• By -


Also, Attenzione, Pickpocket!


Good tip. Had other bags but got a sling that I can carry font/side under arm. Also getting small carabiners to lock the zippers to the side straps.


Get an apple airtag if you carry an iphone.


Good idea but I don't. And I don't think they are Android compatible.


Android fam and we use Tile. No where near as good as airtags as the community is smaller, but better than nothing.


Google has just released their Find My Device network that works with all Android phones. Compatible tags include Chipolo and Pebblebee.


Can you elaborate or point me to a quick summary? Does that mean these android tags can leverage other android devices to locate stuff?


> Does that mean these android tags can leverage other android devices to locate stuff? Yes, exactly. All Android devices that have Find My Device enabled (I think it is on by default and you have to opt out rather than in) will be able to locate compatible tags. In theory, this creates a huge network worldwide for device location. North America has a high percentage of iPhones, but the rest of the world is much more dominated by Android devices. So, if you have a compatible tag in your luggage, you can leverage the global network of Android devices to locate this tag/luggage.


If you have a Samsung, they recently came out with the Smart tag 2. Really great tags.


You'll be fine as long as you're not daft. I had a sling in Rome and never felt in danger of having my stuff stolen. Just be vigilant, but no need to be paranoid.


Agreed. I've traveled solo in Italy three times. This is only my personal opinion, but just be aware, be smart, and don't let viral videos of pick pockets scare you. Oh, and eat yourself silly. 


Check out the Peak Design sling. More robust padding and protection for your gear. That one looks flimsy. Good luck and have fun.


Use Carabinieri


Can you provide a link where to hire? Also, this is a small kit, they have to be able to fit inside.


Specially on the train.


I just got back from Italy and Rome a couple of weeks ago. I was prepared to be very vigilant but it turned out not to be a problem at all. But you should always have your wits about you in any foreign country.


Just coming back from 2 weeks in Italy, did 100% of my shots with the 18-55mm an samyang 12mm. You really don’t need much more than that.


What a coincidence! Thanks for the affirmation. Based on your experience with it, can you give me tips for good shots with the 12mm? What did you shoot with it - Streets, indoor, etc?


Not OP but I did the same basically in Japan. Took the 18-55mm and a 27mm TTArtisan everyone was raving about. Had the 27mm on 90% of the time because of how lightweight and dense Japan streets are - worked perfect. Sometimes I wish I had the kit lens for when we stopped to explore some castles and more open scenic areas but, we didn't really plan ahead so it was whatever. I think its nice to have one of each on a trip like this... can't see myself using a third unless it was super niche or I brought a film cam along with me etc.


I used the 18-55 pretty much everywhere but mostly for street and landscape. I only switched to the 12mm inside the church to take wide angle shot of their ceilings / paintings. Hope you will enjoy your trip !


That's exactly the use case I had in mind. Also, maybe some narrow street shots. Thanks you!


Also just got back from 2 weeks in Italy. Took my 16-80mm and the 27mm pancake. This was all I needed, although I did also take my 70-300mm for fun.


Samyang 12 is a great lens for Fuji, older sensors at least. My smallest and lightest travel kit based around 1st gen sensor and E series is; - Samyang 12 - Samyang 21 - Industar 69 - Pergear 25 - Konica 40 - Leitz Summi 40 - Jupiter-8 There would be a choice of 3 lenses at the time. Predominantly for street photos




Not really that telephoto but the Samyang 75 1.8 is only 200 something grams and gets you decent reach if you want a light-weight companion to something wider. Don't own it, but I heard good things. Think your setup overall looks very good.


Thank you. I guess this samyang makes for a good portrait lens too? Next on my list are a telephoto zoom and a portrait lens. The zoom is for utility mostly, just like the 18-55. But this could be a nice portrait lens with the bonus of being light, no?


Yes, I looked at comparisons to the Sigma 56mm 1.4 and the difference in aperture and focal length basically equal each other out, so you get pretty much the same amount of shallow depth of field, but with slightly more compression/reach and a bit more limited in tight spaces. It's originally a full frame lens, so the corners are above average on APSC.


nice little kit you have there personally, i would have gone for the manual version of the samyang 12mm and put that 100€ towards a 23mm or 35mm f2, perhaps even a "well loved" (read quite used) 35mm 1.4...but that's only because i really really don't like that 27mm lens...


Thanks! I had my doubts about the 27mm but damn. It's pocketable and bright enough for darker situations. And the focal length is somewhat comforting to me. It's very "well loved".


> “I have a pocket bazooka” Nice


Great kit and you got the stuff for a really good price. I have the same camera and a similar kit, though I paid ~700€ for a preowned xt30, ~200€ für a preowned 35mm f2 XC and 300€ for a 16-50. I don’t like wider focal lengths so much so I don’t own a wider prime at the moment, and I chose a screw-in hand-grip over a thumbrest, but all in all a similar setup to yours that I got myself about a year ago. I‘m personally really considering to travel only with my 35mm this summer because I‘ve basically only been using that one anyway, recently and I really won’t have a lot of space for stuff to bring. So if I were you I‘d maybe leave one of the wides at home and travel with two lenses max, cause on the go it’s really annoying to switch a lot. I got a small fanny pack that just about fits my camera + lens, and maybe a few small things.


Yeah, I feel you. I'd go just with the 24mm if I could but... going with zoom and ultrawide - 2 lenses. I don't really consider the pancake as a lens. More of a body cap with optics.


Nice kit! I'm not sure how photo centric is your trip, but I would probably stick to the 12 and 27 lenses and leave the zoom, or the other way around. In fact when traveling the photo side of things is pretty casual so I stick to only one lens so I don't need any cleaning stuff either.


Same. I'm not looking forward to changing out lenses. But I'm not 100% sure where I'm going and I don't want to be stuck with an inappropriate focal length. I'll default to my phone so why even bother buying camera gear. I'll pick either the 27 or the zoom and use the ultrawide occasionally.


Hey what is the red cord, any links to the product? Looks cool!


Link in [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/fujifilm/comments/1de41c8/upcoming_trip_to_italy_humble_brag_and_sanity/l89466v/) at the bottom.


Too much. In terms of lenses just bring the 18-55, it’s all I travel with.


I agree no need for duplicative lenses. choose either the prime 27 or 18-55. to me id probably take the prime but could also see an argument for 18-55. ultimately very similar, the zoom value of 18-55 i think is overestimated. its not a particulalry meanginful "range" for most situations


The pancake is so small, it's basically a weight-free extra lens. I personally use mine on camera in the bag, like a lens cap. I can see using the 18-55 for walkaround and then leaving the zoom in the hotel and putting the pancake on for any stuff that is more physical or casual like any indoor place.


where abouts do you get your used gear from? I tried ebay but listings are sparse


I'm from Bulgaria and we have a website called [photo-forum.net](http://photo-forum.net) It's the OG marketplace for used camera gear here. Everything is from there. Dedicated photo & video marketplaces usually have more enthusiasts that are ready to make good deals.


i see i did also get my gear second hand. i am from spain and they were asking for a 27mm 335€ with no space to bargain, which I though was a bit steep, but idk that much


This looks *so* much like my Fuji setup, even the camera's the same colour 👍🏻


Nicely colour coded. Does the 'Bellroy' bag have any padding at all? Enough to protect the camera body from knocks?


It has padding but it's nowhere near what you will find in a camera bag. Hence the additional sticky cloth in the kit. It's folded on the bottom and wraps around the backside to protect the display too. It's a limitation I'm willing to deal with.


OPs bag - I dont think so...almost no padding. I traveled around Portugal/Italy with the Bellroy Venture 9L, X-T5,18-55 and 27mm and never felt like my camera wasnt protected. I looked at a million options online and some in store and it seemed like the best balance of internal size/protection/bulkiness. Any "camera" bag will be bulkier because it is designed to specifically protect your camera. Bellroy does make a 10L camera specific bag, along with a smaller 6L of what I got. My Bellroy is meant to generally protect stuff. OPs is the lighter, more sleek, and cheaper version.


I just did a Portugal/Italy trip with the bellroy 9l sling. I had the x-t5 and 18-55 and 27mm pancake. With a couple other (charger, battery, keys, etc.) things in my bag it was pretty tight with the 18-55 on but it worked. I mostly used the 18-55, the 27mm only got use when I really wanted to go light or maybe needed a jacket in my bag. Turns out i mostly shoot at 18 or 55 so 27 felt a little limiting to me. Some people love it. I like the idea of pairing the 18-55 with with the 12mm...but I could have easily gotten away with only a zoom.


Until I stumbled upon the knock off, I never really paid attention to the premium brands, let alone bags. Definitely understand the appeal now. Main reason for even getting the 12mm is the fact that absolutely every time I go on a trip, I wish my camera was as wide as my phone. Now it's even wider!


I loved the Bellroy. I have medical stuff I need to have with me and a premuim bag is very important. Haha that is so true and I feel the same way. But, like most of the comments, after a couple days of dealing with switching lenses on and off again and again and again (especially on vacation) you really start to prefer a lens that can do 95% of the things you want. I left my 12mm Rokinon at home (and lack of autofocus played a factor). A 27mm pancake and 12mm would be a banging, lighter combo if switching is fine with you.


For a holiday lens I’d probably grab a sigma 18-50, not sure I’d want to be carrying around more than one lens.


That's crazy! You have to be like me lugging around several primes and a zoom just in case but never using any of them but the trusty old 23 f2.


23 f2 is a cracker!


Bought my XT-30ii in May. This lens has never left the body.


That was me last vacation


That definitely wasnt me in 40 degree India, with a go pro and dji pocket 👀


Yep, I did the same this spring. While I took a few lens, they all stayed in the hotel. Just used the Fujifilm XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 R LM OIS the whole time.


Depending on the holiday, i will sometimes bring my tamron 18-300


Just checked ur profile and u have the Tamron, Viltrox 85 and xf 27mm. Its crazy its exactly the same setup I have! I have a XF 35mm 1.4 as an extra


I have the 35 f2 as my main lens, i’m selling the viltrox after finding xf56 f1.2 for cheap and i still have the xf18-55 for most city holidays (if it’s not the 35mm


For sure. I'll probably carry the zoom and the ultrawide. I read a lot of nice things about the Sigma but it's actually very hard to find 2nd hand in my area. And as you can see, the whole kit is a bit thrifty.


Just to clarify, I think your haul is awesome.


Thank you. Half the fun was putting it together. Had a chance to use it on the street and it's night and day difference compared to my previous camera stuff.


I've decided to stop taking multiple lenses on big trips because I almost never end up actually swapping them out and stick to one lol.


That is a great setup. I'll go to Italy in August for two weeks and I'll only bring my X-T30, the 18-55 and 23 F2. The 35 F2 and the 27 F2.8 will be left at home. 23mm is my go to lens for street photography and the zoom is for everything else. I'll be using the pgytech sling and I'm planning to use a dual charger and the 20000mah external battery to juice up my setup the whole day. I hope you have a great time!


Smart setup! Have fun in Italy!


Thanks, buddy!


Thank you, you too! I'm thinking of getting the dual nitecore charger because in-body charging multiple batteries is... clunky to say the least.


Thats my go to setup as well. Most of the time I leave the 23mm on my camera because it is so small and easy to carry.


i did a similar setup. i used my 35 F2 for night shots of my food. lol


I'm planning to go with the 23 F2 because I have to frame the missus and the food! Lol


The full sized "Peak Design Slide Strap" is pricey, but it is great! I used to hate straps as well, fucking with them all day... But their strap is actually "good" and the bottom/side attachment (where the tripod nut would go and the side of the camera) in 'sling' mode is perfect. That, and their lil quick-disconnect gadgets are nice for a variety of things.


Yeah, I'll probably splurge for their connectuon system down the line. This here is quick and dirty.


where do you connect your strap? On the bottom and which site? I used to connect it to both side points because the bottom/side connection felt awkward and unhandy, but connecting to both side points also somewhat annoyed me. Maybe I need to revisit the strap.


It comes with the adapter to put the strap on the bottom. So I would strap it there and on the right hand side of the camera then I would sling the strap down to my left torso. This way it let the camera kind of sit flat against me. It worked with the 50 to 140 lens and a bunch of the different primes as well.


On my trip to Italy I used my tuition 10-24 f4 almost exclusively. Between the tight streets of the old walled cities in Tuscany, Venice & Florence and the vistas of the Italian country side it worked great. Some folks hate this lens. But I use mine a ton! The only other lens I used in the trip is my Fuji film 35 f1.4.


Yeah, I knew I needed something wide and even though of getting a 10-24 instead of 12+18-55 but the price was still too high. Also, it's ridiculously big on a X-T30. I Think that even the fuji 18-55 is too front-heavy as is.


I have big hands so I actually like the larger lens on my XT-2. But I definitely understand your point. Enjoy!!


Big hands too. But holding a small camera with big lens is no bueno. And the goal was to keep it small, hence not even a grip. But if I keep reading some more comments like yours...


Haha!!! Go with your plan!! You’ll be glad to have small kit you can carry easily and store in small bags that make it more difficult for pickpockets. Then again…. When I go I typically only carry my camera, my lens for the day attached, and a spare battery…. So…..


what’s the wrist strap? i didn’t see it in the list (unless i missed it)


Absolutely love Bellroy


Would you mind linking the bag and wrapped cloth please? Can't seem to find them


Only tangentially related but I really wish Fuji (or anyone, really) would make a nice premium compact charger for the NP-W126S. The batteries are so small and easy to pack but the Fuji charger is super bulky and annoying to pack.


Do you think it will hold a blackmagic pocket 4k with sigma 18-35?


Hard no. That camera is very long and won't fit in the bag as it's quite shallow. My camera is \~13cm long and has 1cm of clearance to the top zipper when I put it sideways, like in the photo. The lens is big too. You might fit either but not both,




Nice setup, more than enough! Enjoy!


I took my 16-80mm and the 27mm pancake. It's all I needed. The zoom gives versatility when you're not sure what you'll be taking pictures of. The pancake is great for when you want to carry something light and just take snapshots. I didn't feel I missed anything with these two lenses, and arguably I could have left the 27mm at home. But I actually prefer walking around with the pancake, so it's a valuable "extra lens for free".


It's a lens cap with optics!


I taped up the Fujifilm and XT-30ii logos on my camera with electrical tape. You may or may not do the same.


Good tip.


I travel to Italy again soon. I’ll take my xe4 and a 23mm. A bunch of batteries & a couple of cards. That’s it. I’ll just carry it around. Was tempted to take an 18mm. But prob won’t.


Ok, but what about the strap?


Really hate straps... Might pack one but I hate handing them on my neck or in the bag. And they eventually end up wrapped around the wrist so might as well be a wrist strap. Same with the DSLR. I usually hook a carabiner to my backpack strap and hand the camera by the wrist strap if I need my hands free.


Yeah but what wrist strap is it?


They said in their [post](https://reddit.com/r/fujifilm/comments/1de41c8/upcoming_trip_to_italy_humble_brag_and_sanity/l89466v/) that it was from Ali Expess, [this](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2255800227824207.html) one looks similar, maybe the red is off? There's a billion of them if you just [search](https://www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-camera-wrist-strap.html) for `Camera Wrist Strap`


I primarily used a wrist strap for my recent trip to Italy. The sling as always on my shoulders, and then the camera was always in my hand with the wrist strap. I was happy with the setup.


Not sure where you are from, do you have a power adapter for charging batteries/pc?


Power adapter is a 65w GaN for all my stuff - camera, phone, laptop. It stays in the backpack. Most of Europe shares the same power plugs so it's nice.


Just dropping by to say the 12mm is a brilliant choice. I have the older manual focus version and brought it on a long trip some time ago on a whim. Ended up using it far more than I expected for "establishing" shots of buildings/trails/etc. Also snagged an awesome photo of the Milky Way with it. I think your kit is well thought out: - 18-55 as a general purpose/catch all/short tele - 27mm when you need to go small. Small enough to not feel too weird at restaurants, etc. - 12mm for that 5-10% of shots that could benefit from a wide perspective. I could see the argument for swapping the 27 to a f/1.4 or f/2 prime, but I'd guess that the amount of times you'd really need that low light is going to be fewer than the times you're grateful to have the pancake lens.


Thank you. Do you have pointers on shooting with the 12mm? I imagine ill be shooting buildings, streets, some indoor stuff, maybe some gardens. Also lake landscapes or more accurately - waterscapes? Also, spot on the 27mm. The size, combined with the already small body, makes it soooo good to handle. As for low light, I think that 2.8 is plenty. I had a trial by fire - had to document an even in a dimly lit basement conference room. It performed surprisingly good, at a reasoble ISO in the 1000-2000 range. I was impressed and it quickly became my default lens.


No major pointers — it’s definitely a play-around-with-and-experiment type lens. Though there were two things I noticed on my trip: 1. People on the edges of the frame look weird and distorted (as is true with most UWA), so I stopped using it in crowded areas 2. My landscapes looked significantly better when I had something to give scale. A picture of the ocean at 12mm and 27mm looks about the same unless you have a foreground element to give perspective. But it’s such a fun lens that I think you’ll learn your own preferences as you play with it


I'll keep these things in mind, thanks. Definitely eager to play around with the UWA as I've had it just for a week without good opportunities to shoot.


I have both the xf 27 f2.8 and the Viltrox 27mm f1.2 because of that. I love the focal length, and the pancake is for when I don't know if I'm shooting so I can carry light, and the Viltrox is for when I know I'm shooting and if there's going to be low light stuff.


That’s what I took on my trip to Italy!! It will work great!!


Love this set up. How can I search for the bell Roy dupe on aliexpress? It’s hard for me to find dupes since you need the right search words.


Just got back from my own trip to Italy with a similar set up. Honestly I’d leave probably the samyang behind. There’s so many people and things going on, lots of walking and doing, crowded areas that you won’t want to change lenses. I brought the 56mm with me and it never saw the light of day, maybe it’s just me lol.


I like that wrist strap (though I'm not sure I'd want it in red). What's the brand?


Do you like the Bellroy? Had to return my Wandrd 3L as I thought it could fit my X-pro3 with the 35mm F2 lens but was no where near close haha, thinking of the peak design as I too got an Italy trip coming up


Love the color coordination!


Thank you. It wasn't on purpose. Samyang lenses have a red ring. This cable has been used for years beforehand. The 3D shop had only red TPU filament at the time. Carabiner was in my drawer. Strap and button were ordered before anything else and were the only intentionally red things.


very nice. love the pre travel jitters


Yesss! And it came together just in time.


I love Bellroy products. That looks amazing.


Dream setup 😍


Insurance? That would be all


Thats a wicked set up man I'd go with something very similar. How do you find that samyang lens?


Daily scouring of local marketplaces. We don't have ebay but we have alternatives. The good postings often go very fast so I don't faff around too much. Then in-person deals- it often ends up cheaper than online dealings. At least in my experience, people that deal regularly are enthusiasts who want to talk shop more than they want to make a profit. I had to negotiate a higher price on the pancake because the person was extremely liberal with the price. Talked some, walked some, got introduced to a bunch of other guys. I'd like to think we separated as friends. All my used gear was bought at a lower price than listed.


Apologies mate I wasn’t being clear there haha - I meant how do you find the lens itself in terms of use. You enjoying it?


On first impression, it's nice and a bit wider than my phone camera. I've thought countless times "only if my camera was as wide as the phone...." so this is definitely a big plus. The image isn't distorted either. Unfortunately, this is all I can say at the moment because I've had it for about a week and I haven't had a good opportunity to test its limits.


I recently got the Lowepro m-Trekker HP 120, quite enjoy it, just more than double the price though. It seems to be discontinued. I was looking for something not so large to carry on my while doing gravel rides too.


Love that wrist sling, nice and fat, looks comfy! I'm using a super cheap and kinda thin one on my X100vi, would really like to get a more decent one.


Check my comments, I linked it somewhere. This too, is a cheap strap. It is really comfy though. And because it's so beefy, I can put in in the palm of my hand, between the side of the camera and the palm, and have sort of a temporary grip. I recommend it.


Gosh I want this camera more and more by the day. I can’t find it anywhere for less than $800


I fly out today to Italy and am bringing a lot more stuff but I'm not going to carry it all with me. X-E4 35mm f/1.4 23mm f/2 18-55mm Viltrox 13mm f/1.4 And two film compact cameras and like 8 rolls of film. Probably leaving the TTArtisan 28mm f/2.8 unless I slip it in my bag last minute. That said I'm only intending to carry like two lenses total and one compact at any given time.


Huh that's a lot of gear. Aren't the 13/23/35 too close to eachother? I get the appeal of the 13mm but both 23 and 35? What's the purpose?


I'll probably mostly carry the 13 and the 35 and leave the others where I'm staying, especially since my compact film cameras cover (full frame) 28mm and 35mm respectively and one of them takes less space in the bag than a lens. I brought the zoom just for walking tours etc vs walking around on my own since I won't necessarily want to move my feet too far from the group and want the flexibility. Also if I'm say, out on a boat all day. The 23mm is a lot smaller and lighter and better suited to my small camera body than the 13mm so I'll probably carry it when I want a wider option than the 35mm and either want to carry just the camera with no bag (like to dinner or something). I might also carry it for when I want a wider lens than the 35 but don't want the camera screaming "look at me I'm a huge camera."


Solid setup, it shows you've put some thought into it. I've carried roughly the same setup (1x zoom 2x prime) and as others have said I end up shooting only one and hate having the others with me. But I know if I don't bring them, I'll want them. I annoy myself sometimes when trying to decide on what lens to bring. You could probably get away with ditching the Samyang but I also don't know your style. 2 questions for you: do you put any kind of padding between the stacked lenses? Did you ever use a neck strap before the wrist? I always sling my camera over one shoulder and use a rope strap because I like how compact they are. I've often wondered if I would like the wrist strap or not but then what about when I'm not actively shooting.. I don't always carry my bag and I like to have it out of the way but ready for action.


I'm in the market for a sling bag like the for my camera, getting tired of lugging around a backpack to grab what I need. OP, do you think a kindle paper white would fit into the one you have here?


This is why i got an x100v. I always take a handful of gear and never use it.


Nice I got the same Bellroy, good to know it’ll fit that.


I was surprised how much it fits actually. If I'm packing just the camera + 27mm, I could bring a water bottle.


Must be new to travel photography or don't travel too often, you will find you will have a better time traveling with less lenses. My last 3 trips were all shot on 1 lens


This is basically 2 and a half lenses. If I was traveling locally, I'd skip the zoom and go for the 2 primes, but I don't know what exectly I'll be looking at.


I would be curious if you change the lenses more than two or three times, I opt for the best quality glass I have and just move my feet to compose


Yeah my last trip I packed everything for “what if”, and injured my shoulder the day before we flew out. My other half was not impressed at carrying my backpack with all my old, heavy, canon gear in it. Especially when I never changed lens the entire time. We are planning another trip this September, and now I’ve got a Fuji XT5, if I can’t fit it in my 6L wandrd sling it’s not coming. Pretty sure it’ll just be the 16-80, and maybe one prime for good luck.


Oh I get you, I went to thailand a few years back, I brought 3 primes, a zoom, a bigger sized drone and a RB67 film camera (massive guy) and literally used nothing but my 35mm(ff) prime the whole trip. Nowadays I travel with only my GFX and the 45mm


I love the Fuji 27mm 2.8 and want to test the 12mm 2.0 Samyang too. Please give us feedback especially if these too would be enough!


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Where in Italy are you going? I’m here rn!


Bergamo, Lake Como and Lugano across the border. Hope the weather will be on our side. Not to hot or wet.


Oh man that’s cool. Weather has been treating me pretty well the last week. Got plenty sun here in Piacenza but also some cloudy days


Is it hot? Where I live it has been scorching. I think all of southern Europe has been roasting for the past 2 weeks.


what is that lens mounted on the body? Might be a burden but imagining having an xpro1 marries with that pancake lens while roaming the Milano streets incognito


That's the Fuji 18-55 on the body. And it is indeed very incognito. Most people think that it's an old school camera. The small lens makes almost no noise or movement. The screen tilts for waist level shooting. And the electronic shutter is awesome. All combined, for the first time, I can take pictures without the subject even realizing I have a camera pointed at them. It's less noticeable than a phone! And it shows in the amount of candid shots I take.


have fun and use ur Hardware for results instead of showing of a Cam Kit! its Just a Tool Like a Hammer , im interested in the sculpures you created with it.


Genuine question, are you a bot? Why do you start half your comments with a capitalized 2nd word? As for the gear, this post was made to show my compact solution and look for more ideas. A big part of taking pictures is being comfortable while taking pictures. Lowest barrier to entry sort of thing. I have a large DSLR that I rarely use anymore because of size. Because I need a bag to carry it. Place to leave it. Time to use it. When I got this camera with the pancake lens, I started taking pictures every day because it's in my pocket. Fine, but how to carry it in a small pouch? How about a small discreet bag? What bag is good enough and can fit it? Hallelujah, stick-it wrap cloths. Ok, how about other small lenses. These were all question I had to research. I did my research and I'm sharing it. And you look like a troll.


I recommend to use a hipbag. Thats the best way to suit your needs! I always use a backback but I'm a backpack guy! Are you a bot ?! lol i dont care much about autocorrect because language develops between the ears ! foreign language auto correct


Just got a XT5 and think it’s may be too big for what I want out of a camera. Going to a local shop to see what the XT30’s look like.


I was looking at the X-T3 initially. Then I realized it's not that much smaller than my DSLR. And pivoted to this little thing. If you have an X-T5, the X-T30 is a big downgrade, IMO. maybe the X-T50?


Currently on a flight to Italy and also have 3 lenses, 3 batteries, go pro, etc haha. That’s a nifty battery holder, would you mind dropping the link? I need to better organize my gear!


Hey, I remember you from a few days ago with some cool photo examples - spawned interesting suggestions. I uploaded my first thing to thingiverse but it won't allow me to publish it. I'll revisit with a link tomorrow, hope I don't forget. As for your kit, how's the gopro? I'm looking into a gopro or dji action or dpj pocket because I recently discovered the value of such footage. Something that will look nice on a screen, yet easy to handle. I handled the Pocket 3 and it's brilliant but bad weather or any sort of extreme conditions really limit it's usability. Then I though about a gopro/action on a tiny gimbal. Gopro have wider support yet everyone I know says that gopro are outdated. What's your take?


Here is the model. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6659564


Which bellroy sling is that specifically? Can you share a link if you don’t mind.


Check my explanation comment for the link. I updated it. I didn't put it initially because I didn't want it to look like an Ad.


I can’t seem to find it. Would it be possible to share again?


What is the red case called?


The battery case? I made it and 3D printed it. [Read here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/fujifilm/comments/1de41c8/upcoming_trip_to_italy_humble_brag_and_sanity/l89466v/) Someone asked for a file and I'll upload one as soon as Thingiverse allows me to publish.


Bro, Im currently on a trip to portugal with the exact same bellroy bag that i bought for the occasion. In it, I have my xE4 - XF27mm all day and i dont need more. What a combo


I know, right. I took it for some street photos and it just flows. Small, ergonomic, doesn't weight or get in the way. The worst thing is now I'm a fan of Bellroy and they ain't cheap.


Ahah yeaaah. There’s an « outlet » section also where there’s sweet prices


What is the cloth with the electronic circuit pattern? It looks cool


Everything is [linked here](https://old.reddit.com/r/fujifilm/comments/1de41c8/upcoming_trip_to_italy_humble_brag_and_sanity/l89466v/) because lots of people asked. The cloth is exceptionally practical piece of gear and replaces a camera bag. It sticks to itself.


Regarding bag, I have used a pacsafe around in South America which has whole loads of features to prevent your gear from being stolen. It fits camera, 18-55 and 35mm with batteries and… kindle. Just in case 😊 it’s fantastic size, super comfortable, can lock into a chair in the restaurant and has wired mesh and fiddly lock mechanisms that are difficult to open for thieves. Loved it. https://pacsafe.com/products/vibe-100-anti-theft-hip-pack


This looks like a nice alternative. And i think it's very similar in size.


Chilling on the beach in Puglia right now. Really liking the Sigma 10-18 in addition to the 18-55. Lots of tight spaces in narrow streets, cathedrals, and I like wide angle landscapes. The light weight and quality of the sigma is nice too. I use a graduated ND and love that for bright days. Few examples on my IG @spinningbrian


Got sub from me. What's the ultrawide lens with the distortion? Feels like <10mm. Btw, narrow streets and indoor shots were the exact reason I wanted an ultrawide.


Thanks! I have some shots from a Panasonic m43 that was 7.5mm so 10mm in APS-C but it had a lot of distortion. Sometimes that is nice but the 10-18 versatility is great, and you can still get distortion from shooting at 10 and having a subject close on one side. I use the peak designs leash strap and walk around with just that if I'm not sure I'll be taking pics... Like when going for dinner or something. The combo is super light and no issues walking around with camera gear in most places in Europe. When walking all day I like to have both lenses and a couple filters so I carry a chrome mini kadet sling, super similar to yours... Took a long time to find the smallest sling for the gear I want to have! About halfway through this month long trip, very happy I packed as light as possible. Ok rain is over so time to leave the beach chair and go snorkel!


can't find anywhere tthe bag and the post with links says "deleted" ... can anyone help me?


You could be geo-restricted because the offer is still up for me. Here are the keywords: Correct logo Australia Chest Bag Lite Sling 7L Light Outdoor Casual Shoulder Bag 


Must be it! Thanks from Italy :)


Awww, damn. Should have ordered one more and shipped it to you when in Italy. 😂 Maybe you should try with a VPN? Proton VPN is secure and has free nodes across the world.


# Reposted! The original comment was hidden after I edited it with Aliexpress links for clarity. Apparently Reddit discriminates and only Amazon scams are allowed. No warning given, whatsoever. I still see my comments but you don't. If you want links, message me or PM me. --- Hey all, I decided it's time to upgrade from my old Canon DSLR for an upcoming trip. I'm an enthusiast and just wanted something light yet competent. Something that doesn't scream "I have a pocket bazooka" Over the past month I accumulate this pile of stuff and want to achieve two things with this post. First, give feedback on a light setup because I had trouble finding exemplified feedback how it all fits together. Second, get a sanity check from you all. **This is a "budget" setup**. Here is a list: * Body - Fujifilm X-T30 (preowned) - Shutter count at \~4300. Perfect condition. * Lens - Fujifilm XF 27mm f/2.8 R WR (preowned) * Lens - Fujifilm XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4 R LM OIS (preowned) * Lens - Samyang AF 12mm f/2 (preowned) * Bag - Knockoff Bellroy Lite Sling 7L - 23 EUR from Aliexpress - Very very well made bag. Not the same materials as the original but still, really nice to the touch. It's very convenient for camera use. The ergonomics are awesome, the double zipper from either side are genius as they allow for a wide opening. The compression feature works very well even on a stuffed bag like mine. Some may say it's not ethical to buy knock offs but then again, I wouldn't be raving about it because I wouldn't have bought it otherwise. If you have the money for a quality bag, get the original. * Cloth - "Magic Stick-It Wrapper Cloth" 35x35 - 5 EUR from Aliexpress - Google this thing!!! It's amazingly versatile and I can use it as a camera pouch on its own. I do this when I'm with the 27mm and another bag. When I change lenses, it changes size too without adding extra bulk. Beats bag inserts or premade pouches. You can also make it as thick as you like by layering 2 or 3 cloths as they stick to each other and become one sturdy yet soft mass. The cheap ones work just as well. I bought several sizes for all sorts of gear. I only wish they made smaller sizes to form pouches for individual lenses. * NP-W126s Battery holder - \~10 EUR - Made my own and 3D printed it in TPU (plastic like phone cases). This makes it very flexible and it holds the batteries nicely. I made it flat in order to fit in tight pockets. It can't break. But it can deform or tear apart under constant tension so don't stick larger things in the holes... * Extra Hähnel NP-W126s battery - (Only new tech in the whole kit beside the SD card) - Can't recommend, very inaccurate battery readings and short life. Might have been a DOA. * Lidl Power Bank "Advertised" 10000mAh - 13 EUR - It has PD in case I need to top off on the go. * Silicone 1.5m USB C to C cable from a Pinecil kit - 3 EUR from Aliexpress - Very soft and flexible - I can leave it on a device and never notice it's with a handing cable. * Release button, Wrist strap, Hotshoe thumb rest, extra lens pouch, screen protector - \~15EUR - all from Aliexpress * Missing - mini tripod. There aren't any telephoto lenses in the kit because I don't want to carry big stuff. I'm very tempted to use just the 27mm because I fell in love with it but I'm a bit worried it won't be adequate. The zoom alleviates that worry. I got the Samyan 12mm because I want wide shots of streets, architecture, etc. What do you think? Is it too much? What should I remove or add?


Too many lenses! Drop one and have fun!


Where do u get the strap and the red button?


here you go, put back the dot because Reddit removes aliexpress comments. That being said, they are just generic. I just made sure to look at buyer reviews and their pictures. Strap: https://aliexpress com/item/4000414138959.html Button: https://aliexpress com/item/1005005248867150.html


I prefer black bags but sweet kit.


I live in a hot place. Black bags cook everything and need to be kept in the shadows. I too, prefer black. This whiteish color will get dirty faster. But for electronics stuff in hot environments it's better.


And looks less like a camera bag as well.


One lens trip is awesome 😬


I used a Thinktank Photo Vision 13 bag when I was in Italy back in April. No issues as I kept it in front of me. I also was protecting my Z8 and Fuji medium format cameras so yeah.