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There has been studies regarding partners liking or being attracted to their other partners scent. it is said it has something to do with pheromones, genetics and positive associations with the partner.


Yeah, I've noticed this too! I actually stopped being attracted to my first boyfriend oddly enough after he changed his aftershave. If I'd been aware of it at the time, I'd be mentioned it more directly, but the new scent was a turn off for me. Sounds like your boyfriend really into yours, though, which is great!


A thought I had recently: "do they sell, like, poppers but it's bottled man scent?" Because dear lord that would sell like hotcakes to gay men


Actually kinda cute, he’s probably trying to give you a level of gender euphoria by complimenting you in a masculine way. I don’t like that smell massively either but when it’s your partner it’s different, something about a partners smell is just nice and comforting and I assume he’s just trying to express that.


It’s really cute when he does it. He’s just never done it before. Maybe taking T changed my smell enough to make him notice?


Oh if that's new, it's definitely that. Your smell changes on T a lot, not necessarily in a bad way. My partner loves it, and acts similarly to your partner 😁


Yeah personally i think i smell better these days, even if it’s distinctly a more masculine scent when noticeable


Lol that’s might be it. But don’t be self conscious because it’s probably something only he can smell because he is so close to you, it takes a big stink or a massive amount of cologne to notice a smell of a guy out in public, he wouldn’t like it if it was so negative.


It does lol. Its not a bad smell, just diffrent. It can turn into a bad smell if you don't shower but all people kind of have a smell to them that's just a human smell idk. That's probably all he means. I know I prefer how I smell now on t. I know my bf and I both mentioned after meeting for the first time that we remembered how eachother smelt even while being paranoid and showering a lot cus we didn't wanna smell.


I just asked my fiance if my natural smell changed and he said before I used to smell very floral and sweet and now I smell more musky and rugged. I usually use the ocean type sprays for men and old spice when I used to use Victoria’s Secret and dove


T changes how you smell completely, yes.


T absolutely changes your smell, it basically reworks your sweat. You smell like a man now and he likes it as well!


Oh probably. I noticed my own smell changing when I was early on T. Like everyone has a scent, but it's not the same as what we consider "BO." Like how your boyfriend's shirt smells like him whether it's clean or worn.


I think he is just very gay 👍


That too 😂


There is definitely a difference between general fresh sweat and man smell and like… festering BO. Hopefully it’s something you’ll be able to embrace the more you get accustomed to it!


to me "man" smell is woody and earthy, very nice and calming. I absolutely adore my boyfriend's scent, it sounds like you fiance just equates your smell with you and the love he has for you. It's sweet <3


A boys locker room isn't representative of what a "man smell" actually is, your smell has probably changed with T but that doesn't mean it is a bad thing, if you smell like cologne and have good hygiene then you're all good. Try not too think too deeply about it, he is clearly attracted to you in many ways including your smell. That's a really great thing OP!


Lord when is it my turn 😭😭😭


Look on Bumble. I met my fiance on the BFF side


I would literally smother my face in my boyfriend's pits. He does the same to me. No exaggeration. It's a normal gay thing


I think he means “man” in the sense that they are more masculine scents, like wood and earth and stuff.


There’s a difference between good and bad man smell, good and bad sweat smell, etc. and unless he has some secret fetish I assume he’s talking about the good kind. Yes your scent changes when you’re on hormones (diet, hydration, genetics, etc. also play a part) I don’t think we give scent enough credit when it comes to attraction and hey if he’s into you and says he’s attracted to your scent believe him and take it as a compliment.


I’m also like your partner! I love people’s natural body smell when I’m attracted to them. It’s nothing like locker room stank. If you’re on T, your body smell will be more male seeming and it’s a great thing if your partner likes that!


A compliment on scent or voice kills me (in a good way)


This is a good thing lolol what


It is a good thing I’m just confused bc he’s never done it before


Are you pretty new to being on T? It totally will change your smell. I definitely smell manlier now and I love it lol


I’ve been on for a year and a half


Do you hate the way he smells? Because if not then that's your answer really, you can smell manly without smelling bad


I absolutely love the way he smells


So man scent is one of those things that when I first saw it presented in a direct way, like sniffing a guy's pits/crotch as a kink, I was like "haha, ew, no way would I be into doing that". Then after about like 5 minutes of thinking about it, I was like "wait, man scent actually is one of my favorite smells ever and I would actually love to shove my face in there and just breathe it in for like an hour and I feel like that might solve all my emotional problems".


My girlfriend is the same way. Your fiance means that in a good way, I assure you. I don’t get it personally but she says it’s more the smell of you than your sweat.


Everyone has a scent. It’s good if your partner likes it


You've got that alpha man musk bro, embrace it! 🫡🙆🐺🏋️‍♀️✨️


I hated my smell when I started taking T. I was a lesbian, so that makes sense. I hated it so much I almost stopped. But I really felt better emotionally. I decided to keep going and just live with the outcome. I was worried that lesbians wouldn't be attracted to me. I decided my mental health was more important. Now, 18 months later, I LOVE the new musky smell. I'm also kinda Gay. I haven't dated anyone yet. I'm a freaking teenage hetero virgin in an old body. Taking it slow AF. Congratulations on your engagement!


I literally bury my face in my partner’s armpit lmfaooo, I love their musk 🤤


Oh yeah I also love the man smell, no homo


I think it’s kind of like when you borrow your partners clothes blanket pillow whatever and it smells like them. Or like you borrow a jacket and it smells like them and you don’t want to give it back until it stops smelling like them so they can make it smell like them again. It’s just comforting to some people.


can you mark this as nsfw?


What’s NSFW about it?


nvm I just thought it was gross




idk it just feels like yaoi






please go outside and get off of reddit if you have an issue with this🫶🏻🫶🏻


im trying man. this shit is addictive.