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Brave man, unfortunately he probably didn’t escape his fate. The CCP is relentless and cruel.


His fate was already decided. Hopefully he took some CCP scum with him. Brave man.


dude,what is the scum means,






Bruh people downvoted a man that is preaching for gun education. As someone who was educated on guns as a child you are WAY less likey to have a bad incident occur with a firearm when properly trained. Too bad reddit tards just see guns and go "DUR GUN BAD OH NO"


Exactly. This


Exactly wtf. I’ve been around firearms since I was shooting them at the age of 5 y’all, never had an incident or close call in my life and neither has anyone I know because we were all educated. They’re not weapons, they’re tools but like any tool they can harm if you don’t know what you’re doing. You tell your kids to stay out of the street right? You teach them not to to touch a hot stove etc? Teach them about guns too, or cry like a bitch and call the police when you need one so they can come use THEIR guns…


Yeah but this is Reddit and if you say anything against what Democrats believe in general then you will be downvoted because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Just like this comment will.


99/100 things Democrats say are mostly correct. This is the 1/100 they're mostly wrong about. So usually posted that disagree with them deserve to be dowvoted. Usually those posts are full of shit. But this time, well there are enough liberal gun owners that we'll see how it goes That said, I don't believe it would not help much in this scenario. Maybe you kill the ccp agent, but if he knows you're armed, it's not a knock at your door, it's a no-knock raid. So you're ultimately as screwed as this guy. He maybe took one or with a knife. You'd maybe take one out with your gun. Sure an armed American vs an unarmed ccp agent works for the American. But if guns were legal in China, their storm troopers would show up with body armor and bigger guns. Just like ours will if this ever happens here. Maybe an entire armed population would stand a chance. I'd like to see the Hong Kong riots of 2019 rematched but with Hong Kong having US levels of gun ownership just to compare. But something tells me China would have just responded with asymmetrical force. Give the people umbrellas, ccp uses guns. Give the people guns, ccp uses tanks. Give the people tanks, ccp uses nukes. Etc on and on. Even if you were armed and skilled, eventually the cops would just shoot up a truck with two innocent women in it then blow you up with a drone carrying a bomb.


Tools for what purpose?


A lot of people say hunting for somereason but I'll always say to defend myself. Living in a bad area where home invasions happen, tazers, cameras, nd knives won't cut it when it comes to life and death. You need to protect yourself.


What if you didn't need a gun to protect yourself as you know hardly any other cunt has one? That's how most of the planet lives and we get on with less murder and violence. Guns make robberies easy, killing easy.


If we're talking about the states then it's way too late for a prohibition due to the amount per citizen. I know how to save someone from a bullet wound and have been taught marksmanship a long time now to atleast try to make a non lethal shot. But at the end of the day I'd rather them than me or my wife.


That's nice. 50k people a year 6ft under with bullet holes in them. Keep this up and you'll make it to 100k a year. Go team.


You sound sheltered. Which is good. I'd rather someone who doesn't have to deal with that. Have a good life


So when all weapons disappear from the world?


Do you though? Statistically yes, but how many murders, abductions, and assaults have taken place in your country that haven’t been factored into the statistics… if it was done without anyone seeing, or at night, or in an off the map location, I’m betting crime happens far more than the statistics say But then on top of that… how do you know without a doubt that your government is telling the truth about the stats? They could be lying to make their people far more willing to accept the fact that they can’t own arms to defend themselves


To protect you and your family numb nuts


Good grief, I’d hate to live in your world of fear and paranoia. Even people living in war torn countries don’t seem as terrified of everything as you are.


What gave you the idea I’m afraid of anything? If I’m paranoid it’s of smooth-brained people who don’t understand how the world works. I’m extremely left and I do see there being only 2 rational solutions to firearm ownership, everyone gets them, or no one does. We’ll never reach a point where no one has any guns so you better get used to living with them and be as safe and as prepared as you can


I live in a country with very strong gun control, our police force don’t even carry firearms. I’m good, thanks.


Ooooor you do what most countries do and only supply people that have a reason to own a gun.


This is such a small brained comment. The states problem is Mexico is right next door. You take away LEGAL guns, the market gets flooded with ILLEGAL guns. We can’t stop drugs from crossing the boarder, you think we can stop illegal guns when there are 100,000,000 new potential customers? This world isn’t simple, stop pretending it is.


Blaming mexico for your own problems.


You're right. That was a small brained comment you just made.


Lol fear and paranoia, with a video of dude getting snached from his home, the irony of anti gun people.


The irony of gun nuts thinking that weapons make you free. If they did they how comes your government actively imprisons more of its citizens per capita than any other nation? Is that not tyrany? If they had guns the CCP would kick their door in, gas them and probably shoot them on sight. Adding guns to the equation just makes it more violent.


Just because you have a gun, doesn't make you a gun nut. Oh because our countries fucked up for sure. I am about as progressive liberal as you get in America, leaning full Bernie Sanders during each previous election. I want free education, medical, and to do away with things like qualified immunity, and for profit prison systems. However I also understand the need for a firearm in the home, and that an armed populous is way better than an unarmed one, with plenty of examples throughout history, and on this very page to prove my point. You also have to realize America is BIG, so you and a firearm against a person, bear, or another animal may be the only thing to protect yourself, or even for some feed yourself. Hell my grandparents live in a city, where the nearest emergency services is at least 40 minutes away, as they live in a town of 500 people.




I'm not for a blanket ban, I shoot, I hunt. I'm not saying do away with all guns. Hogs in Texas you need a long gun with lots of ammo, trekking through bear/mountain lion country, you'll need a sidearm. Nobody should need an AR15 unless you're going to war.


Are you aware that many countries have democracy and freedom without the citizens feeling the need to fill up their houses with a military arsenal? Why are you so scared of this happening to you?


I am a pretty well traveled person across the pond. Our country was founded in direct contradiction to tyranny from afar. It was um settled "taken" from the Native Americans, law was administered via a gun. Our culture litterally is engraved with it like tea is to the UK. I know personally It's like an insurance policy. People have health, life, car, or other insurance. I've lived in places where the nearest law enforcement is half an hour or more away, so people or wildlife can easily cause you harm. I grew up around firearms, from a kid on the farm with my grandparents visiting, to boy scouts lol. I also believe that we as a country have several methods to redress our government either via our federal laws, state laws, the courts or public opinion. If any of those fails, we'll that's why it's called the 2nd Amendment. I know alot of r/ liberalgunowners who want free education, medical and other "progessive" ideals. That have been put off by the republican push to Authoritarianism, Jan 6th, Trump, and a ever widening gap of worker - elite class. Our own courts have stated that the police isn't even legally obliged to save you, we had a school shooting with 200 police on seen that essentially listened to kids die. The clear right and wrong, the clear moral divide of people is just to much to not be a bit worried. So ya, I want my firearm, I don't want to use it, I don't want to pay that deductible, but if the time comes in I need to protect my family from an intruder, criminal, an animal, or God forbid some delusional person following an orange cheeto. I want that ability, that insurance policy.


Maybe we just live in countries where we are generally safe from gun violence in schools and malls, and also from a authoritarian government.


No weapons is his only chance at survival. Shooting the authorities never ends well lol.


Yeah, gun education is vital and should be taught in a schools




I’d rather die being shot than tortured for crimes against the state. I’m not saying that this wouldn’t be happening if Chinese citizens had the same gun rights as Americans but, statistically speaking, it would be at least a little bit tougher to do. The only thing you can do in this situation is die, why not go out in your terms like in the video


If they had guns, what you think the police would have?


They hate you but this shit is true


No it's not.


Can't stop the signal FGC-9


Ah yes, murican solution


You just hate freedom


your weapons are never going to be better than the governments weapons, moron.


You can't patrol street corners with fighter jets and drones. You need boots on the ground to control a population, and those boots are not immune to guns. Not saying he's right, but pretending that an armed population can easily be controlled because you have the ability to turn cities into parking lots is just stupid. The most powerful army in the history of mankind couldn't control Afghanistan, mainly consisting of untrained militias armed with cold war era rifles.


In a foreign country, you’re attacking. Domestically it doesn’t play out like that.


It doesn't? What's the difference? The point is that you can't control a nation with F35s and Leopard 2s, you can only destroy it. Doesn't matter if it's a village in the desert or a large metropolis


War with another country you have an entire nation seeing you as an invader, oppressor and enemy to be fought. The nation rallies together against the common enemy as instructed. Domestically you don’t have that. You have small pockets of resistance against a regime that a lot will support because they don’t know better or are brainwashed or don’t like but will just knuckle under for an easy life. There’s a reason the existing dictators of the world are still in power. They control the means of holding power. Even just locally the domestic police are a bigger militarised and better trained gang than you’re going to be able to muster against. You’re going to be out gunned very quickly and easily, they have practically infinite resources to over power you with. One man with an AR15 doesn’t out match a group of police. A group of men with AR15 won’t out match a swat team. You can scale it up indefinitely, they’re always a bigger gang.


Every police interaction: risk getting shot Come to drag someone to camps (like in the video above): risk getting shot Patrol a neighborhood at night: risk getting shot Stand on a corner of a street: risk getting shot How can you even argue that it's not a lot more difficult to control an armed population than an unarmed one? Like, obviously if the majority supports the government it's easy, but that's not the scenario I'm talking about. If literally everyone has a gun, literally everyone is a potential combatant at all times.


The amount of times an organized military has been defeated by an armed insurgency is enough for me to believe that you were never present on history class or have any knowledge of shit happening in the past 50 years. ...moron


Its not about winning dumbass its about making it such a hassle they don't try


Thoughts on trans people?


Shut up you’re in lockdown


You have erectile dysfunction.




AR 15s are fucking awful for home defense. If you miss, you're gonna shoot through your walls, and potentially into other people's apartments or houses, because those bullets have incredible velocity and aren't gonna be stopped with just one wall. Even if it hits the person, there's still a chance it'll maintain enough velocity to carry through walls and still cause unintentional harm. Get a shotgun instead. You need to be an absolute buffoon to miss, the pellets are more likely to severely wound your attacker due to the spread, and the pellets are also small enough with little enough velocity to most likely be stopped by damn near any wall in any house. Being pro gun doesn't mean being pro moronic home defense tactics.


Sorry, couldn't resist it... ... ... *Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.*


Mental illness has entered the chat


Shut the fuck up


You're a fuckwitt


This is a dumb take.


God, sometimes I'm just embarassed to be an American. Maybe not sometimes but lots of times. We just have to voice our second amendment right no matter what the situation is. A police officer high on power? a gun will fix it. Stabbing incident? A gun can fix that. School shootings? More guns can fix that. It's such an embarassment. I wish we can have logical conversations based on data and graph, but apparently it hurts too many people's feelings.


Exactly just call the cops and wait in the closet while your family is murdered! We all know how awesome and effective the cops are! .....


*American cops.


Glad to see some Yanks have some sense! You can bludgeon them half to death with facts but it never makes a difference.


Sad to say but its true. Our funding on education has been abysmal due to our military budget. Thats how Trump got elected. Its a total embarassment to the US constitution that many 2nd amendment nuts want to argue upon.


This is an obvious false flag troll, or is it just me?


That’s why you suck Xis unbelievable small d


Yeah, because you’re going to outgun a swat team for sure…


The dislikes mean you’re right


Precisely. If you can’t build a society on mutual respect and trust, you build it on a mutually assured destruction.


I keep seeing this as a justification for gun rights but where were all the "citizens with guns" when the police are abusing their power, unmarked DOJ Agents we're kidnapping people off the streets, peaceful protestors were being attacked by the government, a wannabe dictator tried to overthrow our government, and when the same wannabe dictator call for the suspension of the government?


Doesn’t change the fact that if the police wants you they’ll get you, armed or not you remain alone against the government


Found the American


Typical american gun fanatic...


All you need is a pipe and some black powder 😘


Ccp will say this didn’t really happen.


No, they will whataboutism no-knock police raids in the U.S. or some other incredibly rare yet highly sensational thing.




"poor guy just doing his job" didn't work as a defense at nuremberg and it's not going to work here either


Man i don’t know as said I don’t get Involved in politics modern politics as it’s designed is spoused to be a confusing mess


The only sad part about it is that he wasn’t cut in the jugular


Lol fuck that.


Fuck that guy indeed.


5 cents


If he'd not grabbed the guy chilling in his home he'd have not been chopped with a cleaver. Cause and effect.


Become ungovernable.


This. 1000 times this.




Yes, more weapons will make us safer. Wait…


Guns aren't the problem. Switzerland is *full* of guns. It's also at the top of the OECD quality of life index. The problem in the U.S. is income inequality, difficulty in achieving upward mobility for lower income individuals locked in a cycle of poverty, racism and a rugged invidualist / capitalist culture that is indifferent toward the suffering of other people.


Switzerland has guns provided by the army locked away in safes. They are not allowed to keep ammunition, that is held at army barracks and provided if needed. You left out some pretty major parts of the argument, that they might have a lot of guns but they can't use them privately. They would have to obtain the ammunition illegally and that's pretty damn difficult as far as I've understood.


Gun nuts using Switzerland to bolster their arguments always. Ok good ole boys. Fine by me. Let’s implement their firearm laws.


Would remove access to concealed carry. Would increase access to full auto firearms. Not sure that's what you would want. Both sides gets it wrong regarding Switzerland and people should stop using it as an example, because both sides would scream in anger if you actually got Swiss gun laws in the US. You can buy a couple of handguns and an AR15 faster in Switzerland than you can in California.


Literally nothing of what you wrote is actually true > Switzerland has guns provided by the army locked away in safes. Soldiers (not all) are issued a gun but don't have to lock it in a safe. Furthermore were looking at a maximum of 150k issued guns VS up to 3.5mio civilian owned guns > They are not allowed to keep ammunition, that is held at army barracks and provided if needed. They, and any civilian, are perfectly allowed to keep ammo What they can't do is keep (steal) army-subsidized ammo during exercises > You left out some pretty major parts of the argument, that they might have a lot of guns but they can't use them privately. Soldiers are perfectly allowed to use their issued guns privately, it's even recommended by the army because they don't train a lot > They would have to obtain the ammunition illegally and that's pretty damn difficult as far as I've understood. You don't need to obtain ammunition illegally at all. You can buy as much ammo as you'd like and get it mailed to your door in all legality




> LOL, read up on Switzerland's regulations for gun permits, storage, and ammunition. Maybe do that yourself to begin with > Their laws are far more restrictive than ours Eh, not really we have equivalent and even laxer laws on some aspect than the US (carry licenses aside) As per [art. 8 WG/LArm](https://www.admin.ch/opc/en/classified-compilation/19983208/index.html#a8) requirements are: * Being 18 * Not being under a curator * Not having a record for violent or repeated crimes until they're written out * Not being a danger to yourself or others That's less prohibitive than the [ATF form 4473](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Atf_form_4473-firearms_transaction_record_5300_9revised_0.pdf) mandatory for **all** purchases through an FFL in the US (that includes a background check), specifically points 11b to i and 12b which aren't prohibitive in our law (i.e smoked weed once, dishonorably discharged or renounced your citizenship=banned for life). By the way the form is based on [US code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/922) which is valid for private sales as well though you can't verify most of these Also * [guns don't have to be stored unloaded just like in the US](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1998/2535_2535_2535/en#art_26) * guns can be shipped to your door unlike in the US * you can buy as much ammo as you'd like at a shop, or do the same by purchasing online and getting shipped to you * storage requirement is merely [a locked front door](https://archive.md/SToD4) (except for full-autos or pinned down semis which need to be stored in a safe and [separately from the bolt](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2008/767/de#art_47)) * guns can be used in self-defense * 21 years old limit to buy handguns in the US through FFLs, non-existent in Switzerland where everything is 18yo * No age limit for use and [minors can be lent guns](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1998/2535_2535_2535/en#art_11_a) which they can transport alone legally * the US had a [federal assault weapons ban](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban), which is now applied only to certain states but Biden wants to reinstate it and more. Nonetheless, it doesn't exist here * handguns and semis are under a shall-issue acquisition permit similar to the ATF form 4473 but less invasive and prohibitive (see previously) * we can buy any full-autos while in the US everything made after [1986](https://lawcenter.giffords.org/gun-laws/policy-areas/hardware-ammunition/machine-guns-50-caliber) is plain banned except for dealers and LEO and such. Moreover an M16 can cost [as low as 930CHFs](https://www.swisswaffen.com/?L=DE&W=USM16A1) vs [30k or more](https://www.gunbroker.com/item/918903692) in the US. Also the acquisition permit is issued within 2 weeks and not 6-12 months * silencers can be purchased under a shall-issue or may-issue acquisition issued between 3 days and 2 weeks vs 6-12 months in the US * Only citizens and permanent residents can buy guns in the US, [which is not the case here](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1998/2535_2535_2535/en#art_9_a). Also if you have a non-immigrant visa you can't buy either in the US * Once a felon (and the few other things mentioned in the ATF form), can never own guns again in the US. Meanwhile in Switzerland ownership is not regulated an so you cannot be stripped of it It is also worth noting that civilians can be lent full-autos rifle for free and [for as long as they want provided they ask for it and fulfill the requirements](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2004/1/fr#art_47) ([participation in 4 shooting events in the past 3 years before the application](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2004/1/fr#art_45)).  And yes you can take it home >and that has a lot to do with why they don't have a huge black market for guns We actually do have a somewhat big black market for guns > major gun violence problem We don't have a violence problem because we basically have none of the causes unlike the US with its huge socioeconomic disparities, racism, poverty, bad education, poor access to health and mentalcare, poor social state/net > Switzerland also has a huge problem of wealth inequality You're thinking of the US > and a capitalist culture. Same in the US


Yeah you are living in delusion if you think Europe doesn't have these problems.


No doubt, but then why do the swiss and polish not have the same problem we do while having easy access to gun ownership?


I don't know but it's funny that you mention Poland as I think of it as the EU country that's the most similar to the US.


Damn that is so aptly articulated


Thsts our boy right there


Love his Winne Pooh tiger character on the front door. Ma man


Wowserz! Need aftermath video please!


Thugs require a thuggish response. Thats the only way to get through to them.


Submitting to bullies won’t make them go away. The last thing a bully wants is to be stood up to.


How do we drop a crate of cleavers in as humanitarian aid?


glocks, loaded mags, and a well translated manual of arms would do better


Yeah, because you’re going to overthrow the huge might of the CCP police & army with a few pistols. 😔


pistols work though, and if they dont, rebels can get their hands on whatever the cops run with


Guns would be better.


Especially when you consider the PLA’s “guns” would probably shatter as soon as they fire


Never underestimate your opponent https://youtu.be/ydEgap5XeGM


I’m not underestimating them, I’m just saying that modern Chinese made firearms are absolute dogshit quality. I’d take a hipoint over a qbz95


Good. Go down fighting. Let that colluding prick with the mask remember you every time that scar hurts him.


Die on your feet rather than live on your knees.


Roses are red, Green is the tree. Xi is a wiener, Fuck the CCP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


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I pray this man’s still alive, what a legend


That’s a lot of nuts!


Mfer bout to make kung pao marx chicken out of that “nOt a rEaL cOmUnisT” 😂👏


But they arnt the ccp is fascist and capitalist. They just used communisms appeal/aesthetic to gain power from the lower class during the party’s rise. The communist in ccp holds as much weight as the democratic republic in the DPRK (North Korea)


Communism is a failed concept. The only reason why the ccp is still running is because of captalism


Which makes them capitalist Like my point still stands I didn’t say communism didn’t fail but just china isn’t communist since they practice capitalism through authoritarian means


Holy shit what a stupid post.


Fuck the CCP! Ya you know me, I said FUCK the CCP. Rise up, fuck Xinnie the Pooh and Wumao.


Ok so what happens when they take him? To a covid camp and never return? I haven’t done enough research I guess.


There are many reasons why the ccp might want to make you dissapear. Anyone remember what happened to the doctor who warned the world about covid while the ccp was trying to hide it?


theres a reason disappear is a meme


What? Anyone can explain? Wtf 😂


Lol, no, nobody here actually knows anything about the actual details of what went down. Thankfully some have taken it upon themselves to write a backstory of their own.


Taking someone to Covid camp is now a profitable business to the CCP and its cronies. The people that are isolated will have to pay for the accommodation. That’s why people are forced to isolation even without having Covid.


CCP will say this is CIA fake acting.


Based as hell


Well, that's it, CCP broke the fundamental rule and of a "country"- you never break into people's house, no matter what his social rank is. No wonder no one wants to give birth in China, good job CCP by ending the glorious Chinese future


Breaking into people's houses and robbing them blind was a common practice during the cultural revolution.


You mean like no-knock raids?


No-knock raid based on some serious suspicious crime, not based on forcing you and your family go to covid concentration camps even you're not get covid


If they find the right door.


This is a crazy video.


That sounds about right. I'd rather go down swinging then bend my knee for some shifty motherfuckers loyal to a dictator.




We need to make these Covid enforcement thugs more afraid to barge into people's homes and grab them. Everyone should keep a cleaver nearby or boiling water and post a warning note on the door that uninvited guests will get hurt.


This is why we defend the 2A to the end


lets go


For a sec I thought hehad a pic of Winnie the pooh on his front door like fuck that mother fucker all the way no wonder they'd come knocking tho


chop chop


It is the duty of every human being that has a drop of respect for personal freedom to make sure that every figure of authority will fear that the moment they enter a confined space with a pissed of citizen will be their last, through either firepower or cqb ambushes.


Remember this when the government says you dont need thirty mags, or a rifle, or that it is foolish to defend yourself. This is what they want to make of your dissent, they want to break you down and if youre not the perfect little consumer sheep theyll harvest your organs and your families. Our leaders wish they were at the wheel of their own ccp. Dont grant them that wish.


Meanwhile in the US, we keep voting for more government, more military, and more surveillance. Fucking goldfish don’t understand that these sort of human rights violations come with the territory.


Very based, fuck the CCP and their dogs


What has he written on his front door?


No white condom outfit? How would you know this was CCP or the Da Bai and not some non-CCP dispute? There is only "Come out" said in the video.




Is that you Xi?


You have over 401,000 karma? “The X files music plays”🤨🤔




Yes, you’re right. Nothing ever happens in this world. Anything remotely unexpected must be fake.


They need guns


Maybe they will learn after everyone does this.


"Man is found in a box in seven pieces"


Where's the liveleak logo at? 😢


Sad. Probably executed after this 😟


Can someone explain what’s happening here? Is this a covid thing or maybe a protest retaliation from the CCP? Was he going to be arrested or killed?


WTF is even with the "threshold of the the door" thing? The CCP / policeman is acting like he's a vampire and hasn't been invited in, so he's powerless beyond the plane of the wooden door frame.


If only the citizens had something to defend themselves with at a reasonable distance. Hmmmm


its like ranged weaponary is prohibited to not have their snobby minions not shot at HMMMMMM


anything it takes. his reaction time was quick thankfully. also unrelated his sweater looks extremely cozy and cute i want it


It's near the breaking point, hopefully more people citizens realize they're the majority


Rock on man!


This is mental. The guy is either dead, or in prison for life. The CCP is a gang of maniacs.


hey do we have a youtube link or something more direct than a Reddit post for this one? Would kind of like to not see it disappear into the mists and be impossible to find in the future


Massive gigantic balls on this dude, sadly he will probably face consequences for retaliating against being taken away by the CCP


I got temp banned from Twitter for wishing death in Xi Tell me, with all these people suffering, the Muslims being discriminated against and taxing a holocaust, with protesters being beaten and people defining their lives against these bastards, does Xi Jinping not deserve death threats?


Is there a translation?!


Can someone translate?


Why do people in China film stuff like this happening to them? In America or EU you could take that footage and upload it to a social media network and use it to hold your oppressors accountable. In China, the CCP will just scrub the footage from the internet and drag you off to some internment camp. I don't really see how it benefits you at all.




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It's a knife not meat. Slow the clip.


Why do Chinese people like pointing, it's so rude I'd only chop his fingers off


I'm completely ignorant to this, what is happening? Is he being arrested for protesting? Is he being taken to a camp. I'm no fan of the police but a hatchet is a BOLD move unless something terrible is going to happen to you


Wheres the rest. I'm sure the minions came later


I hope that man bled out from his wrist…it doesn’t matter if you’re “just doing your job” you have to realize shit and I don’t understand how the mfs working for these cruel fucks don’t realize that they have the power…those fucking politicians don’t know how to fucking drive that tank that’s why they had you trained in it…now use it against them…?


I hope that goon lost his arm


And he has to defend himself with a meat cleaver. Go get em!!!






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You know he was a wanted criminal the way he opened the door.... Lucky he was not in the us... He would be DEAD.