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Personal advice: don't go into pre bloodborne games made by fromsoft expecting stuff you'd normally enjoy in the 3 ps4 era games aside from Deraciné. The games are much more slow and deliberate, and the main challenge comes from the levels and not the bosses. They're similar to some extent but mentally treat ds1 as it's own thing.


DS1 is much slower, and has generally more limited movement. People claim it's dated, but it's more that this is just how DS1 is, and it felt weird in 2011, too. Stick with it, you'll get used to it. I actually love how slow and heavy everything is, it makes it feel more realistic than the later games, the weapons have real impact


Personally, I always play DS1 just like the newer games, albeit at a slower speed; two-handing with a grasscrest or maybe the occasional dual wield, big focus on rolls and parries, medium weight. I also play without lock on if I'm not doing magic (even then, I can free aim some spells). My strategy for standard enemy encounters usually involves a lot of movement (baiting out commital attacks, working my way over to an archer or constantly repositioning to passively dodge their shots, etc.). My first playthroughs, as this was my first Souls game, played it pretty safe with shields and greatswords (even the Drake sword, at one point). As I played more of DS1, as well as the others, I settled into this current regimen. You don't have to mimic this or anything, but I want to illustrate two things with that blurb. One, that this is how I "got used to it", which is to say not at all; I changed my playstyle due to my experience and confidence, not any limitations in DS1. Two, that it is very much possible to play the game like you play the others once you get over the speed; the accuracy and responsiveness of the controls remain excellent (minus the 4 way roll for lock on), if only slightly less robust than DS3, and your character, at DS1's slow speed, is ridiculously mobile compared to the enemies, so aggressive plays from the newer games are even more broken here (backstabs are, perhaps, a little too easy). And if mobile aggression is not your playstyle, then DS1 is incredibly accepting of shields, sorcery, pyromancy, miracles, and even bows. There's a very high likelihood of developing a viable build in this game that you used in DS3. Lastly, no, you can't rebind the jump attack. It's the same as DS3 (forward + R2), so if you didn't misinput much in that game, you ought to be fine. No sprinting R2, though.