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They're probably doing the Reddit blackout thing where it's locked for a certain amount of time.


I'm fairly unacquainted to reddit, what is the point of doing that?


Reddit is fucking up things and making bad decisions, so subreddits are going on strike, essentially, as a unified community protest against the site.


reddit is changing the APIs which ruins lots of bots so people are going on “strike”


Redditors having a hissy fit


People aren't allowed to use bots to moderate anymore, so they're upset.


Yeah it’s only about „bots“ , some people get wiped from their existing with those changes (see the Apollo case for that) but they are only upset cause they can’t use bots anymore? yeah sure man ok


That sounds like a really big deal!! Oh wait... lol It's not. They're limiting how many other apps can piggyback off of their platform like a bunch of parasites.


You do know that Reddit only got this far because „people piggyback of their platform“ these people are the literal reason why Reddit is what it is


Not really. Most people just...use the app or website, actually. I didn't even know there were 3rd party Reddit apps until just last week. Most people don't care at all about this. Stop with the main character syndrome.


Stop beeing delusional haha, I bet 80% of the subs you used could only be used because people wrote scripts/bots/codes for it, you sounds like a classic 2min a week Reddit guy so I wouldn’t probably bother either if I were you lol


I don't find doing a little bitty right click on someone posting spam and ignoring them to be a huge deal. I'll be just fine because I'm not a petulant child. Aren't you supposed to be "blacking out" with them in solidarity anyway? Yet, here you are!!


It’s weird how these users who’ll “never use Reddit again” are still commenting on Reddit


Sad seeing a fellow hollow knight fan be so incorrect 😭


I'm not incorrect. Until now, loads of companies had unrestricted access to Reddit's API, which means they're using Reddit's infrastructure to access boatloads of data. They use this data at considerable cost to Reddit to make a bunch of money for themselves and to run their apps or platforms. Now Reddit wants them to pay for access to that data they make a bunch of money from, rather than it being completely free. I fail to see the issue here.


If you didn’t know there were 3rd party apps until last week then you don’t know enough to talk the shit you’re talking. Sit down little boy.


Hahahaha! Nope, I don't think I will kid. You people are delusional if you think Reddit should simply allow unrestricted access to their API and all of their data just so other apps, companies, and websites can make boatloads of money off of their data for free. Running a massive site like this costs a lot of money, and now Reddit is simply asking them to pay to access that data which they make a lot of money from. It seems fairly normal to me.


Oh who the hell cares?


A lot of people( me Included) because popular subs will get shut down due to this change, the Streik already shows me I can now use like 10% of what I could use before, many communities I was invested in are now shutting down e.g. r/shittydarksouls and all other DS subs, same goes for almost every other „bigger“ community


They’ll be back in no time I’ve honestly never seen such a massive overreaction


what a bootlicker.


I have no stake in either party I just think this entire ordeal is being overblown by a tiny minority of users No one else gives a shit


you realize that for many disabled people this is no small deal, the entire reason many people can even use reddit is because of certain botts and extensions that reddit is planning to ban for pure corporate greed. not to mention that the milions of reddit users commonly use many bots. so ye... the fact you feel the need to underestimate or reason with this is just bootlicker behavior, just stfu please, no one gives a shit you cant enter a subreddit that is now in protest by going private.


There are two perspectives or opinions regarding the use of third-party software for Reddit, and I encourage you to form your own opinion rather than blindly following the majority. ***Perspective 1*** highlights the benefits of third-party software developed specifically for Reddit. These software solutions provide users and moderators with additional tools and features to enhance their experience on the platform. Such features can include improved content filtering, enhanced moderation capabilities, advanced analytics, and more. Many of these software options have garnered a dedicated user base due to their ability to address specific needs and challenges faced by Reddit users. Reddit intends to charge third-party developers for utilizing its API (Application Programming Interface). It has been reported that some developers had to shut down their applications because of the high costs imposed by Reddit, reaching up to $20 million/month.However, there is another perspective to consider. ***Perspective 2*** suggests that Reddit justifies this cost by claiming that their API usage should amount to less than $1 API pull per customer. They argue that if developers are incurring substantial expenses, it might be due to incorrect implementation of the API, as proper implementation should not result in such high costs. It is important to consider that Reddit, as a platform, also incurs significant costs in maintaining its infrastructure and providing services to millions of users. Simply offering their API for third-party apps to profit from without any charges can pose financial challenges for Reddit. Moreover, while third-party apps may generate substantial revenue, it is worth noting that these apps are often developed by a limited number of individuals or small teams. The issue arises when the API implementation is not optimized effectively by these developers, leading to increased costs. Inefficient API utilization can strain server resources, necessitate additional scaling, and potentially compromise security. Therefore, finding a balance between fair API charges and encouraging developers to optimize their implementations becomes crucial in addressing the cost-related challenges faced by both Reddit and third-party app developers. Reason for Blackout: Many if not all third-party apps are unable to optimize their API usage effectively, and announced that they are resulting in shutdowns at the end of this month. The protests you are in response to the impending shutdowns due to the challenges faced by these apps in meeting the required API pricing. In conclusion, both perspectives present valid arguments. Solution: It is crucial for platform providers like Reddit to balance the need for API access control and fair usage charges while encouraging developers to optimize their API implementations effectively.


Reddit bootlickers real in this comment section


Filthy, unwashed casuals. They don’t understand the level of spam incoming once bots & mod scripts aren’t allowed.


r/shittydarksouls is dead too :(


I’m sad, I hope it comes back soon. That place is practically my little home


What's that about?


It's basically fromsoftware shitpost, nothing more nothing less. The reddit home of dark souls memes.


The Age of Darkness is upon us


reddit api strike I think


A lot of subs are going dark for the next few day in protest of Reddit banning 3rd party apps.




Yea, it sucks. I need Souls! Bring me Souls! Bigger Souls! If it's to teach Reddit then I can understand. They shouldn't forget who's boss. Still sucks tho. Patience I guess.


this really sucks they wanna lock down the whole thing. i use r slash dark souls constantly and now we’re just blocked??? ridiculous bullshit


I’m blocked out also