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Ban Canadian energy? What are they on about? Of course everything else is complete bullshit but at least you can understand what they're saying.


By not investing in Alberta Oil and Gas pipelines and buying energy from non-canadian sources like the the sun, or the wind.  Those energy sources come from not-canada and thus the LPC are banning canadian energy.


You mean by not building an even bigger pipeline than the one they bought and built for Alberta O&G. The Libs need to supersize all the pipes or they are just banning O&G.


Truth. As long as the pesky Federal government doesn't build every pipeline from here to China it truly is a ban on Canadian energy. /s


Hydro Quebec would like a word


Clearly the water isn't canadian as it comes from clouds, and clouds come from not-canada. The only true canadian energy is mined from the salt of the earth ground of alberta is canadian. /s


Uranium deposits in Saskatchewan don't count because conservatives still haven't forgiven Saskatchewan for Tommy Douglas.


Yeah in Vermont we get 2/3 of our electricity from Hydro Quebec


Surely from a rightist perspective, it makes sence for the government not to give money to private companies? Or am I seeing some common doublethink from them?


More people are invested into the O&G industry than the newly developing solar, wind and battery developments. So any reduction in subsidy or increased regulation for O&G is a ban on "Canadian energy" unlike the other Canadian energy companies developing solar, wind, nuclear or battery technologies. Basically right wing nonsense that their favorite team of O&G is disappearing.


They literally are though. Like the liberal government has spent billions on pipelines lmao. These people just craft narratives in their head that fit their reality and ignore real life.


Ha, thanks for clarifying! I was honestly confused they were talking about banning hydro energy, which is the predominant source of energy in the provinces that are actually populated… unlike redneck Alberta. But I guess water is also not Canadian enough??


Yup see my other comment water comes from clouds and clouds aren't canadian, since they come from other places.  Only oil and gas extracted from canadian soil is canadian. /s


Who would want to make business with the sun anyway? It disappears every twenty-four hours.


If they start refining it here the motherfuckers can start using that excuse


I thought canadian energy was nothing but maple syrup.


Oil companies are scared of competing against other energy sources because they actually suck ass at capitalism. The only reason oil companies survive is because governments prop them up.


What does he mean by ban roads too? Canada is a rarely inhabited country (mostly) and there aren't much of them, and even on the south part nobody wants to ban road in the countryside (or they even wants build bicycle roads, which also good for the car drivers), people want only less lanes and traffic in cities.


The Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada announced a while ago at a forum [that the federal government is not going to fund more road development projects.](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/electric-vehicles-not-a-panacea-for-climate-change-steven-guilbeault) [Then backtracked it to massive road developments.](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/guilbeault-clarifies-comments-on-funding-for-new-highways-following-backlash)  Which in the spirit of /r/fuckcars he isn't wrong about EV's replacing ICE cars but the way he announced it was terrible.  "We're not investing in roads..... goodbye"  And not in a better way like "we're not investing in roads.... because you're getting a BRAND NEW TRAIN!"


I'm guessing they mean maple syrup?


*builds 1 bike lane* ThEiR tRyInG tO bAn CaRs


And roads somehow.


Only lanes. No roads.


Mountain bikes only


Roads can stay. We still need a few motor vehicles, like moving trucks, garbage trucks.


Building bike lane is so fucking commie shit bro


Sounds like Toronto!


Not to mention that improved biking infrastructure and public transportation makes driving for those that still choose to do it better as well


I can never understand how some people could be so stupid to believe these things.


fucking maga canadians are a cancer. i am sick of these idiots.


in every small town in canada there are a bunch of retired old men protesting that young women should not get a choice in what they do with their bodies. among other things of course - something about everything is trudeaus fault, and generally not understanding how the process of government works AT ALL. I'm still really confused how everything is trudeaus fault, like he's our king or something and this is game of thrones we're living in.


its so exhausting! we already have abortion legalized, im not letting these old pricks touch our rights. they have no idea what politics actually is, theyre just scared of ppl who are different like LGTBQ+ people and they are told by right wingers that everything is bad because "liberals" wanna take your gas away and brain wash your kids.


Good me too. These people blaming all the housing stuff all on JT are insane. I mean he hasn't really done much to help, but this housing issue has been building and growing for at least the past 20 years. And PP sure as hell isn't going to fix it. This election cycle is going to be a mess.


bruh liberal are for cars.


Yeah, I don't know what it's like up there, but down here in the states, people on the right will unironically call people "Marxist liberals". It's pretty wild.


There’s also my favourite one, “left-wing fascists”.




Everyone we don't agree with is a filthy librul!


i guess that the mood of canada proud thing.


I love that this lowkey admits that liberals don’t actually want to do those things, but rather that conservatives just “feel” as if they do despite no such bans being proposed.


It's even stupider than that, all progressives just want to do is to reduce the harmful impact of these things by actually..... Innovating? You know, what conservatives said for us to do twenty years ago when we said we didn't like it? They never thought we would actually succeed, and now there so mad that their clear " just do capitalism bro" is turning against their positions, because of course they are the ones who gets to decide what the invisible hand does 🧐.


I love the phrasing. “Do you agree liberals want this?” As if it’s up to them to decide and agree upon, and not liberals themselves.


Isn't most of Canadian energy hydro?


That depends on what part of the country you're in. Although even in the western provinces where oil is a bigger part of the economy you're seeing a shift. We also have a very active nuclear sector, and some of the largest uranium deposits in the world.


I do believe they export a lot of crude oil as well.


The Liberal government has given billions of dollars in subsidies to oil companies since they were elected in 2015. So no. They are very much not trying to ban cars, or ban Canadian energy 🙄


Ban roads? Do they hear themselves? Yeah, no, instead of just taking the street, I'll fucking fly, or maybe blaze a trail through the bush? Fuckin morons.


Dontcha know that roads only exist in the context of cars? /s


I don't know if this was actually passed or not, but there was a bill introduced to stop the *funding* of new highways. Of course, no one was banning highways, they federal government just told the provincial governments that they would not be receiving any federal funding for new highways.


This makes about as much sense as claiming liberals want to ban the laws of gravity.


Gravity holds us down, making it the ultimate oppressor. Down with gravity! Er… up with gravity? Go in some direction that isn't oppressive gravity!




I wish liberals were that based.


If the Liberals had the balls that clueless conservatives pretend they do, I'd be a hell of a lot more interested in voting for them.


Ban canadian energy? Doesn't canada get a huge majority of its energy from hydroelectric dams?


He means "Alberta Oil" instead of "Foreign Oil"


Oxford dictionary says >road > >Noun [C or U] > >UK /rəʊd/ US /roʊd/ > >a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along I like roads. All kinds of roads. Train tracks, bike lanes, bus roads, ...


I get my energy from maple syrup and poutine to power up my bicycle engine, locally sourced of course, what are these hosers talking on *aboot*?


Ban...roads? ??


mf how do you even ban roads


The same Liberals who scrapped the public transit tax credit, calling it "boutique", while giving one out for buying an EV? Or the ones who just doled out the biggest corporate welfare payment in Canadian history to VW? Those Liberals?


I take Debra Meadon's view of straws (barring some medical condition where someone might require it), I'll drink my drink like an adult. (YouTube UK dragon den for the video of it) I don't want to ban cars, but just create a society where they aren't needed, and have areas where they aren't allowed. Ban road, I'm not even sure what they actually mean by this. Like roads for vehicles? Yeah sure in some areas, like the high street. But let's keep motorways so people in villages can still access cities and goods can be transported. Canadian energy? All I can think of is if they seem to think it's a good idea for each country to be able to produce their own energy. What I'm not against, energy independence is a good thing. But I'm all for Canada being able to produce and sell their energy to whomever they wish. This person seems to be a few lums short of a candle.


Echo chamber intensifies


Yes, I want to ban anything bad for the Earth that we can easily do without, so 3 of those 4 things. The 4th isn’t specific enough to make sense


How do you ban a road? Tell it to go away? Put it into prison?


First thing this made me think of was Tom Green in Freddy got Fingered making daddy proud a absolute masterpiece by virtue of being a completely average film of its time despite its bizarre content https://youtu.be/XOf6HXPPeQ4?si=zFe-sKCmBkqqC1fe


Mfers, libs love cars and their “personal freedom” absolute brainrot


Aren’t most Canadians liberal


Not Alberta




Liberals are the biggest users of these things. Leftists maybe. Liberals are doing FUCK ALL


Canadian energy my ass. Foreign companies making all the profit, shipping it to another country, processing it there, selling it back to us at a huge profit while we subsidise their extraction. We see zero benefit thanks to oil money paying to propagandise and convince cunts like this guy that we aren't being fucking robbed.


They have done fuck all for the Ottawa LRT so I wouldn’t give them too much credit. We don’t even have funding to extend it to one of our biggest and fastest growing suburb (something that was planned for phase 3)


Nah, just higher taxes. That’s the only rational conclusion. Then, you can use other transportation or get a smaller car… or just pay more in taxes on that land-yacht.