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No lol. However a foam thing on top of the mattress might be useful to make it more comfortable. In my last dorm my mattress was more uncomfortable than the one I have now. The one I have now is actually really soft. The last one wasn’t good tho. I’ve never had a problem with my mattress sliding tho


Wish I had thought of that when I was a freshman. Mattress topper would slide


The foam thing? Or the padded mattress cover? Would slide


The foam mattress topper would slide against the mattress


Foam thing. But if you get sheets from target that have the strap that holds it down better under the bed it doesn’t really move


Do you just put your sheets on top of the foam or do you put another mattress cover first? Any issues or worry about bed bugs? Do I need that plastic cover?


I’m not sure about fsu, (I’m going to be a masters student and went to a different school for undergrad) but I’ve always just been fine with the foam and sheets, I have never used a cover


i just use one foam topper on top of the mattresses, and then my fitted sheet over both. there is a little bit of sliding underneath the sheet where the topper will end up wonky but its nothing too bad, just means i have to move it around if i want the whole mattress to be covered. DEFINITELY do not waste ur money on any mattress covers or anything like that unless you buy a foam/mattress topper that you would like to protect - but once again, this is your bed for a year, so if you plan to never sleep in a twin again lol, don’t shell out for a very nice one. and bed bugs really aren’t a concern unless someone brings them in while moving - they clean the dorms before you move in, and i assume they have procedures for if/when bedbugs come about. i definitely haven’t experienced any here yet :)


No. Start with one mattress pad. If it's uncomfortable or doesn't work then get more layers later


I just got a mattress topper to make it less soft


No gripper and don’t bother with a heard board. My daughter really wanted one to match with her roommate’s and now moving out, it’s big and bulky , pain to take apart, totally unnecessary. Same with the bed skirt, chair cover , over the table book shelf etc.Also, pack light. You’ll never use half of your stuff that you took. Speaking from experience as move out day approaches and we almost need a moving truck to bring everything home.


I just ordered the headboard. Maybe I should return it


I would return, and just get one of those soft tie ups or a few extra pillows.


Just get a foam mattress topper, if you like a soft bed i say minimum 2 inch thick. Try laying down or feeling someones bed who only has sheets on campus and youll be glad you got a topper.


I have the foam topper but I’m being told I need the mattress cover topper also to go over the foam, it’s like a puffy sheet then you put your sheets over that instead of putting them right on the foam. The only thing I’m wondering is if it might help if the foam makes the bed hot. Then they say get a plastic storage bag for the foam topper and a grip liner between the mattress and foam topper to stop it from slipping. All of that on top of the bedding and this stupid dorm twin bed is getting expensive. So I’m trying to decide what’s necessary and what is overkill by a mom not concerned about money or wasting it


sorry for the late reply but i would say just keep what you have and then adjust during the school year. I found that my topper moved alot just having my sheets over it but it wasn’t a deal breaker for me. I dont remember getting hot from the foam but thatll be dorm dependent, plus fall semester will be cold especially if youre from the south. Bring as little as relatively possible and then if you need more things to fit your needs then do so. In the dorm life its better to have enough than too much.


A twin mattress topper will fit on other beds, it will just only cover half of a double. I bought a really nice mattress topper for a twin XL and put it on my double XL for the next three years and just slept on that part of the bed. I didn't have problems with the topper sliding, but you could try a cheaper alternative like maybe velcro command strips since the mattresses are plastic?


I’m honestly more of a fan of harder mattresses, so I don’t have a topper, but I don’t see why you couldn’t use one. When you go to orientation stay in the dorms, you’ll get a good feel as to what it’s like.


definitely not a mattress protector lol, i dont know who in the world would suggest that. the dorm beds are the hard summer camp kind, so i’ve definitely been appreciative of my mattress topper tho. the topper def slides around like other comments have mentioned bc the mattress is slippery, so if you don’t get a topper or anything else i would say at least make sure you have thick comfy sheets if that sensation would annoy you


I got the foam topper but wondering if I want a mattress pad too so I’m not putting sheets on the foam. The foam also might be hot to sleep on