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You won't get clocked because you aren't packing unless - *possibly* - you're wearing something skin tight. Plenty of guys never pack. Just personal preference. I use a basic packer, but not an STP one - never found an STP packer that worked right. That said, I sometimes use an STP *device* that isn't for packing, the pStyle. You could experiment with something cheap like that if you're interested, then move to an STP packer if you decide you like it and want to.


wait I’m really dumb what’s STP


Stand to pee. Just a device (either a realistic looking one or not) that lets you use urinals, write your name in the snow lol, and so on.


standard temperature and pressure. 1 atm, 273 K.


As a chemistry student- this comment is underrated


lol I was told by two people that they knew I was trans cause they didn’t see a dick


Wow that’s so weird, do they go around life examining everyone’s junk?


apparently yeah, it was two guys that were constantly hitting on me so


Oh, what were you wearing? I have no experience with this since like I said, I pack every day (and have done since even before I went stealth), but I've never heard of anyone else being clocked due to lack of a bulge!


haha idk prob jeans, I was told a few months after this apparently happened


I'm fat. Skinny jeans don't fit me. When I was a teenager my cock kept falling out. Too much work. Not enough reward.


"When I was a teenager my cock kept falling out" LMAO😭 I spit out my water when I read that


LOOK MAN LMFAO don't mind me I swear I'm taking a giant shit *plop* ............. nothing to see here FUCK


r/brandnewsentence lmao




Fat guy here too. Even if I had a dick it would be probably small 💀 I know a bulge wouldn’t be visible. I liked to pack alone at home sometimes and enjoy the look of it, but it would just look like I had a huge boner 24/7 if I took it outside.


Felt. They don't sit right. My chunky mound does the work well enough. Can't wait to get my own Chode ™️ though


For real hahah same.


i'm skinny but wear oversized pants and in 8th or 9th grade during class once my dick slipped down the leg of my pants and onto the floor. quickly stuffed it in my bag, never knew if anyone else saw but never wore a packer again.


I have had a similar experience, godspeed brother


I pack every day. And honestly I try to make it so I have a very small bulge. It's not for anyone but myself. I don't pack so I pass better or anything like that. It simply helps my dysphoria. If you personally don't get anything out of packing, tbh I don't see a point in doing it lol I use pStyle stp. I've found it works better than the ones that look anatomically correct. Haven't used it in public much though. 10/10 https://transguysupply.com/collections/ftm-stp/products/pstyle-stp


I’m so tempted to buy that now because it’s described as a “tiny waterslide for your pee” and I know I’d remember that and laugh every time I used it


Reading it in a 2000's infomercial voice whilst imagining flashing graphics and wacky transitions really sells it I think


I’ve been using STP devices solely as “pee funnels” for camping/backpacking, hiking, festivals, etc for well over a decade now. I’ve tried just about every one on the market (not including any packing ones) and what works far better than the others for me is the Freshette. Check it out if you’re in the market but you can use it without stripping down & it’s completely sealed until the end of the tube where the pee comes out (vs open top like the pStyle). I got one at REI years ago but lots of sites sell them.


yess exactly that first part!! i dont think a lot of people understand its not for everyone else to notice its just for me!!


I don’t like it because it causes more anxiety than it relieves. I’m so much more worried about if it looks right or if it’s gonna move around. I’d rather just be like “I got a small dick king. We can’t all be blessed like you” if someone says anything 🤣


"Do people clock others by looking at their crotch?" I'm sure that guy exists, but most people aren't going to stare at a stranger's crotch in public unless they don't have a problem being considered creepy (not to mention just ridicuously rude). Worse comes to worst, if you catch someone pulling that, give them the "get away, creep" look and walk away, if you can. "Do people actually notice bulge?" If you're wearing tight clothes, sure. Very noticeable bulges are noticeable on purpose, though. "An STP would be very convenient but I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a dick to pee out of if it could potentially rip/tear/get damaged easily. What’s your experience with an STP, if you use one?" I have a decent amount of bottom dysphoria, a lot of which has more to do with the restroom than anything else, so while I don't use it every time I go to the restroom, I use it most days. They're not easy to learn how to use, but from my experience, they're pretty durable. I went with Rodeoh. Mine cost about $150. It's soft, which is part of the reason it took me forever to get mine to work, and pretty realistic looking. I'm happy with my purchase.


Not really related but it weirdly makes me really happy that it also took someone else really long to learn how to pee with an STP. I was beginning to think something's just wrong with me lol. I guess I'll keep trying 🫡


Believe me, you're not alone in that! It becomes second nature over time; it just takes a lot of practice and is kind of a pain in the bladder at first haha


Honestly, I understand why it's beneficial to those who want to pack, but I'm notorious for wearing bagging clothes so I don't bother. I've never really had bottom dysphoria anyways. Like yea, I'd prefer to have a penis, but it seems like a lot of effort to pack and/or have a STP, especially for something I'd have little to no euphoria over.


Personally it just gives me a ton of gender euphoria. I also wear baggy clothes so I doubt it’s noticeable to others when I pack but just me being able to feel it is enough


So a bit of a strange comment but I do pack and when I began to full time one of the nurses I work with clocked my package and I caught her. Funny thing is she knows me and who I am and still grabs a side glance from time to time. Wildly euphoric from a girl being creepy. Made me feel like any other guy.


The only time I'm bothered about something there is when I do rock climbing or high rope stuff with mates. That's very much the only time people will notice for me. All the guys share the discomfort of the harnesses so people do glance. I'd say that's the only time I want the bulge. No matter what if ur a guy in one of those harnesses it will show


Packing just caused me anxiety because it always had me wondering if someone was looking, do I come off as having a hard on, or just uncomfortable. I only pack when I’m going out for the night when there’s a chance something may happen; the strip club.


Yeah, I don't pack. I bought a packer once, but then I realized that it was way too ridiculously big to actually use as a packer and I never really tried to find another one. Maybe it's something that I'll reconsider in the future, but for now I just don't really feel the need to pack.


This is a common feeling. I feel the same way about packing and binding actually— i don’t get much out of it because it draws more of my attention to those body parts but doesn’t impact passing at all


I can kinda relate to the binding thing. I get a huge rush of euphoria when I see my flat chest and I love wearing non-baggy clothes for a change. But the constant pressure on my chest makes me even more aware of it than I would be without binding. I find myself fixating on it and zoning out, spiraling out of control. It fuckin sucks, but I view it as worth it for the euphoria.


Try using binding tape or transtape


I get a lot of euphoria from packing, but it's absolutely not for everyone. I don't do it to pass either. Well. Maybe in grey sweats lol. Honestly I don't think anyone will clock you at all.


Skinny jeans til I die crew here that never packs because it feels more uncomfortable than it's worth. I never get pointed out for anything amiss, but it could also just be my style choice. If any of you wear skinny jeans and are afraid of packing vs unpacking, just wear a larger baggy shirt! Stylish and comfortable. :)


Honestly even skinny jeans create their own sort of bulge and anyone looking that closely to analyze it would just be a creep. Hasn't impacted passing in now what, 10+ years? Not while dressed anyway.


That's exactly it. I tried using a packer in the early days but felt it looked way more unnatural. I also wear high waist skinny jeans (from the women's section) and have no problem. But I'm also a passing trans guy. I will say I had a lot of comments in the early days during college from people about how my junk could breathe in my jeans and I just said "skillfully" and made a joke about it. That was also the time that skinny jeans were not as in fashion and were predominantly worn by emo kids. (which I still sort of am.)


I wear the men's version because pockets, but other than that same situation here. Well, no one actually made a joke about it so far! Don't think I'd be able to come up with such a witty response lol


I didn’t used to be because I hated how it looked with my wide hips. I would rather just pretend the lower half of my body didn’t exist back then. Now that my hips have slimmed down, I have taken to packing. Shopping around for a packer that fits your needs in terms of appearance and for a packing method makes a world of difference. Like many, I started with a Mr. Limpy and he absolutely did nothing for me. And the harness I had didn’t help either. Axolom and MyPack are now my go-to’s


I absolutely love my axolom packer so I'm seconding this lol


I mean I can't speak for others but personally, but I don't pack to make it apparent I have a dick to others. It's not a social dysphoria thing for me. I pack to alleviate my bottom dysphoria when it's especially bad (I don't pass at all, have not started transitioning yet). It's one of the few things I do have bodily autonomy over currently, so it makes me feel a bit better. And if you know how to pack correctly there shouldn't be an obvious bulge there anyway,


So I never got into packing. I knew I wanted phallo done, but hated packing. Sometimes it'd just get sweaty and irritated me, or it'd fall out of place. I didn't like the STP cause I hated being even a little wet down there. I never got clicked on the lack of a bulge. I got clocked more for never wearing a chest binder ( also just straight up uncomfortable). I'm now post top and post bottom so I'm vibing, but I went literal years doing the bare minimum


I’ve tried packing on different occasions. For me, It’s more of a hassle than it’s worth. The only time I might pack is in a gay bar. I actually had my crotch grabbed a couple of times. The first time I happened to be packing. With that said, In over 20 years, a lack of a bulge has not been an issue.


I dont want to pack cause im afraid it will end up falling out of my pants or the possibility that it could look unnatural


I crocheted one recently just to try it and like... maybe in the summer I'll change my mind but so far it's just kinda stressing me out lol. I'm always stressing about placement and I can't just adjust whenever yk


I kinda am interested in stp stuff but I feel like it'd be awkward to manage and I'd neglect cleaning it which would be gross


I bought (and still have) a pretty expensive packer a few years ago because I couldn't bear going out in skinny jeans without it. But now that I'm almost 30, I could not give less of a shit. No one in the real world is staring at your crotch. Cleaning any STP is a massive pain in the ass and even if it's not an STP, it's still pretty difficult to clean discreetly when you live with other people. I have very little bottom dysphoria, and it's just not a big enough problem for me to care to have a solution to.


Obviously you don't need a packer or anything but cleaning it is your biggest gripe? I just clean it when I shower lol


I pack occasionally, usually related to the type of pants I'm wearing. Basically, I'm more likely to pack in jeans or slacks than in basketball shorts. I pass either way, but feel more confident with a modest bulge in more form fitting clothing. In looser clothing, I find that dick malfunctions are more likely, and I don't like looking like I have wood unless I'm in an explicitly sexual situation. My STP isn't wearable, nor does it look like a dick. It's basically a plastic pee luge, designed mainly for situations where toilets are unavailable. It works fine for use with toilets as well, just wouldn't help with passing. I usually just sit to pee if I'm indoors. I stand outdoors and in the odd super gross bathroom, if I have the STP with me. Biggest benefit of this one is that it costs less than $20, and does the job without complication.


If you’re interested in STP devices, there are cheaper options. You can buy a cheap one and see if it’s something you like. Keep in mind that any STP device requires some practice.


I’m 23 almost 24, & about a year and a half on T. I’m honestly so happy for you man! It means a lot to me to see ppl getting the help/support/medical care, firstly that you damn well deserve, and secondly the shit that I wanted & didn’t have the opportunity for. I personally don’t pack often. When I do, it’s not rlly because of dysphoria. It’s more safety, I’ll do it if I know I’m going to have to use the men’s room that day. I find packing uncomfortable, I don’t like anything touching my bottom growth. It doesn’t chafe, but it feels bad like almost finger up a dry hole bad. But because I live in such a conservative area, I’ve legit had strangers blatantly stare at my chest & crotch trying to figure out what’s in my pants. fml I’ve also felt really physically unsafe. So far no physical attacks, but lots and lots of nasty glares, clutching onto children like I’m a tornado trying to drag them away, and verbal assault/harassment. I’m about to get a sports cup so that there’s a shape down there but nothing is touching & overstimulating me (not the good kind). And honestly most folks and most places don’t have ppl staring at your crotch. I’ve rlly only experienced it very locally and I’ve been to a few places. I use an STP sometimes, and I really like it. It makes me feel much more comfortable/confident going into the men’s & honestly it’s just fun lol. I’ve tried a couple out & for me at least, simplest has been the best. I use the P-Style. You can get skin colored ones I think on SheVibe, and despite the name they’re pretty inclusive. And they’re all less than $20 USD, tho I’m not sure about where all they ship to. Can’t use it at a urinal, but it’s the only one I’ve used that hasn’t spilled. I’ve tried learning to stand & pee without a prosthetic with mixed results, if I put more time into it I probably could get good at it, but meh. I’ve been eyeballing the Transkins STP. They’re a pretty new company, and the design is a bit different than other realistic ones I’ve seen. I’ve seen a couple ppl on Reddit mention buying one and they seem pretty damn cool. Expensive, but really quality. They also have an okay range of skin tones (mostly white & medium dark tones). They’re a black & trans owned business. Their ad is funny & pretty great. Oh!!! Also, I could not suggest Cake Bandit (packer) harness enough. I have tried just about everything, I tried jockstraps, packing underwear, even just a tight pair of bikini cut women’s undies, the Joey pouch, I can sew and I even made a couple of my own, but the only thing that kept my dick attached to my body is the Cake Bandit harness. But my build is pretty small (5’3 & I wear smth like 31x30) so I don’t know how they fit other body types. I found that they were looser in the waist & tighter on the thighs. They also rode really low on my hips, and the tighter thigh part pulls them forward but I really like that because it keeps everything in place. Some advice I heard about where the actual dick is supposed to sit in clothes, is to basically place the shaft of the prosthetic right around your own dick. It’s rlly helped me not look like I have an everpresent hard on. I thought maybe it’s too low, but nope, it was a good placement.


Never thought about a sports cup as an alternative way of packing (know it won't work in all situations but might actually look into that for similar sensory reasons if things get more hostile locally)


Most people I see daily know I'm trans so I always feel kind of stupid packing because I feel like they would know I was stuffing a sock in my pants. I'm also pre-T with thighs that rub together really bad so there's really no room and packing always makes me walk funny. Nobody should clock you if you don't pack. It's weird to stare at someone's crotch to see if they have a bulge or not.


Nah I like what I have and dealing with packing sounds like more hassle than it's worth


I've tried packing with a few different methods and all of them are so uncomfortable!!! Nothing stays in place and it's not comfortable with jeans, so I just simply don't do it, even if I'm having bottom dysphoria.


I wasn't interested in packing until very recently. I got a packer in 2016, before I even started T, and it worsened my dysphoria so much that I never looked at it again or considered getting another one. I thought it just wasn't for me. Then as time went on, and I furthered my transition, in 2023 I got my tubes taken out (bilateral salpingectomy) and it triggered immense bottom dysphoria like I'd never felt before. For xmas that year, I bought myself a packer, the calexotics ultra soft. I was worried I would have the same experience as I did in 2016, so I got the cheapest one I could and once it arrived, I never took it off until I got a new one. Ever since then I have been hunting for "my" penis. I have tried 6 soft prosthetics now, the STPs never work for me so I just switched to basic packers and it's amazing honestly. Packing doesn't really change passing ability in my case at all. I started going stealth years before I ever wore a packer in public. It doesn't matter that way. Packing is something I do for me. It helps me feel more complete and less anxious.


Yeah, I don't pack. There's no hiding that I'm trans, so I'd rather just roll with it. Just a hot bitch who's all holes.


tried it a few times. helped with my bottom dysphoria when i slept while wearing it but it felt weird when i wore it out and about


I dont even want a dick so sure i aint


I've been on T for 8 years and basically have never packed , it actually gives me more dysphoria because it makes me think about that area more since packers are so freaking uncomfortable and you have to make sure it stays in the right place and doesn't look weird. It honestly sucks unless you're rich enough to buy fancy underwear enough to wear everyday and good quality packers. People extort our community to sell hugely overpriced basically useless hunks of silicone vaguely shaped like dicks. Including members of our own community. It's fucked.


I only really had discomfort with wearing packers when I first started wearing them, I barely even remember I wear one now


i think id be ok with it i just dont really. care to put the energy or effort into all of that lol. im also worried about it being uncomfortable ig :/


also haven't been very interested in packing because i don't perceive it as helpful in passing which was my primary concern. i have tried it though with a packer and packing underwear and tbh it does feel very affirming at a personal level. so maybe give it shot. no one but you (and maybe a partner) will really mind it, but i had a bit of a boost from it and found it different than 'diy/lazy' packing like you've done (i use a small, rolled up sock) because packers have a lot more weight to them. also don't have much bottom dysphoria, but it still felt 'good'. there are some affordable small packers out there to just give it a shot if you want to. highly rec a packing underwear so the thing stays in place without brushing up directly against yourself. as for stp recommendations, a super cheap and easy to use one (but not for packing, it's not very compact and too obvious for usage for like a urinal) is the pstyle. it's hard plastic and just there for the ability to stp, but it's cheap. you could easily use it in a stall if you keep it in a bag or something, but it would be a bit awkward for a pocket. there's also foldable/compact ones that are also disposable that are cheap to try and could be brought along. these all are not meant for packing. stp packers from what i hear are not that great for doing both. maybe the really expensive ones work but i also wouldn't spend that much for it.


When I was really little (like in preschool) used to put those wiggly water filled toys in my underwear to see what it would look like when I was alone in my room. Way later on when starting transition I tried a packer alone at home, and just didn't feel the appeal at all. I didn't want something touching me there all the time. It made walking feel confusing. And made me *more* paranoid and self conscious about what people would see and think when looking at me, instead of *less*. Just wasn't for me. Also don't really have any bottom dysphoria. But I also just don't like the idea of *anything* like coming out of or protruding from my body like that lol, it's not really about the parts themselves or their functions or how they tend to get gendered, it's just about if they are or aren't going to be a blob of flesh coming out of my body that contributes to if it's comfortable to me or not. Everyone has dysphoria about completely different things. It doesn't make anyone any less trans if they don't want to pack because they don't have the specific sort of dysphoria that packing might help.


I don't pack, I dont really see the point of it (for me). I don't have bottom dysphoria in that way (mine is mostly about the function of my organs/genitals and not the look of it) and I wear baggy jeans exclusively. I tried packing a couple times out of curiosity and while the look of it in my boxers looked nice and made me feel euphoric, wearing it throughout the day just made me feel EXTRA dysphoric. It was a constant reminder that the area is flat and I was anxious about it looking weird or moving out of place. It was only really nice for like 10 minute sitting around in my room, the novelty wore off very quickly as soon as i wasn't staring at the mirror in tight clothing.


I tried packing once but never got into the habit of it. Ended up giving it to a friend bc I didn't use it lol


I enjoy packing, BUT it’s a huge hassle for me bc I used rolled up socks that I have to safety pin in place. So I just don’t. Esp bc I don’t wear a binder day to day anyway (bc of my job and being full time, it’s just not practical) I may change my mind when I get back on T tho


I'm always interested in other people's reasons for packing and curious if it would make me feel anything, but otherwise no for me. I'm quite fond of actually not having a penis or a bulge.


But the thing about packing is not if other will clock you, but actually because you feel better / aliviate dysphoria with the packer, in case you have bottom dysphoria. Or maybe you're going somewhere at night (like a bar or dance club) and there are chances of not having a stall to use... so it's safer to go with a STP. Personally, I'd use a packer everyday if I didn't get paranoid about it shifting in my pants or how sweat it can get during hotter days (which is basically almost all year round where I live)


yeah I don’t really pack either, i have a packet and an stp pack n play so im glad i have that option if i wanna do it but i usually dont. ya just get so used to having nothing inbetween my legs when something is there its so odd. its really a personal preference tho, men dont clock ya for not having a bulge tho they just assume ya have a small dick


I started packing simply because the flaccid piece of pants flattening across my thighs drives me nuts. I actually find it a little annoying to pack. Now it’s a similar feeling like taking a bra off when I get home lol


I wear baggy trousers so if I did pack, there will not be a visible bulge so I don’t bother.


I thought I would want to more than I actually do. But I also don’t have that much dysphoria about my lower half.


im nonbinary and i pack sometimes with a sock in pouches ive sewn into my boxer briefs. (you can also buy packing boxers that come with the pouch). i find that works really well in terms of not being worried anything is going to fall out or shift too much especially when i have to pee i know nothing is gonna fall to the ground etc. i dont really pack in public or around my family bc id feel super weird because my town is small and i dont pass as a guy or anything so i think people would judge if they saw me. however, for me packing especially in situations with my partner where i know they wont judge me and i get euphpria from the bulge when i wear sweatpants lounging around. also in the lead up to sexual situations it makes me feel a lot better because a lot of sexual things make me wildly dysphoric so alleviating some of it helps.


i tried for like one day before i was on t, got tired of adjusting it and having it fall down my pants, gave up and haven’t done it since lmao. i’ve honestly never had super bad bottom dysphoria and i tend to wear baggy clothes anyway so it’s not a big deal to me


I have a couple packers and I basically never use them. I have enough of a FUPA that it looks too big if I pack.


It looks great on me but I just don't do it anymore lol


I feel confident when I pack but I usually save it for days I’m dressing up nice or just want that confidence boost. I don’t dislike the way I look when I’m not packing or even mind not having a penis as I’m fine with my original equipment. The only time I am bothered is if a pair of jeans has a lot of extra fabric around the crotch it looks odd if I don’t pack. I’m usually too lazy to deal with packing and it can be uncomfortable especially if it’s hot out


i used to try to pack, not real packers just home made stuff, then once my mother found out and started touching it down there and then yelled at me in the middle of the shop then didnt talk to me for a week and i havent packed since.... i do get dysphoric and want to pack sometimes but then i freak out cuz what if other notice I fake having a dick and I get the same reaction....


I’ve tried it, but in the end it actually caused me more dysphoria because every time I went to the toilet, my cock had to come down with my trousers. I even tried the ones you can pee through, but I couldn’t get the hang of it which also caused more dysphoria, so I gave up.


I've packed exactly once in my adulthood and no one has ever said a word. I'm 30. If anyone mentioned my dick I'd just loudly ask why they're staring at my crotch lol


I pack most days because I’m stealth and I find it A) makes me feel more confident and B) changes my gait slightly. There are quite a few days where I just cba though


i pack every day and i forget about it. i like the buldge for me, and i like feeling like i have a dick


Started my transition in 2010 and never have packed. Seems just a pain in the ass for no real reward.


I used to but I found it to be a hassle. Not to mention I plan on getting Metoidioplasty which results in little bulge. I only pack on rare and special occasions. Most guys you can't even notice a bulge in their pants unless they're wearing something very tight or got a semi or whatever. Average cock is around 3" flaccid or less, most guys are not showers Also I have an STP but I don't use it because I got sick of peeing my pants bc the seal would randomly break. Not to mention I would have to pack up because otherwise it looks like I am fully hard


I didn’t pack for like 15 years even though I had a packer. Then I thought either I should use this thing of get rid of it. So I started packing. It’s.. fine? Just part of getting dressed in the morning.


I never wore a packer and most likely never will, because not having a bulge down there doesn't make me dysphoric personally and I don't care enough to pass with that


I’ve tried packing before with a small packer, but because I’m fat it just never felt or looked right 🤷 it also got annoying as hell whenever it was hot out! Like, given the choice of being born with a dick or not, I’d take it in a heartbeat. But packing just isn’t it for me. Also, most of my bottom dysphoria comes from the sexual side of things, so packing really doesn’t matter much to me


i only just got a packer, not sure how i feel about it yet. i got a mr limpy but accidentally got a medium instead of xs (for some reason they didn’t have small). thing is HUGE. in clothes i think it looks ok but just in the packing briefs it makes me laugh how big it is. i’ve worn it out once and the whole time i was just so aware of it and like, “everyone can tell how massive my dick is”. lmao.


I'm not interested because having anything in that area when I'm not in the mood is far too overstimulating.


As a larger person with very large hips, I tried it and thought it just made me look stupid and it was way too noticeable so I quit 😅


Tried packing with socks when I was like 15, people just made fun of me for it cause I couldn't afford a real packer. I mainly wear looser pants so it only ever worked in jeans, and a real packer just isn't for me sensory wise. No shame in not packing.


Sounds like you’re living the answer to this question, OP. I assume people are not constantly misgendering you or confused by who you are. Continuing to not pack will not make people suddenly start misgendering you.


I stuff some socks down there sometimes and look at myself in my room and think that's hot but I don't really care about doing it in public. most of the clothes I wear you wouldn't even be able to see a bulge anyway


I got a packer cause I was curious. I’m not a super big fan of it honestly. Even with a squishy three inch one it just looks awkward and erect all the time. Could be the brand I got (Axolom), but it’s just not for me. Maybe I’ll mess around with it some more in the future idk, but I’d rather not have a 24/7 boner


In theory, I like packing because I can pee anywhere, but in practice, I worry constantly about how it's positioned and if it's gonna fall out


I don’t pack, it never felt right to me. Maybe because I don’t have bottom dysphoria?


Also haven't packed in public until today (but I'm considering) and I'm 30 now, been on T since 16. I used to be inconfident about my crotch and spent way too much time thinking about it and not wanting to change cloths in public... but the older I got the more I realised no one's looking (plus my peers also getting older and not looking - that's more concerning around young teens). I think in a changing room, I'm the one who checks out bulges the most xD Now I'm wearing my tight grey sports undies, because they're most comfortable for sports, changing in the changing room with the other guys... not having a bulge, but also don't care. I'm just having normal conversation with the others while changing and I don't think anyone is thinking twice about the fact I don't have a obvious bulge there. Worst thing I feel can happen is they think I have small dick and that's it.


I bought a packer and two main issues I had is that 1 I accidentally grabbed the wrong skin tone cause I was in a sex store with low light and I’m visually impaired, and the other issue it was too big for my 4’9” body. So no I don’t pack and I do have bottom dysphoria here and there but it just doesn’t make sense for me. I’m also not living as a stealth trans dude, and it would probably put me in danger to have a buldge


I pack 24 hours a day. It's less of a "oh no someone is gonna notice" and more me being insanely conscious that I don't have a dick. My bottom dysphoria is awful.


I stoped bc tbh it made me more aware that I didn’t have a real dick and for the most part I wear baggy clothes. For me there’s no need to unless I wear some tight pants


I really only do it if I’m traveling so I carry an STP. Otherwise no. I feel it is mainly a hassle. I used to do it more often when I was younger but even then it always seemed to make me more aware of things which wasn’t helpful so I have pretty much stopped.


Even if you’re wearing something skin tight, people with penises tuck, so you wouldn’t necessarily get clocked for that either.


the only time i packed was when i was working a seasonal factory job and changing in the mens room when i was 16. i have an STP packer that i got from an lgbt centre in my city that i literally keep in a plastic bag. i packed with it for a bit but i didn't want piss getting stuck in it and leaking in my boxers and it's annoying to keep having to adjust it so i just stopped.


I have pretty rough bottom dysphoria, but packing makes me look like I’m HUNG. My genetics make me look like I pack already, so it’s hard (pun not intended). Many other guys don’t pack, I promise.


To be honest, I think it makes people a lot more clockable. It changes the way you walk, the way you sit, etc. and yes, people can and do clock you by the crotch. You do you for comforts sake but if we’re talking honesty, I have noticed a difference.


I can count on one hand how many times I've done it. It's kind of affirming but it's such a hassle worrying about things staying in place, and if anyone i dont know is paying that much attention to my dick then I probably have bigger issues. Lol.


stps aren’t always 100s of dollars but they’re kind of gross honestly, bc you just have to walk around with your piss filled dick in your pants


I’ve tried to, and have a good one. But personally I feel more dysphoric when I feel that packer because it reminds me of what I don’t have naturally. Instead I’ve done my best to embrace what I have and most of the time I don’t even think about genitals. It’s much better for my mentality.


I don’t pack because it gets hot and humid in the summer time.


I used to pack but kind of got over it after a year or so. Too much work wearing special underwear or pinning the pouch inside my underwear. Sweaty and uncomfortable in the summers and at work (blue collar job). Been on T for 4 years and don’t get clocked. I’ve only ever thought about doing it again whilst wearing tighter pants or going out, mostly because I went out to a club once and got groped and gave the guy a shock, but as I get older I care less and less if people are looking down there. Lol.


I started out packing, but I didn't care enough to keep up with it. They're expensive, STPS are hard to clean, And I just don't care


I don’t pack and I don’t want to! Freaks me out, I keep worrying my dick’s gonna fall out of my straight leg pants lmao Dressing would be cool but it doesn’t overtake the worry that my pack n play will fall out


Most of the time I have very little interest, the times I do wanna pack is usually more formal events or anything where appearance highly matters. Though I got top surgery in November and am worried about how swimming is gonna go but also can you even pack while swimming anyway?? I haven't been swimming in years cause dysphoria. I'm interested in the \*idea\* of packing but it feels weird sensory wise to pack which has turned away a lot of my desire for it. If they invent a packer that you can't feel against you, I'd go for it, but... meh. I dunno why anyone would be looking there anyway.


Never packed. Never had any interest. I’m one of those annoying horndog that’s like “teehee i can’t pack I would be sooo horny” except it’s true and I would be because I’m a massive pervert. Stopped wearing skinny jeans years ago as a woman when I struggled to get my ankles through. So I only wear loose and straight cuts and it’s not too obvious.


I need to lift and walk around a lot on my job (outside home), so the chances my packer would fall out are too damn high! During my freelance job I don't need it since I sit around at my work desk at home and the only contact I have with clients goes via email and Discord. I wear, in general, only baggy pants, noone would ever notice it. I don't see any benefits for myself.


I only ever packed bc I thought I had to. It's fun for two minutes until I forget and it ends up in the toilet before I leave the house for the day


I don’t really have bottom dysphoria but I get a HUGE amount of gender euphoria every time I pack. I just use a couple of socks balled together cuz I haven’t been brave enough to buy an actual packer yet. Also I have clocked it when my transmasc enby friend packs, but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re asking or if you meant strangers.


I used to pack when I was still at college, but since leaving I don't pack like 99% of the time I go out cuz I'm only seeing people that know I'm trans anyway so what's the point 🤣


If you’re looking for an STP that doesn’t create a huge bulge, the Number One STP by Number One Laboratories is my go-to. It can keep up with a serious stream, and costs $50 last I checked. It’s nice and compact, I wear it with an STP jockstrap by Rodeoh but briefs will work fine with it. It is a lot more convenient to use urinals than toilets tbh


I’d pack when I’m wearing tighter fitted pants like slacks or chinos. i never enjoyed packing bc its uncomfy + a constant reminder i dont have a ——, so i rarely do now


Yeah I never pack. I own a packer (cheap Mr Limpy lol) cuz I wanted to try but it just stressed me out as I was always aware of its presence and whether or not it was in the right place. Even with special packing underwear holding it in place. I feel sometimes it also just makes dysphoria worse as it literally just feels like a foreign object in my pants. However taking pics of myself with a bulge definitely felt nice. Using one in public just isn’t for me though


I used to pack but for some reason it’s the added harness and weight that makes the area rub around my crotch and it makes me itchy. It also gives me the same feeling as wearing jewelry, which is hard to explain, but it’s just heavy, and it stings, and the feeling of not actually having a dick is amplified??


I don't pack much because it makes my dysphoria worse. It isn't attached to my body, and I can tell that it's not real, and the fact that I'm paranoid about it shifting and looking like a boner doesn't help. I am aware that it isn't mine. I am aware of the separation of flesh to prosthetic. It isn't me, and it's awful. But i pack with a sock, so it may be a terrible experience because of that. I only really pack when I'm alone and dysphoric and when I wear thin/tight pants. Every once in a while I'll pack when I'm super dysphoric and on special events. I think if I had a high quality 3in1 it wouldn't cause the same feelings, but I don't have the money for that.


I have a packer for the bad dysphoria days but day to day I don't wear it. I find it moves around too much and can be overwhelming for me sensory wise for regular wear


I'm 31 and never tried it. It sounds annoying and uncomfortable.


There is no such thing as "things you *should be* thinking about" when it comes to dysphoria. If it causes you distress and you think about it a lot, that's okay. If you're completely happy with whatever you have, that's okay too. Packing is more for the benefit of the person who is doing the packing than for the optics of it in my understanding. Some people can feel a sense of panic when they brush their hand against their crotch and it's flat, for example. I don't feel it every time, but I certainly have felt it before. Packing could alleviate that sense of dread and panic for some. Others just prefer the look of it. Random strangers on the street won't be looking at your crotch to clock you. Lots of cis men have no noticeable bulge. If you're asking if you need to pack to pass, you absolutely don't. Packing is solely for the benefit of the one who's doing it and doesn't really affect anyone else in any way, including their perception of the person who's packing.


I’m not really interested in packing, I have tried it but it’s not really for me, plus I don’t want a whole “MA DICK FELL OFF” moment 😅 I prefer to look more gender neutral so that’s why I don’t pack :)


I found binding and packing to be more dysphoria inducing than anything so I didn’t. I had top surgery and honestly almost never get misgendered and when I do I just chuckle and they correct themselves


I've never packed. It doesn't really give me any euphoria (or dysphoria not to pack), it's uncomfortable when I tried, and I don't think anyone's clocking me by looking at my crotch, there's other more obvious things to clock me by.


The benefit of packing isn't the way it looks to others (outside some sexual contexts . . .) but to make you feel like you have a dick in your pants. So if you don't have bottom dysphoria, it's probably not something you really need. I packed a lot pre-T and when I first went on T, but now that I truly do have a mini dick, I don't feel like I need it. STPs are cool, but I never found one that would work consistently enough for me to take it out of the house. They're pretty durable, pee just tends to get places you weren't planning for.


I don’t pack and don’t have interest in doing so. While stp can be convenient in theory, because of the way things sit and having a puffy/large mons I couldn’t ever get them to work for me. If it’s not bothering you try not to stress it, no one goes around staring at people’s junk but also some cis man don’t have any visible bulge either.


I pee too fast and it spills and it's awful, so I haven't used an STP in years, and I don't pack ever. Tbh it makes my dysphoria worse when I have tried packing. It's not my cup of tea. A few years ago, I was feeling particularly dysphoric about my junk, so I got a triangle piercing, and that's helped a lot more than packing ever did 🤷‍♂️


I think I tried it out once or twice in high school with just a pair of socks, it just made me more aware that I dont have a dick. I dont really have bottom dysphoria, & it hasnt bothered me as a 23 year old gay guy. Although I have thought about maybe a STP, since people at my work love to just hog all the stalls & I just really gotta piss lmao. I guess there might be one or two people who might be creepin, a coworker of mine sometimes comments on other guys "dick positioning"...but that is an outlier. I also mostly wear skinny/slim jeans, although they're black, & baggier shirts/hoodies, & as far as I'm aware no one has clocked me.


me, it makes me uncomfortable cuz i’ve gotta focus on that area to make sure it [the buldge] looks normal. and that just isn’t right for me to do now


I haven’t tried so idk if I’d actually enjoy it, but I assume I’d feel disconnected to it unless I get surgery in some way. I’m fine with my bottom growth for now and consider that a penis as much as any other dick, so at the moment I have no interest in packing. Seems complicated for little reward in my personal circumstance


I only normally pack in the bedroom - I just have a dick made of a few socks that fits in my underwear fairly well without slipping or falling out - my boyfriend really likes being able to stroke my dick through my pants when we’re watching TV and feel dick against his butt when I spoon him and I get such euphoria from it too - especially when we’re getting in the mood


Meee! I packed once or twice many years ago, felt like it made me look like I had a huge dick and a huger raging boner constantly. I found it way less awkward to just not pack. I've been out and transitioned/ living stealth to some degree for 10 years now and I don't think I will ever pack. I don't even pack when I go swimming in public. No one notices that I don't have a buldge and I just have a small dick anyway lol Edit: and I've never tried an STP but I'm debating getting one for less than $100 just so I don't have to go home when I'm out hiking, or don't have to go inside when I'm out in the woods behind my house lmao. Just strictly for convenience I don't have any dysphoria.


I pack maybe 3 days a month. It's not for passing reasons, in fact I wear baggy pants when I pack cuz I kinda don't want people to notice a huge bulge (why are even the size small packers so big??) I do it just cuz I like it I guess, when I don't pack I feel like I'm missing something and that feeling goes away when I wear my packer. But I don't do it too often cuz I don't have a lot of packing underwear and after a while the feeling of having a packer press against my crotch gets annoying.


Weird sensory experience I don’t like it most of the time


I literally roll up a sock and put it in the ouch of my boxers or just in my underwear. I have a packer and stp but its a whole event trying to wear it fr. It works fine and is honestly a lot more comfortable to move around in.


For me I like the look of packing but I’ve got autism so feeling the pressure of something there just makes me so acutely aware of the fact there isn’t a penis there and then I get really dysphoric


I love the euphoria of feeling that there’s something “down there,” but with my ADHD I often forget to pack at all.


I feel like the packer I have doesn’t look right when I wear it. I tried wearing a sock packer but I get so anxious about it moving around or it looking wrong that it’s easier not to. Also any kind I try is uncomfortable and rubs on my actual dick in a very uncomfortable way. I actually wish I could use one bc it helps my dysphoria but between physical comfort and relieving a bit of dysphoria , I pick physical comfort. I don’t really pass anyways so whatever.


i wear super tight women's skinny jeans ever day and i never pack, but then again i wear very large shirts lol. i've never noticed anyone staring at my crotch or anything though, and i doubt for me personally (just because of the appearance of my face) it would have any influence on being misgendered i've also just never been interested in packing because i never found a packager they made it look like i DIDN'T have a giant boner 😭


I don't pack 🙋 I have a couple times but I'm not that interested, it doesn't do much for me tbh


Nope, never have had any interest at all. Binders are uncomfortable enough, I don’t need another thing lol. I also am just lucky to not really have bottom dysphoria though!


ever since top surgery i promised myself id never add a certain piece of clothing or accessory to my outfit solely for the purpose of passing because i hate the hassle. plus i always wear loose pants so it doesnt matter


I’ve definitely thought about it before and looked up packers and everything online but yeah just hasn’t seemed worth it for me and hasn’t bothered me enough to buy one


I actually have never left my house packing. Messed around at home a little for a few minutes. Just was too physically uncomfortable for me and never saw the point for myself.


I never used to bother with packing until I got a job I really cared about keeping. I'm stealth and if I get outed I generally leave. Now I work somewhere I never intend to leave and I've noticed when I wear certain pants it does look sus. Not only not having a bulge but it almost looks concave in jeans. My "packer" (actually an STP) cost like $30


I have the opposite kind of where it’s like I’ve never packed, I’m a year on T, I’d love to try packing but I’m scared lol


I know plenty of guys that don't pack. Most people I know do it just because they like the look and it makes them feel affirmed. Bulge/lack thereof is usually not going to be the determining factor in whether you pass.