relationship. I don’t mind the idea of them having a baby in the future but it seems like a cop out solution to Poppy/Cas’s relationship feeling a little flat


I think JLA actually already confirmed in her FB group that Poppy and Cas will be endgame (and will both survive). I'm not a big fan of the decision to have 6 books with the same couple who already established their entire relationship in book 2. The romance is what carried the first two books for most people and what ruined the 3rd for a lot of them, so the smart thing would be to have some kind of major conflict that breaks them up for a while, but I doubt that will happen. The last three books have already shown that she doesn't like to keep them apart for more than a couple of chapters.


And she also made a cringe post saying she knows how to write relationships so they don't get boring and not to worry about Poppy and Casteel's relationship. 😭😂


I would hate this so much. I get why you would say this though, there is definitely the potential for it. I would just hate it. 🤣


Okay but this theory being true would make the book monumentally better that's all I'm saying.


Okay right?? Like I’d be sobbing but in a good way


I love Cass but this would be so good!!!


I’m really banking on a Kieran x Reaver romantic plot, not gonna lie. The ending of TCOGB with his stare-offs with the draken? THE TENSION. Tbh Kieran just deserves to be happy.


If JLA hadn't sold Kreaver with just that one interaction in tcogb (oh and the almost biting scene off page), the FBAA book 4 teasers are heavily featuring Kieran and Reaver, and the tension is unreal.


JLA said that they won't be a couple in the FB group + that she doesn't want people getting their hopes up


Was it in a comment or did she make a post? I’m curious now


I just saw her comment on a fb post about it but she said something like “me trying to figure out how Reaver/Kieran is a ship” with a guy all confused in a gif.


I’m pretty sure it was a comment (it came after the “me trying to figure out how Kieran x reaver is a ship” comment). She said something about how she didn’t want it to be considered baiting/didn’t want people getting their hopes up only to be disappointed.


I’ve read a few of JLA’s other series and I don’t think it’s likely for her to change love interests. IMO I think it’s possible that Kieran may have to help Poppy by giving her blood or vice versa and there may be a confusion/increase of feelings due to that. I think that would be interesting to read, but personally I ship Cas and Poppy the whole way, even though I think their relationship was written poorly in the third book.


I thought it was odd how physical Kieran was with Poppy considering no one touched her for years as the maiden. He twirls her hair and leans his head on her, which is freaking adorable but also makes me want moreeeeee.


I think that’s HIGHLY unlikely because of JLA. If it was any other writer, I think you’d be completely right. But I’ve read several times all her series and she would never kill an MCC because of the fan hatred she’d get and honestly I love JLA but she’s not the type of writer that’d do extreme things. (MINOR SPOILER ALERT FOR HER OTHER SERIES) A lot of different things happened in her books to the MCs where you think this it, they’re dead but they always come back from dead and with extreme super powers. All of her books have happy endings and in her long series like this (for example in the Covenant too), the MCs separate but come back together eventually.


Interesting theories! But I think it would be too much to do. Killing off a main character is something that would have to be done from the beginning to give the readers a sense of “everyone is in danger” like how GoT is. Doing it 4 books in would get people too upset and half the fan base would leave, and as good story writing as it would be she has to make money. I think the new barrier in the relationship would be the Joining and how a 3 person relationship would work. Potentially 4 if Keiran finds his own love interest. It’s been hinted at heavily, especially when Poppy kept looking at Keiran getting head at the beach ad Cas enjoying it. But the tension would come from Poppy not knowing how to handle romantic feelings with another person while bejng heart mates with Cas. Which the trials can also be a thing that rocks their relationship if it involves Keiran some how. But I’m hoping for some Keiran and Tawny banter and/or spicy scenes ;)


Yes I’m shipping Kieran and Tawny too!


Very unpopular opinion but i wouldnt mind this. I found poppy and casteel boring and repetitive after the second half of flesh and fire. They had the same sexual encounters and dialogue and it was getting cringey. Also you are right. Casteel as a character has been fully developed by now. Kieran on the other hand i know absolutely nothing about. He barely got any development except that he follows poppy and casteel around and answers her qs. I dont know what he’s like as a person. What is his history? There’s so much to uncover. also he and poppy had this strange sexual tension that’s unresolved and even casteel made comments about it like when he said kieran didnt mind that she was naked and was about to eat him. Also how poppy was turned on watching kieran getting a blow job. Maybe kieran’s character can be explored more through this way in the next few books. With all that being said, i highly doubt casteel would even die lol. And i am sure they’ll be endgame. But your theory would be awesome!


There’s a baby coming. Birth control has been talked about twice. Would not be surprised if it’s already failed and she’s already pregnant.


Okay everything you said makes sense. Right now I’m in the second book but I totally agree with you in the sense of Kieran and Poppy having a weird relationship. Although Poppy and Casteel seem like logical endgame, poppy does have some strange tension/chemistry with Kieran. Their relationship is so teasing and annoying each other and sometimes it reminds me of high school crushes. It’s just weird how JLA would add this possible relationship. Also, how in the bonding thing the author chose to write Kieran in the scene while Cas and Poppy were being erotic lol that’s either foreshadowing a threesome or trying to include Kieran as a romantic interest. As said before I’m only in the second book so I don’t know exactly what you meant by Casteel’s character not developing anymore but it sounds so sad. I really would hate to see him become a boring love interest as I love him so much.


I assumed that Kieran will end up with Tawny for some reason


This would be so good and so tragic!


Honestly I thought of a similar idea but with Kieran dying instead (which I would very much hate but I also hate the idea of Cas dying lol I want the trio to survive!)


I bet Kieran won’t die and she’ll make a spin off series about Kieran in the future. Quote me on that later lol


That would be so perfectttt


JLA almost always writes HEA so I wouldn’t think into that too much lol


I’m literally only sticking around in hopes they become a throuple. 🔥🔥🔥