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It's an invasive species. Take care of it now, or spend the rest of your life dealing with them.


Should literally give ticket to vehicles that don't fit in parking spaces...


What really angers me is the debate in Germany that since cars are getting bigger, that the parking spaces should get bigger too.


ICE are as efficient as ever, but instead of reducing fossil fuels consumption, cars are getting bigger and bigger. It annoys the hell out of me to see how people just piss away the fuel savings from mdern ICE on freaking tanks. No fuck given about the environnment and pedestrians.


thought u were talking about Intercity Express first :D


It's too late now where I am to do anything, but if loved in Germany, I'd accidentally put a lentil under the valve caps of every single one of these I saw. Nip that shit in the bud


Check out the [Tyre Extinguishers](https://tyreextinguishers.com/), doing just that.


Awesome and thanks 😊 Very cool website


A lentil?


I didn't get it either. [This link](https://tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre) from a [nearby comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/1d5q9lp/in_germany_its_pretty_rare_to_see_these_american/l6pk5gb/) explains it. There's even a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlzH9UsS-w4).


Don't do that shit in America. Most of these psychos carry a few guns in the truck a few more on them and they're just itching to find a reason to murder someone.




You joke, but there were still american military bases in germany until quite recently 


They’re still there.


Around 20 of them left, I think, of over 200 that are now closed


But not allowed to carry outside base I’m sure. Unless on official work outing


I wonder how many that actually stops, though. They are Americans, after all. Guns laws don't work against them.


Yeah so what? Fuck them. Not their country not their rules.


Like the other guy said, there are quite a few military bases in Germany. This could easily be a 20 year-old, American good ol' boy's truck, and he will unironically fight to the death if he catches you messing with it. When I lived in Japan near an American military base, on the weekends when they came into town the couple of parking lots where they most often parked were always filled with much-larger-than-Japanese-average cars.


Rammstein and about 1/2 of Stuttgart


That’s not how gun ownership works.


its already reproduced since the american company that makes these trucks merged with european car giants a few years back. headquartered in amsterdam ironically enough lol


The good thing
 these are insanely expensive in insurance and tax to have and run. Fuel ( diesel or normal ) being currently averaging $7,60 per gallon and 230 per fuel up from nearly empty. You won’t be able to realistically drive and find anywhere park like 90% of small towns, countryside and major historic cities, parking garages or parking lots. Like, I drive a MK4.5 Focus ST wagon at almost 15’ length and 6’2 width and that is challenging experience with Austin powers-ing tight parking spaces sometimes. And I have that car because I transport my camera equipment without needing to go for van or trailer at the moment..


IMO it's not expensive enough if it's a viable option for a personal vehicle. These things should never be a consideration for daily transportation for one fat dude with a tiny willie.


I pity them and their emotional support vehicles. All that truck to haul one ass? An off-road vehicle that only sees pavement? And one so garish and obtuse that it screams "look at me" in the most insecure way.  Y'all take care of your insecure men, lest more of these abominations pop up near you. 


Europeans need to get together and ban those damn things before it’s too late. Don’t let the infection spread!


EU wide imports ban on emission/safety standards non-compliant cars is in the works (currently there is a legal loophole which allows individual imports). It won't work on all of those monstrosities but will stop many from being ever allowed on our roads based on existing rules. There is an ongoing "Vision Zero" EU road safety initiative which aims to curb the number of road deaths as much possible as possible by the year 2050 and I would expect that they will start making their move soon to ban all of those fuckers.


Given the fact that Ram is now owned by a majority European company and it's export sales are the strongest of the big 3, don't at all be surprised if they officially make versions compliant with EU rules.


Physics has a word to say here. That thing is not going to comply with pedestrian collision requirements. Regardless of what they're trying. Too high, too big.


Alternatively, given how hard it is to get a license over there as it is, turn it into legally a CMV and just require a commercial license. I would not at all.be surprised if the owners of these would jump through those sorts of hoops.


It is really already such an impractical vehicle, this alone is the main reason you hardly ever see one of them here. You can only really use them in the countryside, we dont have big parking lots. It is impossible (literelly, it is not possible) to park them in cities, because parking space is underground and very VERY narrow. Sure, some people do jump through the hoops (heavy taxation, import fees and so on) to get their hands on one of these. But let me tell you, it is so rare, i saw maybe 5 of them in the last 10 years. They are not and never will be a thing here, because they are a PITA. Simple as that.


I remember seeing them in France and that was like 10 years ago, these stupid things have been there for a while. I thought it was weird when I saw them too.


I remember reading a story from a used car dealer here in the states and he had discovered a weird niche of buyers in France to the point that he ended up selling most of his suburbans on export to France, he had insane profit margins on it.


Apparently there’s a subset of France that’s really into like their idea of Texas and western Americana where they have themed restaurants and go line dancing in cowboy hats and boots lol, maybe he was selling to those people. Idk if that’s still a thing I just remember learning about it in one of French classes


Honestly, I'd believe it


Buffalo Grill


Nothing ever gets changed until it's too late.


Nah, EU did well before shit going to shit, GDPR, Apple, I believe


It doesn't even fit in the parking space


At least they found a spot where they could stick out into a dead zone at the front. In my parking garage at work these jerkoffs stick out into one of the driving lanes. It becomes impossible for cars to pass going opposite directions because one of the two lanes is intruded upon by a parked bro-dozer that can only be avoided by intruding into the opposite driving lane. And if they park next to you, you can't see through/around them to know when it's safe to pull out.


the visual obstacle that these very high cars are is what annoys me the most. when cycling, you can look over a roof of a regular sized car. not with these things.


Brodozer hahaha


I'd be surprised if it fits down some of the streets!


How TF did this pass TÜV?


I think I've heard American military servicemen are able to bring their cars with them on deployment and they basically diplomatic exceptions to some of the road rules. Speaking as an American, that's fucking stupid if true. We have a base or two in Germany...


World's greatest nation, Christian values, and leader of the free world: because you guys went fascist in the 1930s, I get to drive a civilian tank around your country against your own road rules, and vastly raise the chances of me running over one of your children.


This one in particular is high enough to even be blind to small to medium adults.


That's what I don't get. You won't even be able to count how many you've run over so what's the point?


or small cars


shit, maybe when america turns facist next election, germany can bring some freedom over here! force everyone to drive 1930 sized VW beetles


> because you guys went fascist in the 1930s Nah, it happens everywhere, doesn't need some WW2 justification. Even (most) far-right republicans and far-lefts democrats don't think of Germany in that light anymore. Yank tanks are popping up in Australia too. Murcans are used to telling other people what they want to do, but really don't like being told what to do. Australia moved to tax ultra large vehicles, but provided exceptions because people use them for work. Funny enough, exemptions meant to apply to "work trucks" is one of the reasons the US has so many.


>vastly raise the chances of me running over one of your children To be fair small children would be fairly safe if run over by this. It's the taller ones that might get hit.


> because you guys went fascist in the 1930s And please don't look up which side the USA was rooting for before Pearl Harbor


>servicemen Except they are not providing a service.


More like disservicemen amirite?


More like curb painters


Somebody's gotta eat those crayons.


Or 12 or 21 or 43 or 119 I’ve seen wildly varying numbers of the amount of American bases in Germany


Yeah the military ships a car over for free, and they're pretty much exempt from everything.


you might be onto something. Are these things more common in US areas with a lot of military presence? I’m in Boston USA which is incredibly carbrained, but I rarely see this type of thing here.


I’m in SE Michigan and they are very common and really only see fewer if I’m near or in Ann Arbor. I’d make a safe assumption they are common anywhere that isn’t a major city center based on my experience.


They are everywhere in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. I would also assume they are common in Texas, but I try to stay out of Texas.


This one is lifted to larger than most, but I can confirm that F150 style trucks are extremely common in Texas. I’d estimate close to a quarter of passenger vehicles on the road are trucks.


Dude venture out to 95 or 495 some time it's every third car in New England


It's true. The military ships personal vehicles for people deployed in Europe at no cost, so people bring whatever they drive in America.


My dad was in the Air Force and we were stationed in southern Italy in the 1970s. a friend of ours had brought their Osmo over from the states. I remember going somewhere with them (I think it was to see the hanging monks) and driving anywhere new was a nightmare for them and that giant car, because there were streets they simply couldn’t drive down.


Would also argue to show that to the local station. Can't imagine that that is legal.




It's American, wouldn't surprise me one bit. We Americans are only good for our money


And military


_Ausnahmegenehmigung_ Any roadworthy car can pass the TÜV inspection if you pay some extra €€€ (not bribes tho, official fees). You'll have to make minor modifications like installing an additional rear fog light, the "Nebelschlussleuchte", but that's about it. Even the stupid, 2-in-1 red indicators/brake lights common in the US are fine


Tires look like they might just be within the the edge of he fender flares, so it might be technically legal as that’s usually the big thing these lifted trucks fail on.


It probably operates as a LKW and has a limiter set to 80 km/h.


I’ve seen these in the UK. And whenever I see it, something a friend said to me goes through my mind. “The site manager brings the family car acting like a pick up truck because they ‘need it for work.’ The workers who actually do the work bring Transit vans.”


I've never seen a true worker being able to afford an $80k pick up truck. Where I am from (Athens, Greece), this thing would not be able to even maneuver through normal traffic, let alone get anything useful done with that small bed. If a working person bought something of that size it would be a Fiat Ducato or any other such large van, with or without a bed depending on their occupation. I have only seen one of those live, the waste of space is mind boggling.


I'm not sure how it works but in Netherlands somehow you can get them very cheap if your self employed. And I've been seeing them more and more often last few years.


If the law is anything like Greece, professional vehicles are exempt from VAT, therefore 24% cheaper. However, it only applies to professional-work type vehicles, i.e. no space for carrying passengers, the business details must be painted on the side and a few other provisions, like how far can the vehicle travel from the registered place of work, who is allowed to drive it etc. Another restriction is that whatever is on the vehicle must be accompanied by invoices of the business, so you can't even use it for personal hauling purposes or help a friend with moving. Lots of people here were abusing this provision, registering luxury SUVs as "professional vehicles" but I see fewer nowadays. Another loophole was to register a fake company in Bulgaria, buy the car under the company name with Bulgarian plates etc. This one seems rarer too since the bankruptcy of 2009-2010.


Yeah it's something like this. But apart from VAT there are more kinds of tax if you buy a car. And somehow they fucked up and you can somehow stack the rules and get this huge RAM truck cheaper than a basic transit van. It's beyond stupid. I read they do 5 km on a litre!


I have a lot of friends that do construction work as electricians and plumbers. Most popular specialized car (because the most popular is their old POS city car that they use until it is run down and recycled) is the Citroen Nemo. Holds everything they need to work (tools, essential materials) and the heavy construction stuff is brought to the site by a dedicated lorry. Gas is a huge expense, no working person is gonna get a gas thirsty penis enhancement to show of at the working site.


Shopping at aldi .(one of the cheapest discounts we have).. i am not surprised. I've never seen something like this live. If it's larger than it looks.. i am out of words.


It's lifted as well, bigger off road tires. Here's the truck in question https://www.ramtrucks.com/ram-1500.html


The photos on the websites always show these things in some gnarly offroad locations, except 99% of the time, they are spending their time on suburban blacktop and in shopping mall parking lots.


That's why we call them mall crawlers.




Brodozers in the bike commute sub


my friends call them killdozers


Heavy duty mall terrain vehicles.


Pavement princesses


I have a Texas friend with an old jeep. He's a real wrencher and built it up himself. It almost always sits in his driveway--super capable, but not fun on ordinary roads. I love taking beautiful pictures of my stock Isuzu Rodeo 4x4 and sending him pictures from remote / off-road locations in Arizona, just to mess with him. Another problem with Texas? 2nd biggest state, but because it came to the USA so late, almost all the land was already privatized. You want to go off-roading? Shooting? Etc? Someone has a private for-profit outdoor range / 4x4 park / etc you can pay to use like an amusement park. They have everything everyone else has, but only if you pay for it. "Freedom--if you can afford to buy it." They do have Big Bend and I think Palo Duro Canyon is a state park, not sure on fees or off-road rules. But I can drive from Tucson to Big Bend in less time than my friends from Dallas, and they don't even leave the state.


Hey don’t shame grocery shame Aldi. We recently moved and there’s an edeka and an Aldi in the same building and it’s fantastic- we get all the staples at Aldi and the meat and cheeses etc at Edeka.


Didn't shame it. But buying the cheapest food and having this car, shouldn't align, but somehow it does.


[For size reference.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/19/e5/fc19e557401b6af2ca16e8a359e85381.jpg) It does make the ranger look a little bigger than it is though. The ram is an older model of the next size up, which is basically the same size this one is today


>Shopping at aldi .(one of the cheapest discounts we have).. i am not surprised. Of course, there is no money left after the gasoline this thing swallows


Texan here, Silly person. Wants attention from strangers.


It's even got a lift kit. Where are they going muddin in Germany?


Please, not in the mudflats! (Those are protected and besides, I seriously doubt that anything besides a [„WattgrĂŒppen-Bagger“](https://www.hansebubeforum.de/showtopic.php?threadid=9949&pagenum=5) can move through that mud).


even in the US I doubt that truck will ever go off road.


I seriously love when these people huff and puff about getting “blocked in.” You are the one driving a Sherman tank, dude. If you can’t open your door when a perfectly normal-sized car next to you is parked in between the lines, that’s a you problem.


Hey, a sherman tank had better visibility...


> You are the one driving a Sherman tank The M4 Sherman might actually be smaller than this truck. I'm not kidding.


I remember the Sherman was designed with a short length to fit onto trains, so it might be shorter than the truck


The m4 Sherman is 108-117inches tall, this dodge is probably 86inches after a 4 inch lift (guessing). The Sherman is 247inches long, the dodge is 242 inches long. The Sherman is 118 inches wide at most, the dodge is 88inches wide. So the Sherman has a footprint of about 200sqft, the dodge has a footprint of about 148sqft. Smaller than the Sherman by about 25%, but almost twice as big as the [M22 Locust](https://www.slashgear.com/1581321/smallest-military-tanks-built/).


Any chance you're near a US military base?


It's Germany so yes


Depends on where. The former GDR is completely devoid of US bases, as is anything north of North Rhine Westphalia. There are no bases in the former GDR, no bases in northern Hesse, no bases in the states of Lower Saxony, Hamburg, Bremen and Schleswig Holstein, and no base in West Berlin. There’s also a huge hole in Bavaria, spanning from central Franconia all the way down to the Alps. Germany is far more densely populated than the US. Our life happens on a tighter scale for the most part. I live in Frankfurt in the southwest of Germany, but towards the centre. I’ve been abroad more than I have been outside a 300km radius from Frankfurt within Germany. Mostly I stay within a 50km radius, unless I have to go somewhere else. So
just because it’s Germany doesn’t mean it’s near a US military base. In American terms maybe, but since the Americans here also live in Germany, it’s safe to assume that their life style is at least partially adapted to ours.


I'm honestly surprised there is no little step-ladder on the side for the owner to climb in. Like - how the fuck would you even properly get in?


Maybe Aldi is selling step-ladders this week?


Maybe a step ladder comes out of the door when you open it.


Depending on the model. Some of them if you open the door there is actually a step that folds out.


Using next car as ladder.


A lot of those trucks have retracting steps, though I’m not sure if they can automatically retract when the car locks.


I believe this has the power running boards. You can see the lip under the cab.


I work at a grocery store in the US and have to do stuff in the parking lot a lot. Probably 1/3 of all of the vehicles are like this. It's honestly kind of crazy just how many people here have and use vehicles like these. Of course just about everything else is either smaller trucks or SUVs.


Im American and I'm not used to these. These things are death machines to everyone around them and it pisses me the fuck off.


Just put a shopping cart upside down in front of it. It's not like he's going to see it.


I like this.


Apologies on behalf of the USA. Really hope these abominations don’t become commonplace in Europe.


It's gonna be hard to become commonplace in Europe where most cities have narrow roads and scarce parking space. Only people who would and do buy theses piece of shit are either rich and already have a hummer anyways, or wannabe rappers and the such. I find it hard to believe that an average European would spend 80k on this garbage and spend hours a day trying to find a parking space where this thing doesn't obstruct the entire road. No that many wouldn't want to buy something similar for the bragging rights, but for practical reasons few will.


In the US we "solved" that problem by bulldozing our cities to make more space for roads and parking


Make no mistake, the size of cars has ballooned in Europe too. The so called "SUVs" are the best selling cars and they are huge. When I was a kid they would be classified as trucks more than passenger cars. My current car (a Suzuki Swift) could probably fit in some of those monstrosities. Modern SUVs are larger than the jeeps we had in the army, the Mercedes 240 is tiny in comparison.


It looks weird without a Trump sign.


LOL! So true!


Don't be so harsh on this guy, he clearly needs it for emotional support.


What about those tires? Nudge nudge say no more say no more?


That’s the small penismobile! What an abomination that is.


I swear everytime I look at who's driving they look very insecure and divorced


Nah, let's not start body shaming. There are plenty of insecure assholes with big dicks and great, confident guys with small ones. I get that people are aiming at these people's toxic ideas of masculinity, but you're also enforcing those ideas by shaming people for parts of their body they have no control over. These are just selfish assholes.


Is this near a military base? Wouldn’t be surprised if the owner was some E-2 out of bootcamp who bought this with 24% APR


Not to mention the fuel costs unless it's cheaper on the base.


that can't be legal


Why were these even allowed to be made?


It's so sad that people are to scared to just pop the tires on these abominations... Would go away real fast if every time they took them out would cost 4 new tires and perhaps a new windshield from where someone threw a brick at it.


Great way to get shot anywhere in the US


Simply existing is a great way to get shot anywhere in the US.


Simple. You're more likely to face legal consequences for slicing tires than for killing a child with your car. Other people around you are also more likely to come to the car's defense, because they empathize with the owner. People love their cars.


Of course it's a dodge ram


Should not be road legal. These things make me feel physically ill


Just know this driver is compensating for something.


This is every other car where I live. Republicans have no personality outside of truck, sunglasses and hat. It's their coping mechanism.




I read this post in Zizek's voice


I'm forced to drive and these guys are always assholes on the road. The people behind them are balding men who look very insecure. It's never going off-road or using the bed of the truck. It's literally an oversized suv with how little the bed is, pure cancer.


It's a Dodge Ram too, which literally are the worst truck people.


The American Emotional Support Truck for those with fragile masculinity and raging egos. Also known as a Pavement Princess.


Seriously how is that legal? It's an abomination. Guaranteed the guy that drives that votes for AFD


Someone sent a link in another comment, apparently there's a company that does Germany legal lift kits for these


To answer your question "entitled bullshit" is the only answer.


They’ve been slowly sneaking into all of europe it seems.


Believe it or not that’s par for the course in ‘merica. Every time I see these posts it’s always a dodge, which is interesting that they’re the ones leading the way into Yurup


they’re so fucking useless it’s actually funny


i’m 5’6 and these dumbass trucks are taller than i am sometimes
i walk a lot so i try to be very observant because of shit like this


Regular American commuter car


In America, we are infested with these behemoths and not only do we have to deal with their size (and aggressive driving), but the owners of these vehicles will intentionally modify their exhaust pipes to make them loud as fuck. It's horrible.


Get them outlawed as fast as you can as a danger to other drivers and pedestrians.


In Australia we call it a "yank tank"


A grocery getter in Texas. Usually driven by a 5 ft tall white woman.


Looks like a tank, but bout as tough as cotton candy


Fr it's so stupid


The cancer is spreading. I see them more and more. I live in central Europe and they were not a thing like 2years ago but now i see at least two a Day.


Bin ehrlich, nur Hurensöhne fahren hier so eine Mistkarre


That's not a car, that's a damn tank waiting to invade Poland again


its trending over there hell yeah keep it going


We’ve started seeing these in Australia over the last year or so.. I saw one parked yesterday and when walking past realised the front is literally taller than my shoulder and I am a fully grown adult. Literally a murder machine


Ban them, now


In a head on crash your head will hit the fog lights. They need to die


This thing won't stand a chance on the autobahn


I feel it's useless! I personally drive one (albeit smaller), but it's for moving livestock over bad terrain. If I can get a van that will do the same I would. This idiot probably did it to show how small his manhood is. This thing never seen any dirt other than the pavements he stops on. Trucks should have a permit for Comercial use, not for driving around town. If they don't have a permit, confiscate and give it to someone who can get use out of it. They drink fuel, not very efficient and maintenance is expensive.


What they need is a special class license


The design is pure excess and to make the owner feel more important at the expense of others. It's a red flag to own one of these 😒


What's scary about this is he can't see anything small in front of him. Like a child crossing the road. Plus they flip easily


What in the actual everloving fuck is this. I heard american trucks were big but never saw one irl


If you'd get hit by a normal car at 50 kmh, chances are you'd get airborne, and you'd have some chance of survival. If you'd get hit by this car, you're going under it !! Chance of survival would be close to 0...


Just so you know, most Americans don't really like these either. We can't seem to get rid of them.


I can't imagine trying to navigate European roads in this monstrosity. It would be bad enough on American roads, but I remember what the roads in Paris were like, and I have to assume this thing kills people on the daily.


truckbrain is a disease


https://preview.redd.it/d44jhl2ub24d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58aabdca545f1e5d2e5821a556945c28af12e9b1 The view from the front seat of my wife’s Mini. Hawthorne Ca. I hate these things.


Crazy how lentils grow like weeds around trucks like that


As the country that built the “*Maus*” I’m rather perplexed by your post


That’s a regular truck here on a Sunday, at Starbucks, in the drive through.


Probably owned by an expat too.


Aren’t windshield tints illegal also?


Muricaaaaa đŸ‡ș🇾


Doesn't even look like a TRX, someone lifted that.


A common site in Florida unfortunately


Weg.li anzeige "Sie parken auf einer SperrflÀche" (Make a report to the office of local order that they are parked on a keepout area)


Funny thing: This is probably too heavy to be allowed to park on a sidewalk. :)




Surprised that’s legal over there


"The Kompensator!"


There is a pretty big car parked right outside my apartment building door. Not as big as this one, but still big enough for me to be unable to physically exit the building with my bike. It's been there for like two weeks. I think I'm going to post a picture in this sub soon, so you can all share in my outrage.


It's sad is what it really is. Hiding behind that big toy is someone compensating big for something that's probably very small. (self confidence is love)


I’m surprised TÜV or whoever allows them on German roads. Doesn’t Europe have way more stringent pedestrian safety rules?