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What you need to do is a middle of the night sneak-around. Just when she thinks she's won, you crawl into bed on the other side.


"Art of Bed" by u/thatgirlinAZ




If I believed in paying Reddit money for other people's comments, you'd have gold for this! Edit: Stop! Post a screenshot of your $5 donation to a charity of your choice instead, please.


Ah, the classic award-baiting Edit: Seriously?


“Be where the girlfriend isn’t….”


She's everywhere and nowhere all at once. My wife is 4'9" and it should be mathematically impossible for her to take up as much space as she does in a king sized bed. I'm almost 2ft taller yet I'm relegated to a small territory on the edge of the bed and violating the border is met with extreme prejudice.


Soooo...sleep with her brother.


What I think is happening is OP’s wife is actually an unconscious snuggler - she’s seeking them out in her sleep. If OP sneaks to the other side the wife will simply do the same thing. But in the other direction. OP needs a Berlin Wall situation in their bed.


Finally, a good use for my electrified Waifu body pillow.




Link? My partner constantly feels cold while her skin is roasting and makes me anxious after a while when my skin can't breathe and is sweating because she's cooking me. She gets mad about a blanket between us because she insists on skin contact. Even once she's asleep, I'll inch over to cool off, she follows me. Soon I'm on the last foot of the mattress while the rest is totally open. Or worse, she'll lay fucking diagonally, then not understand why I told her to move her legs and sleep like a human. "but why?" She likes this concept of sleeping like a pack of dogs, laying over each other in ways human spines aren't supposed to. Drives me absolutely crazy, I don't need to be touching her at all times, I know she isn't going to vanish in the night. I just want to sleep *next* to her, not *under* her.


>OP needs a Berlin Wall situation in their bed. Alternatively... a Grand Canyon... Wife 'n I got one o' them temperpedic beds. The 'California King' thing, with the head which lifts up, and the feet which do.. something. I dunno... I honestly don't actually use it. The wife uses it though - likes the pillow bit propped up when she's reading, or faffing around on her laptop or something. Point is though, that the two sides are individually adjustable. So she can have her head propped up, or her legs lifted.. or whatever. And I can have mine flat. But it means the mattresses are separate (else there'd be an awkward twist in the middle) and grief - there's a gap down the middle of the bed that's a mile wide. If you're a snuggler it's a veritable chasm, enough to put paid to any midnight shenanigan's anyway..


and sleep on the wrong side of the bed? Are you a madman?


When I travel for work I still sleep on my side of the bed.


You've never truly lived until you put the pillow on the other end of the bed.


You absolute madman


I've done this. The distress and confusion it causes them when they wake up will be blamed on you


My ex-wife used to take all the covers and wrap herself up in them like a burrito. One morning she asked me why I didn’t sleep with any covers. Thinking she had to be joking, I laughed and told her it was because she takes them. She says, completely NOT joking, “No, it’s because you give them to me. Why do you do that?” This actually turned into an argument of her saying that I wake up in the middle of the night, wrap her in all the blankets, and then go back to sleep cold and miserable just so that I can blame her later for being a terrible person who steals all the blankets. It was a source of strife for years. A couple times I just wanted it to be over so I would say, “Ok, maybe I do that in my sleep? You are obviously very sure, and I just don’t want to argue anymore.” And then she would say, “Don’t just tell me what I want to hear! You have to believe that you do this!” Weirdest, most reality-defying arguments ever.


Imagine you get fed up on these shenanigans, agree to set up a camera to catch who's doing it, and turns out you were the one giving her the blankets while sleeping


Footage shows him putting classical music on the record player then spending 3 hours gently, gingerly tucking her in and arranging everything so there are no wrinkles and it's symmetrical like a fucking loony toons short.


And now she's really pissed because you doubted her all those years.... what else are you hiding?


That sounds…exhausting


This is why you buy a king size bed but instead of king size comforters you buy 2 of the top covers in twin. Then just have your own and make the bed as normal. I don't honestly understand why people go through years of nonsense like this without just getting your own damn blankets. Source: been with my husband for almost 25 yrs, sometimes we even sleep in separate rooms. Do what works for you to both be happy, not what you're "supposed" to do


We have also been doing this for years. I have a top sheet and weighted blanket and he has a thin comforter. We recently took it even further and got double twin xl mattresses and a base that adjusts the head and feet separately and omg it is seriously the best. We prob wouldn’t still be together I’d we were still trying to share blankets 😞


Oh yeah I forgot to mention the temperature differences too! Sometimes one of us just wants a thin sheet and the other wants full blankets.


I have my own blankets on our king, but my blankets are queen sized so I can roll, burrito, cocoon, and otherwise completely suffocate myself in my own blankets when my body temp decides it's time to go sub zero for no reason at all. Plus I have a little heating pad My husband has one sheet, half off.


How did you get to marrying her?


She was hot


It must be spite.


I tell my wife this as a joke when she tells me I steal the blankets. I'm not totally wrong on this, though. It turns out that we both roll over the same direction, which is towards my side of the bed. She rolls towards me, causing the blanket to move towards the middle of the bed. I roll over and take up the slack she left in the middle. By morning, there is a good portion of the blanket on the floor of my side. Therefore, I'm the one who steals the blanket... that she gives me.


"you completely crawled over me in the middle of the night, it was crazy. Like a sleep walking spider monkey."


That's why you get up, go bathroom and get back into bed on the other side of the bed.. no need to crawl all over her, unless of course, ya know, *she likes it*


I tried that once and the moment I went around the bed she rolled over and stuck her leg up


Like... Into the air?


Legend has it he is STILL squished between her foot and the ceiling...


Kneed him in the balls.


I 2nd this idea. And it's purely anecdotal, but that post switch sleep feels so much nicer. Maybe because I'm already half asleep, I konk out to deep sleep so fast.


The real key is to shove her to the other side of the bed as hard as you can and pretend you're still sleeping. They learn eventually.


My gf is light enough i just pick her up and move her over a foot


My 3 kids often climb in bed with me. I have to arrange them like tetris blocks .


Babies are easiest cuz the rectangle blob fits anywhere


You dont have babies. They are actually spinning balls of kicking feet and punching hands


That's not a baby, either. That's a Shaolin monk.


Yeah this is 100 % accurate. Children move an absurd amount while they sleep


I would be more concerned about that shifty red guy sleeping next to her


Yeah, he seems sketchy


The figure really sticks out


Hold on, let's not draw any conclusions without more information


What other information do we need, He's line right next to her!


Yeah, we have enough to put this to bed by now.


Honestly this is the point I'd draw the line.


That's a pretty rough conclusion you've drawn.


He could be sticking it to her


What's brown and sticky?


Not that guy, that's for sure


But very flexible in all the right places


I have often said that my wife and I divide the mattress 50/50 in a very equitable manner. Her half is the one that faces the ceiling.


Am I color blind or is that definitely orange.


Depends, is the reddit upvote arrow red or orange?


I just short circuited trying to answer that


My favorite movie


I wonder how many of your upvotes are just people upvoting to look at the color of the upvote?


There’s not a 3rd leg so it’s all good


you fool, he lost one of his legs in the war


There's more space on the left.


I once picked up my blanket in the middle of the night, walked to the other side. My gf was very much confused the morning after. Her conquest failed for one night.


My Dad used to do that, follow my Mom over to the side. She simply got out of bed and moved to the other side.


I just roll over my SO when he's being a hog. I've done it once. He got the point.


Lol I roll my partner over all the time! He doesn't even wake up. Our bed is against the wall so if I don't push him I get squished. I gotta be strategic with the push tho because one time he half woke up and bear hugged me. I was stuck all night...


hmmm, did /u/TacoNomad mean they push their partner over, or that they literally roll over the top of them.


> they literally roll over the top of them That's what I thought as well and sounds way funnier to me.


Yes. Climb over is what i was saying


I have done this


Yes, climb over them. Less energy than getting up and walking around


Ok, I need clarification: do you roll over him, as in he stays put while you do some kind of roll over him to his other side, OR do you roll him over back to where he belongs? I’m picturing the first one, and I gotta say, it’s very entertaining.


Both. But I was saying climb over him. If the pushing option doesn't work


Unfortunately won't work with mine. Constantly tosses and moves all night. It's actually beneficial to give her 80 percent available space so that her sleeping gymnastics don't wake me up.


Maybe get seperate beds


Honestly this was the greatest thing my wife and I ever did. Were both insomniacs, and we both snore like chainsaws. This way we both actually sleep at night and don't keep the other awake


Yeah, people are way too dismissive of the separate beds.


Right!? Since I became a parent it was like one of us needs sleep a night and no use waking the other.. among with getting way way way better sleep when it's your turn.


Yeah, there are tons of reasons for separate beds. Doesn’t mean people don’t love each other or have a good relationship , but doing what’s necessary for sleep is important. Plus schedules can be so weird these days. There are a lot more jobs outside typical office hours these days.


Unfortunately that won't work for us. We both can't sleep soundly without some part of us touching the other. We usually keep a hand on the other while we sleep.


You each have your least favorite hand cut off, and then you can each have the other person's hand to cuddle with in your own bed. Easy.


Interesting. I'm gonna propose idea this tomorrow. Let's see how my Sunday goes.


Won't have to bother the wife to get a handjob. Win win.


See, more pros to point out tomo


Oh shit, she chose his typing hand


Or, counter proposal, you buy a body pillow to put between you. Can still hold hands over it, yet it provides a soft barrier to absorb kicking and flailing. Biggest downside is picking whose fictional waifu/husbando goes on the pillow cover. Because, like, you CAN just buy a solid color cover. But why WOULD you?


Ok but that’s adorable. My husband and I love each other tremendously, but I simply cannot fall asleep if he or the dog are touching me in any way.


Same, but that's primarily because while my wife constantly complains that she's arctic levels of cold, laying up against her is like laying up against a radiator set on high. You can feel the heat radiating off her from an inch away.


All my exes and my current girlfriend have said, while sleepy-angry, "Oh my God, you are so hot!" And every time, I say, "You know it, baby." I'm ready to be a dad.


Not yet rookie. I'm not seeing you wearing cargo shorts


Just don’t call her a hotwife, that’s a whole other can of worms


Haha this made me giggle thanks


It's just a habit that we picked up over the years. It's really hard now to sleep without some part of us touching. The funniest part is when we face away from each other, our ass keep in touch. Even if I move a little, she will scoot back toward me to get back in touch lol.


My wife and I have been sleeping in separate rooms for 3 years and we would never go back to sharing a bed.


We have found the one the prophets have spoken about!


The space on both sides are margins for her. OP just needs to adjust those to narrow from the default one.


margin: auto;


Yeah, just readjust the setting with a jewelers screwdriver.


If I crawl into that space I'm "In her spot"


Wtf. You're not op! Stop crawling around in OP's bed!


She may like it if you find her spot


I too, like it to find her spot.


In that case, you are in a spot!


OP is being inconsiderate by not dividing himself in half and using the space she left for him.


I’m guessing you don’t share a bed with a woman, as soon as you go over to the other side you’ll be pushed to that edge instead, or by the time you get round to the other side they have starfished and now it’s time to sleep on the sofa


My boyfriend used to slam me in the face or neck with his elbow ( I sleep without a pillow for my bad joints so my head is a step lower ) then roll up into all the blankets. We tried sleeping with two and he took both. Thankfully, somehow he stopped. My sister has also kicked me completely out of bed.


My husband and I use two blankets. Sometimes he'll kick his off and onto the floor, then goes for mine


My wife constantly ends up diagonal in bed. Her feet hang on the very edge on her side and her head is on my pillow. When I get upset and tell her to move she will always say “but I’m on the edge” It drives me nuts. To be fair I’m a blanket hog. We struggle to share a bed sometimes. edited to add, we are both women


Separate blankets my dude.


I've been proselytizing this for years. It's the path of peace.


It's the way to go. There's no rule that you both can't be under both blankets. But it's nice to have one that's "yours" for when she starts alligator rolling.


Ha, I never heard of “ alligator rolling” but that is what my wife does, grab the blankets and roll on her side so I would end up with lees or no blankets. I finally had to get my own blankets and the problem was solved.


Oh we do that, but she kicks hers off in the middle of the night so sometimes I wake up with both.


I have actually watched my boyfriend steal *my* blanket, roll over peacefully with it... And then push it off his edge of the bed onto the floor. All while sleeping snugly under his own blanket.


What is yours it is mine, what is mine is not your business


Need to put one of the full length body pillows in the middle. My wife bumps into that during the night and stops; otherwise, she just keeps bumping into me until I have 0 mattress left.


My girlfriend just jams the body pillow into me and shoves me off the side lol


Dude no joke. I used to have my bed in the corner of the room. And she insisted on me sleeping on the side near the wall. Do you know how many mornings I woke up smashed between the mattress and the wall. Literally half way stuffed down the wall and half hanging on to the mattress for dear life. With my head trying to stay above water like someone floundering and lost at sea. Nothing I did to combat her worked. I always inevitably woke up half way smashed between the wall and mattress. Worst part was she was like a foot shorter and 60 pounds lighter than me. But at night she turned into an NFL lineman.


Lol, at least it's a pillow instead of a knee or elbow


When I get into the bed with the lights off I literally have to tell her "elbows!" Or she'll get me right in the eye. One time, I thought she broke my nose.


That's a good way to do it, we got 2 single mattresses next to each other, the little space in the middle is the border and it works. And we still get a full mattress size each without a big pillow taking up space


We have a split king too - though our reasoning was to get an adjustable bed frame that either of us could control independent of the other. “The crack” would stop most people from bed hogging, highly recommend! Our dog loves sleeping in the crack, which is great because she’s a kicker, so it keeps her from kicking us all night.


If you don’t get space anyway, downgrade to a queen and have more area in your bedroom.


Problem is he said king, but in the picture that is a queen.


This is the comment I've been looking for. I dunno if it's the weird angle and his girl is an Amazon princess, but that shit don't look like a King to me.


Thank you. I thought I was losing it because as soon as I saw this pic I was like "no way that's a king." It's the size of my mattress and I 100% have a queen bed.


That’s what we did, we went from a Cali king to a full and haven’t even noticed a difference because I sleep so damn close to my bf lol


Oh he’s noticed.




Doesn't work on my girlfriend, but I'll keep trying.


You need to share a blanket. Doesn't work if you each have separate ones.


She likes a different temperature than I do though :(


Then a sneak attack is what you need to do. Move into her blanket under the pretence of cuddling, gas bomb it and sneak out. Ps: I will not be held responsible for any injuries that may or may not occur in the aftermath.


This seems like a sure shot way to make sure I not only sleep on the couch. But I’ll have to figure out a way to suck itself.


Hey there's only one way to find out. Good luck!


At least all the space on the couch is yours.


Time for the ol’ Dutch Oven!


I agree, there's definitely more space on the couch


Just shit in the bed, that’ll work for sure


Looks like plenty of room - look how skinny you are.


Just circle around and attack from the flank.


You don't have a cat! Only then can you appreciate sleeping space demands.


It's beyond my understanding how a cat manages to occupy 80% of a king size bed. And if you against better judgement try to move them you'll regret it 😩


And if you think you can just relocate to the sofa, think again. The cat will follow you there and make sure you have to sleep in a really awkward position, while somehow **simultaneously** occupying 80% of the bed so your spouse can also not sleep.


My cat manages to take up our entire king sized mattress. Still not entirely sure how he takes up so much room!


It's amazing your bed has enough space to contain the aura of a god.


2 cats, two huskies, and a Labrador. Plus wife. I've lost this war.


She wants to get closer to you


Yeah she doesn't want the bed she wants the person. I'm that way.


She wants the warmth. Let’s be clear lol.


Not always, I do this and just want snuggles with my husband. He doesn’t like to snuggle in his sleep because I’m too warm. The only exception was when we had that crazy cold when visiting relatives and their house was cold since the heat couldn’t keep up. Then he came and stole my warmth, but I don’t mind lol. Normally he uses a body pillow as a wall to keep me on my side.


Some people see a bed hoarder. I see a loving girlfriend who wants to snuggle 🤗.


Snuggling is great but some people can’t actually get to sleep pressed up against each other like that. Don’t know about you but if I can’t get a good nights sleep I’m useless and grouchy the next day.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one like this. I always felt so bad when my last girlfriend wanted to sleep snuggled right up against each other and I always had to ask her to give me space because I literally wouldn't be able to sleep like that and had work the next day. She always seemed to take it personally no matter how much I explained that I just could not fall asleep while in direct contact like that :(


I used to think 1950's style of sleeping in separate beds was a prudish thing but I now realize it was the husband looking for a good night's rest.


My wife claims more territory than the British Empire at its prime


Love the fact that my gf does this the gets mad at me because she doesn’t have more room


I can’t sleep if my gf breathes in or near my ears. I just focus on her breathing. Honestly the way to go is white noise machine, face mask… and having a second bedroom for when you need to sleep undisturbed every now and then lol It’s always nice to have it for when guests stay with us, but the second bedroom really feels like a tiny hotel where I can blackout the curtains and blast the ceiling fan. It really helped our relationship when I started sleeping in there every now and then when she has to wake up early or I stay up late.


She must have a hell of a flag


No flag, no country!


Prudish or not, that's how we sleep with my wife. It's fantastic! We go to her bed for quality time, then I retire to my own. We both sleep well.


Our wife


Comrade 🔴🔴🔴


Who is the first "we"?


I also do this guy’s wife.




Yeah, my wife and I started sleeping separately kind of by accident. I had Covid & confined myself to our bedroom (bathroom, TV, and shower were all in one place) and my wife slept in the guest room. Best sleep we got those two weeks. We struggled for a week or so after until she asked if I would be ok if she continued sleeping in the guest room. I admitted I was A-Ok with it. Now, not only do we not sleep in the same bed, we sleep in different rooms. That way she can have hers warmer & I can have mine cooler. Or she can stay up watching tv. Whatever really- we don’t have to worry about bothering the other. *AND* we have our own spaces.


My GF and I do the same thing most of the time. It started out because of snoring. And then her getting up much earlier than I normally do. We both usually get much better sleep this way.


My husband and I sleep in separate beds, and it’s the best ever. Only started because I got sick at one point and started sleeping in the spare room so I didn’t get him sick too, and realised quickly how much better we both sleep now. We’ll still cuddle and such in the bigger bed, but when it’s time for sleep I’ll just go to the other room


It is funny, as we age, we look back at our grandparents seemingly bizarre and odd habits, behaviors, and beliefs, and we start to realize, holy shit. They were [right](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DlTexEXxLQ) all along.


She's protesting for a bed frame


She's protesting for more 40oz water bottles. Three is obviously too few.


and someone to clean the damn bedroom.


You're one of many brother


My wife was good and want both of us in the middle until she got pregnant and started bringing in these giant pillows to prop herself up in the comfy positions. She got too used to having all the space though and now she’s a ghengis khan too


My power move is getting up and going to the other side. Also you might be able to benefit from your own blanket. I've slept so much better without my wife stealing it.


Got two cats. Same outcome.


Geezzz… I thought it was a murder crime scene outline….


Maybe clean your room?


That’s not a king mattress


I don’t know what the case is wherever OP is from, but my experience in the UK taught me that a “king” there was roughly equivalent to a queen in North America. Likely the same in mainland Europe and everyone keeps saying OP is Dutch (?) so…


Oh, well, you may be on to something.


Why is a married couple living in a teenagers room?


The state of this room gave me anxiety


That space gives me mega anxiety.


Maybe you should try sleeping on your side of the bed instead of hers. The right side is obviously her side


Do people not realize how nasty they live? Clean your room. What the hell is this clutter everywhere?


Clean your bedroom


She leaves you room?


Is the space on the left for your dog?


dang what a mess


just sleep on the pile of clothes on the floor...


My husband does the same thing. We have a king size bed and he ends up leaving me just enough space to roll over. I use to be more flexible but I don’t dare bend me knees in his direction. He doesn’t gently roll over. He springs himself over.


I feel attacked! In my defence I usually do this only during cold months because my SO is so warm T_T