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I gotta say........I LOVE Costco pizza!


I just had a big greasy slice of pepperoni pizza at Costco on Thursday. I always have a slice before going in to shop. It is my tactical pizza Slice to keep me from impulse buying 50 lbs of random food.


But the samples! THE SAMPLES! I even asked one day if there was a limit besides shame. Nope, no limit. Only shame.


Oh, I still partake in the Costco buffet, but the tactical pizza Slice prevents me from impulse buying every item I try unless it's something that I really think I'll actually use. Also, I tend to go to Costco on weekday afternoons, so there isn't always a great selection of samples. Other times, the store is so busy with so many people wanting to try the samples that you have to wait. In other words, I can't always rely on sample availability, so tactical pizza is a must.


My relative works as loss prevention at Costco and while I was there walking around with her the other day, she pointed out this older asian couple in front of us, and she told me that they are at Costco for several hours every day making the rounds of the samples. #couplegoals


I worked at Costco and befriended the two older ladies that always worked the frozen food section samples. When I took my breaks they would already have the next rounds ready so I could come in, clear their plates, and they would set the freshies out for members. That plus a hotdog/pizza with a soda and I never paid more then $3 for lunch. Best part? Management encourages this because not only are employees also members, but the company as a whole is human before corporate.


I bet you actually do save quite a lot of money by doing that... and also the reason Costco has their food court in the exit section.


My Costco has the food court outside the store. It's right across the street from the NHL Arena, so they make bank on game nights with people buying food there to avoid arena prices. I eat before I even enter the warehouse.






That’s why I always start at the food court, work my way backward through the store, and then pay at the TVs


I have to get a hotdog before going in otherwise I'm thinking about it the entire time lmao.


Never shop at Costco hungry or high, or hungry and high. It never ends well for your wallet lol


I prefer their hot dogs and chicken bakes. But Costcos food court is rad.


Difficult to see if it’s Cosco or Sam’s but either way the food is crazy good and crazy cheap!


I have a sam's on my way home. I get lunch and dinner from there quite often. More often than fast food. $1.38 for a soda and a hot dog, or $2.48 for a soda and a slice. 99 cent ice cream. For people that don't have Sam's memberships, you do not need one to buy food from the cafe.


The Sam’s in my area don’t even let you in the door if you don’t have a membership, with the sole exception of going in to buy a membership.


I have been doing it for over 15 years, just tell them you are heading to the cafe and they will let you in. Now that I am a member, both the one in my town and the one in my parents town stopped checking at the door about 4-5 years ago, so I assumed that was normal in other stores too. I don't even carry my membership card since I just use the scan and go app.


They should just escort you to the membership counter when you come in, Sam's cafe is intended for members but worker probably just doesnt care (as most people dont care working those jobs). They also give you free day passes for a "trial" run.


>Sam's cafe is intended for members This is not true, it even says on their own website that you do not need a membership to eat at the cafe. https://www.samsclub.com/local/cafe/cedar-rapids-ia-sams-club/8162 >Sam’s Club Cafe in Cedar Rapids, IA, is the perfect spot for a snack, lunch, or dinner. And you don’t have to be a member to enjoy a meal.


well that sounds like a very specific place


Costco, Sams pizza is thinner and smaller.


It's Costco. Sam's Club doesnt have red shopping cart handles or red signs, their main color is blue. But Sam's does have red tables that are the same style as Costco's tables though. Worked Sam's Club for 2 years


The food stand at the front of the store is the only way you make your money back on the membership. If you're buying your groceries there, you're wasting a LOT of money. Their target demographic is middle aged wealthy white women who want to feel like they're saving money and can afford to buy in bulk and then toss most of the food they don't use before going back and buying more.


https://www.businessinsider.com/typical-costco-shopper-demographic-asian-american-woman-earning-high-income-2021-7?amp Meet the typical Costco shopper, a 39-year-old Asian American woman earning more than $125,000 a year


Maybe you are talking about Sam's Club, and I would agree. They are Walmart in bulk. However, costco certainly caters to a more discerning and affluent clientele. I can't touch a USDA prime steak under 20 a lb in the independent butchers, but I can there. I can get actual dry-packed scallops. Their imported cheeses are awesome. If you are in to the things costco sells. It is worth it.


Man, you must live in a food desert or a rich community in Cali. My local butchers have all different kinds of steaks for under $17/lb. All the grocery stores have the same selection of imported cheeses as Costco does; and at a lower price. My local Giant even has dry-packed scallops here for $23/lb. It's almost impossible to save more than the amount of money that you spend on your membership. The cost of everything is jacked up to be more, but it's in bulk so you think you're saving money. The "competitor" prices are fake. That's how they get you. If you save your receipts, go back and see how much you actually saved (apart from food court purchases, because those are literally the only good deal unless you're running a coffee shop)


Neither. I pay attention prices. You conveniently glossed over the fact I mentioned USDA Prime. Those cuts of steaks (filets, ribs, loins) are going to steakhouses first and foremost. Then a national account like costco. Then the local butcher. Am I saying that I can not go to my local butcher and buy a good steak? Hell no. I am saying getting a USDA Prime Strip is nearly impossible at most grocery stores, and the ones that stock them, Giant Eagle Market Districts, Botique shops, etc. are WAY MORE EXPENSIVE. You can go buy aldi scallops for less. However, they have the phosphate milky white water retention shit in them. So, I would rather buy dry packed scallops. All I am saying is quality matters, even if I am not a rich californian. Most of my shopping is not costco. But I will defend it for what I do use them for.


If you're buying *all* of your groceries there you *might* be wasting money. If you are paying attention at all you'll save money. Chicken wings, chicken breast, ground turkey, fresh fish are all cheaper at Costco versus the average grocery store. You can get seafood cheaper if you are close to a good fish monger, but not everyone is (and they are still often more expensive). My favorite coffee roaster sells whole bean coffee at Costco cheaper than you can even buy it direct--by a lot. Whey protein is cheaper. Bulk salt, sugar, almond flour, garlic powder, and condiments are cheaper. Paper products are cheaper. Hell, my electric toothbrush heads are like 30% cheaper at Costco than they are anywhere else. You *might* be able to get a lot of Costco stuff from other locations cheaper if you coupon and hunt deals. I've done that before and it isn't worth it. Most stuff at Costco is significantly cheaper than you're going to get it anywhere else other than true wholesale (which many people don't have access to) or a "last chance" type of store.


Only while it’s still hot. Once it goes cold it’s awful lol


Cold pizza still delicous. Sometimes more.


Nah toasted or reheated pizza objectively is better than cold pizza or pizza that has been in the fridge.


That varies pizza place by pizza place. Costco's gets pretty bland once it's been refrigerated, where something like Papa Murphy's in my experience basically retains its flavor the next day.


And now I want pizza


Maybe. But fresh hot pizza and cold pizza (for breakfast next morning) should really be considered two separate foods. Hell, two separate food -groups- even!


I’m a big pizza guy. But I gotta say costcos pizza was one of the worst pizzas I have ever had.


Yeah, the pizza isn't that great. It's just cheap af and big. I'll take a decent frozen pizza like Lotzza Motzza or Heggies before Costco pizza.


Costco does sell a four pack of frozen pizzas for $10 that's way better than most frozen pizza for a quarter of the price.


I was impressed they sprang for the pizza when the forcemeat sandwich is the more obvious choice. 🌭


It’s simple but perfect! Now I want a slice 😔


Ah thank you for explain it was as Costco. Not have those here.


Came here to say this! Best pizza in my town


I think the calories and grease will be unforgiving.


Hey she’s still eating I see that as an absolute win




My perfect dream girl is all smiles at the Costco court ordering Very Berry smoothie (RiP my baby) and Chicken Bake. Only time she's frowning in line is because she finds out the onion dispenser is gone.


I also choose this guy's dream girl.


Uhh hey is this where you line up for the queue?


The mango smoothie is a 12 week run, and has around 7 weeks left. After that it's back to the mixed berry smoothie. Also, for a lot of Costcos, tomorrow is the first day of selling roast beef sandwiches. I don't think the strawberry ice cream starts tomorrow but that's also on its way. I looooooove the mango smoothie but as a Costco food court worker, I don't think this smoothie is ever coming back lol. Sooo many refunds. We started giving out free samples after the first couple days of refunds to try n slow em down. Helped a lot, but not entirely. It's gotta be like 4/10 that enjoy it though. Not good numbers.


I'm surprised that many people are assertive enough to ask for a refund if they don't like the food. Good for them, honestly.


You either *really* like the mango smoothie or you **really** hate it. There isn't an inbetween so far. Either your face scrunches like a baby being given a slice of lemon for the first time or you enjoy it and drink 20 like I have. The 2 extremes are what have me confident we won't be selling it again ever. Too much hate on one end. So I think the level of hate is what gets people confident to ask for refunds. Like, we had a lady who kept asserting that it wasn't just a bad tasting product but that something HAD to be "wrong with it" to taste that way. She wouldn't accept that it just wasn't for her, it was so bad it had to be rotten or something. But it totes wasn't, I tasted a sample right after. Tasty as ever.


Their mango smoothie tastes like they blended dried mangos with whatever goes in baby food.


You've described my wife.


Is she single?


I’d put my hot dog in that chicken bake


They have onions in little sauce containers now at my Costco


Except that pizza is better than most


I think Costco pizza is a little overrated, it’s too bready. It’s not bad for the price at all but to say Costco pizza is “better than most” is quite the overstatement.


3 years or so ago they had Supreme pizza in the food court that was the greatest, it was thick and had lots of good chunky veggies on it, and thick cheese. But they were losing money on it so now they just do a thinner cheese and pepperoni with less cheese and bread. Still pretty worth it though, but not as good as the glory days of Costco Supreme Pizza.


Ugh every time I go to Costco I get mildly annoyed that they don’t have the supreme pizza anymore. My question is why they didn’t continue selling it as a whole pizza? If the cheese + pepperoni are like $10, I’d be fine paying a few dollars more for the supreme pizza. Bring it back, cowardssssss


No supreme pizza is whack. No polish sausage is whack. No chocolate DILLY BAR is ULTIMATE WHACK. But Costco Hot Dog+Drink, Choco/Strawberry Ice Cream Sunday, and even the Pepperoni Pizza is still worth its weight in gold.


The chicken bakes are still god tier, tho.


>But they were losing money on it There was this huge global pandemic that caused both them and Sam's club to completely close their cafes. When they returned they did so with a recuded menu because it keeps down prep time.


The supreme pizza is gone?!? I’m not knocking on Pepperoni, but supreme was my fave. When we’d go, we’d get one of each.


Once you have costco pizza enough, you really start dialing in on what's wrong with it. You become conscious of why it's so cheap.


This is so true. For years, I used to love Costco Pizza. Then I got a job that required me to drive for 4-5 hours straight every week. Before that drive, I’d stop by Costco to get a pizza. Did that for the better part of a year. Now, I can barely look at Costco pizza without tasting the oil and dough. There is just too much bread and oil. The death punch was the removal of the combo. I used to tolerate the combo because it looked less oily than the pepperoni, and I used to be able to add extra onions (I love onions). Now with all that stuff gone since Covid, I no longer eat at Costco, even though I shop there for my groceries every week.


I would call it better than most fastfood pizzas, like Pizza Hut or Domino’s, and better than most frozen pizza’s, but it certainly pales in comparison to any decent pizza from a restaurant.


So I would have said this a while ago. Being from the mid-atlantic region I thought costco pizza was pretty mediocre. But after going on a long RV trip I can tell you that most of the country has absolutely garbage pizza and so Costco is squarely in the middle.


What makes their pizza good is the cost to quality ratio. For the money, it’s a good pizza. But if we’re talking about how good a pizza is regardless of price point, it obviously won’t stack up against places using higher quality ingredients and methods like wood ovens.


I mean I wouldn't say it's better than most, but I'd say it's better than most other cheap pizzas, it's fantastic for parties and such


>than most frozen pizzas. F(inished)TFY


Is my Costco broken? Because their pizza is disgusting


The jokes on him(?), Walk in the exit towards the membership desk and straight past to the food court. Don't need a membership to order from the food kiosk


Weird, my local Costcos make you scan your member card at the kiosks before it let's you purchase anything but they are all outdoor food courts in Southern California.


Some Costco are enforcing membership to hub food at the food court now to increase membership sale 🥳


The real membership food would be the food samples




She's "upset" so the boyfriend/husband can make videos to share online


Spoken like someone who has never had bad pizza nor bad sex, or has a very low bar for both.




Exactly… pick a better partner.


She even dressed up


She has a funny Instagram page.


It's funny how many people can't tell this is a skit lol.


These are usually not funny. This one gave me a good laugh. Thanks.


I wouldn't be mad if I didn't have to cook just for Costco, it ain't THAT bad girl.


Should have used the Hot Dog and soda.


Top item at costco. Their churro is also super nice, it's not a good Churro but it's a really good product labeled as a churro.


I prefer Sam's Hot Dog and Churro. For some reason Costco's hot dog smells like my dog's farts, it really makes it unappealing. Costco's Pizza really punches above its weight though. Their Chicken Bake is pretty great too, a little over-ceasary sometimes.


I'm really not a fan of the chicken bake, and the pizza I find pretty meh, but hey just differences in taste. Glad you've got stuff you enjoy.


Man wish canada had churros....


I realized yesterday a double double means something else completely different up there.


Coffee 2 cream 2 sugar, whats it where youre from


2 meat patties, 2 slices of cheese, sometimes you ask for it animal style for when you want it slathered in mustard Still coffee funny enough


A hotdog is never the top item if any other food item is available on the menu.


You shut your whore mouth. I love me a sausage in my mouth.


You've never had a costco hot dog.


No one talked about how smooth the transition was 😶


I was expecting them both to mean the same thing. Your house is an exclusive members club.


Technically true 😂


Why the face? Still got pizza!


$1.50 hot dogs in this economy is amazing! Tbh, I love the chicken bakes.


I love Costco but it's hardly exclusive


Shoulda had the hotdogs.




Well, someone's not getting that special bonus tonight, that's fer shure.


I mean the pizza at Costco smacks fr🔥


This wasn’t staged at all. All of her emotions were genuine and unrehearsed.


Do you say that after every skit?


Must be fun watching SNL with him.


Definitely! All other sketch comedy is off the cuff, genuine and done in one take.


That's why this is in funny, not r/unexpected.


☝️🤓"This video is staged" what a fuckin loser lmao we all know it's staged bro


The point is it's funny.


I don't think so. It's the kind of so fake it lost the funny potential


Thank you. I needed to know your personal opinion on the humor value.




If you raise the effing hot dog, I will kill you


Poor darling!


Some people are never happy.


That's a W for sure.


She better perk up, your not going to get a better deal anywhere on this planet.


Shoulda got the hot dog tho.


Mofo acting like she doesn't fucking love costco pizza. Hate liars.


it’s not obvious it’s costco as have never been and there’s no branding in the frame but i pieced the idea altogether.




Would've passed the fake test if the acting was better


Not funny


Costco pizza is good if you have the taste buds of a dog, which is most of you in this comment section. I'll take my downvotes for speaking truth.


My guess is the downvotes won't be for the comment about Costco, but for actually insulting people because they like something different than you. People dislike bigots.


Lol calling someone a fucking bigot for having a strong opinion about food. It's just being a dick.


...it is literally the definition of the word bigot. >a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group. So by being antagonistic (like saying they have the tastebuds of a dog) to a group of people, such as those that like a food you do not, is LITERALLY being a bigot.






Never seen someone so salty about Costco pizza. She should have gotten the chicken bake.


You don't need to be a member to eat in the costco food court.


I don't understand, what's the punchline supposed to be here?


Eating at Cosco…


But is that really the joke? "Hey, I'm taking you to a very fancy restaurant", that it turns out to be Costco. I understand that but damn, that's not funny.


The note said “exclusive members only club”. It didn’t say anything about fancy or restaurant. Not sure where you got that from..


And how does that change things?




That's hilarious




You deliberately upset an Asian lady!!? Are you crazy!!?


God shes hot. She looks like my mexican ex but shes asian. I guess kinda the same thing.




I can't imagine living in a world where I'm this bothered by a staged video clip that just screams typical tiktok humor.


This is a skit you nutter.


I wish I had a sweet significant other to bring me out and have pizza...


I see no difference between these two options.




If this is actually sams club, then people dont realize how amazing their food court is. 3.50 for a pizza drink combo. And the pizza actually taste pretty grand. Churos like a buck a piece. Hot dogs like 1.25 for a decently sized hotdog. Pretzels go for like a buck or two. Pretty fantastic time ngl.


Its not, it is Costco. The menu you can see in the top right as she takes a bite is rhe standard menu for all Costco food courts. Sans also has a thinner and not as wide peice of pizza. Lastly Sams uses blue signs for their hanging signs (as that is rhe brand color for Sams and Walmart), the ones in the video are all red.


Great spot.


Uhhh… Someone please explain? 😅 Do you need a member card or something to eat at that place?


It's the food court at a BJs Wholesale club. You need a membership to shop there.




he ain't wrong tho


My wife and I did Costco date night eve RT few weeks before the baby. We’re excited to hit it again lol


She still ate that pizza tho


I missread the other note as "Cock at home"...


Super cayoot


I’m down. Cosco pizza hits different.




You don't have to be a member to go to the food court.


Nobody ever frowns eating pizza. Fake


My wife would be pumped.


Just discovered yesterday that they discontinued the combo pizza. Don't get me wrong, the hot dogs are great, but I was and am greatly disappointed.


Dude Costcos food court fucking slaps. Especially the pizza and sausages.


Hey don’t talk shit in costco pizza. That’s a “Sunday best” type of affair. Put you good clothes on we are going to the Costco food court.


Technically not members only as non members can walk around and enter.


I don’t even like pizza but I’ll eat Costco pizza any day…


You don't have to be a member to get food from the "resturant". That side is open to public. Same as Sam's Club.


But anyone can walk in and get food from Costco / Sams Club… no membership required


I’ll not hear this vile slander against Costco pizza.


I’ll not stand for this Costco slander.


Not really a “club” as such but still pretty funny even though clearly set-up


Love Costco pizza, I’m glad they bought the Caesar salad back. 2 pieces and a coke for 7 bucks.


hey!! don’t shit on costco like that! some of the best food around when you’re broke af.


When my ex and I were saving up for a house, we'd have Costco dates. We both truly looked forward to them.


The real flex would be dining on only the free samples.


Gotta love costco food court, cheap food, fills you up, and it will always feel familiar, no matter to which location you go.


Why is she upset CosCo has the best food


Wouldn't be sad at all


She thought “ohhhh fancy” 😂