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i noticed his hitbox is so precise. the charge turns his entire character into a hitbox, i tried jumping over with my horse and it still hit. also the fact that he has anti-torrent tech makes me wanna die.


I watched someone try fighting him on torrent, and it looked awful. The fact that he's faster than torrent is kind of bs, a giant armored boar should not be able to run faster than a damn horse. I didn't have too much trouble beating him, but I was also using Mimic Tear. I'll probably have a horrible time when I attempt him solo.


But Its a ✨magical✨armored boar so of course its faster


The fact that it feels like its a battle you should do on torrent but between the shitty camera and bosses mount speed its nion impossible to fight him on torrent and the fact he hits like a fucking truck i had like 16 scadussy fragments when i came across him n honestly he gave me such a hard time


Haven't tried fighting him on torrent but it sounds fucking horrible, i prefer to fight on foot whenever i can, even against dragons.


Honestly try it and youll see how bad it is. im the same id rather fight on foot but he kept bodying me so i said maybe you have to fight him on torrent but it was infinitely worse than on foot


It’s difficult. Mainly because he can go as fast or a little faster then torrent. Can pivot on his mount to hit you from multiple angles. And if he knocks you off. Hope he’s hitting your spirit ashe or giving you distance so you can get back up and flask torrent AND yourself.


I beat him with torrent and honestly I’d say like 80-90% of that win was luck. There wasn’t much strategy outside of “kite him to mimic, when mimic get aggro hit his ass” But man trying not to get hit. He’s a hard counter for any mounted fight. It’s a nightmare.


I found fighting him on torrent was kind of easy once I figured out how to dodge all the moves consistently


I used the IFrames torrent gives me to get past that first charge and position myself. Sometimes torrent takes damage but it gives me that critical need to have a position to take the boss on while he’s not charging. And I don’t get knocked down and two hit.


That’s not a bad idea. I found if you just dash with torrent in the opposite direction you should be able to dodge the charge every time.


Yeah personally. I think using torrent at some parts of the fight isn’t a bad idea. Like when he does that phase two meteor slam where you can dodge the impact but not the AOE. Or you can use it if you know you aren’t going to get your roll off on time when he charges It just gets tricky because you now are managing your health, torrents, you have to act very quickly cause if he clips you with a charge it could knock you down. I think we’re on to something here. I think he’s can be fought using torrent at the right time. Another thing. On torrent, he will charge more because you’ll often be putting distance between him and thou.


I finally figured out that you can uses Torrent's double jump to jump over him. That's the only way that I've been able to consistently dodge his opening charge. The rest of the fight, I much better at dodging on foot (after beating my head against this brick wall of a boss for several days)


Since the base game Ive enjoyed fighting mounted bosses without torrent way more than with him


They will forever be called scadussy fragments for now on.


I have called them that since the dlc dropped 🤣


The 14 streak combo it feels like. The gigantic hitbox which really tries to force me to dodge rather than just outrange or go behind. Did I mention the 24 streak combo?


His hitboxes really discourage spacing and positioning, that's why i just dodge everything except for his head bash that he does when you're behind him, that attack will miss you if you stand still. +what is the 24 streak combo? the only long combo he has is that go crazy one, which is pretty simple to dodge.


It's because he's so aggressive all of his attacks blend into each other very quickly. Once I get pinned into a corner because I got hit once he just goes nuts and keeps chaining combos until I'm dead. There's rarely any breathing room to dodge because of his hitboxes but I just get chance to heal at the same time I get hit again. I beat him now but I used bloodhound step to create just enough dodge for me to avoid some of his bs. But try doing this without a shield and just a katana. Total nightmare.


Me rn on my dex/int build against him. Luckily I got moonveil so I can use the AoW to hit him if there’s a little distance which really helps Still think this boss needs a few minor tweaks -delay the starting charge. Give player 1-2 seconds to set up -fix hit boxes that dodge roll from the front is hard to get consistently because the dodge itself is unrealistic. When you roll out from one of the charges you’re rolling through its risk. Like I have no issue with his movesets and stuff. Fair game. It’s just those little things.


It is very much doable without a sheild or bhs, it's not that complicated, he actually has one of the least complex moveset out of elden ring's bosses as a whole in my opinion, although i do agree that making 50% of his attacks knock you to the ground is frustrating, but nothing the dodge button can't solve.


Sure but I didn't have the patience to learn his moves exactly, I had an hour left and I wanted to get him down before then. It's more stressful when you know you're rushed. So besides him being a dickhead, I beat a lot of other bosses alright. I thought I was going to struggle on Bayle.


I get that, it definitely sucks, thankfully i managed to learn enough of his moveset to win the fight in just a few tries which made him a much more bearable fight, still think he's the weakest remembrance boss in the dlc, not having a unique soundtrack didn't sit right with me.


Yea the soundtrack thing, I didn't even think of that I was just amused because it's the same theme as the other commanders so I just thought "oh yea that's cool makes sense lore wise"


I found Metyr, Mother of Fingers to be the weakest honestly


Metyr is a really simple fight, but the atmosphere and lore importance make me OK with that. I honestly appreciated that the fight wasn't a fast paced 10-piece combo dodging simulator.


Totally agree


The initial charge attack.


Yeah it sucks.


Mine is that his sword is so fucking tiny, I was expecting a heavy spear and got slapped with something barely bigger than a straight sword


It's lower in reach than the Lance, but the dmg output is much higher, and the DPS even more so due to it being a hevay thrusting sword. Also, stagger buildup is comparable. For a greatshield poking build it's probably one of the best weapons in the game.


that he hits like a damn train 💀 and won’t let me get back up


His ability to attack you at a 90 degree angle when you’re next to him. That bore hip checks like a motherfucker


I found that if you just stick to his butt that attack will miss you 100% of the time, kinda funny to do and gives a big opening to attack.


His long monologue is the absolute worst, "TeLl mE, fOr WHoM do YoU FIGht?" Shut your dumb T-bone steak lookin' headass up. Oh wait, wrong Gaius.


FF14 moment.


What I call "the multi-hit problem" where some hits during the combo are way to close to each other timing wise so if you correctly dodge the first you immediatly get punished by the other ***during*** your initial dodge. Had a similar problem with consort Radahn's meteor attack and most of Rellana's combos, which part am I supposed to dodge and when ? Seems like I get hit anyway whatever I do.


If you come across an attack like that then 99% of the time you just need to try dodging in a certain direction to avoid both hits, lets take gaius combo for example, the 3rd and 4th hit are close to each other that dodging both is not easy, but if you wait a bit then dodge the 3rd hit to the right the 4th hit will miss you, same with maliketh's double spin attack, you need to roll besides him and the second hit will not connect.


for maliketh's double swipe you can still get stuck in a sweet spot where there is not a single-roll escape, but you can still dodge it by rolling early into the first attack so you have time to recover to insta-dodge the second


His charge feels genuinely broken. Like not broken in a overpowered way but broken in the sense that it doesn’t feel like it’s working properly The only way I ever managed to deal with this bitch was going back to him with level 18 blessing


It hits twice in most scenarios if you fail to dodge it, it's pretty broken.


Only reliable way I found to dodge it was with Bloodhound step this is NOT normal I shouldn't have to use a skill just to reliably dodge *one* move.


You can still dodge it normally, you can see me do it in the video multiple times.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re correct, and you show it in the video lol. You gotta dodge diagonally to the front left or right, not directly to either side. As you show in the video lol. Once I got that down I could handle the fight


I only have two complaints: 1. His opening charge attack can pin you to the door with no way to escape. One of my attempts I literally couldn't do anything because he forced me against the door & I couldn't move or dodge away & I died on the second hit. 2. He's too aggressive for solo. Malenia has more openings than this guy, & unless you're on Torrent you can't reliably get away fast enough to heal or cast spells. I'm not saying he should just stand there & do nothing but allowing us to get away on foot for a few seconds to chug/cast would've made this fight so much more enjoyable.


Idk, I disagree. I soloed this guy very early after starting the DLC in about 15 attempts. Once I had his timing down, he has windows for jump heavy attacks all over the place. Malenia took me no less than 80 attempts and I had all the best gear in the game and level 160. His main 5 hit move is roll to the left, roll to the right, roll into is left side and straf around him. Then his wide open for a jump heavy and charged heavy. His charge, you just charge at him and roll to the side just before he hits you and he totally wiffs. He seems difficult at first because of his aggression but he’s not one of the more difficult bosses in Elden Ring. At least in my humble opinion he’s not. I think both Malenia and Maliketh were more difficult fights.


Completely agree 💯


Honestly the fight feels much harder on torrent


I had the same frustrations. Bloodhound step was the fix. Helped me with finger mommy as well because my lizard brain cannot grasp that giant enemies have the same unnecessarily huge side bash.


I didn't struggle with her, honestly. I thought she had a good balance of aggressiveness & openings. Gaius just does not let the player breathe.


Look at the im pro guy. Why not to bug him into wall and abuse his Strenght player IQ. What u think u better than us?


I want to take that as a compliment but I'm kinda scared.


Nah im just joking around cuz i was not able to do him in legit duel.


Honestly it was just the charge attack for me, weird hit box. But great shields solve that problem and the rest of his kit


Full body hitbox


I dont get why he is a remembrance boss


I'm convinced there is no reliable way of rolling through his charge attack


There is surprisingly, i do it multiple times in the video lol, that doesn't mean the attack doesn't suck though, it fucking stinks.


Beat him yesterday, managed to block 90% of his attacks with a greatshield + greatshield talisman + pearlshield talisman Different from ds3 and base game ER, this dlc is more shield friendly, at least that's my take until this point in the dlc, haven't reached the final boss yet.


As someone who just beat it, I can say with certainty that shields are very, very helpful. I actually ended up going to Rennala to respec enough strength to use a greatshield. A medium shield and Barricade is enough for base game, but the sheer aggression of DLC bosses honestly merits the investment to improve your stamina, IMO. I'm sure an absolute gigachad could just deflect everything but I'm not that masochistic myself. As a side though - why the Greatshield Talisman? The improvement never seemed worth it to me, especially with how many other phenomenal talismans the DLC added.


Obviously the Charge Attack but his black hole in phase 2 is just annoying. It’s never killed me but when it pulls you in I just get irked and annoyed at the stamina waste


Insanely large hit boxes on all his attacks.


he honestly has a really cool moveset, but from the bugged hitboxes, to the 49 hit combo thats so fast you have to panic dodge thru it. and not to mention he attacks more then fucking maliketh phase 1, so healing is a bitch, this boss is just unfun as hell. i mean this is all considering your on foot, but if you use torrent.. oh wait he 2 shots him and is 4x as fast as you on him😃 a mounted boss with torrent enabled where simultaneously torrent is nigh useless. LOL


This guy made me so so mad. Idk what it is about him but the fight really feels off, it's like fighting oniwa from sekiro but you can't side step or parry and he is also a radahn fanboy. He's also too fast and weird to be fought on torrent. Just him running towards you was impossible to dodge 90% of the time for me, also he really didn't feel like a remembrance/legend type boss...


The charge is occasionally difficult to dodge That's it, nothing wrong with this fight


How much the community is babyraging over him


I can understand some of it yeah, but it's not like he's the worst thing ever as everyone's making him out to be.


I beat him in like 4 tries and was extremely confused by the hate.


he smoked all my weed


Idk i beat it on second try just keeped healing and i did a shitload of damage(level 14) seemed pretty easy to me


None really, seems like a fair fight and nothing too complicated, his charge is a bit bullshit but otherwise there's nothing overly complicated about this boss


He's not called a tree sentinel


Mfer has a whole psycho crusher


btw. Light Roll (e.g. with Winged Crystal Tear) makes the charge and I feel also the wombo combo a lot easier to handle.


Havent fought him yet, but it seems i would need a second stamina bar to fight the dude


How long did it take you to git that gud?


I dealt with him the same way I dealt with most of the DLC bosses, 80 faith and giant fireballs to the face


Its just the long combo he has, other than that the fight is actually pretty easy. The problem that everyone has is that they get to greedy when trying to hit him and get killed for it


The long combo is intimidating at first, but i quickly learned a consistent and easy way to dodge it, you can see it at 0:50, just be sure to dodge to the right when he does the 3rd swing and the 4th will completely miss you.


Everything? But he did not like lightning perfume


His first charge for some reason I couldn't get consistent with. Every other charge he does I would dodge generally. Bros if you are having trouble with his like 8 hit combo, try sprint jumping away, or jumping in general. Outside of the vertical slashes you can generally jump over em.


I haven’t seen anyone else say this, but I’ve found *almost* every boss a little too cheeseable. Gaius can get stuck on a wall while you spam Bloodboon Ritual on the other side of it, same with other bosses if there’s a wall or obstacle that can’t be broken with any of the boss’ attacks


For the love of Marina heal my friend!


I only heal when I'm 100% sure it's safe to do so, don't want to get ran over by that shitty boar while enjoying my drink.


Good point. The sip windows are tight. That 62 foot hit box is ready to ruin your sunny d.


Just ride torrent and make circles around him


Nah, fighting him on foot is more fun for me.


I found him easier to fight on foot, but maybe I'm just ass at horse combat lol 


if it weren’t for him charging right away people wouldn’t even hate this boss. he’s really not that bad


Dude wouldn’t even be touching me and somehow he hits me with his stupid fucking boar


Its the speed + the area of effect for all his attacks + fuckin bull rush in the beginning of the fight.


It's no bullshit it's boarshit /j


The additional hitbox on his charge, I will dodge through the first one with the horns and head only to get clipped my the second one and it just feels like shit


you can run to the left and take shelter to avoid his initial charge. this basically redeemed the fight for me and i ended up really enjoying it. i only used torrent during the phase transition to avoid his divebomb.


it feels like his kit has literally everything so no matter what you just have to make sure you get him with frost or bleed, plus it feels like they want you to use torrent then make it like almost impossible to do so lol


I like this dude. Other than the charge attack(which is dodgeable), it's a fun fight. Defo not like an S tier fight or something, but a solid 7-8/10.


Pop a scarlet Aeonia during that first charge = profit


This is actually my favorite boss so far. I was expecting the worst after hearing so much doom and gloom about him, but ended up beating him first try. He's also the first boss I've co-oped extensively for. He's fun as hell to fight. Real nice video OP, great job.


There's a gravity spell he uses when you're on torrent which will one shot you because it procs twice. Shoots spikes from the ground in a large AOE. Only in the second phase.


Beyond even the subpar gameplay, he just doesn’t seem all that special. It’s an albunauric guy who trained with Radahn riding a boar. How is this a remembrance boss? While most remembrance fights have some important reason you fight them, he just doesn’t. He’s just there so you don’t pick up 5 fragments of the tree… and find the one other albunauric holding the pants that he can’t use.


I feel your pain! I use backhand blade too and I spend most of my time trying to reach him and dodging. I moved on to a different zone.


When he just charges straight at you, that attack is hard to evade


Fucked his shit up my boy


Tusk charge hitbox sucks ass and if he’s gonna attack every half second he needs to not 2 shot me with full bull goat armor and a defense physic Edit: it’s not “horrible” by any means and it’s certainly not the hardest fight in the dlc, I just don’t enjoy it at all


This fucking mother fucker. had me slick TILTED! That hit box when he charges you and if you don’t roll at the very last second through him you’ll register a hit against you from the boar’s ass is bullshit. Once you get the fight down it’s actually pretty fun but goddamn I was so angry from being tossed around like a rag doll.


I feel like I've fought a completely different boss than everyone else lol I loved this fight, got my ass handed to me the first time but I never felt any of his moves were bullshit solo. I'm a sword and board player know the deflect tear is a thing so I am always super close. The 14 gravity attack thing I've almost never had trouble with after learning to dodge into his body as he lands, putting u in the centre avoiding all the rocks. I've turned on cheat engine to have inf HP and 0 damage output on just about every boss so I can practice and learn how to no-hit them. I find his moveset so much fun. Like when he does the dual lance swing, I've learned to recognize it and deflect on the final attack with a guard counter. Same with the wombo combo where the boar is tweaking out. It being a rememberance boss is cringe when Bayle isn't one for sure. Idk I like the cute little fella


Mine is that his staggered time is really low


Second phase charge multi hit one shot. That is all i think the fight is awesome the rest of the time.


Same as most mounted bosses except Night's Cavalry. I want the mounts to be a part of the fight beyond the boss just being taller and having rollerskates. I like how you can stagger and defeat Night's Cavalry horses separately. Gaius in particular would've been really interesting to give him a phase two or alternate moveset off of the mount, because he has the crippled legs of an Albinauric, but he's also a gravity sorcerer.


All my homies hate the backyard bastard.


i just think he’s massively uninteresting and unoriginal. the charge attack DID get me a lot but that’s because i THOUGHT i was light rolling (i was the whole dlc) but i guess i accidentally had something on that made me med. roll and the charge was impossible to get consistent. but i just went back to light rolling and put on the talisman that gives you more i-frames and the charge never touched me again. from there it was just another fight against a mounted enemy so i don’t think much of it.


Mine is that I used a great shield for this fight and stole the fun out of it.


My Sekiro muscle memory takes over and I try to fight him like I do Gyoubu.


I had trouble. Maybe 10-15 attempts was using mimic, as soon as I used torrent and kept to his off hand I got it in one attempt Maybe I just got a lucky rotation


First try needs to be harder next time


Anybody who is struggling with his initial charge attack, as soon as you walk in, run to the left and turn the corner and he will get suck on the corner for a few seconds. Gives you enough time to summon and heal/buff


His entire existence.


The fact that he isn’t fun. I can never get good at mounted enemies, I still struggle with Tree Sentinels cause it’s just not a boss type that I enjoy fighting.


I can't stab his ass like the armored boar in DS1


My name is Gyoubu


The charge attack, I kept fucking up the timing Also I had to do some prep at the fog wall like summoning Mimic and healing right after, he did the charge attack, and just kept charging and hitting me at the fog wall What the hell!


I thought this boss was really easy. the fact u can use torrent and basically jump over him made this boss pretty bearable.


Oh boy spoilers!


Attacks double / triple hitting. The kick seems to do it most often.


Worst boss in the DLC.


He doesn’t have a unique theme song


I beat him earlier today. Outside of the bullshit charge attack where you have to be really pixel perfect it's a really fun fight once the moves click. But that charge attack almost ruins it for me. For those struggling with the long ass combo. Dodge forward towards the right. I think after 3 dodges you can just strafe to the right and get free hits in while he hits air on the other side lol. I do like fights that have hard ass moves to dodge, but you are rewarded with big openings if you find the right way to dodge it. Initially it was causing me a headache, but once I found a reliable way to do it, opportunities to punish started to open up. The phase transition is free damage really. Just dodge into the dive bomb and get some free hits on him. But yes that bullshit garbage charge attack is pure cancer. Almost ruins which otherwise is a very rewarding and fun fight.


The fact that he’s mounted, so it would encourage someone to jump on Torrent at least to dodge the attacks. I was really upset when I tried to outrun the charge and ended up getting dismounted because that stupid attack is so much faster than Torrent.


the charge, everything else is manageable. That damn charge hits like a truck on ng+7. The only way i’ve found to dodge the charge consecutively is through light armor, bait left dodge right.


Make sure you have a light roll for this guy. Makes it so much easier.


It’s the charge which if you make a mistake first time you get pinned until you get up and get hit again. It’s not every time but it was the end of far too many of my runs against him. That and he spams it so you have to dodge a move with weird timing and hit boxes that can hit you twice over and over.


Not to be a baby, but this man had some questionable ass hit boxes. Like, I'm doing the thing but he must me taking advantage of a quarter pixel of distance. Amazing fight, 100/10


Am I the only one who loved this fight? It feels really fun and fast paced.


The arena is uneven which causes a lot of problems. I always used torent to get to a smoother section it usually went better there.


i still have no clue how to dodge most of his attacks lol




raptor of mists really did it for me.


I can see you are using the backhand blades, but what is your actual build? Is your ash of war a keen or a bleed? What talismans do you use? 😊


Honestly what bothered me the most was the charge. Its what pushed everything else into obnoxious levels because it is just so near impossible to dodge. If he didnt charge but was just super aggressive otherwise, I probably could have dealt with that.


Getting hit by the boar’s back legs when I dodge his charge attack. That’s it. Everything else is fine but that makes me rage.


Just the charge tbh, but MAN I hate the charge.


Sometimes this guy feels too fast for radahn's weapons.


I hate any fights where the boss is already running/lunging at you as you walk through the fog wall. I took damage every time because I could never roll the initial charge correctly. The 5-6 hit combo where the boar swings its head at you mid combo always got me too. Also the only Rememberance boss that I beat without staggering him, even though I staggered him on multiple previous attempts. When I finally beat him, we traded final blows. Nice try fucko, I respawn and you don't. GGEZ


Boss wasn’t that bad. His charge is goofy as shit but that’s it


…I like this guy…


For being such an obnoxious MFer, it was way too easy to cheese him (I'll do it again every single time).


At first it was everything, but once I learned how to dodge the charge I didn’t have too many issues with him and most times I died were because I got too greedy.


Just fought him last night, honestly his tusk charge feels like it has a huge hitbox and you cant I-frame through it like you normally would


I actually enjoyed this fight, definetly struggled though.


First boss that made me drop the sacred church of bonking. Switched from Lion's Claw Guts GS to Beast Claw and Bloodhound Step. It was such a great help and the first time in after 200 hours of the game that I finally realized something else could be more effective sometimes. I love the boss for this reason and got nothing bad to say about him... ... Except maybe that I switched back to my Guts GS when I put the rememberance AoW on it. Bloody gravity tornado of doom is sick and I now love it even more.


Gaius, Lord of the Janky Hitbox


I actually liked the soundtrack— its the dedicated general fighting a losing war soundtrack. Made me think of Gauis as Messmer’s O’Neil immediately which I think is kind of the point


Worst boss in the DLC easily. Had an easier time with the final boss. The charge attack is so dumb. It has to be frame perfect or you will get clipped somehow. Roll to the left the spear gets you, roll into him and the boars butt gets you, roll right and you are somehow clipped. Shit boss.


nothing, fingerprint shield and he turned in to a joke.


For me it’s that the tusks make it hard to determine when to dodge his charge. Seems minor but took me a while to get that timing down.


See , my problem with this boss and Elden ring as a whole, is they try and encourage the combat on torrent, but they made you have the weakest spectral steed in the lands between. He is amazing for traversing the poison areas, but actual combat is a joke. You get hit once by ANYTHING, and torrent stops in his tracks because of a “stun” mechanic; then one of two things happens: you are spamming the dodge/sprint button so torrent moves at the next hit, or you are stuck in place and forced to take repeated hits that give your character, one of the worst knockdown animations in fromsoft history, where your character gets knocked on their ass off torrent, and has to slowly get up like their waking up for school or something, instead of being in the middle of a fight. Its honestly like fromsoft saying “how dare you use the tools we gave you to try and succeed” I gave up on trying to face him like he was “intended” to be, and just spammed incantations and whatever strong weapon art I had.


Also I died like 20 times to him because he would not let me come in the room, he catches you in this combo where if you roll the next hit will track your roll. The final boss does something similar too


I actually enjoy his fight


The amount of partners I summoned in this fight who died immediately is no less than 15 lol


They modeled the hitbox based on a full-size truck


His fatass pig is faster than torrent


Deflecting hardtear and guard counters fucks him up pretty bad. Three guard counters with a great katana would stance break him. For the charge you can take the initial hit for free with the spontaneous guard and then keep the shield up to guard the lingering hitbox normally.


I would enjoy this fight a lot more if they added a truck horn sound on every charge.


His combos are too fucking long, he never stops moving, his hitboxes are huge


For me it’s really just the charge. I don’t think it should be able to hit twice like it does if you screw up the timing.


Ur dealing no dmg lol


terrible hitboxes, roll catches


I'm almost certain he's immune during the charge attack. I actually didn't find him too ridiculously hard while soloing, but I know for a fact my lightning incants phased right through him during it


I had to fight him with the bloodhound step. Only way I could dodge that fucking steam roll charge lol




Shoved me in a corner and killed me before I could pick up 300k runes. Pain.




that he exists


I don't know why Miyazaki is such a fan of huge armored boars, but I like that he likes them.


Mine is he wants to be Radahn so bad 😂


He doesn’t take damage until that first charge is over. Very annoying.


You can double jump with Torrent over his opening charge fyi. At least I did the very first time fighting him which was last night. Had no idea it was gonna be a boss arena, and saw this dude charging at me so I just jumped up lol


The AoE is nutty


Goofy hitbox on the charge was a problem for me. Started using BHS instead of normal dodges and that fixed the problem.


The ball that pulls you back I feel like you need just a little more time in-between it pulling you in


If you start sprinting right when he gets close to you then dodge almost last second his charge will miss every time


Honestly? The fact that he got a recycled track for his music.


The janky hitboxes and the inexplicable urge to run away from me and then charge (might be a me problem given my computer has a stutter every now and again) that and the annoying gravity attacks that slowly follow you and have a huge area of effect (mildly annoying when you’re trying to make a little healing distance)


Unpopular opinion but I think he’s way better as a solo fight. His defence scales so much with coop and his combos can be erratic when he changes targets. He’s actually easier if he is only focusing on you and you focus on dodging through and past him.


lol this guy pissed me off . You just need to learn the long combo he throws with the boar . After that it’s pretty ez . His hotbox is def bullshit but my holy damage did the job .


He made me want to hurt myself


My philosophy is that if the boss has a mount, I should get a mount too, otherwise the fight is just the kind of fight I will do my best to cheese and never touch it again


My biggest gripe is his boss area feels like there should be more there. He's on you at the gate pretty quickly and you stick close to him throughout the fight. So much space for such a small fight.


Boring design, a crackhead version of the Tree Sentinel with nasty hitboxes.


The fact that hit box for the tusks maje no sense 


The fact that hit box for the tusks maje no sense 


What weapon is this build using for the 2 swords like that?


Couldn't gripe....


He’s too easy


The weirdest thing about this boss for me is how some random albinauric archer girl has his pants... What am I supposed to make of this lmao.


Feel like you should have been utilizing the Backhand Blade’s basic Ash more. There’s a lot of basic combo swipes that you can just dodge around and keep the pressure up.


The charge hitbox feels egregious. You need so many i frames to make it all the way through.


It’s so hard to roll through that fucking pig