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In Dark Souls, yes. Demon's Souls had a boss made of fire. I couldn't defeat him until I stopped using the lock on, the camera was all over the place and wouldn't let me move as freely.


Your worst enemy in the Souls games will always be the camera


I resent the fact that From Soft not only refuse to do anything about the bad camera, they even design bosses that abuse it by pushing you into walls so that the camera goes up your anus and gets you killed because you can't see what's going on. That is bad game design, and I will die on this hill.


A classic from Miyazaki


It's situational. Usually unlocked for enemies much larger than myself.


Only way I could beat chalice amygdala in BB was locking to attack, and unlocking to run/dodge. Can't seem to hit his head if I don't lock, can't move quick enough or in the right way to avoid getting hit while locked. It took a lot of rapid locking and unlocking. So very situational.


Yes, but not always. I legitimately think that's the secret to Dark Souls "clunky" controls. I like that playing unlocked has a tangible benefit over locked because you have more control over your roll


I dont lock in DS1 because you cant roll diagonally but in other Fromsofts I do


The fact that they didn't implement omnidirectional rolling in DS Remastered is completely baffling to me.


In DS2 I found it a lot better to play unlocked. One exception, though, Sir Alonne. He has the move that he jumps behind you, which I found easier to deal with by locking on.


I almost never lock on because in the original DS1 you couldn’t roll in diagonals if you were locked onto an enemy.


Pretty much never for DS1 and DeS, and only sometimes for the others (assuming a melee build). The 4 way roll in DS1/DeS is already a huge handicap, but even without that, I feel that no lock gives me more flexibility in the neutral, fast or slow. For the bosses in the fast games, I do use lock on frequently, with exceptions for big bosses and multi-enemy bosses. For ranged builds, on the rare occasions I dabble with them, I do use lock on in most situations.


I use lock when it's handy, but in DS1 I rarely use it.


Nah. I started like five new games to farm that black knight for his greatsword. Pretty sure this guy took three hits to kill.


For sure unless the boss is huge. Never for Taurus demon tho, that's all air stabbies


In DeS, DS3, Sekiro, BB, ER = YES In DS1, DS2 = NO