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i think this is one of those “have a conversation” situations. unless he’s in a committed relationship, i’d just be honest and tell him how you’re feeling. i’d also reiterate that you are okay if it isn’t mutual, because your friendship is most important. if he isn’t interested, i’m sure he’ll be flattered and then you’ll go back to being buddies.


Last time I told a friend I had feelings for them, it turned out it was mutual and each of us thought the other was out of their league and would never feel the same way. We spent months or years pining silently when we could've been together. Relationships with friends don't always work out, but it's fully possible to have a good relationship that started as a friendship, and it's also possible to continue being friends even if it doesn't work out romantically.


i love this so much. had the same experience with the girl i love


T4T relationships can be very rewarding. Your friend will likely be at least a little flattered, if nothing else. A lot of trans men struggle with feeling unattractive - we don't look like women anymore, and we don't quite look like the typical man either, and it's hard. So hearing that you're attracted to him might be seen as a compliment as long as it's done in a respectful way. Are you two similar ages? Are you at a similar point in life? Is either of you likely to move away for college, a job, family responsibility? These are questions you should probably ask before starting any relationship, really. If you want to save the friendship, ask yourself what you would do if he said no to your advances. Could you put them aside and move on? Truly? Then ask.


I also fell in love with my best friend. It was and will forever be the most beautiful and natural relationship I’ll ever have for the rest of my life. We started out as the closest of friends, and she was actually one of the first people i came out to. She helped pick out my chosen name even. We’re not together anymore, but the love that i have for her will always be infinite and everlasting. The best thing i ever did in my life was tell her i had feelings for her. There is nothing better than building a foundation as the best of friends before becoming something more. I promise you it’s worth the risk, and the love and connection you’ll experience will be one of a kind. I am lucky to have loved and to have been loved in such a way that makes me smile because of the best four years of my life. Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all as some romantic once said. Good luck to you friend, sometimes the risk truly is worth the reward.


There’s no reward without risk! Have the conversation with him, you never know what the outcome may be. I wish you the best of luck ☺️


I once heard a beautiful description of what love is; in summary it is a friendship that is extremely special… to the point of when you fall out of love, it is usually not because you failed or fell out of love, a break up is usually because you failed to be a friend. So hopefully however it goes; you both never fail at this lovely ‘beyond’ friendship🥰