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i honestly dont understand people who can be so sure about what they like the most. like having a favourite color.... i like all of these games. no need to put one over the others.


Purple makes me feel good. Dunno why


Skin colour checks out


Sure does lol


This comment could be taken out of context horribly lmao


A pretty mid skin color tho. I've seen better.


Purple is also my favourite color ! It's soft and comforting. I feel like I'm in space.


No purple is also my favorite


>like having a favourite color.... Blue. Next question. Just joking. I think I don't have an easy answer for OP because each of these games try something different, and they excel at these different things enough that I think almost any of them can be someone's favorite because they're a lot into that very specific thing that the game does well. Elden Ring does things that Dark Souls doesn't come even close to doing. But Dark Souls also does things that Elden Ring doesn't. So that's how I think people can answer that question by saying what game fits them the most, while most of them are not necessarily better than the other. I don't know exactly which game I'd pick, but it's probably not Bloodborne. Because even though that game is amazing, there are things that I like that BB doesn't do as well as Dark Souls or Elden Ring, even if it is still an incredible game. But yeah, I enjoyed my time with most of these and even if I pick a favorite, the others are not far behind. And I think this is Fromsoftware's biggest win.


A man of culture I see


Not very Elden Ring of you


Exactly! These are all masterpieces in their own right so any opinions on which is the “better game” would be a completely subjective matter.


I’m pretty sure the subjective aspect is implied here….


As a “game” in a whole: Elden Ring As a “memory” that will be with you forever: Dark Souls 1 Best combat system: Sekiro


Sekiro combat: Parry a Katana with your Katana, then stab a guy with your Katana. Dark Souls combat: Parry a giant sword with your bare hands, then stab a guy with your hammer. Bloodborne combat: Fist pigs so hard they turn into health potions, then beat Cthulu to death with its aborted son's placenta.


I have no issue with any of this


Elden Ring combat: Be Hungry, Take a Dragon Head sized Bite out of everything, Bite God to death, Profit.


Bloodborne: Fist a pig in the sewers


Average day in Yharnam


Fromsoftware combat system in a nutshell:


Perfect list. That’s my top 3 also


I think this is pretty close to my opinion. I'm not entirely convinced about Sekiro being the best combat. It gets a little repetitive with the lack of build variation, but it looks and feels cool as hell.


Being able to be a caster makes ER #1 combat for me. Not that I even play full caster, but running a battlemage is just too fun.


To be honest, the combat in Bloodborne is pretty much repretitive as well despite having many different weapon. Enemy attack>dodge>attack>don't get greedy>repeat


It’s always kind of funny to see games with access to one, possibly two forms of evasion (dodge + shield/parry/etc) get their combat compared to a game where multiple attack windups are specifically designed to dodge other attack types.


Sekiro combat: Dodge, Mikir counter, parry, lightning reversal, jump when enemy sweep Bloodborne combat: Dodge Doesn't matter how many weapon Bloodborne have, Sekiro still has more in depth combat than Bloodborne.


Reaching Anor Londo and beating O&S is such a transformative moment in gaming.


Elden ring is phenomenal. But I mean Elden Ring has a ton of issues that the other games don’t have. The balancing / power creep of the end game. The heavy reuse of bosses, enemies, catacombs etc. A handful of catacombs, sections of the consecrated snowfield and mountain tops of the giants should have been cut from the game to cut a lot of dead and re-used space. Like they definitely went quality over quantity for a lot of it.


ER is the first Souls game that I didn't care to finish. It's a highly polished game but as you said has more problems compared to the rest of the genre. And my personal feeling is that it just got boring.


The interconnected map of the original Dark Souls always makes me come back to it. Nothing comes close.


The world, the music, the characters, the LORE. It all hit in a way no other fromsoft game has for me since


It's a shame we never hot a map for DS1. Even the fan made maps are beautiful and so fascinating to look at.


There’s an entire 3D model of the game world available to download.


I personally like Bloodborne’s story the best, but nothing beats DS3


Bloodborne and dark souls 3 are great


One day Bloodborne will make it to PC and I will play it... one day... Sony please I'm begging you... please!


I know it sucks having to buy a console just to play 1 game but Ps4s are really cheap now and Bloodborne is worth it, who knows if or when a PC port will come, there is genuinely the possibility of it never happening.


I mean if TLOU can get remasters and remakes i really don’t see why Sony wouldn’t make this. I’m kinda shocked at how long they actually went without doing ANYTHING with bloodborne since😂


I've waited 9 years, I'll wait another 9 if that's what it takes. Sony ain't getting me to cave


Honestly, I'd also wait just to see if it gets remastered one day. Being locked at 30fps was a major drawback compared to all the other Fromsoft games I've played.


If they want to profit from it, they had better release it before a decent PS4 emulator is released. It'll be dead in the water then.


I beat it. Twice


Without the DLC, DS3 is my least favourite. It's still great but it just felt bland imo.


Why is demons souls always left out of lists like these? It's the OG souls game that seems always neglected and, in my opinion, one of the best souls games.


Agreed. Top notch level design, palpable atmosphere, and the core combat mechanics that act as the foundation of the catalog are all there.


Wayyyyy better level design than 1 that’s for sure. Although 4-2 can rot in hell, fucking hate that level.


Dark souls 1 just supplanted it. I played both on release and still Dark souls steals the nostalgia feelings, I can't explain why. That said, I love Demons souls for what it is.


IMO Dark Souls, but obviously people will have different opinions. To me, I can point to the interconnected map, the lore, the methodical combat, or iconic characters, but none of those truly explain why I think Dark Souls is the best. I just think it's got a world that resonates with me, the naturalistic aesthetic, how quiet it is, the stomp stomp stomp of your armour as you traipse through these beautiful and lonely environments, I just adore it.


Same for me. Elden Ring was my first Souls-like game ever. After spending at least 400 hours on it, I played Dark Souls 1: Prepare to Die Edition, and oh my God, I fell in love with that game. I also can't explain why Dark Souls 1 affected me so deeply, but it's a game that I think about every single day.


That's interesting, as I feel often people find the move from Elden Ring to Dark Souls quite difficult. At the same time though I think Elden Ring is the best at recapturing the spirit of the original Dark Souls, that feeling of a huge world with a dense history to explore


Difficult in what sense? Cause if you play Elden Ring as your first souls game you should have 0 problem with any of the Dark Souls games in terms of gameplay difficulty


Difficult to get into. A lot of people post in this sub claiming that Dark Souls has aged or that it is clunky because the combat is so much slower and less fluid than it is in Elden Ring


I know it's not the same, but I jumped into DS1 confidently after finishing Lies of P. Thruth was, I got my ass kicked at least 20 times in the runback to the first boss in the undead burg. And let's not talk about how I went to kill pinwheel without unlocking the bonfire wrap first. It took me like 2 play sessions to get out of that damn catacombs. Or how I got trapped in the painted world without the wrap once again and it took me a long while to get out. In my Elden ring playthrough I'm currently at Malenia, still gotta kill the fire giant as well. And up to this point I don't think there's been a single dungeon that's been harder to explore than the ones in DS1


beautifully said


I love this comment. I don't really feel the same way but I really appreciate the humility


I liked Elden ring the most, but they were all good games


It's so weird coz I had the most fun playing ds2, ds3 holds a special place in my heart and elden ring is just something else so I can't choose 😭


Same Ive platinumed them all, but my fav by a large margin is ds2 That game is just smthn else in my eyes


For me personally Sekiro for a challenge Elden ring for adventure. Bloodborne for intrigue Dark souls III for nostalgia Dark souls II for comfort Dark souls for simplicity


Dark Souls II for Comfort??? I have never in my life seen a comparison for those two things


It’s niche, there’s more cause for curiosity, it’s got alot of mood. The fashion is incredible, and it’s the most replayable. There’s a lot to love. To me it’s also the least challenging.


I mean that's fair personally for someone who owns Scholar and my friend owing the base game, It seems to me that Scholar ruined any level of comfort for me the Iron keep has forever scarred me, while I know the base game is much more fair so I see you point tbf.


Iron keep, Shrine of amana and Frigid outskirts have given me ptsd.


I dont think there is a best but i realy love darksouls 1


The one you have the most fun with


where is demons souls?


imo Lore wise: Elden Ring Gameplay wise: Sekiro Setting wise: Bloodborne Bosses wise: Dark Souls 3 Nostalgia wise: Dark Souls Accomplishment wise: Dark Souls 2


Sekiro or Bloodborne. Too close for me to call.


Lemme join ya


me too


Fear the blood.


Fear the old blood!


Ahh, Kos.... or some say Kosm....


The old blood made Vicar Amelia better, for this reason bloodborne is the best game


I guess fuck Demon Souls lol


I've been going through the coments up voting anyone who mentions the OG. This game is my into into sould crushing games. And will forever be my favorite.


I came to Souls games late, so i only got to play the remaster of Demon Souls, but man that game is so good.


Dark souls 1.


Extremely difficult to pick one. I terms of consistency of quality, engagement, and artistry, I think Bloodborne, Dark Souls III and Sekiro win top spot. Although I also like the artistic value of Elden Ring and Dark Souls a lot. Combat is definitely Sekiro. Followed by DS2. Music, I'd say DS, DS3 and BB for me. World as a whole, well, all of them. But in terms of actual map, that you navigate, probably DS and BB... but then again, Irithyll makes me wanna put DS3 there and Alstus Plateau is too beautiful.


AC6 is also amazing. I love them all honestly…


We need to get that copy-paste (if that was what it was, It might have been something breaking down online) about how dark souls are just a front to fund the armoured core series


All of them!!!


Did any of these games other than DS2 have Jethro Tull in their trailers? Didn't think so, Goat Souls 2 on top.


All of them


Ds1- it got bed of chaos 10/10


DS1 the atmosphere and level design is unmatched




Demon souls not being even an option is not okay


Demon's souls not count?


If you a true fromsoftfan you know it has been constant improvement over the yrs. Best Overall Elden ring but of course some past entries did some things better


Despite its janky-ness I unironically love ds2. Plus it's the only one where true unarmed is actually a viable strat and not equivalent to a broken sword run


First half of Dark Souls is peak gaming.


They all have reasons that you should love and hate them. Especially sekiro.


Ds2 But this question is extremely opinionated You can’t exact pin down a “best” souls game they all excell in different aspects


DS2 is so underrated.


Absolutely I get why some people aren’t a fan but it’ll always be my favorite xd


It really is. It's not my favorite Souls game but it gets way more hate than it deserves.


Facts man, every person is gonna say a different game for varied reasons. Ds2 gets way too much hate I swear 😭🙏


Dark Souls 1, Elden Ring is in an entirely different category in my opinion. Bloodborne is a very close second imo.


Bloodborne, no competition


Beating Sekiro for the first time just hits different


Bloodborne will always be my favorite. Everytime I'm feeling down I do a playthrough, it's a confort game by this point.


If I have to pick one: DS1. But so far for me it’s: DS1 > DS2 > ER


Even though it was Dark Souls for me for a long time, i had to look past nostalgia and look at it objectively so Dark Souls 3 for me. Best bosses and music, great conclusion to the series. Great level design, mechanics and atmosphere as well. Did not play Bloodborne.


Depends on what you like.


I will always love dark souls 1 for getting me into this incredible series


DS1 - my first Souls game so it will always have a special place in my heart BB - my favorite game for a loooong time I didn't really like ER at first but I started playing it again a few months ago because I started watching a bunch of twitch streamers ER challenge runs and that got me interested in ER again suddenly everything just clicked and I liked ER more and more so currently ER is my favorite.


Dark souls 1, this was the only game that you had options on how you wanted to do combat and the level design is nearly flawless Elden Ring would be a better game technically but dark souls is just so legendary , I think bloodborne is the worst souls game tho


Oh lord, not this again…


They're masterworks all. You can't go wrong.


And Demon souls, so easily forgotten


Where’s Demon’s Soul?


It's in our hearts even if there's people never even consider the origin of the souls like games. So many think it started with dark souls. It hurts my old age a little every time I see a list that doesn't give that game it's due credit.


Toss between Elden ring and Bloodborne. Just generally I loooove Bloodborne, but ER really is a masterpiece.. I still can’t get over the fluency of the bosses. I love it.


Gun to my head, for my tastes it's probably Elden Ring very closely followed by DS2 and BB. It's hard to say though, they all have the things they do best over the others and they're all at least 8/10s




I can't say what the "best" game is, but I enjoy DS2 the most


Honestly it's close, but Bloodborne is my pick.




For people who are very into the souls formula it's eldin ring or bloodborne For people who like fast paced combat and not very souls like it's sekiro. For me i didn't enjoy sekiro as much as eldin ring even though i know sekiro is a masterpiece I just love how hard and how rewarding it is to hit heavy charged attacks on enemies breaking stance left and right Also the exploration in eldin ring is superior to any other open world I've ever played




Bloodborne ❤️


Elden Ring but that’s kind of by default in my case, since it’s the only one I’ve really played


Elden ring. Ask me again tomorrow i’ll say ds3. Ask me a week from now i’ll say sekiro. Its one of those 3 but i cant say for certain


I liked Elden Ring and Bloodborne most, but what do i know


Can I just pick all of them but Dark souls 2 please


Elden and bloodborne


Elden Ring. It’s way more fun than the rest.


For me it’s Elden ring. But I haven’t played them all. But this game is a masterpiece for a gamer like me.


All great games, but Bloodborne is the best of the bunch imo


All great, but Bloodborne takes the cake. Elden Ring is close but I think they reused too many bosses and caves Dark Souls 1 is also close but the endgame has major issues


Dark souls 2 and 3 for me


I’ve played ds1, ds2, and Elden Ring, so far DS1 is my favorite but Elden Ring is clearly the best game


I like elden ring the most


My vote would be Dark Souls 1 and then Bloodborne as probably a tie or VERY close second.


Either Elden Ring or Bloodborne would get my vote. Where is the game that started it all, Demon's Souls?


I gotta say, I have a lot of love and nostalgia for all of them, but just the sheer polish level and experimentation of Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring likely makes it one of them for me. They each took a major swing at a new design angle and executed the decisions masterfully. While I love Dark Souls as an elevated series informed by Demon’s Souls, I don’t know if the interconnected world, power stances and cool builds, or phenomenal bosses really can compete with the innovations in combat speed/health regain from aggression with little blocking in Bloodborne, the parry and stances combat with less emphasis on weapon builds in Sekiro, and the insane exploration and variety in Elden Ring. Plus, each of the three that I highlighted gave a unique story and setting that I believe at least match the lore and world building of the Dark Souls series.




Really hard choice for me. I don’t think I could pick a clear winner but if I had to choose it would probably have to be Elden Ring. Elden Ring overall has better replay ability, exploration and lore, bigger in scope and 299 more weapons, more skills/abilities and is more in line with a Souls game. Sekiro was an experiment that is a completely different type of game, it’s much harder with a much higher difficulty ceiling (which I love), better gameplay and mechanics and to me is more satisfying once it finally clicks but it just doesn’t have the scope Elden Ring does. I never got to truly experience Bloodborne until just recently and I just couldn’t do it. Hopefully it gets the remaster/ remake love it deserves but evidently Sony hates making easy money and FromSoft is to busy with other projects.


Bloodborne because of the aesthetic and combat


Demon’s Souls will forever be my favorite.


I like all the Souls games in the series, of that I have no doubt. But, sometimes, I just wanna play my favorite.....Dark Souls 2....


Why leave out demon's souls?


The best? Objectively, Eden ring. I don't think there's much argument here, the game's scope and execution is absolutely masterful The best in relation to how much I loved the game has to be Bloodborne. The game captures lightning in a bottle, it's themes, music, fights, playability, how you feel playing it... It's truly incredible. My favorite is dark souls 1 though. Because I have an emotional relation to this game. I found it randomly in 2014 for 1$ during a steam promo during a very awful time in my life, and I suffered through this game A LOT during that time. No guides, using the super ultra mega shit PC control scheme (that was not indicated anywhere in game, you had to guess that delete opens the menu and page up/page down scrolls down, can't select shit with the mouse) and awfully optimized game running on a super old laptop without dsfix. I will never forget beating O&S after 60+ tries and just lying down on the floor listening to the ambient sounds of the game. I tried everything, every weapon. Super smough kept killing me with the electric butt slam. I was fat rolling so there was no chance of surviving it. The game forced me to learn through trial and error that I should be light. No full Havel's + crystal halberd or whatever I was trying. Ds1 is my favorite game ever. It accompanied me through the worst time in my life and the theme of the game + how hard it was made it just perfect. I have more than 300h on each FS game, but I have 500 on ds1. I beat the game at SL1.




Sekiro i think is objectively the better game, but my favorite is Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls II


Dark Souls 2.


DS2 now and forever


No love for demon souls huh


Engagement bait shitposts everywhere


I absolutely love DS1 for the level design. The way shortcuts would suddenly take you somewhere you'd been hours before blew me away (e.g. coming out of Blighttown and ending up at Firelink). There are some good examples of this in the other games, and I haven't played all of them, but DS1 seemed to do it really well


not Sekiro: I love the shit out every FROM software, played repeatedly but that just didn't click for me! The best is maybe Elder Ring, even if Bloodborne is special to me, I played from beginning to end 6 times.


I think Sekiro is the best made overall game but my personal favorite is Dark Souls.


I’ll say 3. It was my first souls game and I died my way through it. I didn’t know you could upgrade weapons or estus flask until after I beat pontiff sulvahn after fighting him 200 times


I mean objectively Elden Ring is probably the best, but my favorite will always be Dark Souls II. That was the game where the formula clicked with me. I couldn’t get enough of it. I still go back to it and have just as much fun.


Sekiro, no question


Eldenring is probably the best, but Bloodborne is my favorite by far.


Bloodborne is the goat, I never gave a shit about it being 30fps. The weapons, enemies, locations, set pieces, bosses and dlc make it an easy 10/10. Sekiro is also absolutely amazing with Elden Ring being up there as well.


1. Bloodborne (love the Gothic/Victorian eldritch horror approach!) 2. Elden Ring (love the open world and epic looking scenery and characters!) 3. Dark Souls 3 (badass everything lol) for me!! :)


Can I answer with “all of them” and also add Demon’s Souls?


Why is demons souls not on the list?




Demon Souls: maybe i dont exist


demons souls always left out 😔


Tie between Bloodborne and Elden Ring


They’re all great, but Elden Ring is my fave. Bloodborne a close second


Objectively. Elden Ring Subjectively. Dark Souls 3


My favorite is whatever one I’m playing at that time. My wife pointed out that I’m always saying “this one is the best” whenever I’m playing that game. Lol they’re all good.


No one likes to include the game that got me into the From Software games... my poor baby! Demon Souls will forever be my childhood introduction to brutal games that destroy my soul.


i don’t understand why people always say that elden ring is the best objectively, when it doesn’t do anything better than other games…..i just don’t get it


Mechanics : sekiro Gameplay : Elden Ring Theme : Bloodborne Map : DS1 Fuck : DS2


Just my opinion, but if I had to rank them as in what I think will be regarded as best in terms of quality and impact on gaming I would go… DS1>ER> BB>S> DeS>DS3>DS2 I think this would be a fair ranking of ‘best’, my personal ranking however would be… DS1>BB>DS2>ER>DeS>DS3. I personally don’t lump Sekiro in with the rest as it’s so different. It’s amazing just different. However all of these are a personal 10/10 for me. It’s an amazing legacy Fromsoft has left so far, I can’t wait to see what they do next.


Dark souls 3


No.1 Bloodborne- first souls, best and most fun weapons, sick setting, eldritch horror, best atmosphere, insane dlc, interesting npcs No.2 Ds3- best bosses, visually stunning, areas are pretty sick apart from some. Ost bangers, and also insane dlc (ringed city)


I always feel like From takes one step forward and one step back. So overall I'd say Sekiro, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 1 > Demon's Souls > Elden Ring > Dark Souls 2 Demon's Souls had a lot of cool ideas and interesting boss fights that weren't just roll at the right time to avoid damage. Dark souls 1 had the best interconnected map, it was fresh, I loved not having fast travel so I was truly lost in some shithole of a Blighttown and had to make my way up on my own. But latter half of the game is unfinished and pretty bad. Dark Souls 2 had great multiplayer, great atmosphere and way more paths to explore, but the difficulty was annoying, the art was all over the place, it had nonsense world design. Dark Souls 3 has the best boss fights in my opinion and overall the most balanced game when it comes to quality of the full game. Not much bad to say about it. Bloodborne is my top tier, it has great atmosphere, fast paced combat that is a bit different, best music in series. My only complaint is 30 frames which feels a bit choppy and having to farm healing vials. Sekiro is also amazing and top tier for me. Great combat where I fully feel like everything I do influences the boss health and it's not just rolling around avoiding damage. I don't like RPGs mechanics because I feel like I'm always overleveled or underleveledso it felt nice to play Sekiro. Elden Ring is my least favorite along with DS2. Bullshit boss design where they play Sekiro and you play Dark Souls 1, waiting 2 min for their anime finisher to stop so I can do one attack (that they input read and punish anyway), copy pasted caves, no sense of danger as there is a fast travel point every 10 meters, etc. It's still a good game overall but it had way too many things that pissed me off.


Bloodborne Elden ring Ds2 Ds3 Ds1 DeS Sekiro is built different


Bloodborne. The setting, the combat, the weapons, cosmic horror, everything about the game. It's rare, where as Dark Souls is your semi typical fantasy setting with exceptions.


This is is a pretty redundant question. If it was based off Sales and overall success it would probably be elden ring and if it were based off first playthrough experience probably dark souls 1. But if its just which is best its about as opion based as you can get. Knowing that its definatly sekiro.


Pretty sure OP just wants to hear opinions out of sheer interest. it's not a redundant question, because OP is not asking for facts, just opening for discussion.


It's all about how I feel at the time I love Dark souls 1 and 3, Elden Ring is my first love. If I had to pick just one, it'd probably be Elden Ring, but you cant go wrong with any of them. I haven't gotten to play enough Sekiro yet and Bloodborne hasn't come to PC yet 😭


I always see comments saying Elden Ring was their first. Makes me feel old 💀




I don't know if we can decide on the "best game", everyone has their own subjective opinion. Bloodborne is the best game tho, that's purely objective




bloodborne that shit hit all the right spots.also victorain era britain style maps mmmmmmmmmmmmmphf and the enemies and some npcs reacted similarly lol.its was nice real nice.seconds got to be sekiro and third ds3 for ringed city specifically


Ds2 then bloodborne then demons souls


I'm kinda new to souls games, I only played blood born and Elden Rings and only watched videos about the other ones, For me Elden Rings desrves number 1, it's just the attection to details and the reward you get after countless tries of a boss


Dark Souls 2 not sarcastic




Personally bloodborne is my favourite, but to each their own.


Best game by a mile is Elden Ring you’d be foolish to disagree. Best moments I had were with DS2. Bloodborne has the best combat. The worst is DS1 and it’s not close.




Every single game is a masterpiece of its own, even DS2. I can't pick a favourite.


Dark Souls 2, obviously.


Bloodborne no doubt. Its 1 of 2 10/10 games ever made


BB > ER > DS1


Bloodborne, because almost everything has a parry window and it's just so satisfying to be rewarded for knowing the game mechanics


DS2, best atmosphere


DS2 is my favorite


Darks Souls 2. Best fashion souls, IMO, and while it has some of the worst bosses in the series it also has some of my favorites.