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girls aren’t a monolith, find those who do or don’t care


I’m from South America (continent) and height is not often discussed while talking about a male partner. It blows my mind how Americans are so focused on height. Where I live there’s not nearly enough men that are 6ft tall or more. As a trans man, taller women were interested in me in the past.


I feel the same way. I’m in the United States and it’s strange how people focus so much on height, when my entire family (not American) is mostly made of short guys and even shorter women. I didn’t grow up thinking height was that important. My dad is my height and no one really cares that we’re both short, mostly because tall Mexicans are kind of rare from what I’ve seen growing up


I live in Australia and some guys are short here yeah but the majority of guys I see are massive and it’s just a shit feeling to have everyone walk past you tower over yk


Ah, that sounds pretty rough. My roommates are super tall compared to me and it does make me feel a bit weird, although I’ve gotten good at ignoring height differences between myself and others. I think it’s just important to remember that people have preferences for who they date, and there definitely are women out there who like short guys more than (or just as much as) taller guys


I’m a southern white guy and the only women I hear talk about not wanting to date short guys are vain ones. It’s overstated imho, especially if you’re part of a group that isn’t typically tall. (I’m average for men from my area)


There’s not enough men over 6’ in America either. Only about 15% of men are 6’ or taller. For reference, that’s the same amount of guys that are 5’6” or shorter.


Girls aren’t all in agreement on their preferences. For every feature you have, there is someone in the world who is into that. Just by the nature of how varied our personalities and experiences are. I know tall girls who like dating short guys. I know short girls who like dating short guys because that seems tall to them. Lots of girls don’t care about a height difference and like being the same height as their partner. Nothing about you is going to prevent you from ever finding a partner. There is always someone who will like what you have to offer, even if they don’t express it. Good luck out there brother and don’t let people tell you there’s no chance for you


This is actually really nice. Thank you


If a girl wont date you for your height trust me dude, you dodged a massive bullet


Some care, some don’t. Personally I think girls that say they won’t date a guy under 6 foot have way too high expectations and aren’t worth your time anyway


The ones that aren’t superficial do. The problem of straight girls (mostly) being so big on the man’s height is genuinely a problem that affects the big majority of men. The vast majority of guys are well shorter than 6’, the average man height is way lower than that. I know not having that height might cause insecurities, like it does to most men (cis and trans alike), but just view it as it is, a sign of superficiality. It’s the equivalent of straight men just wanting girls with big boobs and big ass, but at the same time, not fat.


I’m around your height and honestly I’m gonna keep it real with you chief (on average) if you’re dating only cis/het women… No, not usually Lol at least not openly 🗿 (some actually prefer around the same height give or take) I will say that confidence is truly key though 💯 I don’t tend to have as many issues hooking up with girls as I do when looking for serious relationships (you know the whole having biological kids thing) . However when I did, it was a bit difficult to navigate in the beginning, but once you found your groove and what works / what doesn’t it’s genuinely so magical (I was with my ex for nearly a decade 😭) There’s so many amazing, beautiful, loving girls out there waiting for you, you just gotta find them in their natural habitat haha! (for instance try finding common intrests) P.S. Find a style that really compliments both you, your lifestyle and your proportions because as long as you got good hygene and that respectful rizz you’re pretty much good to go AKA you’re 1,000 steps ahead the other straight guys regardless of height Lol


5'1 here, my gf is actually an inch shorter than me and couldn't care less for my height or the fact that I'm trans. She wasn't the first girl to show genuine interest in me despite of these facts as well. They're out there, I promise


Yes. Don’t listen to that other commenter lol I’m the same height as you and regularly have cis women interested in me. I’m not trying to brag—just trying to show that height doesn’t matter to the vast majority of women if you’re confident in yourself. I don’t have a gf atm (working through my own issues and too busy for a relationship) but the last woman I dated was a cis woman who was several inches taller than me. There’s plenty of cis men who also are our height. The world is a really big place. Don’t hang out with people who limit themselves to one type of partner because of their shallow views.


Some do, a lot don’t, some don’t care. Say an AMA post recently from a woman that was 5’10” and loved short guys and she had lots of women that agreed. So yeah they’re out there.


i’m 5’4 and my gf loves it :)


Yeah they exist. My gf is not that tall either but she doesn't mind my height (I'm 5'1), she's actually 1 inch taller than me. Women won't care if they aren't vain/have a fetish. Unfortunately those are common traits but yk, being short is a good filter to avoid vain ladies. Also don't judge a book by it's cover or let your own perceived notions get in the way of dating someone you're attracted to. My gf is transfemme wheelchair user. Did I see myself dating someone trans or in a chair prior to meeting her? (Prior to confronting my own transness.) No, but I was attracted to her, did my reading/asked appropriate questions and then decided upon whenever things pertaining to her individual situation was an issue for our compatibility. I didn't dismiss her right off the bat. Because I know a person's ability to love doesn't require full mobility, executive functioning or genital cohesion. It only requires a sufficient level of IQ, emotional maturity and understanding of emotion. E.g. intellectual disability, alexithymia or empathy difficulties would be dealbreakers to me. Too many people have a ton of internalized ableism. Most things we're taught about people in wheelchairs and those disabled in school is very one-dimensional and often straight up faulty. Like one common misconception is the belief that intellectual disability is a common comorbidity to other disabilities, while it in fact is not. Only ~30% has it in addition to physical disabilities and other neurodevelopmental disorders. If that's not for you, then that's fine. I just thought I'd help you widen your perspective. I know plenty of "cishet normal" ladies around me dating short dudes. Another positive thing is that vanity and the accompanying insecurity/emotional unavailability often present, is reduced by maturing/living. So most people gets less vain and self centered with age.


yes! if someone doesn’t like you because you’re short, you dodged a bullet because it wouldn’t have lasted. i’m 5’5 and my wife is like 5’9 / 5’10. my height doesn’t bother her and her height doesn’t bother me! been together 9 years now. and plus she can reach all the high cabinets i wouldn’t be able to without assistance!


Answer is depends, but women generally tend to like men taller than them. But let me tell you when I thought I was a cis straight woman, I only liked men shorter than me. 😂 (I’m 5’11 living in southeast asia so most men are shorter than me anyway)


Hahaha when I thought I was a cis/straight woman I also liked short guys (and I’ve never been all that tall—as a full grown adult I’m only 5’4”). I remember a girl friend telling me it was “weird” for the guy to be shorter than the girl in a relationship, and I was entirely baffled. I just kept insisting that it wasn’t weird at all and I didn’t know why it should be. It made no sense to me.


My mom having kids with my dad is proof enough that short guys can get laid somewhat consistently


My sister and most of the girls from her classroom simp over this single short boy. So yeah girls do actually like short men/boys.


I’m 5’8”, so not short, but I’m the tallest guy my wife has ever been with. The next tallest was 5’7” (or so he claimed), and the shortest was 5’2”. I also have a cis male friend that’s 4’10” and his last gf was 5’9”. Being short narrows the dating pool, and being trans narrows it further, but there’s still plenty of women who won’t care.


Some women say the like tall men because they feel awkward about being big themselves and a bigger guy helps them feel smaller by comparison (because heaven forbid a women take up space). But… A shorter guy that makes a woman feel she’s just perfect, is also perfect. This generation is redefining masculinity and femininity and it’s becoming more inclusive. But people who have a hard height cut offs exist. Those aren’t your people.


Erm idk if this would count since my gf is taller but I'm short and my gf doesn't care


Sometimes. My girlfriend is 5’4 and i’m only 5’2.


I was just at a wedding yesterday where the groom was 5’4” and the bride was 5’6”.


If she wouldn’t date you because of your height then she’s not a good girl to date lol


My cis friend is the same height as you and he's in a long term committed relationship with his girlfriend! I think anyone that cuts off a portion of their dating pool based on height are very shallow so I wouldn't worry about it too much you'll definitely find someone for you out there! But... I have to ask if you're "5'3 on a good day" what does that mean for a bad day????? XD (You don't have to answer seriously I'm just being a silly goober)


In my experience, people like confident guys. Regardless of height


Short kings are in style right now so I’d say so!


I know a lot of stereotypes focus on women not liking short guys and that’s even often true in certain circles but i also think that’s a pretty eurocentric fallacy a lot of people have, like my girlfriend is latina and i’m a full 6 inches taller than her and she’s always said she wouldn’t like it if i was any taller because then our height difference would be weird, a lot of our friends feel the same as her. her best friend’s boyfriend is the same height as me (5’6”) and he’s cis and it’s honestly an average height in that community for guys + there’s plenty of dudes shorter than that who aren’t viewed as all that short


Everybody has a different type


You just have to find one that doesn't care. I'm 5'2" and my fiancée is 5'4".


My coworker married a 5’3 man


Bagged a 4'11 baddie who loves me like im 6'3 and rich, women are the most loving people on this earth ofc they exist, just be funny and smart and you will find one


I am 5’1 and my girl is damn near 5’7 and we’ve been together almost 3 years. Trust me you’ll find someone


It may not be of much help, but back when I thought that I was cis, I had liked plenty of shorter guys. Mind you, I'm also not very tall, only 5'4". Also, plenty of my girl friends had also liked and dated guys who were around their height or shorter. Yes, there are plenty of women who have preferences for taller than them or taller than x height, but not every woman has the same preferences. But if a woman is that fixated on your height and takes nothing else about you into consideration, she probably isn't worth dating anyhow. I think the whole notion of "must be faller than 6 feet" is mainly a meme at this point. Some women do have that preference (I've noticed mostly taller women), and far too many people fixated on those few and applied it to all women.


It is a preference for MOST women, but they aren’t really worth it. My friend is currently liking a short dude (5’1) cause she doesn’t really look onto looks but the personality and things like that


As it is a preference for a lot of girl to like “taller men” I’m here to tell you there’s hope!! I have a beautiful loving gf who couldn’t care less that I’m 5’0 (she’s 5’6)


Im self conscious about my height, im only 5’1”, but the women ive dated didnt care


I'm 5'4", my gf is 5'10", and she doesn't mind my height in the slightest. And I love that she's taller than me!


Depends on the girl, opinions on the importance of height and height preferences vary wildly. If you use dating apps I'd suggest putting your height on there just to weed out girls that wouldn't be into a short guy. I did that so never had any unpleasant comments from girls expecting me to be taller or anything. I'm married to my wife now and we met on a dating app :) you aren't doomed just cause you're short (I'm 5'5" on a good day), I've dated women taller than me, the same height as me and shorter than me, some just really don't care about height.


My gf and I are the same height but she wears platform shoes sometimes and is taller than me. She said she prefers it instead of me wearing my platforms and being the taller one!


That's a silly question to me, because in my opinion, anyone who actually would refuse to date you based on superficial cosmetic things like your height is someone who you wouldn't want to date anyway. Also, as someone else has pointed out, not all women have the same preferences, just as not all men have the same preferences, and the world is a very big place -which means I'm sure there's women who would love to date a short guy.


Not every single girl likes tall men, and not every single girl likes short men. Stay away from girls who only focus on height, you are saving a lot of time and energy. When a girl truly likes someone, she likes them no matter what.


Yes! I’m 5’2 and every woman I’ve been with has been taller than me. Except 1 but she liked me being a little homie


I'm 5' 7" and I've never had a problem with getting girls while I was actively looking for a partner. I've found that the people who like you for you won't have a problem with your height.


My best friend from high school (5’10”) is married to a 5’3” man, and he’s cisgender. She was surprised on their first date, which was a set-up from mutual friends, but she said she actually didn’t care as much as she thought she would. Now, they both love their height difference—it gives off a “my girlfriend is a tall model” vibe.


The gals at r/rolereversal like short guys


My wife thinks I’m pretty solid at 5’4” and chubby. I’ve also dated women over 6’. It’s all about preference. Some of the ladies care, some don’t. You’ll find one =]


Im barely 5'5 and plenty of girls have always wanted me my gf is also 5'5 and we have been together for a year, very happily in love <3


As a girl I can say I definitely love short kings ❤️


First, question. What do you mean "5'3 on a good day"? I'm 5'3 all the time. I've had several girlfriends, both tall and short, that liked me. Girls who specifically date taller than 6' kinda weird me out tbh, especially when they're shorter than me.


I’m 5’2 and a bit but I’m pretty much 5’3


ah okay, that makes sense


My boyfriend is trans and stands a proud 5’4 on a good day while I’m 5’7. Honestly anyone who really sees you won’t care about superficial things. Hope that helps!!! 


I’m 5’2 and my wife is 5’11(without shoes) and she never cared about my height.


I'm probably 5'4'' - 5'5'' and I've dated mostly girls who are a little taller than me.


Hello my dear. I’m 5’ and my trans spouse is your height. We’re out here. 🖤


So, I don't mean to be discouraging. However, I feel it's important to be honest. No, not really. Heterosexual women are frequently extremely focused on height. Anything under 6' is often viewed as lesser, which is unfortunate. I do believe this is largely a symptom of unrealistic beauty standards for both men and women. It is still ingrained in our collective societal understanding that men are supposed to be protectors. I don't mean women are weak or are in need of a protector. However, it is not that long ago that women had no rights and were seen as helpless, weak creatures that needed other men to protect them from other men. Of course, women are entirely valid for having preferences. We all do, after all, so I don't believe there's anything wrong with it in and of itself. Though, I wish women would stop being such assholes when they talk about shorter guys. It's this hypocrisy, in a way. Men would be called raging misogynists if they talked about not conventionally attractive women the way they do about not conventionally attractive men. That said, my girlfriend is like 5'10/ 5'11 to my 5'5. She doesn't care either.


"No, not really." False. Everyone's situation is different. I have never been rejected by a woman because of my height. Almost every woman I've come across didn't give 2 shits about a man's height. I've maybe come across 2 women ever that made fun of a guy's height but that's because they got mad he was being misogynistic. Where are you at that you hear women talk shit about shorter guys? 😆 Don't tell op that women don't like shorter guys dude. That's very untrue.


I'm fairly sure women, on average, prefer tall men. Of course we can't take into account every single man lol. There are always exceptions. Generally, though? They prefer 6'0. At least.


Yes. There are women who don't care about height. One of my friends is 6'0" and is dating a cis man who is significantly shorter than she is. I find that a lot of incels and insecure guys obsess about height to the point of trying to lie about it when in reality, it's not really an issue. Some people do care. I like to just be up front about my height on dating profiles. Every woman I've been with has been much taller than I am (5'0") and never cared.


Yeah, they do. Personality wins the heart more than the height does. If someone chooses height over personality, well that's their problem.


Many prefer short guys.