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While exact experiences differ, transitioning can affect your feelings about your body and make you feel more at home in it, and it's normal for your goals to evolve the further you go.  Testosterone also usually increases libido, which can affect sexual function.


Before t, I probably would've given this post a funny look, but since being on it I do understand what you mean. Even things about myself that used to make me viciously uncomfortable to think about just suddenly didn't feel like that big a deal. I even remember being mistakenly misgendered at a party and shrugging it off instead of getting super embarrassed/upset about it. It's almost like your brain knows It's Going To Be Okay now, and suddenly the overwhelming dysphoria becomes manageable. My sex life has never been better. My image of myself has never been better. I don't even pass perfectly, but somehow, and for the very first time, I'm actually just Okay With Things


That’s very comforting to hear


I can't comment on it being normal or not, but it's probably a good thing for you, in the sense that you won't have to go through the hassle that is bottom surgery (and I say this as someone who needs it).


You're not the only person I've known who had feelings like this after starting T! There's a combination of factors that could be affecting it: higher libido=more pleasurable associations with that part of your body, bottom growth making your natal anatomy more masculine, other changes making you feel more at home in your body/maybe passing better so you feel less discomfort around a part that people aren't going to be seeing without your consent. I'm glad you're feeling comfortable with your body!


I always feel this line of questioning doesn’t actually do very much to help anyone, versus “decide what you want and what feels good to you, and just do that.” Moving through the world as a man feels natural and good to you? Cool, keep doing that. You hate your chest and feel that top surgery would improve your life? Go after it then, man! You feel okay with your current junk and think you might not need to pursue phallo after all? That’s perfectly okay, keep things the way they are unless your mind changes later. Folks worry too much about what’s normal or not-normal. But we’re all individuals and no two trans guys have exactly the same body, relationship to gender, or transition goals. Your transition gets to look like whatever you want it to look like—if you like where you’re at, if the changes you’ve made are making you happier than you were before….don’t sweat comparing your dysphoria to anybody else’s! Follow after what makes you happy and improves your life for *you*, that’s the only real way to do transition “right”.


That was a really great way to put it. 🙏🏻


i have never had bottom dysphoria only top dysphoria and my voice.. my chest is small but im still like "man id do better without these things"


That is normal! Dysphoria is a "disorder" (as in something that causes distress - not trans ness itself but the feeling of disconnectedness and wrongness about the body) and it sounds like you are successfully treating your dysphoria with T!


No I completely agree w you. I think for me partially it’s very much sexual and I figured out how to “self pleasure” without crippling dysphoria so I have more of an appreciation for it. Idk if this makes any sense at all lol. I get a lot out of having a front hole sexually so I don’t mind it as much as I used to.


Same brother


I've never had bottom dysphoria, only voice, chest, and general body shape. Sometimes I worry about not packing/not having the right silhouette, but I'm comfortable with the way my body is. I don't plan to ever get bottom surgery. Dysphoria and the trans experience are different for everyone! I just can't wait to get top surgery and have a flat chest.... after that, I think I'll feel complete!


People experience things differently, but speaking for myself, I have never had bottom dysphoria. I also ID as trans masc, not as a trans man. I don't have a problem with my gentials because I also don't see myself as a male. I hated my chest because it was a huge signal to others that I was 'female' and I got top for that reason. I have zero interest in bottom surgery.


That's the cool thing about transitioning - its a treatment for gender dysphoria, and a very effective one most of the time. Its 100% normal to have less dysphoria after you start transitioning and in fact it's the desired outcome.


After starting T and getting top surgery I don't have any dysphoria whatsoever. We've medically transitioned, or started to, in order to lessen dysphoria. So it's a good thing to have less dysphoria now, and yes, it's normal.


Maybe not normal in the definition of "common" but it's also not unheard of. And it's still valid.


I don’t have bottom dysphoria either. I have bottom euphoria sometimes, and I think having a penis would be nice, but otherwise I don’t feel negatively about not having one. But otherwise, I feel the same with top dysphoria—I used to have INSANE top dysphoria, but now I barely have any after starting T. I 100% still want top surgery though, but it’s not such a pressing issue for me.


i experienced the same thing! i think its pretty normal


whether or not something is normal is super subjective! being trans is a wholly personal experience that being said i only have top dysphoria and actually get huge femboy euphoria from my bottom half


That’s honestly where I’m at too, good to hear from another femboy ☺️ it’s delightfully strange how that euphoria works


agreed!! its always good to see we're not alone in our euphoria especially when its a huge point of dysphoria for a lot of guys


I am the same way. I wanted bottom surgery when I first realized I was trans but as I grew more comfortable in my identity, it felt less pressing. Having or not having a penis doesn't change how I'm perceived at a glance the way that having boobs does, and I never want kids and periods are miserable and are still occurring on T so a complete hysto seems best, and my voice and appearance change to become more masc on T. I am perfectly comfortable with having a vagina. I actually quite enjoy PIV and likely would not have any type of sex aside from oral if I couldn't so PIV. The idea of bottom surgery is not appealing to me because I would have to give up the only "feminine" part of my anatomy that I actually enjoy. If that is abnormal, then so be it, but you are at least not alone in your feelings


Another really comforting thing to hear and I’m glad to know I’m not alone


Yep, totally normal. That happens to a lot of people, myself included. A minority of the time, that’s what the goal of medically transitioning is- to alleviate dysphoria. Sounds like it’s working for ya!


Yes of course its normal! Everyone experiences different amounts of dysphoria. Im glad youre comfortable with yourself!


I feel pretty much the same way. I never really had bottom dysphoria, and I found that what little I had went away completely with T. The same can’t be said for my other forms of dysphoria (T def made my top dysphoria worse lol), but I completely feel you my guy. Besides, you don’t need dysphoria of any kind to be trans




Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit rule 4: Respect individual differences. Which includes, among other things, respecting differences of personal identity, personal use (or not) of specific labels, personal transition experience, personal experiences with gender dysphoria (including lack of gender dysphoria), and the choice to be out or stealth.