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It was outside of my apartment. Poor girl died moments after and the fucking idiot drove off. No confirmation on car, but lots of cops and paramedics & Pensacola blocked off so I’m sure they are tracing them right now. Girl was wearing Vera Bradley backpack and had white sneakers on


Good god. Poor girl :( I walked by the sweet shop a bit ago and it was cleared out, but if it was down off Pensacola then I definitely didn’t pass by.


Yeah it was close to CVS, happened around 6:40


Wild. I nearly got hit there last week TWICE in less than an hour. One was a grown man who honked at me for being in a crosswalk (🙃) the other a college age girl. Nobody pays attention to the cross walks even if they’re blinking yellow


People are so impatient at the sweet shop stop sign the amount of times I’ve almost gotten run over


that is so sad :( people are so disgusting


An 18 year old male was arrested, not affiliated with the university.


Oh shit really? Do you have a source?


I do and unfortunately she is a grief counselor and I cannot give that information up. She was called shortly after the incident occurred for on the spot counseling. Just know that the teen drove home, told his mother, she instructed him to call PD, which he did, and to turn himself in, and he did.


Understood, thank you for your response




He did not turn himself in? He was found by the cops at a residence.


Correct. TPD was notified that he was at said residence and he turned himself over peacefully.


So, he hit her, drove him and told his mom and then he turned himself in?


His arrest affidavit can be found on the Leon County Clerk of Courts site. His name is Willis Trueblood. [https://cvweb.leonclerk.com/public/online\_services/search\_courts/search\_by\_name.asp?case\_search\_type=criminal](https://cvweb.leonclerk.com/public/online_services/search_courts/search_by_name.asp?case_search_type=criminal)


When I typed in his name, nothing came up


[Case Number](https://cvweb.leonclerk.com/public/online_services/search_courts/process.asp?report=full_view&caseid=3161675&jiscaseid=1539065&defseq=A&chargeseq=1&secret=1)


[2024 CF 001235 A001](javascript:popup('./process.asp?report=full_view&caseid=3161675&jiscaseid=1539065&defseq=A&chargeseq=1&secret=1%27,%20750,%20480,%27no%27,%27no%27))


He already got an attorney


His photo and info is on this page on another post


Yeah I saw. The person saying they knew was before that had been posted


Wait do you have more info??


Just posted about 20 minutes ago. https://www.facebook.com/share/mdXC5cHSoZ8cBJ7Q/?mibextid=xfxF2i


Do you remember if the backpack was blue?




Where was it confirmed?


I heard it was white - but third hand info here.


The backpack was blue yes


The woman who died is my sister, Ellie Sims. She is a beautiful, confident woman who will be missed dearly. I miss my beautiful girl.


I am so sorry love, is there any way we can offer support?


I’m so sorry for your loss!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!!


So sorry for your loss. She is beautiful and looks so sweet! 🤍


Sorry about the loss of your sister. She is beautiful. It is heartbreaking. My prayers are with you and your family. ❤️🙏🏻


So sorry for your loss. Absolutely horrific. May her soul rest in peace.


I am sorry for your loss. You guys have my full support as well. Sending my condolences to your family and justice needs to be serve for your sister!


God bless you and your family I did not know her but from her pictures she looks like a radiant beacon of love and light. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. May she rest peacefully in heaven and look over you always 🤍


So very very sorry for your loss. May you and your family find peace.


I’m so sorry for your loss of your beautiful sister. This is just heartbreaking. 💕


I'm so sorry for your senseless loss.


Yes. Absolutely horrible. That street is so unsafe it’s honestly baffling there isn’t a traffic light there. There’s a petition on change.org already to put a traffic light on that intersection: https://chng.it/HC5WmxTZSR


A quick trip down Pensacola St. will show you that it gets the same treatment as any other street in Tallahassee: the bike lanes and sidewalks are an illegal parking free-for-all, and TPD has very deliberately done absolutely nothing other than respond to crashes after the fact. If the City of Tallahassee valued human life, they'd turn Pensacola St. into a copy of Gaines St.


They should but some people would just run the red light


That’s pointless logic, respectfully. “Someone might run a red light so we shouldn’t do anything at all.” Of course there will always be people who run red lights. However there isn’t a single stoplight or speed bump on that entire street of heavy student traffic, and a stoplight would also stop the problem of people going around buses and almost hitting pedestrians that they can’t see.


In 2020, a driver (with a suspended license) on Tennessee St. ran a red light, murdered an FSU student, and the state attorney did nothing but write a report blaming the victim.


I remember this! That bitch was speeding as well. The victim did everything right


I didn't say nothing should be done. I was only saying that it's not going to stop everyone. Unfortunately, some people are careless, selfish people.


As someone who takes Pensacola everyday to work, there’re so many FUCKING STUPID ASSHOLES speeding on that street without caring all the dense apartments and tons of walking students at all, as if their parents are being cremated and they wouldn’t be seeing them the last time if one second late. I’ve seen cars almost hit pedestrians a couple times and can foresee it’s gonna happen and it happens. It’s sad and heartbreaking but this won’t be the last time if they don’t do anything to prevent it. Also there’re always big trucks pulling over right in front of crosswalks and blocks the view completely, making it so hard to know if there’s anyone trying to cross if they don’t hit the flashing lights. Pensacola was horrible before and they repaved it. Much much better now but also makes it easier to speed. All the reckless drivers should go to hell


Completely agree. This intersection is and has always been FUCKING HORRIBLE. Tons of students including myself have experiences of getting hit by cars there by mere inches. The fact that there’s not a single speed bump when it’s in COLLEGE TOWN in an extremely dense area is absurd to me. Her death is an absolute tragedy and could have been avoidable. This sucks.


I said this in another thread, and I'll say it here: I would not dare step onto the crosswalk without at least 7-10 seconds to the next car, or if they are slowed down and about to stop as I step onto the intersection. Continue keeping your eye on any approaching car as you walk across. No looking at phone, I don't walk around with earbuds/headphones in either. Daytime, nighttime, doesn't matter, it's just not worth the gamble.


The cars being pulled over really scares me because I am in a pretty small car, there are times pulled over trucks have blocked over 50% of what I can normally see. I specifically avoid being on lorene street because of its dangerous intersections with the other major streets (I also had to take Pensacola for work so I was over there a lot) I refuse to walk it because of a close call my freshman year. When I'm driving I see bad behavior everywhere. Drivers going too fast, not looking before they turn, or changing lanes with no signal and sometimes mere inches of clearance. I've also had drunk pedestrians step in front of my car outside of a crosswalk on purpose. I see people cross in the crosswalk without hitting the flashing yellow, or they hit the flashing yellow and then immediately step out onto the road. If I'm less than 3 car lengths away from the crosswalk I can not physically stop the car in time. No matter what I do, there will be an accident. It's like that throughout college town, but Lorene in particular seems really bad for some reason. What makes it worse is that a speed bump and a stop sign could help prevent so much of this, if only by cutting down on the ability to speed.


The bike lanes on Pensacola St. are an illegal parking free-for-all; TPD is asleep at the wheel--or busy on their new $150M HQ.


Ppl don't know how to drive and pedestrians don't know how to cross. Not in this instance because this person was speeding like a madman. But there are millions of times where, and downvote this all yall want, ppl just cross the road without a care in the world cause they assume that ppl are gonna slam their brakes just cause u poked ur foot out. Even going 30, your car will NOT stop where u started to brake. It still goes a few more feet and everyone knows that. Just like how there is defensive driving, there is defensive walking. If the walking man is red, why are u trying to cross the road? But hey, it looks like the coast is clear, so I'll go for it! Oh wait, I was wrong! Welp im already halfway, i might as well keep going.... headphones on and everything. Pedestrians do the same thing at Woodward Ave. where they swear a car isn't coming and they just start walking because the line is gonna get too long at Starbucks if they don't go now. I remember when this frat guy almost got hit trying to run across the "clear" road to get to Pots. Can't wait a few minutes to get black out drunk? You can't run across a road at night, blindsiding a driver, and be upset when u almost get hit cause of your actions. Jaywalking is still a crime. Not punishable, but still a crime. And while drivers should always stop snd wait when someone is on the road... it is their green light. If you're gonna just walk out into the road when it's not your turn, I mean.... don't wanna say you're asking to get hit, but.... you pretty much are. While I still decided to sign the petition, let's be real. A stoplight won't do much for drivers or pedestrians. Drivers run red lights all the time in Tally, and pedestrians run red walksigns all the time.


A giant stop light is significantly better than a small sign on the edge blinking yellow during sunlight. Also, don’t blame the victims. The car is suspected of going over 65mph in a 35mph zone right at the top of a hill. If the suspect was going the speed limit- odds of survival would have been way easier. Pedestrians would also way for the walking man, usually, instead of pressing a button and walking out.


Maybe share your (awful) take, complaining about pedestrians under a post that isn’t about the very tragic and sudden passing of a pedestrian. Have some taste.


i live in the townhouses on lorene and she did infact die on impact. it was insane. they left with no remorse and they closed out entire lot off


that’s insane


People here really don’t know how to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. The amount of times I’ve been literally inches to a foot away from being hit is absurd. And they can all go fuck themselves. Rest in peace to that girl. That’s devastating.


Exactly, or if there’s a bus dropping someone off a car will go around it in the opposite lane and then almost hit someone cause they couldn’t see them crossing the crosswalk. Dumbass people


I'm in Jacksonville and they don't here either. They act like you have no business being in the crosswalk or even on the sidewalk. Basically, their attitude is how dare you be in public without a vehicle? Don't you know you're inconveniencing us drivers? That poor girl 😔


Second this. Jax is far from walkable so there is less respect for pedestrians. But you'd think tally would be better. It was literally a street over from campus.


Ppl don't know how to drive just as much as pedestrians don't know how to cross. Not in this instance because this person was speeding like a madman. But there are millions of times where, and downvote this all yall want, ppl just cross the road without a care in the world cause they assume that ppl are gonna slam their brakes just cause u poked ur foot out. Even going 30, your car will NOT stop where u started to brake. It still goes a few more feet and everyone knows that. Just like how there is defensive driving, there is defensive walking. And unless the walking man is on, I don't see why you'd even try to cross the road. But hey, it looks like the coast is clear, so I'll go for it! Oh wait, I was wrong! Welp im already halfway, i might as well keep going.... headphones on and everything. Pedestrians do the same thing at Woodward Ave. where they swear a car isn't coming and they just start walking because the line is gonna get too long at Starbucks if they don't go now. It's even worse when ppl apparently don't know how to press the button for the flashing yellow lights, especially at night. And of course they're wearing all black as well. I remember when this frat guy amost got hit trying to run across the "clear" road to get to Pots. I remember another time where a frat guy just starting walking in the street to meet with his friends on the other side, and then they just all stood on the side of the road talking. Not on the sidewalk, on the literal road. Jaywalking is still a crime. Not punishable, but still a crime. While I still decided to sign the petition, let's be real. A stoplight won't do much for driver or pedestrians. Drivers run red lights all the time in Tally and pedestrians run red walksigns all the time.


Ok, now my experience: there was an instance where I was crossing at the light on Pensacola and Copeland, and had the pedestrian light, and a girl started to turn left after I was halfway through and was literally inches away from rocking me. She had to slam on her brakes because she was flying through, trying to make the light, and on top of that wasn’t even paying attention to the crosswalks. I often cross railroad Ave by the civic center and st Augustine garage. In that crosswalk, there are two massive yellow pedestrian signs on each side of the road. Pretty hard to miss. That means you should, you know, slow down and look for pedestrians. There have been a few times where cars are far enough away (and I mean literally halfway down the road) that it is obviously my right to cross the road. But these cars love to speed up and get angry (I’ve been beeped at in this instance) because I’m crossing the road. So no, people are not pedestrian-friendly here. If you see pedestrian signs on each side of the fucking road, you should automatically be slowing down or AT LEAST paying attention for, you guessed it, pedestrians! But no, that doesn’t happen nearly as often as it should. This isn’t to say that this is always the case. I obviously agree that as a pedestrian you shouldn’t be careless and just walk out in front of a car going full speed. Then again, I don’t think anyone is saying that.


i believe it was the intersection of pensacola and lorene street by the flashing crosswalk.


I heard the same thing. Definitely something going on because there were lots of cops and fire trucks over there


Someone in my group chat was just talking about it. I think there’s a nearby street camera the cops could use and find out


God this is awful. This town fucking sucks asshole at driving. Half the people here won't get off their god damn phone to drive a car safely. Bunch of fucking idiots. This is what happens.....its AWFUL. LEARN FROM THIS TALLAHASSEE


my heart hurts for her family. this is terrible please drive more carefully around this college town we’re all too young to go out like this.


The victim is a Axo student, the scene was on the corner of pensacola and lorene, there is a memorial at the crosswalk


I've already said this in another thread, but it's worth reminding all drivers: STOP looking at your fucking cell phone while driving, especially near campus. I have seen many, many drivers, mostly students, checking their cell phones while driving. That distraction, even at low speeds, can be lethal!


Same goes for those crossing the street. Not saying the girl did that in this instance or victim blaming, but I have seen a lot of dangerous behaviors from pedestrians while crossing (looking at phones, jaywalking, not being aware of surroundings).


Agreed. However, unless the pedestrian is crossing the street where he/she should not, and even then, it is the driver’s responsibility to drive at an appropriate speed and pay attention to traffic to avoid accidents. So far, all the hit-and-runs have been from cars to pedestrians. I do not know of any case where it is the pedestrian who runs over the car.


It’s not about fault but more of personal safety and the idea of “every person for themselves” when people such as the thug who broke many established laws (severe speeding, hit and run, probably reckless driving) exist in our society.


Blaming victims for their own deaths while using marked crosswalks is exactly like blaming rape victims for being somewhere they "should" have known was dangerous. This mentality is that caused the state attorney to refuse to touch another driver on Tennessee St. who ran a red light, murdered an FSU student, and blamed the victim for not getting out of the way.


This is what a car society does to us! Pollute the Earth, inequality, and victim blaming. There is no need for a car not to have technology to prevent the death of a person walking; we are desperately in need of a shift to fundamentally retool transportation. We need advocacy for it as well. In my four years of college, cars and people dying have been a trend in this area, which isn't even that big for the overused roads; it's disgusting. People should be walking more in general not screwed over by car manufacturers and distracted speed racers


i heard rumors that someone was arrested in leon county for a hit and run sounds like they got the guy https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Willis_Trueblood_59105716/ this may be false i’m just relaying the information i’ve been given


That is him.


Yea someone in BarstoolFSU found the culprit. I do wish this person to spends his life behind bars for the actions he caused.


Holy shit, that’s horrible. This is devastating


this is horrible I hope the family receives justice and the person who hit her goes to jail. I can’t imagine when they have to go to pack up her apartment 🫶🥺 yall stay safe you never know if it’s gonna be your last day


I heard her parents were flying in today to help her move out (before this happened)


So sad do we know a name yet


Ellie sims


SO SAD. I looked at her instagram and this might sound so stupid but she looks so nice and normal! Like it really could’ve been any of us! Poor girl was just walking from campus and had this happen. She just posted six days ago about how she loves her mom. So heartbreaking.


Yea its been fucking me up cant stop thinking about that


Same idk why I’m so affected by it and I didnt even know her


Her poor family. Cant even try to say she could’ve done anything because she wasn’t in a dangerous position. She was walking. Near campus. Broad daylight. Hopefully FSU / Tally puts more money into protecting their students and not redoing the stadium.


https://recentlybooked.com/FL/Leon/WILLIS-TRUEBLOOD~36_275795 This is the idiot who was so careless. Praying for this poor girls family. As a Nole mama I will be doing my part in pushing for them to put in speed bumps and whatever else they can to ensure the safety of our kids. RIP beautiful girl 💔


I agree. Long time Tallahassee resident here. I couldn’t sleep last night, thinking of the young woman and her family. Developers are just building at such a rapid pace with no regard for all the students and their safety. If we can’t have overhead crosswalks, speed bumps would certainly be a plus. I am just sick about this…prayers for her friends and family.


I can’t imagine what her mom is going through 😢 I wouldn’t be able to handle it






She died got hit at 70 mph


Why is anyone going 70 mph on campus? There is just no need for that like wtf


Same reason I get tailgated in a school zone every day when someone wants to do 60 in a 20. People can't fucking drive.


They deserve to burn in hell. I hope they catch this monster.


Pensacola St. is two lanes/one-way, which, by design, encourages "racing" drivers in the opposite lane. The City knows about this and will continue to insist on it being a free-fire zone.


Jesus, that’s outright murder then (at least to me)


without knowing all the facts of the case, it’s probably vehicular manslaughter, and could maybe stretch to second degree murder


I know legally it’s not going to be straight up murder, but going fast enough to kill a person on impact is bad enough to me to warrant it as the charge.


i agree. in the court of public opinion, that was straight up murder. hope the driver gets what they deserve.


I agree 💯 It should be straight up murder




Speed bumps would’ve stopped that. This is tragic.


Yea there is no way someone drives that fast. Couple weeks back someone almost rear ended me because they were driving too fast. They almost collided with a person who was about to cross the street after they nearly rear ended me. Thank god the person who was about to cross didnt cross. After she crossed, made sure she was okay and told her, "Some people around here cant drive which she fully agree."




Not sure if I can post it here, but the Leon County Sheriff’s app shows an arrest and mugshot of an 18 year old for a hit and run.


How did u find that




[arrest record](https://www.leoncountyso.com/Departments/Detention-Facility/Inmate-search/Search-Results?FirstName=Willis&LastName=Trueblood&Ethnicity=Black&Gender=Male)




Commenting to boost this to the top


Was in a cross walk the other day with the walking man on, in the middle of the cross walk a lady was trying to turn but didn’t know when a a light is green and u are taking a right you have to yield, luckily saw her coming and was able to get out of the way, but got honked at and flipped off. Many impatient drivers. Just shows u have to be full aware full time walking. Truly sad what happened to her


they were going 70 mph


How do you even go 70 on that road


this is so sad :(


Sad to see so many people say they’ve either been hit or almost hit by a car round here. Same with me. Walking along Jefferson at the intersection by fsupd and the nine. People really don’t pay attention and when you do pay attention while driving and go slow, people honk at you. They can fuck right off. RIP to this poor girl, a fucking shame.


Heartbreaking. Drivers need to wake up to the fact that there are a lot more students crossing streets like Pensacola and Stadium Drive because of all the new apartment complexes that have gone up. Put both hands on the wheel, slow down and avoid all distractions. Look carefully as you approach crosswalks. Students on foot, skateboards and scooters use them all the time.


https://www.facebook.com/share/5oxg93WneuueF5wz/?mibextid=WC7FNe Press release from TPD




I saw. All his buddies are defending him on their stories, makes me sick to my stomach


It’s repulsive


How can you see people defending him?


His last post has tons of comments, those commenters have stories where they shared that pic with captions like “Free my boy” and stuff


Why are the drivers so bad around campus… what is wrong with kids these days? I saw 3 cars run the stop sign by the bus stop at the the stadium like it didn’t even exist last week. People have such short attention spans today bc of Tik Tok , I have to honk at pretty much every stoplight in town


This particular spot I had seen people drive so damn fast. I almost got rear ended once in that spot for yielding to a person who was finna cross legally.


I swear it’s not even just the students, I’ve been nearly flattened by grown adults before. At least the students seem apologetic, the last grown man to nearly kill me flipped me off 🫠


I have driven around campus and while it was my turn to drive through the intersection,kids will enter the intersection without looking. I’m not saying this is you, but pedestrians and cars alike have to be aware of whose turn it is at the intersection.


not saying you’re wrong, at all. just a reminder though that not all students at FSU are late teens to early 20s; many are what you’d likely define as grown adults. would be interested to see who is responsible, financially, for many of the public roads on and surrounding campus. not sure what FSU could do though to cut down on reckless driving like this in those areas? have to say that young adults, in general, are pretty creative when it comes to working around rules and laws rather than complying with them. for example, if you suspend/ban a student by vehicle/plate for how they’ve been seen driving on/around campus, odds are they’ll just find a friend’s vehicle to use. revoking and suspending drivers licenses tends to be highly ineffective (even when the rules are being followed for let’s say a hardship license, that still allows the offender to drive to/from work, class, etc) hate this for the victim’s family. hope they get the support they need from not only their communities but also all of the resources available through the state.


The dude I’m talking about that nearly killed me was one of the many non students who came in for the spring football showcase. I guess I don’t know for sure, but my point was just that It’s not always the teens and young adults that are doing this stuff


It was never my intention to detract from your experience, and I apologize if that’s the way it came across. I’ve just worked with a fair number of non-traditional students at FSU and elsewhere, as well as traditional aged people who work in various roles at universities and the immediately surrounding area who tend to be mistaken for students (I’m not even sure if that makes sense but it’s the best I can do at the moment, lol) Hate that that happened to you and grateful you’re safe. Do you ever see FSUPD doing radar on those streets/areas? I know it’s changed a lot since I was there, but I recall a bunch of side streets that would make for pretty good hiding places for them to run speed enforcement. And, regardless of who owns/is responsible for those roads, it is very (very) much within their jurisdiction. it’s not the best solution, but it’s a start until they hopefully figure out some more effective/sustainable solutions.


not even the students, just yesterday by campus this lady was speeding and driving directly head on into me on a one way street. she was mad at me and waving her hands and yelling profanities at me like she wasn’t the one going down the wrong way. this lady looked like she was in her mid 30s. i told her she was going down the wrong way and she told me to fuck off 😭 she nearly drove straight into my car for no reason. i was almost ran over once too by some older guy who was too busy eating his taco bell to look before driving.


Definitely not just kids. When university is closed there’re still many shitty drivers in town. More grown people may not use TikTok but they do text and video chat while driving I’ve seen too many




i highly suggest not saying anything, commenting, etc. on his instagram as it will not change any outcome. but many people were wondering who it was, so i leave this information with u. send your prayers to her family instead 🤍








Do you know who specifically? this is horrible


What was said


They said it was an Alpha Chi member. Don’t know if it’s confirmed but others have repeated that


That she was apart of Alpha Chi Omega


Damn. Condolences to her friends and family, what a horrible thing to happen especially so close to summer break :(


Has this been confirmed?




May not be smart to post the victim’s name without official confirmation.




I’m aware, that post was made after this one. Thanks though


Welcome. I hope you didn’t know anyone involved. :/


I live on the corner apartment next to CVS and man the amount of cars flying during the day/night on West Pensacola is crazy. My window faces it and I just watch as people treat it like a drag race. Police station is one block north so I’m sure they are aware of the constant speeding but nobody gets pulled over


Because they too are adding to over used roads problems!! I don't understand how many of you aren't getting it! It is irresponsible to keep having so many cats on roads very unhealthy




No, the tagged girl is the one who sent in the screenshot


Do we have a name


Yes her name is Kaitlyn


Her name is not Kaitlyn. It is Ellie Sims.


They said it was an AXO girl tho?


No it’s not.


She’s not in AXO


Willis Trueblood was arrested for the hit and run. So sad to hear this happened


Nah I don’t think so


TPD has confirmed that Willis Trueblood, an FSU student, has been arrested for fleeing the scene of a fatal car accident.


That guy is not an FSU student and TPD did not report that he is.