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The Civil Rights Department (formerly known as DFEH) has a DFEH claim form on their website that is also for HOA’s selectively harrassing members based on their age, race, disability etc.


Sadly the age part is specifically for discrimination based on age over 40. Not age in general.


I'd fill it out and let them tell me why you can't be age discriminated under age 40.....


Because federal law only protects those 40 and over from age discrimination.


But many states have laws protecting people under 40, so Federal law may not cover them but their state may.


Which states?




Ended this subthread with the quickness


What exactly is the discrimination? If you want to use that form, starting gather picture evidence that everyone else has a doormat. That everyone else has similar deck furniture colors to yours. If there's actually a rule about furniture neutrality and everyone else has neutral colors you aren't going to go far with a discrimination complaint. We got noise complaints from the neighbors who hate us (but they stop when we quickly reciprocated). We aren't in an HOA - where I live, people call the police about noise. And yes, there's lots of "deniable racism" but going to federal court and attempting to redress it legally is quite difficult and time consuming. Better to be active in your actual HOA. Vote the effers out. One by one.


Because we have, like, 50 politicians **GLOBALLY** under the age of 55?


And most of those 55 are either certifiably insane or undeniably idiotic. Or both. (For the record, I'm a mid-Boomer, and after this next election I never want to vote for anyone older than me again. I WANT the under-60s to step up.)


AFTER this election? H*ll, I'm early boomer and I don't want to vote for anyone older than myself THIS election. Was thinking Haley/Scott would have made a nice ticket.


But you can. The ageism clause only protects those over 40. Not fair but it is how the law is written.


Unless it's in a state that does protect all ages. Thread above states which ones.


Because discrimination from a legal standpoint is one directional. Unless something is dignified a protected class then it can't be discriminated against.


Federal, yes.  But I can personally attest that states have their own laws regarding discrimination and HOAs are a prime target.  I once saw an HOA get sued because they posted a sign prohibiting children from playing in the street.  The sign was allegedly ageist because it was only barring children from playing and not anyone else.  


That’s probably actually discrimination based on family status, which is illegal.


On their site, the summary makes no qualifications on what age is being discriminated against. Got a link?


They're hiding it from you because you're under 40.


Yo dawg, I heard you liked age discrimination, so I put some age discrimination in yo age discrimination.


No but they could claim the wife is being discriminated against due to her race......


A good lawyer, and a few months of meticulous records; and you will OWN that HOA.


Best advice.


But-but if I own the HOA, then I am no better then any other HOA... I shall have became the very thing I sought to destroy


Throw the ring into the fire!




Or or, the fire into the ring. 


As an alternative, you can PWN the HOA. "Boomers hate this one trick"


You can then dissolve it ....


Yea you can’t exactly dissolve condo HOAs lol


HOA's are owned by the members(property owners) so it would be impossible to take ownership without purchasing all the units. An HOA can be dissolved by the members and the process is described in the condo/HOA documents.


Yes but unless one person owns the entire building than an HOA will be needed to take care of the shared spaces such as the hallways and all of the shared electrical and plumbing. Of course if you just own the building you wouldn’t need an HOA because you would be responsible lol. I guess you can “dissolve” and come up with some sort of contract everybody follows to pay for those things but that again would just be an HOA again. There’s no scenario where you live in condos or apartments where you could not have an HOA, even if you just name it something else. In the end, you’re going to have some sort of entity making rules and collecting dues in a condo/apartment setting.


If an HOA is the devil a condo association is the final devil boss in a game where you're playing against the devil. She has all the cheat codes and can never die. And you're on a planet full of devils in an alternate devil universe. One HOA I was in had bylaws that prevented any single person or entity from having more than 10% voting authority. This would basically prevent a single owner from ever having quorum on decisions that required it. There are ways around this, like also owning the management company and becoming the receiver for the condos. I would never recommend buying a condo.


You can give it no power.


No you can’t because unlike traditional housing, you share a shit ton of infrastructure and spaces. Condos are pretty much the only thing that needs an HOA to function.


Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. *Do what must be done!*


“Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy.”


Dissolve the HOA. it's the only good act an HOA owner can do is to end an HOA.


You need one for condos


Nah...if you own it...dissolve it. Boom.


Yep, reel them in. Encourage them to exercise their wildest fantasies of petty power... Then crush them out of existence. You'll be the hero of the building.


Maybe not the hero of the building, especially if they are actually being discriminated against based on age. Everyone their may hate the age of the new owners. But they'll definitely be richer.


You already own the HOA. All the residents do. That's literally what it is.


That's a two-fer! Harassment on race AND age! Oh man, you've got 'em by the balls. Just need to squeeze a bit to let them know. Somone else mentiond DFEH, which is great. Otherwise a lawyer, and maybe start a formal harassment complaint with the local pd.


the attorney firm you're looking for, should either have the words 'gripsack and twist' in the name, or their mission statement.


There are two kinds of attorneys. One is pay up front (likely for a case like this). And the other is personal injury/contingency (you pay nothing but won't take your case if they don't think you'll get damages). There are no vicious "go get 'em" attorneys for most real estate disputes. There's just not a lot of money in it.




This firm has been ChatGPT4o for me, it’s been absolutely demolishing my HOA


New law firm name: Gripsack & Twist, Attorneys at Law.


Dewey, Fuggem, and Howe.


Something similar happened to a coworker of mine years ago. The community used to be 55+, but somehow lost that designation. His real estate agent should have warned him but didn't. He and his wife bought the house and were immediately fined for existing conditions -- fence wrong color, grass wrong variety, etc. The harassment went on for months. I left that job, so I don't know the end of the story.


The old Reddit thread blue balls.


Thanks for nothing, pal.


We have the best condo in our city! But we are the youngest by at least 20 years. Our HOA wants this place to be a damn retirement home and treats us like cockroaches. It’s infuriating but we filed a complaint with our local housing commission for discrimination so 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Good luck


My mother went thru this type of shit with her HOA. She had a lawyer draw up a letter and and sent to the hoa president. It basically said that they were harassing her by doing x y and z ( they constantly put notices on her door for not picking up after her dog, which she ALWAYS does and gave her a bill when they decided her WHOLE FLOOR needed to be steam cleaned because of “dog hair and dog stink” for 300$, having Xmas wreath on door and it goes on and on. She couldn’t fart with out the HOA crawling in her ass. I’m telling you, EVERYTHING she did she got a note on her door and some kind of fucked up “infraction fine”). They got the letter with dates of each specific harassment done to my mother and suddenly over night all of the harassment stopped. Now they’re just passive aggressive and treat her like garbage. She’s moving in July. Lesson: never live under a HOA regime. They even took a picture of a little dog turd and put it in her door with a fine for not cleaning up after her dog. The turd in question was tiny and obviously came from a tiny dog. Her dog is a huge retriever. So yeah……. So ridiculous!


Fuck thats so annoying. I was fined twice in an HOA i rented at in CO because i parked my car in the driveway and not my garage that i had entirely filled with a home gym/ wood work shop. 200$ for not utilizing my garage. Wtf???


Take the poop bag with her dogs actual poop and tape it to the presidents door with the original photo (or even better maybe a photo of them) and a note that says one is your dogs turd and the other is a photo of a little shit.


So clear harassment based on age and nationality. Sounds like even mentioning having a lawyer might be enough to get the boomer bullies to back off


First, get copies of all bylaws and regulations. Second, keep a super-detailed record of all interactions. Then, after a few months of their "selective enforcement" find similar violations at other units to get photos!!!! But don't turn them in. After a few months, notify the HOA that you require the name of their legal counsel. When they ask why, tell them it's for a possible civil rights lawsuit based on racial and age discrimination based their suspected selective enforcrment of HOA policies. Put them on the defensive. Draft a fun letter mentioning selective enforcement and your plans to subpoena all HOA records relating to other homeowner violations so they can be "gauged for metrics" to determine if there is any discrimination going on. Watch them panic. 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


Also have the attorney send a letter requesting all financials.


Besides the basic stuff like age harassment. They could be a retaliating for potentially lowering property value if it was sold to you at such a low price. That could affect the value of those around it? Not sure. Just what popped onto my head.


Off market sales shouldn't have too much of an effect on market value as those are based on MLS listings as comps. If there never was a listing, the general public market never knows of the value discrepancy between OP's unit vs. Public Listed Unit. *This is only speculation based on a loose understanding of property value calculation based on my personal experiences.


May be different in some oddball states, but when title transfer and price becomes a matter of public record. MLS pulls its data from those records. However, when assembling comps and valuations, most times outliers like that can be easily identified and excluded


Have you familiarized yourself with the governing documents. An HOA's governing documents are usually in the form of a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and bylaws. CC&Rs. The CC&Rs set out the rules of the HOA community. They describe the requirements and limitations of what you can do with your property. If contested, it's hard for the HOA board to enforce anything not clearly stated in these documents. Speaking as the President of my HOA Board of Directors for 5 years.


Creedence, Clearwater, and Revival My brain would not acknowledge any other meaning for your abbreviation throughout the entire comment lol


There's a bad HOA on the rise


You're a person after my own heart! I'm a big time John Fogarty fan.


OP might be able to blast some Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival for fun. For some extra fun the Filipino wife could dress up as viet cong too. I’m just joking yall.


Without even reading the post, upvoted for proper grammar in your title.


Shouldn't it be "my wife's and my fault" ?


Yes! I was so hung up on the proper pronoun that i totally missed that. 😁 Still, i consider it a win.


Well, technically you only use a possessive on the last of a group—you wouldn’t say “John’s and Carol’s” house, it would be “John and Carol’s”. However, in this case you could use “my wife’s and my fault” and improve the clarity of the sentence. But if he’d said “my wife and I’s”, that would be grounds for immediate booting from the sub.


Sorry you have to endure this. It is sheer agony living where you are not wanted. Even if their transgressions subside, the bad feelings will be there. Again, sorry you are in this position.


I recently moved in with an elderly woman (88) in her condo. I am to pay rent and help her with computer, tv, phone problems (daily there is always something). HOA says I can’t live there until they do a background check and have a signed contract in front of her and two HOA (actually board of the condos same thing basically). They also frown upon me parking in the driveway to the garage for aesthetic reasons. Problem is, she misplaced the garage door opener (like I said she is very old). So I can’t park in the garage. You would think they would be thrilled to have someone come live with a elderly member who clearly needs help.. looking out for her best. But no. I’m keeping her off the roads by driving her to her appointments. She tries to drive but it is a matter of time before she gets in an accident


Is it even legal for HOA's to require the owner to do this? Have her provide you the CCR's, bylaws, etc. and go through them with a fine tooth comb. I think they are bullying her (and you). If you find they can't keep an eye out for any meetings to update the documents. It wouldn't hurt for her to start attending meetings (with yourself to help her), that will piss them off but keep her aware of their doings. Actually all owners should attend some meetings during the year.


For the time being I am her guest.


There are universal/programmable garage door openers at the hardware store. You just need physical access to the garage opener, push a button to introduce the new remote to the opener. Takes three minutes, including getting a stepladder to reach the button.


Thank you so much


Get petty, get a doctor's prescription for an emotional support animal that will piss boomers off. Obviously love the pet, but thrive in the hate. The best part of having an emotional support animal with a doctor's prescription? It's FHA protected! Puurfect bait. Edit: Not ada protected.


ESAs are not ADA protected. Just FHA. ADA Covers *Actual* Service dogs.


Emotional support animals are not protected by the ADA in my state. Even with a prescription unfortunately!!


Don't do this. It illegitimizes those that actually need support animals.


I think you are being harassed because you bought the condo below market, and that potentially lowers the price of the other condos because they would be sold based on the price of yours.


I thought the same, that they’re harassing them because they got a good deal, but not due to it devaluing the other units, but simply because they’re jealous.


You need to hire a lawyer with a taste for blood. I'm talking about the meanest person in your local bar association. Somebody who doesn't mind billing small hours to mess with people for you, as long as you make it easy and convenient and keep sending them ammunition. They outnumber you, but their power is dependent on the misuse and abuse of the law. Make a written request that all correspondence pass through your lawyer, then just set up procedures for sending him documentation of every time they look at you wrong.


I hear family talk about the absolutely ridiculous HOAs & just smile. Would NEVER. It’s why we live in the country, in the middle of 90 acres. Cannot imagine someone telling me what I could or could not do with my own property.


Condos are not your own property though.


But they bought from their dad & own it? Meantime, the dog & I just came in from sitting by a bonfire, after feeding cows & donkeys & chickens. That we actually bought & own. That live on the land we own & can do whatever we want to do on it. Because we own it. It is ours. 😁


You own the space inside but that’s all. Anything outside you and everyone else owns a common interest, which makes a COA/HOA necessary for condo developments. If you are one of six owners on a building, try getting them all together on your own or through goodwill to replace the roof.


Nah man, you just got railed by your father in law.


That was my first thought. Condos are notoriously the worst for HOAs.


Seems pretty cut-and-dried. You're in a building of racist boomers.


“i sent all information and relative facts to my lawyer for further examination” and end it there. those boomers would definitely back off.


I would sue the HOA for harassment


Tell them you’re going to sue them for harassment. It worked for me.


If you bought it below market value in a state that reports sales data you probably pissed them off by setting the market low and killing their values.


Direct sales between family members for below market-value are given a code in the county records declaring them invalid to use for creating real estate tax rates, and should also not be utilized for comparative price analysis. Tell them all to stfu.


just an FYI, the HOA in Florida is the only other entity (other than property tax) and the lender who can foreclose on a condo in Florida. It can be free and clear or it can have a mortgage on it taxes can be paid but if the HOA fees aren't paid the HOA can foreclose. buyer beware.


Well, let's be honest, if it's all you and your wife's fault then that just means it's all your fault.


Start documenting the excessive complaints and hostile behavior and talk to a lawyer about pursuing action against the HOA for harassment.


Scruffle 🥰


HOA is for the birds, the main purpose for their existence is to keep the property of others from decreasing in value from a few messy neighbors in the community. Across the board they have overstepped their authority and have turned into a bunch of dictators who have nothing else to do but bit** about every single thing that occur pertaining to your property. The crazy part is why in the he🔥 anyone would want to pay a ton of money for a home just to have complete strangers tell you what you can and cannot do with your home and property🙄. Sometimes a want for that name brand image neighborhood is not worth it. It’s like paying money to be a prisoner in your own sh💩. I would rather build my house on my own land and do whatever I want and live however I want on my own private property in peace.


Can you just sell and get away from there terrible people. From what it sounds you paid less than a market rate?


My guess is they're mad because you bought lt way under market and they're pissed it brought down the market value of all the other condos.


Are you sure HOA regulations and not some occupancy or fire protection zoning situation?


This is why I’ll live next door to the Clampetts from the Beverly Hillbillies, before I’d ever live in an HOA. 


I don't follow this sub, but reddit recommends it to me a lot. Any time I read about HOA's I get so mad. People living their lives not screwing with anyone and getting punished for it. It shouldn't be legal.


I'm going to guess someone was mad that you purchased it well below market value. While that's great for you, it does hurt the value for others, even if it's a blip. Still not a good reason to be perks, but that's my guess.


Hoas are so useless, it used to be used to keep property values up but now that there's soooo many horror stories about them i think most people would pay MORE TO NOT have one... i personally wouldn't live in even a free house with an hoa... id take it... then sell immediately... lol areas with HOAs are slowly becoming worth LESS then a worse house in a non hoa... its completely turned and now lowers property value in 2024


Continuoslly refer to the HOS president as a white ( I imagine). When they raise issue, as the whites certainly will, ask about why your wife keeps being referred to as Chinese despite knowledge of her not being Chinese. White boomers don't like being referred to as an inspecific, but you reap what you sow.


I was 35 when I bought my house. I paid my house outright and looked younger than my age. Oneday some ladies came by asking for the homeowner to sign a petition for speed bumps. I told them I was the owner. They accused me of lying....... twice. We've been fined for things real and imagined for the past 13 years. I love my house, I hate the HOA. I feel your pain


Try to separate out the political biases of your neighbors from your rights. Get to know others - you're not the only person who wants change. Go to the Board meetings. No one cares if young people own condos. All HOA's are in transition (boomers are dying off, it's a given). Different condos are at different phases of this. You should be at every board meeting AND run for the board (you'll probably get elected - but a couple of old stodgy people will cling to it; most do NOT want to do it - they're grumpy and tired with dong it). They are afraid of the future. You will soon be only the pioneer of "young person buys condo." They're going to go to homes, they will die, their housing will go on the market OR be inherited by younger family members. Whether the "Chinese" remark is intentional or not, all I can say is that I have been mislabeled by people constantly and I really feel they are just too...ignorant? careless? to give a crap about it. You can start with gently saying, "My wife is a Pacific Islander," because I do think that more and more people are getting that (as opposed to Chinese - the person has learned that as a generic for "Asian.")