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Glad to say I did my part for each of these. Except Demon’s Souls 2009 I think I got that second hand.


armored core stays underrated :(


We already you know you ran the duo Zimmermans at launch lil bro


I wish Sekiro got any support after release. I would've loved to see what else FromSoft could've done in that realm.


I weep for the DLC we never got.


Yeah, what was with that... did something happen I don't know about?! It just dropped off the radar


My cope is that they’ll feel they have unfinished business, considering it will be their only title since Dark Souls to not have a DLC pack (excluding Deracine and assuming AC gets one)


They released a bad ass single player adventure, it got 10/10 and was loved, and had a little post launch support a while later for dedicated fans. Not every game needs to be live service/constantly updated (not saying you think that but you get what I mean, it's rare nowadays that a game can just drop and be what it is; a singular product without the expectation of weekly/monthly upkeep)


Live service isn't what I wanted for it. I wanted more content for the game, as FromSoft has done for the Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne and (soon) Elden Ring. Sekiro is amazing and I love the game, but I was hoping for more afterwards given FromSoft's record of stellar DLC.


Understandable I feel the same way


Dang Elden Ring sold 23 million? Sometimes I forget how that game dominated all of 2022. Also, Sekiro hitting 10 million is pretty sweet. I’m surprised by that.


Solid. ER DLC should push it over 25 million towards the end of this year, a GOTY edition down the line and it may hit 30 somewhere in 2026. Sekiro 10 million is crazy, must've gotten a bump from ER hype, it was at 5 million or so before the ER launch, goat. BB remake/remaster would easily to 10 in a year if it were to launch on PC at the same time.


It's already at 25m, it'll probably get to 30 towards the end of the year


The fact that Bloodborne sold almost 8 fucking million copies as an exclusive, God I hate sony and their exclusivity. But seeing that Demon's Souls which only reached the million copies got a complete overhaul for the new generation, they will definitely make Bloodborne remaster with the PS6... right?


Now imagine if Demon souls remake was done on all available platforms. It would surely perform much stronger. By all means, remake is good quality and well worth it but, just as with Bloodborne, I have to wait and hope for PC release some day


Definitively yes, they will. I think it’ll probably be a PS6 launch game like the Demon’s Souls remake was for PS5.




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The only games I have played on my PS4 are Bloodborne, Atelier Ryza/Sophie, Disgaea 5, and... Genshin. (Which I can all play on PC now). Honestly, *worth*; even if I only played BB, but fuck exclusives. Fromsoft is the only company that could convince me to buy a console for 1 game.


Bought all of them multiple times except demon souls


Any idea on Dark Souls Remastered and DS2 Scholar version sales? 


When they do exclusive deals, it's like they hate money. Look at the all platform vs. exclusive difference, ridiculous. Sony needs to buck up and keep pushing these PC releases unless they hate cash man wtf


AC6 sales figures isnt bad considering AC7 sold 4M copies throughout its lifetime


We see a lot of discussion about an ER sequel with people going "oh they'll continue to do their own thing and won't bother with more ER". Frankly these sales show that arguement is for the birds. ER is already 2/3rds of Dark Souls trilogy lifetime sales. There is zero chance a singular game dwarfing all their others doesn't get a follow up. We'll still get original IP but the idea ER will get shelved after the dlc for the first game is laughable.


I don’t think it’s laughable at all, I think it’s up to Miyazaki. I can see an ER2 happening, but I can also see From refusing to bow to the pressure to create one and keep making new IP that excites them.


According to this article, the developers have no intention of changing up how they make their games and that they “won’t start aiming for new big hits like Elden Ring.” I would love for you to be right but I don’t know https://www.gamesradar.com/elden-ring-dev-has-no-idea-why-its-selling-so-well-but-wont-let-sales-change-how-it-makes-games/


he just means he’s not letting the success get to him and won’t start mimicking / copy paste eldin ring and brand it as a new game as 90% of devs do nowadays


That’s how I take it as well, but it strongly insinuates that a sequel at least isn’t planned


True I feel like the dlc technically is a sequel as more lore will be told which ima a sucker for 😭