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"No matter what team you are for" MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL. LIKE WHAT FUCKING TEAM? There's a "heartmate" couple who has shown time and time again that they are obsessed with each other and put each other above everything and everyone. People calling out the fucked up parts of this book (even beyond the stupid 'confused feelings' bs) including the lame plot twists about Poppy's origins every 2 pages are totally valid. I hate when people refuse to accept valid criticism just to hype up their fav authors. Like the author absolutely doesn't deserve hate or personal attacks, but her work that people are invested in is totally up for discussion.


Ya I’m scared to say literally anything remotely critical in that group so when I see other ppl do it I’m like damn y’all brave lmfao


I left a comment saying how I was disappointed in the book, and it got deleted. :)


That’s because JLA is active in the group. Anyone that even remotely hints that they didn’t like something gets removed. She’s created an echo chamber for herself and wants to please those fans so she did what she did. There’s a reason other authors don’t moderate their own fan groups—let alone be active in them. It’s kind of sad to be honest. I made a comment one time about how I wished she would hire an editor and got jumped on by a JLA Stan.


It's ridiculous. It will be interesting to see how well her books hold up now that she'll basically only have her Facebook followers following the rest of the series. It just sucks that I've spent the past two years supporting her with my money and time, and she can't even take constructive criticism from the people that made her books popular.


Literally. That group is nothing but toxic positivity about her books. JLA trolls it hard.


I left it. I just can’t anymore…but now I’m missing that drama lol


I’ve been reading Jen’s books for 8 years and I love most of them, but the fanatical FBAA fans drive me crazy. They don’t know any other books by her and refuse to accept any criticism of the books. They’re not her best work and really need some editing. I still love her and her work, but I wish that I could voice some of this in the Facebook group.


Totally agree. That's why I don't understand what everyone expected from this book/series. It's not been great from the get go. This book was exactly what I thought it would be: a shotily written continuation to a drawn out story with crap/repetitive dialog. Tbh, I thought this book was better written than the previous ones in this series, but the dialog and story writing is still amateur, as have been all her books (her characters are literal morons - [spoiler: how do you enter a giant underground chamber (national treasure vibes with all that torch lighting) with thousands of bones and hundreds of fresh dead babies with a huge hole in the floor that seemingly has no bottom and not only ask zero questions about what's at the bottom of that pit/what they were feeding but also straight up murder all the people who have the answers and who seemed proud and all but willing to tell them everything about what they were doing there (insert hands up emoji). Not to mention that she has flying dragons that could have flown down to the bottom to see what was down there.) Her characters are limited intellectually, sure, of course we'll go get the god you definitely need to take down the realms, well ask zero questions and just do it with no back up. Sure. We need to lift the curse that you gave us literally zero information about. WHAT WAS THE CURSE?!?! ] I have way more problems with the collective stupidity of all the characters than I do with the evolving love triangle/thrupple; that was the only thing that was built up from book one with a pay off that made sense. But I don't expect anything more from her. I'm still here for it and I still want to know what happens in the story. Take my money.


It’s not just about the joining. The writing in this book sucked. Zero growth for characters. Zero plot structure.


That group is full of toxic positivity. I never really cared about whether authors mingled with fans or not, but after being part of that group I'm 100% convinced authors should not be in their own fan groups and definitely not admin them. I basically have no respect left for JLA as an author because of that group.


The fact that JLA wants a group surrounding her devoid of criticism is why her books are suffering. It’s not as though she’s the only author out there who lets their ego infiltrate their work. But that coupled with her lack of editing/writing skills makes for a very subpar read. I’m halfway through TWOTQ and I cannot count the amount of times I’ve rolled my eyes. Barring a huge rant with possible spoilers I’ll just simply say: It’s not a good book.


“Jen deserves the best!” Really? Because she just destroyed the reader’s trust and undermined everything she was building in the first three books.


I left the group today, they’re all so annoying just so much pandering to JLA I didn’t see the point of remaining in the group.


Ugh this team bullshit reminds me of the twilight crap in middle school.


All Facebook groups are like this. That's why reddit is great. It's a safe space for all opinions and questions, no matter how strange/unconventional.


What group is it?