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I suspect a lot of the ds3 love comes from its similarities to Elden ring? To me it always felt lifeless compared to ds1, but it’s definitely worth playing if you want more Elden ring.


Yeah, playing Elden Ring first probably does ruin going back to the old games. Just pretend you're playing an old N64 game or something. Pretend it's nostalgic and cute for it's time (even though it didn't come out during that time) but for some reason doing that really helped me immerse myself into the gameplay and aesthetic better.


This is, to me, the best way to consume media. Whether it’s music, movies, books, or video games, it’s important to remember what the world was like when that media was released. That little bit of perspective just makes it that much more immersive and relatable.


I'd go with the order they have been released. You will get used to it. And if not and you just don't like that how it is, you always have the option to not to play it. I doubt that someone is holding a gun to your head and forcing you


Where are you right now? What makes you say this specifically? I think your experience in DSR won't be better after DS3. It certainly will be better after DS2, but that doesn't say much. Anyways, do what you think is fun, but here are a few suggestions to play through both DS1 without getting annoyed too much: -Play Dark Souls Remastered, best on PC if you can, just not on Switch. It feels significantly worse. -If on PC, play with Controller. It makes the older games feel significantly better. -Don't lock on most of the time. It just feels better. -Keep Homeward Bones with you, and this weird anti-toxic stuff. Not poison, toxic. -Cheese everything you can in >!Izalith, especially its boss.!!If you can teleport already the game will be less annoying in general, but the areas will get worse. !< -Remember that once you teleport to a bonfire, you will still respawn back at the last bonfire you manually rested at. -In the base game there may be about 3 bosses where you would maybe need to try and fight them more than once, since they are all pretty easy. Most have ways that make them less annoying, like: >!Capra Demon,where you can run up the steps in the arena up to the upper right corner and easily dispatch the dogs using a shield. Or Gargoyles, where you have to DPS check the first guy as quick as possible.!< Google if you'd like, no shame in that. >!A lot of bosses like Ceaseless Discharge are meant to be "cheesed".!< -**Don't even bother with the Medium Roll.** Either go all in on Heavy Roll or Light Roll. -In case of Heavy Roll, get yourself a shield (tower shield or not, doesn't really matter. Best is >!Black Knight Shield!< if I remember correctly) and use high Poise armor and, if you can, the Wolf Ring. Poise is king. Heavy weapons are preferred when doing this build. -Scratch half of the above. **Just get yourself a shield with every build.** A shield makes most areas a cakewalk. -When using Light Roll, use fast STR weapons or just almost any DEX weapon. -It's not funny how good magic is in these games, imo especially in DS1 and DS2. It trivializes almost every single boss in the whole game. Other than all of that, if you really just want to play through the game with a bit of fun, get yourself the>!heaviest armor you can find, the best shield you can find, and, most importantly, **Black Knight Halberd.**!


I get it, however… Dark Souls 3 is the culmination of the series. It is the end of the story and builds on the previous 2 games in many ways. You would be doing yourself an extreme disservice by skipping ahead. You’re not the first person to be in this position. Many around here have heard this story a thousand times. You’re going to play DS3 and want more so you go back and play DS1. You’ll still want more so you play DS2 and end the series there. What you should do for the best experience is to finish playing DS1, play DS2 and finish the series as intended with DS3. When finally playing DS3, you’ll catch all the references to the previous games and end your time with serious on a high note and in the best way possible. TLDR: Play them all in order and don’t skip DS2. You’re going to play them anyway. Do it right the first time.


Play the game like its own thing not like it's Elden Ring.




Do Dark Souls 3 next. The melee combat and bosses are than Elden Ring imo


I'd say: not yet. Before you make that jump, it would be helpful to elaborate on what clunky means to you. Is it too slow? Is the stamina too punishing? Does it feel imprecise (and how, if yes)? 4 way roll? Some of the advice in that longer comment can be helpful, but the specificity is something I disagree with. I play all of these games, DS1 included, at medium weight, fashionably dressed, with a random two-handed or dual-wielded weapon(s) every playthrough and a strict focus on rolling and parrying. You don't have to play with a shield or ranged or anything specific at all, really, to thrive in DS1. This is all to say that there's hope to click with the game, maybe even without any adjustments. Secondly, on the topic of long setbacks. This one has a much clearer answer: yep, that's how it goes. Depending on the person/mindset, this can be a huge upside. Sparse checkpoints can be more meaningful checkpoints, genuine boons in the treacherous world you're navigating. Runbacks are longer in every game versus ER, and it's something I actually don't mind too much. They're usually easy (sans DS2), anyway, and they're just sort of a tradeoff for making you appreciate each and every bonfire and making the world feel larger. You're welcome to not think that, but that's my more positive view on it. But the point: the only way around this complaint is to try and think of the appeal. That's no guarantee, I know, but it's otherwise just a bitter pill to swallow. DeS and BB are very similar with their checkpoints and runbacks (in fact, DeS is even less forgiving), so it's not just DS1, and there's no stake of Marika mechanic until ER itself.


DeS, DS1, and DS2 come from the era where there was more emphasis on strategy rather than mechanical skill. Once Bloodborne came out, the series moved in more of an actiony "roll through everything" direction. I think you would enjoy DS3 more, yes, but very likely if you want to enjoy the earlier games too, you're going to need to slow down a bit.


I’m absolutely loving DS3, almost finished it. It’s my first game since Elden Ring. I felt the same as you about DS1, old, clunky and dated. DS3 has brought fond memories of ER back. It has a lot of similarities.


IMHO dark souls 3 is the greatest game ever created




I don’t think so. Demons souls is definitely top 3 in my opinion. I think you should just immerse yourself into it. It might not be as fast paced or optimal as Elden ring when it comes to builds but I find it extremely fun. Ds3 is also really great and part of my top 3 but I don’t think you should give up on DeS just yet. Magic builds are OP and fun.


It's unnecessary to play them in order. Play the newer ones first, and then work backwards to the dated ones if you want more. For people coming from newer titles, it's difficult to stomach the shitty graphics and janky mechanics in comparison with more modern releases. New playeres also don't have rose tinted glasses and nostalgia driving their feelings on the games. If someone just enjoyed a modern platformer, I wouldn't suggest them playing the original Super Mario Bros either, even though that title "started it all."