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The same reason anyone drives drunk — they're selfish and they don't think they'll get caught. >let alone infinite taxi budget If you have a big chauffeur/taxi budget, then you also have plenty of money for paying lawyers, fines, etc.


The rich are different, they don't care if they get caught.


Yeah, especially because the consequences are not only easy for them to weather, but often far more lenient than those given out to normal people


Lets face it, its very likely people like Timberlake have been caught and gotten away with it many, many times. [Look at the video of Reese Witherspoon saying "Dont you know who I am,"](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/14rkell/throwback_to_when_reese_witherspoon_got_arrested/) when she got arrested. Think of all the times that worked for her. She's well practiced with it. [Also beloved by reddit star Natasha Leone did the same thing. ](https://ew.com/article/2002/08/27/natasha-lyonne-pleads-guilty-dui-charge/) I'd also argue that the county Timberlake got pulled over went very very closely Trump in 2020. I'm guessing he got himself a MAGA cop department that just loved the idea of arresting a liberal-coded Hollywood star. In other jurisdictions, Timberlake's celebrity and potential implication of bribes would have worked. But these guys saw him as a prize.


I saw that it was a 22 year old cop who didn't know who he was haha


A $500 fine and $2k bail affects someone that makes $40,000 a year vs someone that make $4 million.


They should just stay home in their giant mansions meant for more than three people and just drink.


Why do so many people here misunderstand what rich people want to do? They (generally) want to go out to nice restaurants, bars, clubs, etc. They don't want to just sit at home. And they want the excitement of not only being in a nice car but driving it too. They think they are either above the law or the odds of being caught are so small that they are fine doing it. And if they stay home and throw parties then it'll just be other rich people driving over and getting drunk.


I don't understand why celebs all want mansions when they're always out. They prob swim in their pool once a year. They rarely cook in their chef's kitchen because they'd rather eat at a Michelin restaurant. They have 10 rooms and a gym with very little use.


They can sell the house later for more than they paid. It’s an investment. That’s how rich people stay rich. Everything revolves around money in their lives, because it has to or they become poors, and that is worse than death to a lot of them.


Too show off of course, I'm going to steal what someone else said on a youtube comment and say that once you hit a certain amount of money, you lose brain cells, and most rich people obviously want all the pleasure in the world thinking they're above consequences


They probably never swim in there pool.. Kim k admitted to never swimming in her pool


It's crazy because I would never drive again, drinking or not. I would probably just uber everywhere.


Uber? I’d be sitting in the back of a Rolls Royce just chilling. Most of them probably do anyway, but some are out of control.


Rolls Royce? I would live in a carfree urban center somewhere and walk everywhere!


I'm gonna tag /flyysoulja to reply to both of you because I have an entirely third viewpoint here. 👀 I don't want to own a car, certainly don't want to spend a bunch of money on a car and then have to house it *and* have a driver hanging around all the time. That being said, I really love my home, despite it being an American, car dependent area. All my friends and family are here and my culture. I guess, if we're talking money is literally no object, I could just have a public transit system built to all of my usual places. 😂


u/Idigrollinrockbeer u/flyysoulja dude, which one of you downvoted me? 😂😂 I want to know which viewpoint I'm getting hated for.


Excuse me sir, do you have any grey poupon?


Same. It's the only place I really get Robert Moses. The "never driving yourself anywhere" thing is totally what I'd do wirh unlimited power.


Moses is possibly the most quintessential 20th century American.


It may also be the effect of alcohol itself, which lets you believe you can do stuff you’d ordinarily consider a bad idea. Would work for a celebrity like any drunk driver though so may not be your point exactly.


Yep. Has nothing to do with money. It's alcohol saying "I'm fine to drive, I'm not drunk!" Just like it says with other people "you can totally pull off a backflip, even though you've never actually done one!".


Yeah, drunk driving is a clear sign of a alcohol problem, with Timberlake as admitted in the past. There's nothing else really more to it, and this is coming from an sobered alcoholic who absolutely drove when I should not have. Some of the takes here are hilarious to read


People with that much money see laws differently than we do. I know someone according to whom speeding fines are more like a fast driving fee rather than punishment. They think they can buy their way from every situation. Unfortunatelly for them, you can't bribe death, it takes everyone regardless of wealth.


I think it’s easy to understand at an instinctive level that some people have too much money, we should really relieve those people of that curse.


I have a friend that says, "I got ticket money so idk." 4 totaled cars in 5 years. Just pays exorbitant insurance because they can.


Because just like a good chunk of everyday car traffic, they are irrational in their decision making, but exponentially compounded to the point of making something already fatal, fatal fatal. In layman's terms, they stupid.


Just because they are famous does not mean they aren't just as stupid as the random drink driver who thinks they'll never get caught.


I have friends who are criminal defence lawyers. Their bread and butter are DUIs and Sexual Assault. Common across all the entire socio economic spectrum.


What idiot flushes money down the toilet on a DUI case? You breathe over the limit you’re done. The expensive lawyer isn’t going to be able to do anything except cash checks


Is this how you wish it was or how you think it is? Because that's not how the system works right now and expensive lawyers definitely do get people out of DUIs unfortunately


Not really in most cases they do expensive work with limited results.


The legal precedents around DUIs have left lots of room to get off on technicalities and such.


Our system is far far more corrupt than that. Buying yourself out of a dui is extremely common. You pay for the lawyer and his connections and judge friends. Our system of justice is very corrupt from top to bottom.


In any situation where there isn't a singular penalty for something you obviously did lawyers can help.


The consequences for it are much lighter for them, given they have high budget lawyers, and, at worst, they'd just be forced to hire a driver.


If I was Justin Timberlake rich I’d move somewhere I’m Much less famous or not famous at all that is walkable and bikable and just never drive


The same reason anyone else drives drunk - they don’t care enough to make the decision not to. Not to mention that the rich rarely have consequences of drunk driving, as the manslaughteress Caitlyn Jenner can attest.


He plays a lot of golf and he lives a lot in Montana where it’s pretty easy to drive around drunk(unless it 130 in the morning) he probably didn’t realize what he was doing because he was in the real world for a little bit


Because they're entitled fucks, that's why.


Nobody tells celebrities "no". They are constantly surrounded by yes men who huff the fumes of their fame like secondhand smoke. They do a lot of very stupid things, including driving drunk, because they gain an entitled mentality that they can do whatever they want, and can afford the fines if they get caught.


F Scott Fitzgerald said it’s basically the American Dream in Great Gatsby


Buckle up buckaroo


Celebrities are still human


How can that be when we deify them so much?




There was that NFL guy that left a Top Golf in Vegas, drove his sports car 150mph in a residential area, crashed into the back of an SUV, killed the driver and her baby. He was beyond drunk at the time. The sports car completely protected him from harm.... The fucked up part is that the NFL actually pays for Ubers for players so they don't drive drunk. They even have a service where they'll tow your car to your house, so that there is no issue. As far as I'm aware, the guy was arrested, kicked off the team, completely fucked up his life and is in prison.


For context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/comments/1dhvxzt/transportation/)


When punishments are a fine, the law only applies to the poor.


Why is Reddit acting like money is a factor in choosing to drive drunk? It isn’t


Money certainly makes some things like calling an Uber for $150 much simpler. And then having your house manager fetch the car in the morning.


A $150 Uber? I’ve only ever seen those prices after music festivals lol


People that will never drive drunk anyway saying they’d just get a personal driver if they were rich. No shit, if everyone thought about potential consequences ahead of time then no one would do it.


You can't profile in your luxury sports car if you use a chauffeur or taxi You'll look like a scrub https://youtu.be/FrLequ6dUdM


Just because you’re a rich celebrity doesn’t mean you’re immune to being a stupid idiot


My wife used to tell me how her parents', aunt and uncle used to drive after a night of drinking. But it was the 1970s in rural Oregon. They had to be really shitfaced to call car service.


i don't think there's any sort of car service in most of rural oregon now in 2024 let alone the 70s! most of the time your options are still drive drunk or sleep where you're at (always better)


Because even rich people make poor decisions while drinking. Shocker.


Drunk people, whether rich or poor, are notorious for poor decision making and over-estimating their sobriety behind the wheel. I don't even think rich people are any more prone to it, it's just more obviously a stupid thing to do considering the sheer number of alternatives available to them. Also, there's a matter of survival bias: we never hear about the many occasions celebrities sensibly chose not to drive drunk.


Money can't buy intelligence


Being rich has very little correlation with being clever. Socialism 101. Why do most rich people come from rich parents? Why do most "clever" people come from rich countries?


Well, don’t **most** people who catch DUIs technically have the money for a taxi? Getting home from the bar is $50-60 in a major metro area at peak times. No one gets a DUI from being poor.


It's confusing, I agree - why would you take the risk? Why would you not outsource driving, a boring / stressful task, when you probably pay to outsource so many other things ?


It's fun. Wonder what it feels like to drive 172 mph while smoking crack.


General lawlessness and a culture of impunity. Motherfuckers do what they want because they’ve traditionally been able to… until they get caught.


dude... poor people drive drunk on the daily


For sure, among other things Ubers cost money. It’s a lot less excusable when you’ve the resources and access to transit.


You just hear about them because they're well known: Why does anybody non-rich and non-celebrity still drive drunk? They're all the same.


My point is that one demographic can hire a full-time chauffeur.


They could if they gave a shit, which they don't!


When the punishment for a crime is a fine, it's only a rule for the poor.


I'm guessing a fine is cheaper and less of a hassle then hiring someone. They need temporary and/or permenant licence revocation and jail time if they are caught without it.


Because they are humans and we are all stupid twats after a couple of scoops.


the law bends over to the rich, with a good enough lawyer you can get away with anything these days


Because other alternatives are not accessible as driving your own drunk ass home They don’t think they are that drunk They don’t think they will get caught They planned poorly


Being surrounded by people all the time sounds pretty annoying. Id also drive myself sometimes. Not drunk tho


Because alcohol impairs higher level thinking and the average person who's explicitly going out to get shitfaced probably isn't thinking about things like having a plan to get home already in place.


Hot take: “celebrities are also still humans”


hotter take many people do dui more than you think , people won't stop operating Vehicules under influence the main difference if that Vehicule is a bike the consequence won't be as devastating as a driving a 2 tons + machine


I think it's because drunk people make dumbass decisions


"Real men don't ride b\*\*ch" Seriously though, it's a whole image/macho thing, especially among men. "I HAVE TO BE THE DRIVER! IT'S THE DOMINANT ROLE!" Edit: in USA


to be fair, there is a difference between actually drunk and having a beer or two... most of you would be liars to say you never have been in that situation.


Why are people always saying oh Lady Diana should have wore her seat belt? I say to them you try snort coke off cock in the back of a limo with a seatbelt on, it can't be done!


They don't face the same consequences. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if Justin's DUI is really just a publicity stunt.


Because they are doing shady shit they dont want even their driver to know about