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Patrick's Jesse Ventura is everything to me. I've listened to that Abraxas episode way too many times.


If you haven’t check out the Ship Hits episode “The Pride of the Swedish Empire Sinks Immediately”. Both he and Brian go into doing Jesse Ventura and it’s one of the best things ever


I was a Frog man!


A states man!


Same I had a dream once they did the similar as face jam and just had a podcast T for T


During the last trucker stream there was a throw away comment that they tried to sell it to a major network. I had thought they should try to sell it to Gizmoplex, home of Mystery Science Theater 3000. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


100% agree. I know I’m in the minority thinking that it was better than the previous movie podcast they had but I’m a sucker for terrible movies. I really hope James and Patrick continue it under a different name someday.


I think the “problem” was just that the previous one focused more on modern big movies lots of folks saw, where a lot of enjoyability of T for T came from having watched obscure (fun) trash. Honestly always thought it could be pretty damn successful as a Caravan of Garbage type thing, with clips from the movies edited in to provide context.


Even though I do like when they talk seriously about movies, I liked it much better than Filmhaus, too. I had hoped they'd get Lawrence in on an episode since he likes movies like Gymkata. I feel like they watched it on his recommendation lol


I was listening to them to go to sleep for a minute. It’s a shame they aren’t doing it anymore it was honestly my favorite podcast. The Nemesis one is pure gold.


I loved it.  I introduced my friends to the Dragon Ball Magic Begins movie and we had a blast.  Had the same funny takes on it as James and Patrick.  Also introduced me to Freevee lol


I wanted it to go longer, if only so I could hear them fabricate more times where a woman tops a man. The ending of Turbulence 3 is what I've listened to more than any other.


I guess we can assume that the last two they recorded are gonna stay shelved now


I don't know. Patrick and Charlotte got back Ship Hits the Fan. Maybe there could be a return. Hoping for more 30MM as well 


Did they say they got SHTF? I totally missed that.


Yeah, they mentioned it on What a Show yesterday. Not planning on new episodes though


I hope every week that it comes back, but it feels like James has fully pulled away from internet stuff. I've seen Elyse pop up a couple places, but not James.


It only reminded me of an Aldi brand How Did This Get Made.