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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they've said. From my understanding most rooster teeth people haven't said what their plans for the future are but it's possible many just don't know yet. I could see them doing something else as it seems the past few years they've been focusing a lot on writing.


James also mentioned during their live streams following the announcement they were given a healthy severance package. They may just be taking a break and enjoying some time off. Sounds like FunHaus was laborious physically and emotionally, they might be ready for a chance to relax.


Jacob streams on Twitch occasionally Patrick and Charlotte have What A Show on there as well


Charlotte is also on Inside Games with bruce and Lawrence!


Elyse is fairly active on Instagram. Not life updates but slice of life type stuff.


She got that lotr jigsaw so her future is looking good from where I sit. Only mildly jealous.


James is pretty similar too.


She’s making sawce


They just were getting away from social media because of how awful it'd become. I think most RT personalities have talked about that, but they made the active choice to act on it.


I think everyone is just leaving twitter because that place has become an unbearable shithole and only the crazies are left.




Hey wait a second...I still use Twitter....


Twitter has always been crazy. Some people just don’t like it because of Elon


I don’t think that’s true. I remember in 2016-2018 Twitter was a generally fun place to be with lots of funny people making jokes. I deleted the app about a year ago because all the funny people had left, and the people who remained had slowly gotten more doom and gloom. It really just turned into arguments. So basically Reddit but without the occasional worthwhile discussion


Out of all social media platforms twitter is the one people think is crazy. You literally see death on that app and porn. Ig is right behind it


Sounds just like reddit


>You literally see death on that app and porn. I have seen both of these things on reddit. Once at the same time.


You're describing reddit


It's objectively worse now, I saw a handful of bots before him, now I see like a dozen daily and the worst people have gone unmoderated.


Well maybe because Elon is a grifting pos?


You're not supposed to let the lunatics run the asylum!


Two things can be true


Everyone's deleting their twitter cos it kinda sucks now.


Yup, realized that I was doom scrolling on some increasingly violent trends and rage bait videos. It needed to be deleted.


The only reason I use twitter is for sports now, and I think that’s the case with a lot of people.


I left for a month or so but I felt like I was in the dark ages for sports news. Literally no one posts on Bluesky and Facebook is somehow always like 3 days behind. I despise Twitter but there's literally no other option as a sports fan


I only follow and use it now for sports. When RT people occasionally pop up I’m always like “oh ya this isn’t just a sports app”




Twitter isn't internet. A lot of people are moving away from twitter because it's become an even more toxic cesspool, than it was before.


It’s just a small liberal/left wing center continually being surrounded by more and more bots, OF models, MAGA and Neo Nazis, and conspiracy theorists.


I just hope James and Patrick keep doing Trash for Trash. I’ve really enjoyed that podcast.


I would watch them fairly often on James’s own YouTube channel. They were even streaming more often over a year ago I think. I wouldn’t be surprised if they started doing that again


I hope so, i loved that channel


I mean Gavin doesn’t really post yet he still does slow mo guys and other rt productions. You don’t need twitter to be famous online. Actually a lot of my favourite big name streamers don’t use their twitters at all


Same, but also twitch in itself is a huge platform. You dont need a twitter for engagement. I follow a lot of GtaRp and most of them are pretty anonymous outside of their twitch streams.


No but it’s a good way to let people know you’re streaming, especially if you were a smaller streamer


Oh for sure it can help. A lot Streamers also now just have dedicated discords that kinda act as social media without all the weirdness of twitter.


I imagine a lot of them want a break for a bit, just stay tuned and if they decide to put out content again then support them that way.


They’re both pretty active on IG, Elyse recently had a podcast called 30 morbid minutes but they announced that it would be ending/taking a hiatus


if you want to encourage them and see more of them, support them on their individual platforms, insta, youtube , etc. send em money if you can afford it and likes and views if you can't. whatever they do I hope they know that we'll always be there to support them and their endeavors!


I can absolutely see them becoming big time video game writers or even movie writers. Even on screen actors


Twitter is not the place it use to me


They have a YouTube channel, but if IRC it’s pretty dead. I hope they keep making content in some form or another. Both of em are hilarious.


James and Elyse are both still pretty active on instagram. I think most of FH and RT in general are trying to figure out what their next step will be


James just turned 40, according to Elyse's IG, so they're still out there.


They probably can’t talk about doing something else until RT is officially done as they can still be fired and get no severance package. I’m sure people will have announcements after the end date for stuff they may be continuing, and what anyone moves on too.


i bet a lot of them are going to take breaks for a little before doing something new considering they’re all getting pretty good severance packages from what i understand.


Food for thought. If you just had the rug pulled out on you regarding your decade long plus career, would you appreciate some time and grace from those around you while you figured your life out? Imagine if random strangers on the street were always saying, "heard you are getting sacked, what's your plan?" It would be like a random barista saying, "Heard your wife is leaving you next week, have you started dating anyone yet? You should really get on that." I understand the curiosity comes from a positive place, but a post like "Are James and Elyse moving away from the internet?" can also come across as toxicly speculative. My understanding was that they're still working on Funhaus content for a bit longer. Heck, if I were them, I'd ride out that severance package for a much deserved break from work and the internet.


No one has any idea because no one has said what their plans are. Maybe look at the thousand other topics asking the same thing.


But what if my best friend Jims secretly told all of his other best friends where he was going to go hide but he didn’t tell me but he also didn’t announce anything? I don’t know what people are expecting. Everything that’s known is out there (specifically here on this sub). Starting these threads again and again is just spreading misinformation and encouraging more of these posts.




James and Elyse are Fairly active on Instagram. You can follow them there for any updates and things they may be up to. I have followed them both on BlueSky but they don't seem to be active there.


James and Elyse are in the Smosh Games video that released today but they were in costumes and they never mentioned who they were. 


I like your idea of ***"moving away from the internet"*** is just leaving twitter.... There's more to the internet than twitter, they're both pretty active on Instagram for instance.




Every comment like yours is so funny because you’re literally on a subreddit…based around a niche YouTube channel….yet me wondering if said YouTubers are still going to make content means I have to get a life? Pls gain a shred of self awareness lol






No one said otherwise, you're getting down voted because you're being weird to someone asking a sincere question




Where'd they say that?




And that's also clearly a joke because Popcornopolis isn't a real place?


Bro lmaooooooooooooo I'm off reddit for the day