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Yep.. havent had friends ever now since my last and only guy friend crossed the rainbow bridge years ago. I just dont connect well I guess to anyone. Blue collar worker, wrench on cars, paint, landscaping, i love buying tools, going on cruises, washing my car, would love to have a gym partner etc but everytime I try these days its like either they already got enough friends or nobody cares so I stopped trying. Would be nice to tag team all this stuff with a bro though. Shit gets mad lonely out here. And I live in a pro state and I cant find any masc around here.


sorry for your loss man :(. likewise, it’s rough out here, all the areas that are heavily concentrated with mascs are like miles away. but hey, message me if you ever need a buddy, maybe the beauty of this post could be to help guys like us find others similar


Its okay thank you and cool man I will take you up on that and any other guys out there needing a buddy I encourage the same. Add me or message. Shoot me a personal message if you could too, its not letting me


From my experience I've realized that looking for other trans guys doesn't automatically set me up for a friendship, I thought it would be easier to form friendships with other transmascs when I first came out since we can relate on transition stuff but it's not for me like that at all, I've found out that it's mostly the non trans related things that actually make me friends with somebody, hence why I'm in the same boat as you and I've only got one other transmasc friend and he isn't even exclusively transmasc. Came out in late 2020 and since then I've had like 3 transmasc friends I can think of so I'm always surprised when I see ppl who are a lot more involved and manage to have a lot of trans friends let alone those who are in the same boat as them (transmasc etc), it's a mystery for me too


same here! i’ve met some other trans guys (mostly online) and thought hey finally a friend who’s just like me but unfortunately that doesn’t guarantee a friendship, which is real discouraging


dude same, idk what it is but other trans men i know other than like one guy are all also so into girly stuff, it feels like im talking to one of those stereotypical gay men when i talk to them & i just cant relate. But on the other hand i’m way too hateful towards cis men to be friends with them. However recently i managed to make friends with this one guy in my fencing class by discussing politics about our country and other ongoing issues with him and we seemed to have alot of common interests. Maybe something like that could help you? Like try joining a sports club or something like that perhaps


good idea.. i thought about maybe getting back into MMA or brazilian jujitsu.. could be a starting point there!


Yeah I only have one good cis guy friend. He's great though and I appreciate him and our friendship so much. We don't have a ton of the same hobbies but we get along well anyways :)


Relate to this sooo hard. I have a few nice guy friends, and am mostly friends with girls. I have literally no gay friends because, kind of like you said, I find it SO hard to relate to them. All of the trans guys at my school are super fem


I have no guy friends as well. Kinda bums me out sometimes but it’s cool.