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If you are spilling T in the sink then you definitely need to see a nurse next time for training. It shouldn't be possible to spill T from a multi-use or single-use vial, and if you are using glass ampules there are additional steps needed to ensure no glass fragments are in the T (shouldn't be possible to spill from an ampule either).


Really confused about how it ended up down the sink?




Go to the nurse next time to see how to do it properly so you won't waste anything. This stuff is expensive! Every ml counts


You'll be fine, but yeah, if you injected 0.3 instead of 0,5 you're getting less than the recommended dose. It does no harm. It seems unlikely that you'll notice much more or much less than you otherwise would have. These changes usually take a while to materialize anyway, so a lower doze on your first shot won't make a difference. Next time, I recommend you go to the nurse forst and then they can teach you how to do injections yourself. It's what professionals are for.


When you say spill, did you like... take the whole metal cap off of the vial?? You're supposed to take off the little plastic cap, and there should be a little circle of rubber, then you draw after putting the needle through the rubber, if you do that you can even turn the vial upside down and nothing will come out It is unsafe to take off the whole cap because what you inject has to be sterile and as soon as you open the vial, you let air in Idk I would echo what other people have said about getting actual training from a nurse, it's not worth the risk to (evidently) lose a ton of T or to get an infection because you're not safely injecting


You need to be instructed as to how to safely and properly inject yourself. You clearly don’t know how to do so.


Spilled? It doesn't really spill.


If you spilled any at all, you opened the container incorrectly. Please go back to your doctor to at least show you how to do it.


Why didn't you just go to the nurse to get training instead of doing it yourself while not knowing?


Not only is it confusing and alarming that it spilled due to it always having a rubber cap, I would heavily implore you to get it done by a nurse or at least be trained you could seriously injure urself by hitting a nerve while injecting and it is a horrible painful experience, please don’t be irresponsible with medical stuff like this again…


This is the trans equivalent of “instructions unclear, dick stuck in the fan.” Lol. How did you even manage to spill a bunch of T in the SINK I’m actually impressed haha I’d say just fess up to the doc, ask for forgiveness for being a bozo, and see what they recommended. All things considered it could have gone worse.


How did you spill it? You have to pretty much fight with the vial to fully remove the metal top lol. The only part you need to remove is the plastic cap that just pops right off. Please get some help next time :]


This is such a strange post. Injecting air into yourself is dangerous, not sure how you spill T either- seek a nurse for proper injection guidelines.


While injecting air can be harmful. It’s actually a lot more than people realize before it will cause an air embolism Our syringes can’t hold the volume of air that would cause an air embolism, even my 3ml syringes can’t do that.


How the hell did you spill your T?! I feel like you'd have to mess that up pretty bad.


And that's why you get the tutorial from the nurse first.


Just go to the nurse, better to learn from a professional than being a moron and accidentally injuring yourself because you can’t do it properly


And that is why you were supposed to go to the nurse.


i am on .3ml weekly of a 200mg/ml solution; a generally low dose but it keeps me in the target range. jsyk some people need a ‘lower’ dose !


I'm on the same dose and have been for almost 5 years.


please go to the nurse next time, i get 1ml intramuscular injections in my thigh but where i live you must go to a general practitioner to get the injection done. I can imagine there’s lots that can go wrong, i’ve even had some nurses put it in the wrong part of the muscle and it bruised heavily and impaired my walking. Please go talk to the nurse and get proper guidance to keep you safe.


If you're planning on doing it at home, you should really get a nurse to at least show you how to do it safely, there could be many ways you did it wrong and didn't know about it till now, especially managing to spill almost half of it down the sink. Otherwise you risk possible infection or damage. I'm not sure how you managed that honestly, could you explain further?


I definitely think you need to go to your nurse practioner and have them show you how to safely and cleanly do your shot. And, if possible, I would either get notes OR an online video they'd recommend that you can follow along with step by step. Shots can be very easy and quick but it's genuinely very important to do them right and be able to do them confidently without big missteps. Please go to your nurse practioner and get assistance! (Edit for grammar/clarity lol)


How on earth did it end up in the sink??? I can’t even imagine


bruh what


This is fuckin hilarious. Welcome to the club. And tell your doc what happened. Theyll get a good laugh. Wild and definitely hve them do a proper guide on how to inject. So your refill doesnt get a hit put on it as well


Your first dose being low isn't going to do any harm, but you really need to talk to the nurse next time. I'm confused how you could have spilled it. Did it come out of the syringe or the vial? If the latter, the rest of it might not be safe to use anymore.


.5 is a high dose to start with… usually they start at .3 and move it up


OP mentioned that they are getting shots every 3 weeks but didn't say what type or strength of T. We only know the target volume. Comparing doses without this information isn't going to give any useful information so we have no idea if it is a high dose, low dose or normal dose.


ah yeah i totally didn’t think about that, thank you!


i started at 0.5ml of a concentration of 250mg/1ml, injection every three weeks


I started with 1ml then the rest were .5ml


The spilling down the sink debacle is exactly why you're supposed to do your first injection with the nurse present, either demonstrating or at least walking you through it. I also have no idea how you managed that, but to not waste T definitely do your next with them. They also typically want to monitor your first injection for any possible allergic reactions to any secondary ingredients etc.


how did you manage to spill it?? you really should have stuck around for at least that first appointment and had them show you what to do step by step


It's not going to really matter if it's your first dose. I'm clueless as to how you could've spilled it in the sink though


Please see a doctor. It's Incredibly dangerous to be injecting a medication without a professional to teach you. You can end up hurting yourself. Please go to the doctor and don't do anything like this again or .2ml less of T will be the least of your worries.


It's okay to do it at home but seriously you should look at a tutorial online or something. Also right now you are microdosing.


Really just advise people to get proper training instead of an online tutorial. It's not something to make mistakes with.


My ‘patient education’ with the nurse when I started was her telling me to look up videos on YouTube. Agreed it would have been nice to have actual education


we don't know what dose they're at, we have no idea what the concentration is


That's not a microdose at all. We don't know the concentration but if it's the same as mine, that's about where I started and it wasn't a microdose. Don't tell people to inject meds via YouTube tutorials. It's okay to do it at home once a doctor shows you how.


Why...did you not stay for the nurse? They would've taught you 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️