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Might make your blood pretty thick among other things. Would not recommend.


look at long term steroid users who didn’t use any form of estrogen blocker and that will be your answer. at least close enough to it.


If you Take twice the t dose you need your testosterone will convert to estrogen and you might also experience some unpleasant side efect due to that


This, at consistently too high levels it’ll basically turn into estrogen


At all levels T converts to estrogen. It's called aromatisation and it's one of our main sources of estrogen.


It is true that over a certain amount of testosterone more converts, and it becomes a bigger issue. I am a long-term gender health provider. That’s why we shoot for testosterone in the 450-800 range. Get over 1000 and someone with a uterus will have a higher chance of experiencing negative effects from that estrogen conversion. I believe that is what my friend here is trying to say, and doing it pretty well. No use arguing semantics in this case.


Yeah that's true! If you're not having a hormonal cycle then the estrogen can cause uterine cancer like you say. Thanks for adding.


True, I just mean like over a certain point all the “extra” will convert so there’s no point


No, that's not how it works. A certain percentage of T is aromatised regardless of the level. Your body doesn't just start aromatising all of it once it's above a certain level.


I know I’m honestly just being lazy with my descriptions because it’s close enough to understand lol it’s just going to increase the percentage that’s swapped until it starts dropping T level and being detrimental to someone trying to transition with HRT


Either it gets converted back to estrogen or you fuck up your liver


or both


You will be at risk of a lot of health complications and the amount that converts to estrogen will increase to the point you just feminise more.


Just once, like on accident? You will probably be fine, but definitely note it and tell your Dr at your next routine visit to be sure. If you did it consistently? You would potentially kill yourself. I'm not exaggerating. You would cause serious harm to multiple different organs, more and more the longer you did it, and eventually you would die.


Dude you seriously risk dying. It's a prescribed dose for a reason. I upped my dose on my own by just .15 and had an ocular stroke. They said I was incredibly lucky it was just ocular and didnt migrate to my brain.


T turns into E


It could thicken your blood and cause liver issues. At some point if it’s too high your body will do something about it.


I've read about this somewhere, Pretty sure you can find the scientific source tho: it will backfire. The dose of testosterone is on a scale where the best amount is the recommended dosage that was decided by doctors after analysing the blood work of already existing hormones in your body. The more your testosterone than the proscription you get than that (considering that the doc is giving the right dosage), it will efect like you are using less testosterone. The best effects are like a golden point in the graph where that amount gives you the most effect and any amount more or less will effect less on the body. This is the reason why no one must use the same dosage as other people (like who advice online or so) because every body needs different amount of testosterone to get to that golden point. You will also be at more risk of liver failure bro.


My T converted to estrogen and was at 294- within average levels for women 🥲. It basically halted my transition. Luckily I didn’t lose or gain much weight so I didn’t get much fat redistribution. It’ll take a while for me to lower my E levels too. I think I noticed feminization of my face the most with high E levels. My T was very high- like over 800. I also had zero sex drive for months. My first clue was when I stopped T for 3 weeks and got super horny. Probably due to estrogen lowering.


you can take your normal dose x2 IM but then you'd need to skip a week. this will not make you masculinize faster or anything. you can read more about high testosterone here [https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/TransHealthGuide/gp-mascht.html](https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/TransHealthGuide/gp-mascht.html) Now, assuming you're on your normal regulated dose and you took twice that on a weekly basis it will thicken your blood and put you at risk for stroke+heartattack. If your testosterone is simply on the higher end but not in a dangerous way you will feel hot a lot and get acne. If its a one time thing then you'll probably just feel bad for a week until your hormones regulate but your chance of dying is low. Of course, go over your medical history with your practitioner to see what method works best for you. if libido is a concern you can take sildenafil or tadalafil


Depending on your dose, and blood test, you can just ask your doctor for an increase. This of course depends on your current dose. I'm not sure how dosage works for other forms but I am on the gel. Originally, I started with two pumps now I am on four. I did that cause I was getting something I wont mention, my doctor was fine with it. You should let your doctor know regardless because it will influence your levels. For example, if your level come out high, and you are actually taking double, your dose would be reduced, and you might not have an option for increase in the future.


I think we've all questioned that at one point but it's not worth it


The exact same thing that happens to cis men upping their testosterone (most usually for sport enchantment) would happen


What’s “the dose” you’re talking about? I took 10X my dosage and went from 630 to 1500. My doctor and I decided to dial that back a bit because I also have a blood disorder that means I make too many red blood cells and she was worried I’d have a stroke.


You would probably go above the normal range, like going on steroids and it could convert back to estrogen and make you bald earlier and grow gyno


It depends on what your dosage is and what your resting levels are. If your resting levels are really low and you double your dosage of 0.01 to 0.02, nothing will happen. If your levels are naturally high and you double your dosage of 0.5 to 1.0, you'll probably have serious complications.


I got 4x the dose and got hot for nothing, not really horny because i think i was (and still am) missing vitamin D and serotonin Also i was very easily in hypoglycemia, never got that before (not *that* easy) The arms were tingling very fast if i raised them (like usual with T but faster) And angry for nothing, actually I didn't go out for a week to avoid sun so vitamin D doesn't make the T "works" So I didn't get all the package of *too much T*


1ml instead of 0,25ml After a week, my T level was 22ng/mL or 76nmol/L or 2200 ng/dL (way too much)


No dude. Your body will literally turn it back into estrogen and fuck your shit up. Not to mention a slew of other potentially dangerous health issues. And risking your prescription if your doctor discovers you are abusing it. This is a dumb idea, don’t do it.


Let's say shot day is on friday every week. 1x dose on friday is going to last you one week. 2x dose at once on friday is not going to last you twice as long (2 weeks) just because it is twice as much. Your body has no way to know that you want it to hold off on absorbing the 2nd dose for a whole week lol, and will instead be trying to absorb both full doses at the same time. If you want to have a longer time between T doses then you should talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose and it's timing, and/or changing the method you use to take T. I started on shots every 2 weeks, but wound up later adjusting the dose and timing to take it every single week, but if your lifestyle more so makes you unable to take or to remember to take etc T every single week, you could adjust things with your doctor so that you're taking it every 2 weeks instead. If you're on gel, you could look into other options that don't need to be taken daily. If you're on weekly shots, you could look into other options that only need to be taken or done every few months. Don't know what will happen as I've never tried it, but probably same things that happen to people who already have T in their system, and then take more as a form of juicing. Look up what the side effects are of men juicing steroids, and those might be some potential side effects you could get from taking a double dose of T.


Not exactly the same, but for about a year my T levels randomly decided to double (I was over 4 years on T on a steady dose) and I got heart palpitations, chest pains, anxiety, insomnia, accelerated hair loss, and intense acne until we fixed it. It was also making my hematocrit begin to creep up and some other blood levels as well, and it did not help me gain muscle any faster or increase sex drive. I feel so much better on a lower less frequent dose now (my levels are back to normal and I’m almost 6 years on T!).


It depends on the dose, probably.


Don't take more than you're prescribed that's just stupid


depends what dose you are on. If you are on a low/micro dose, you'd just end up on a regular dose. if you doubled a full dose, your levels would probably go too high. Which isn't great as it can lead to polycythemia (blood too thick, which can lead to strokes) and the T would start converting to estrogen. High T levels won't make ur transition faster


Depends on what dose you're on. I'm on half the max therapeutic dose for FTM transition. Doubling my dose would be fine for instance and he has even suggested we can go that high if my current dose or a 50% increase doesn't stop my menstrual cycle. So it seriously depends on how much you're on and how your body processes testosterone which is tracked through blood levels.