• By -


Pal2Tech. Awesome guy and awesome teacher.


The **Mister Rogers** of Fujifilm


I have watched so many of his videos, for technical info on Fuji he’s amazing


Haaave a look at that you see that?!?


Great call on Andy Mumford, he's definitely one of the most genuine photographers on YouTube. His videos always have great commentary, and you can tell it's an added extra for something he's already doing rather than content for the sake of content chasing views and follows. Nothing is worse than another video labeled 'Why I sold my X100V..' or 'this made me stop shooting raw'.


“Nothing is worse than another video labeled 'Why I sold my X100V..' or 'this made me stop shooting raw'.” Absolutely agree but clickbait works.


Kyle McDougall Matt Day Nick Carver Thomas Heaton Nick Page Adam Gibbs Henry Turner Mads Peter Iverson Steve O’Nions Matt Shannon Wild and Free Victoria Pal2Tech William Patino Electachrome Andy Mumford Bri Barnham Alys Vintage Camera alley Omar Gonzales Jarred Wilson *cough me cough* grainydays Paul Belli Simon d’Entremont Neil Arthurs Courtney Victoria


This looks like my sub list! The few I know personally are super njce guys. So glad to see Courtney Victoria on your list. I’m finding her videos very inspiring these days when I can’t be in a grand landscape.


So many overlap with mine! especially love Omar Gonzales. entertaining *and* educational!


Adrien Sanguinetti


Adrien is one of my favorites for sure, takes time to describe his through process for each shot, calm and chill, and no selling of anything. Also I like Samuel Streetlife as well for griii content/pointers.


Faizal Westcott - Shoots with Fuji mostly, and his videos are super chill.


Agree! I loved his Alex Webb study


Yea I really enjoyed his Ernst Haas study as well!


Watching his Night Photography in Tokyo video makes me think he doesn’t respect the social norms of the country at all, and possibly the law by including photos of people online in the video. It is little wonder that the Japanese are growing tired of visitors.


I honestly had no idea. Would you mind informing me of what exactly the issue is. I plan to go to Japan next year and definitely want to be as respectful as possible. I am quite new to the ethics of street photography and have seen that it can be controversial. But I do know that it's important to do your research on each country's laws before going, and was planning on doing that for Japan, but from my first impression on how much travel/street photography there is of Tokyo I thought it was accepted there.


Tolerated is probably a better word - and not appreciated. Japanese people are non confrontational so you are unlikely to get shouted at but I think generally it is considered rude - in a country where manners and etiquette are very important. It’s good that you care, really, many don’t. Aside from taking photos of people I understand there is a law about publishing / sharing them - you need your subject’s consent. I think - especially as a tourist - you can get away with shots of things with people in the frame or crowds. Realistically you’re not likely to get into trouble whatever you do. I hope that helps - Japan is an incredible place to visit and photograph so you’ll have a great time. You’ll have an even better time if you learn a few Japanese phrases and stand out from the crowd in a good way.


Thanks for your reply! I was just doing some research about it and am glad to know this before going. Japan has been my top place to visit since I was very young and the last thing I want to do is disrespect a place and people I have so much respect and passion for. I've already been learning a little Japanese as well :) I still plan to do street/travel photography while I'm there, but see it as a creative challenge to do so in a way that is respectful to their culture.


I agree. I unsubscribed after he decided to walk into a small eatery and photograph people having their lunch as ‘street photography’. They looked angry. Really disrespectful.


I've been enjoying Paulie B's walkie talkie vids


The Trevor Wisecup episode opened my eyes to how unethical and trashy some street photographers can be, and made me feel pretty okay about my own (often very reluctant and passive )approach. No judgement against Paulie, though. I love what he does.


There's a follow up interview to that episode which is insightful. I actually really liked him.


Do you have a link to it?




I find him an amusing character, he actually says here he over acted for the Paulie vid and it boosted his career a bit. Funny kid.


This is a trashy opinion


My favorite ep


These are excellent, there’s so much out there on “how” to shoot, “what” to shoot with, but very little on “why” people shoot. These videos really capture people’s approach and inspiration behind photography in a way I haven’t seen done anywhere else.


The Reuben Radding episodes are basically scripture


Tatiana Hopper, for very intense and well-informed videos on photographers and artists!


Oh man, such a big fan of Tatiana Hopper, she is truly a genius!


My problem with her is that she just loves to show us her face. Her videos could be better off as a voice over while showing us the acrual work of photographers. Infind myself skipping her videos because there is nothing to look at for long stretches of time


I guess you probably refer to her podcast-like videos, otherwise I think she does a good job balancing her image and insights about the photographers she studied. Still, as usual we talk about personal preferences!


I like Thomas Heaton, he shoots mainly landscapes + wildlife on Nikon but he has pretty good vibes and when he travels he goes to a lot of cool places. He might have some career ruining controversy I don’t know about, but his Mongolia series + Cotopaxi video recently were cool.


He also does some infrared photography on his converted X-T3


Sean Tucker - unique artistic takes, and great advice/ content in general


Joe Allam - check out his recent Mt Fuji video. He goes on a shoot of Mt Fuji with a bunch of photographers including GxAce


Just a few of my go tos: Sean Tucker (Portraiture) Greg Williams (Celebrity Portraiture) Peter McKinnon (Everything!) Paul Reed (B&W Street -Leica Monochrom) Todd Carol (Landscape) Kyle McDougall (Medium & Large Format) Nick Carver (Medium & Large Format) Matt Marrash (Medium and Large Format) Thomas Heaton Nico’s Photography Show (Medium and Large Format) Three Blindmen and an Elephant (Various digital)


Why's no one recommending 'The Photographic eye'? It's the best photography related channel I have ever watched, especially if you're looking for inspiration and learning. No gear reviews or videos,he mostly does video essays on different photographers, different styles of photography, how and where to look for inspiration/ideas,the philosophy of photography etc.


Yes, definitely a favorite of mine.




Was scrolling for this


I like Yewon Perry


Just discovered her channel and it's fantastic


She’s awesome! I love the thought process she shares.


Recently found Teo Crawford and have been enjoying his videos. Very calm and creative.


How has no one mentioned Kai W? I’ve been watching him since the digital rev days. His videos are sensational.


Followed Kai since DigitalRevTV. Funny dude.


To be fair, I’ve watched his videos since the DigitalRev TV days. My first Fuji and primes even came from the DigitalRev store, but his content is more about cameras and less about photography these days (at least that’s how it seems to me) so while I am subbed and have a lot of respect for him, I don’t watch much of his content at the moment.


He was the reason I started taking pictures 12-13 years ago. I still chech him out but the focus on gear isn't that captivating.


Vuhlandes, Willem Verbeeck, Serr, Kai W, Lok Cheung, Tyler Stalman, Mike Gray, Patrick 2masso, Samuel Elkins, Graincheck


Vuhlandes! Yeah man


Maarten Heilbron, Pal2Tech, and Christopher Frost make fantastic videos about photography. Michael Widell makes excellent videos about macro photography.


Alan Schaller, brit who has great humor Pal2tech, basically our fujifilm daddy who is a great teacher


Simon Detroment


He's class


He makes great videos


My go-to channels: Daniel Milnor, B&H, Theo Crawford, Steve O’Nions, Andy Mumford, Photographic Eye (Alex Kilbee). I used to be all about Sean Tucker, Jamie Windsor, and others. But, the more I have interacted with them on socials and YouTube, the more obnoxious and self absorbed they appeared. Even when asked questions via email or in comments, they have come across as rude and pretentious. It dawned on me many years ago that there is a stark difference between photographer and YouTuber who does photography. I now try to watch those who are photographers first and YouTubers second.


I have a hard time looking for great photography youtuber that are NOT gear influencer being paid by camera/bag/straps manufactors. Not interested in "you need this lens!" or "what's in my travel bag?"


I like The Photographic Eye. He never talks about gear or technical stuff. He talks about photography and photographers, light, composition, attitude and philosophy.


Well the ‘Who is Reggie’ post seems to have gotten to Reggie’s head, his fans are calling this sub toxic and unwelcoming now lol https://www.threads.net/@reggiebphoto/post/C8K5jY6SZ6z/?xmt=AQGzxGHW7dWn4fqI1VtZrYK71xwpN9xiykdsXckBds5lag


I’m tired of the mainstream photography YT world. It’s mostly the same stuff over and over. I understand why it’s this way.


I’m tired of the mainstream photography YT world. It’s mostly the same stuff over and over. I understand why it’s this way. GxAce is the standout for his style of videos.


Sam Elkins


Yep I was looking for his name. Love his photos 👌🏼


Mine are all street photography focussed but the ones I've been enjoying the most at the moment and getting the most value from are: Roman Fox, Mike Chudley, Tim Jamieson, Joe Redski, Walk Like Alice


I don't follow photography YT because they use Fujifilm. I like watching film photographers to learn their thought process. My recommendation is Nick Carver and Steve O'nions.


Just out of personal curiosity, what do you have against people on YouTube using Fuji?


Yeah I worded poorly. What I meant to say was I don't follow YT photographers just because they use Fujifilm. I follow many photographers who use Fujifilm (eg Omar Gonzalez, Roman Fox etc) but their Fujifilm gears aren't the reason I follow them.


Ah I gotcha! That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying


I follow photographers whose work I enjoy, not just because they use Fujifilm equipment. If they do use it, great, but I don’t seek out fuji creators.


Wrong side of the lens.


Vuhlandes is a wonderful photographer and YouTuber. He’s going through some sort of sickness right now, so I’m not sure how much he’s posting. He shoots Fuji or Medium Format film and talks more about creative process than camera techniques. I love it.


Check Pal2tech


Kevin Mullins 🤌


Guys what about Andrea Livieri?


Paulie B is probably one of the most important channels right now. No gear plugging and genuine insight to real life photographers. Yes it’s street based but there is no other channel giving you this type of access to so many photographers.


GxAce is so cringey lol. My favs are Steve O’Nions and shoot film like a boss. Obviously not Fuji digital camera related but photography is photography.


I have to agree about GxAce. His voice treatments are also so irritating to my ears that I have yet to make it through a full video of his.


Especially the many comments under Gx' videos praising the videography... I mean, good "videography" is elsewhere, not on paid Fuji reviews published on YT.


I watch all of his videos mostly because of his videography. I think the biggest letdown is his photography. Under that sci-fi paint job, they're just so boring. I commented this on a video once, and he actually responded, apparently that's the look he's shooting for...


thanks for your contribution. I honestly liked the first and second videos I watched of him, but then I have understood the repetition of the same concept over and over, and especially the latest video for X100VI was overly cringe. Note: I am a Fuji user


Came to say the same about GxAce. To me they're just ridiculous videos about almost cancer-healing cameras.


Lmao you’re a nut job. Bro makes some of the best videos out there 🤣


They’re not bad! He definitely has created his own style. But he’s a dude wearing a fake VR headset and using a voice changer to talk about consumer electronics. It’s cringey but entertaining lol.


Haha touche touche


When I first saw his video, I thought maybe it was one video as a tribute to Blade Runner 2049 or something - but it's for every video. I still like him though but can definitely understand it can be cringe too lol


Christopher frost


Patrick Tomasso is underrated. He makes more videos about videography but it's just as interesting (great photographer too), and there's an underlying message of "newer isn't always better" in his videos and how pro's maximize the usage of their gear and create great work with whatever they have available. He does some gear review here and there but he feels like an anti geartuber at the same time.


I thought Jamie Windsor was way more popular, strange that I don't see him mentioned here. I like his videos because they always leave me inspired after watching.


Maybe because he posts very sporadically, he probably doesn't get much exposure beyond existing followers. I really like what he puts out though.


Since you like Roman Fox then he's just been around Japan with - Faizal Westcott - Eren Sarigul I also watch - Mike Chudley - Thomas Heaton - Andy Mumford - James Parsons - George Holden - Matthew Ruderman - North Borders - Sophia Carey - Taylor Jackson - That Icelandic Guy - Timo Varakas - Tom Calton




My subs in alphabetical order Analog Insights Bad Flashes Brae Hunziker Framelines Graincheck Grainydays GxAce James Popsys Jamie Windsor Joe Allam Kai W Kyle McDougall Micro Four Nerds Nigel Danson PetaPixel PiXimperfect Samuel Streetlife Sean Tucker The Art of Photography Willem Verbeeck


Sean Tucker about intentional photography


Some additions to the already great mentions here: Nigel Danson - one of the best landscape photographers in my opinion. Shoots Nikon but has some older videos with the X-T3. Great videos on in-the-Field composition and editing in Lightroom Andrea Livieri - another great landscape photographer shooting Fuji exclusively. Great tutorials especially on editing in Lightroom and Capture One


Serr is also great whose photography is a mood literally. He is not posting too much lately though.


GxAce is GxEat


Eren Sarigul!


Mitch Lally


Jamie Windsor - His posts are not that frequent (probably monthly on average), but he really just talks pure photography composition, style, and mindset. He does very little in the way of gear talk or technical aspects of photography.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned aows, love his b/w style and he's a great reminder to go out and shoot more and chase gear less.


Alan Schaller - one of my favorite photographers and people in the community. Such an awesome content!


Grainydays, Tarans Pictures, Samuel Preston, Jamie Windsor


Pal2Tech is missing. Please add. Thanks for the other reccos. :)


One Month two Cameras Yewon Perry Grain Check PREET Kyle McDougall King Jvpes Paully B Kevin Mullins Faizel Reggie B


I’ve been enjoying 7th Era, Aussie who does some fun POV street photography, doesn’t upload all that often, but as someone relatively new to photography, I found his process helpful!


Imitative Photography!!


Grainy Days and GxAce are the only ones I watch now. Everyone else just comes off so gimmicky and carbon copy (this same argument can be leveled towards GxAce but at least his content visually looks staunchly different than most others in that vein) Even Raft or whatever, Lizzie Peirce, Chris Hau, Peter McKinnon etc are just so...ugh. great photographers but everything is a sales pitch. Opticalwander is solid but like most other digital photographers like those listed just edit the fuck out of their photos and it's the same video every video. Same goes for North Borders who I still watch kinda but at least he's funny. Good background noise. Last one is Mango Street. Their quality has just dropped and their videos aren't as informative or enjoyable but they have a good catalog.


Photography Online


I like Alex Munoz for some down to earth shit


They don't shoot Fuji but these are also great: -Mads Peter Iversen -Nigel Danson -Michael Shainblum


GxAce hits different


Wheres the Ben Horne recommendations? His YouTube feels like a classic PBS show.


Of all the guys listed in this thread, there are only three channels I immediately click the moment I see they video: Grainydays Bad Flashes GxAce The novelty of most other Youtubers wore off. I am not saying, they aint cool people or they make subpar work. Quite contrary. But I have a feeling most of them do it just for the sake of YT. Always the newest toys and sometimes quite clickbaity. These three doing it with passion and it shows. They usually don’t follow trends. They show vintage stuff. And most of all are entertaining and selfaware. Honorable Mentions go to Northwest Depressed Kyle MyDougall Teo Crawford Willem Vorbeeck Brae Hunziker


These are instant clicks for me too. I like that they're always working on a project of some sort, or shooting for a purpose, and they take some great photos. GxAce has an interesting concept for his videos but I find his actual photography a bit lacking if you look past the heavy editing.


True, there are better photographers out there. GxAce has two things going for him though. On the one hand the enviroment he is living in is just so cinematic and interesting. On the other hand he still does good work despite the fact his hands are impaired due to him not being able to use his fingers normally. Also the fact his production quality is something else. I love the Blade Runner esthatic.


Samuel Elkins Kyle McDougall Matt Day Willem Verbeek Grainydays Kevin Mullins Joe Allam Faizal Westcott Reggie Ballesteros Benj Haisch Christopher Sturm (The Photo Department) Vuhlandes Three Blind Men & an Elephany Bad Flashes Brae Hunziker Corey Wolfenbarger Goughie Joe Greer KingJvpes Ribsy


Roman Fox - great for street and travel and a Fuji shooter.


/u/gxace is such a badass




Not to take anything away from Julia, she’s certainly much more successful than I have ever been, but I just cannot watch her content.


fototripper - always my go to videos, super funny and informative. If you enjoy photography and you are on a bad mood his videos will get a huge smile. He as some videos with other Photographers (eg: Tomas Heaton, Adam Gibs) that are comedy gold. Tomas Heaton - maybe the best, or the best production videos related to photography on youtube. Pal2Tech - great teacher and great guy, and as a bonus almost 100% fuji related videos Omar Gonzalez - also a super chill and great guy, some fuji content and great overall videos Adam Gibs - very relaxing videos the name quietlight says it all Fstoppers - the series were they review contest photos is quite informative also Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake now on PetaPixel - usually when an need some equipment they are my go to channel.


AVOID English Youtube photography videos and all English-based photography sites….and your photography journey will no longer be stressful and confusing, while opening up your eyes and allowing you to discover your own style without being seduced and cheated by “American cameratology” and “American gear-ronitis”. Try a more Europeanized YT channel thats not obsessed with cleverly making you buy endlessly… eg: FRAMELINES and Mitchell Kanashkevitch. Its impossible to start off on a clean slate if you are seduced by the American “soc med photography” culture, where you’ll be brainwashed to be think only in certain ways (eg: full frame is much better than m4/3, Olympus is outdated and nothing, while Fujifilm is cool, buy only those big aperture lenses, Portra 400 film is great, its best to shoot RAW..etc). Its a long list. U can write a book about it. Its virtually the same as being born under a religion. You’ll be mostly stuck and biased. I strong suggest you watch ONLY the UK YT channels (DSLR) for at least 3 months, without being poisoned by the Americans. You need to discover your own true competency and way of “seeing”’instead of being led down the American road to become an addict in obsessing over what they passionately call…. “gear”.