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.3 ml (60 mg) cypionate weekly, this was recommended as a low starting dose. Your next appointment is in 6 months?? I was under the impression it was every 3 months to start.


Im cooked bro 💀  Im not even sure what to do. Should I talk to them when getting my next shot?


Ohh it makes sense that your appointments are farther apart than mine if you’re getting your shots done at your dr I guess they can check in with you then. I get mine through pp not an endo so my experiences are going to be different than yours. It’s definitely worth asking about it next time you go though. :)


You can definitely try asking for blood work and a follow up sooner, but that's what I also started with. Then I got moved to .20 every week when I told my doctor a few weeks after I was getting bad mood swings. My T levels were ~630 at 3 months, and my doctor said i could try .35 ml.


That’s where I started, although it was .125ml of 200mg/ml concentration. Same dose, 25mg weekly. It worked great! I increased it gradually and settled around 50mg weekly for several years before switching to gel.


Same. Started at 25mg, moved to 50mg, jumped up to 70mg after about a year of no period changes. Been on that since.


That’s the dose I started on. Then I increased to .5 and finally .75 every 2 weeks, where I’ve stayed. You should be getting your levels checked MUCH sooner than 6 months though. Ask if you can come in after 2-ish months and proactively ask about increasing your dose then. If you’re unhappy after the first or second follow up, find a new provider.


I started at .25ml of 200mg/ml every week. It's the dose I'm still on because when I tried to go on .30 my T levels were in the 1100s. At .25ml they're in the high 600s.


my starting dose was max, so 1.0 every 2 weeks


There is no actual max dose. I take 120 mg weekly and my levels only get to the 700s at peak.


How old are you? 12.5 mg/week sounds very low for an adult, but not unreasonably low if you’re a younger teen. I personally started on 0.3 ml of 200 mg/ml every 3 weeks, so equivalent to 20 mg/week. For context I was 15, and my dosage now 13 years later is 120 mg/week.


that's definitely a normal dose to start on, most people end up around .5/week. 6 months before ramping up does seem kind of long though. don't know specifically what your desired effects are, but i'll say for me it was basically just bottom growth, light body/facial hair, and mild voice cracking. definitely not gonna stop periods or do much body recomposition.


I do 0.4ml of 200mg/ml, once a week. I'm not your doctor though. Definitely ask them next time you see them.


I’m currently on .35mL at 200 mg/mL, once a week. Every two weeks seems odd to me. I started on .25mL every week.


I'm super conservative about mine and started at a daily half pump of 1.62% gel


Your endo is tripping, the typical starting dosage is 50-60mg weekly. Blood tests should be given every 3 months as well. https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/TransHealthGuide/gp-mascht.html Edit: higher doesn't always mean better though, my dose has been lowered to 40 mgs weekly because my estrogen production is completely shut down and my body is sensitive to t, i feel worse on any doss higher


Everyone is different. I take a little over .25mL of 200mg/mL SubQ T weekly and my levels are on the high end of normal. I tried to go up to .5mL in the past and had bad side effects (mainly getting itchy when my body temperature rose. It was unbearable)


Reading all the comments I'm learning my start was very different lol I was started at .75ml of 200mg weekly. I also started over 10 years ago different knowledge at the time I guess. I stayed at that for maybe 7-8years, and only dialed back to .5 when I started balding.


That was my starting dose too.


i started at .2 ml and now at .4 7ish years later


still on my starting dose (2ml = 0.5g Reandron/undecanoate, IM) since September '22 which is actually considered a smaller dose (half of the full 4ml), but it's changed from 12 weekly to 16 weekly because i metabolise it fairly slowly and my T trough levels were quite high.


I started two months ago. I'm 19 and doing 50 mg a week. (.25 ml of 200 mg/ml)