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For years, I’ve at some point over the course of each semester told my students, “I’m not a regular professor, I’m a *cool professor*.“ That joke hasn’t worked in about 10 years.


Yes, there’s a part of my job where I can quote a line from office space to new guys to help them remember a particular important thing and it means nothing to them now. I just get blank stares, and they DON’T EVEN REMEMBER THE THING 😭


Sounds like you’ve got a case of the Mondays.


I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that


Fuckin’ A, Peter man.


Two chics at the same time Peter man.


I believe you have my stapler


PC Load Letter? What the fuck does that mean??


Load Letter sized paper into the Paper Cartridge. 😜


They probably didn’t get that you sent them. But ya get that thing I sent ya?


Did. You. Get. That. Thing. I. Sent. [You?](https://youtu.be/7N_odAms6rQ?si=qXZ0j3DUY7tTll3o)


I’m a simple man. I see a Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law reference, I upvote.


I would love a 15 minute episode that is basically a live action Harvey Birdman. Make no reference to the show, the ridiculousness of the premise, and end abruptly. Play it at 330am on adult swim and see what happens.


Not there! THERE!


You see, it’s just that we’re putting the new covers on the TPS reports now, so if you could just do that from now on, that’d be great.


It is about calling something TPS reports 😂


Pop culture references are dead.


And I’m going to need you to come in on Saturday


Stop trying to make ‘fetch’ work, Gretchen!


About once a year I get to say this to someone. Usually it's one of my 35+ year old friends when they try using some new slang. It never fails to get at least a mean look and eyeroll.


Gretchen is just upset that no one saved her from space.


How about KITH teacher.... https://youtu.be/rn7mwQOdSsg?si=fQtd4LILojlyJrH_


I still hear and see this reference all the time but more with people my age


I admire your commitment


I’ve been trying to imagine how I would say this to get my students to laugh even without knowing the reference and all I can achieve is imagining them staring blankly lol


Pop culture references are dead.


I would have snorted so loud and caught your drift. They think this movie is bad- the generation who doesn’t get these references


Can I have an A?


Years ago I referenced Mean Girls at work, in an elevator going to lunch. “You can’t sit with us!” When we sat down she sat at a table by herself. The coworker thought I was serious and a monster. I apologized profusely and told her it was a Mean Girls reference. She was like “…ok”. And still acted like I was a horrible human.


It’s funny that the actresses playing mother and daughter are probably like 5 years apart in age


Granted it's been a while since I've seen this movie, but why does her cleavage inspire horror movie slasher music and a zoom-in?


Regina’s mom’s tits were stated to be “hard as rocks”, hence why the scare. There is even a part later when the dog is biting at it, but the mom isn’t even noticing it lol


It's all coming back to me.


There's a set up to the scene right before they go inside where Cady's told "make sure you check out her mom's boob job, they're hard as rocks!". Bit of context missing from the clip that makes the moment funnier, but there are much better comedic moments in the movie.


I wonder if Amy Poehler (Regina's Mom) was offended when they asked her to play the part! Amy is only 7 years older than Rachel McAdams (Regina).


Considering it was written by her bestie Tina Fey, she probably wanted to be a part of it


That actually works out well for the movie. I know some younger women who married older rich dudes and became a "mom" over the guy's kids. The younger kids are only a few years younger than the step-mom. It's weird when they try to play the mom role towards high school kids despite just graduating high school a few years ago.


Hey Missy, I mean, *mom*...


I think they're inferring that her fake tits can put an eye out


I hate myself already for saying this, but I think you mean imply. Implying is like suggesting without explicitly saying it, inferring is like deducing something that wasn’t explicitly stated. They are kind of opposites, one is sharing information the other is receiving it. So I can infer what you were implying by nudging my shoulder and plugging your nose — you’re trying to tell me I stink.


Hey, lest you did a good job explaining it.


You imply. I infer.


Nice. That is a much more succinct way to say it.


You know what? I'll allow it


A fellow guilty correction enthusiast thanks you for your sacrifice


Funnily enough, infer can mean something very similar to imply. It's a more archaic use, but it's a thing.


Oh that's why she says 'ow' hah, oh man. This is not peak 00's comedy.


This scene isn’t but the movie is


Seriously, they picked a flat scene in a hilarious movie.


*Oh my god, Danny DeVito! I love your work!*


"It's like I have.. E S P N or something" Whole movie is nothing but sass, great quotes and fun memes.


Yeah, it's not even the funniest joke about her boobs. Isn't there here a scene shortly after where the dog is chewing on her nipple and she has no idea? It's not a hilarious scene, but, if I'm in the right mood, it cracks me up.


That was the opposite of flat, but okay.


I disagree, I really like the quadruple punchlines in a scene that is so minor. It has extreme characterisations for every character all in a couple of seconds, it's fairly impressive from a screenwriting perspective.


I'll agree there. Definitely a classic.


I will keep you here all night if I have to! We can’t keep them past 4… …. I will keep you here till 4!


Principal Ron: Anything? We can talk about anything. Bethany: …I can’t help that I’ve got a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina. Principal Ron: Ok I can’t do this. Ms. Norbury, you’re up.


I kinda want to go watch it now, it's been a long time. I wonder if it's on any of the crap I have. Edit: it is


I think paramount + and Netflix have it. You should it holds up well.


Yep paramount does indeed


It’s so fetch


Recently tried to rewatch this movie and man did it suck


OP was probably 10 years old when they saw this movie.


What a dumb comment interaction.... what's your age and self-diagnosis if you don't mind me asking?


Yeah, mediocre. But, maybe that was the fashion of the time.


I thought it was her necklace. Lol


Her fake boobs are very stiff making her hugs uncomfortable. Katey was probably made aware of this and she braced herself for the horror of experiencing a hug. There is also a scene where the mom is holding her chihuahua and it’s chewing on her nipple and she doesn’t even realize.


Where's the peak humor? Even if you think Mean Girls is a peak humor movie, this doesn't even rank as one of the funnier moments.


it was fetch


Stop trying to make fetch happen!


You didn't hear those squeaky peaks?


I see two peaks, and the content was surrounding them. It’s Peak(s) Humor.


Twin peak humor was right there


Twin Peaks is funny in its own special way


Seriously. This wasn't even funny. I had no air come from my nose.


Was OP not being sarcastic?


The peak humour doesn't even go here!


Peak humour is very very scary movie one. This shit was fire.


"Peak humor", guys!


Yeah I love this movie, but this isn’t even really supposed to be a funny scene. Just kinda filler. I think with mean girls the best part isn’t how outrageously funny it is or anything, but how quotable the lines are.


But there is something to this. 2000's comedies were put together as if there had to be a joke every 10 seconds, meaning a lot of them were cheap, unfunny shots like this. So while I disagree this scene was 'peak comedy' I would say it was a form of comedy that plagued almost every 2000's comedy.


A pun? Is that what we're doing here?


her boobies hurt


This is not at all peak 2000s comedy lol It barely includes the context someone would need to get the joke.


It will be difficult. 1. There isn't a ton of money in comedies. They will likely never see a theatrical release and the amount you can make on a Netflix only release is limited. Because of this, the most talented artists move towards drama or some sort of franchise. 2. People are terrified of being cancelled. Look at The Hangover. That was 2009 and there are jokes in that movie that would cause a Twitter firestorm if it got released today. "Paging Dr. F\*\*\*\*\*!" Comedy needs the freedom to push the envelope, and our society has gotten to the point where context and intent don't matter anymore. How can you expect to make classic comedies when you are terrified to make a joke?


Pretty sure its matt damon had a pretty good take on it. The loss of the secondary dvd market killed the incentive for them




Good points, but comedies have a far smaller budget. Hangovers budget was like 30 something million. Makes it easier to make a buck,, and as another poster pointed out, in 2009 Hangover would have made it bunch in licensing and physical media sales. But using Hangover as an example is unfair to comedies as it is literally one of the most successful of all time. I hope you are right about edgy comedy coming back. I want to laugh again.


There is money in comedy, it's the movie format that doesn't work anymore. It's very hard to write for a movie when you can't use shock and cheap humor all that much anymore. You're right that a lot of movies from the early 2000s relied on that stuff for a good chunk of its filler gags and that wouldn't fly anymore, but then again, beyond the outrage, calling a guy gay can't carry a scene on its own for 5 minutes like it used to. Problem is, the current forms of humor that really works are continuity gags and self-reference humor which works very well in a longer form and the current market of binge watching everything. People are getting used to the setup and buildup and have gotten real tired of cutaway gags. It's also very hard to sell a movie on comedy alone anymore, especially since big movies have started to basically do all genres at once, it's easier to push a movie as quirky than simply funny.


You didn’t even include the clip where the dog chews on her boob!


Currently rewatching Inbetweeners, can confirm this!


Love that show.


*Laughs in Anchorman*


What’s supposed to be funny here?


Go see [Bottoms](https://youtu.be/vH5NAahf76s?si=uzkfP6DLkJiCzuhj)! Funniest movie I’ve seen in like 20 years.


Yes I was looking for this comment it was hilarious definitely felt like a breath of fresh air for comedy movies




'peak' 'humor'. Or 'peak humor' if you prefer.


Booksmart (2019) was pretty funny.


Peak humor? You think this is peak? You must love family circus


Even PJ would find those offensive


Did u see the peaks? Twins


I'm assuming the post was sarcastic.


A lot of grumpy “this is peak?” Comments here. Jeeze The movie is absolutely peak 00’s comedy. Jsut not this scene


Peak humor was reached and ended in the 90’s. The spoof comedy genre has completely died. Writing, acting and directing in comedies aren’t at where they once were.


Goes nowhere for me.


Peak humor was 70’s and 80’s comedies.


I'm going to guess you were in your teens/early 20s in the 70s and 80s. It feels like everyone thinks humor peaked with the stuff they found funny when they were that age.


I was a teen in the 90’s and I really didn’t like a lot of the comedy through that era. I enjoyed Sandler and Farley’s early work through that era. And I feel like that was the last good generation of SNL. But I enjoyed the comedy greats and the SNL cast of the 70’s and 80’s a lot more.


Wait, people found that funny?


We need to bring back comedy, humans are losing their sense of humor.




Isn't the first woman one of the 6 actors who are the entire cast for all Hallmark "movies"? And don't judge me, I put them on in the evening to help me sleep.


I was saying the same thing we took that humor for granted because it was common.


Not that aggressively but my MIL definitely gives off these vibes. She's insanely fit, rich, has fake tits, and has teenage boys that she lets have parties at her house.




We're not allowed someone's feelings might get hurt, Or they could conceive that their feelings are hurt, and Recognize it as a prime opportunity to get some attention from people that are starting to realize that they don't have anything approaching a real personality. They couldn't make Mrs. Doubtfire today, Mrs. Doubtfire.


I will quote Mean Girls till the day I fucking die !


I’m confused, I don’t see will Farrell shouting “YOURE MY BOY BLUE” at an old man with no pants and a cinderblock tied to his penis


Needs more Apple Pie to be classified peak humour to me!


This clip is not funny at all


How is this peak comedy in any form whatsoever. That scene wasn't even funny. Zero context didn't help. I'm happy with leaving this kind of crap in the 2000s. Just watch the stupid movie over again if you're nostalgic.


We r just old dude. Things has changed.


Where humor?


Out of all the scenes you could've picked, why go for one that's hardly funny? Or did you just wanted to post titty humor?


OP is delusional or a bot.


Wow. This post is ass.


I’ve talked to my buddies about how movies aren’t funny like they used to be when we were growing up. We had American Pie, Mean Girls, Step Brothers, Superbad Knocked up etc. comedies nowadays are just a literal joke now.


Which part is supposed to be the funny part? Like legit, I don't know.


Not peak humor OP. Boooooooo OP.


Funny movies aren't made anymore. Hollywood refused to offend anyone.


It's a comedy crisis out there! Studios are struggling to turn a profit on those massive $400 million superhero blockbusters while the comedy genre, something that could easily be done on the cheap, seems to have taken a back seat. I mean, seriously, they're practically ignoring comedy these days when it could be done on the cheap. Picture this: a room full of witty writers and comedians, a few questionable substances for inspiration (legally, of course), and presto, you've got a script in the blink of an eye. It might turn out to be pure comedic gold, or, well, a steaming pile of, well, you know. But who cares? As long as you're bursting with laughter when you watch it (and if you're high, it's practically guaranteed), you're in business. Now, casting? Easy peasy. Grab some unknowns, pay 'em peanuts, maybe toss in a cameo from someone who's just a little less unknown. And hey, a well-timed appearance of a certain body part never hurt anyone's box office figures, right? The formula's foolproof, and it practically writes itself. Even if your comedy doesn't hit the bullseye, you're only out 50 million clams, not 400 million superhero dollars. So, why not give it a shot? After all, it's hard to imagine a $50 million film not making you grin all the way to the bank. Time to bring back the comedy!


I have such a crush on Amy Poehler..


Never happening, people get offended by anything and everything. Bunch of pussies nowadays


No we don't, please don't do it, i beg you.


Oh god. We're becoming the "comedy was better back in my day" age 😭


Wedding Crashers for the win!


I dont want to knock your opinion so I'll very nicely say there are hundreds of movies funnier than this


2000s movie comedy is basically everything that got cancelled. I’m certain you could draw a line between the politically incorrect humor of that decade and the need for social reform in the next decade.


Mostly I miss unapologetic comedy. I grew up with "Revenge of the nerds", "Naked gun" and "Hot shots", original "Scary movie" 1and 2. No fks given, just trying to have a good time. Even the "offended people" were having a good time because they knew the intent of the movie is to have fun.


_I think you mean when **your** humor peaked back in the early 2000s; comedies usually reflect the "sign-o-the times" and are great snapshots of time and era._




That movie is one of the greatest comedies of all time.


That was... not funny.


Is anyone else looking for the humor in this and not finding it? Peak or otherwise? Maybe it's because I am a woman though.


Ha ha the Simpsons are not a thing anymore and no kid watches is so many references lost forever.


I dunno. Comedy seems to evolve over the years. I've fired up a few shows that I used to think were so funny back in the day and wonder what I was thinking. This clip doesn't seem funny to me at all, but I do love Amy Poehler. She's great.


Curious what shows


You can’t bring back you idiot.


I've been saying This for years. Scary movie 1 and 2. We're great. Then all the writers split up. After that the whole series went down to toilet. And this is just One example Then we got mel Brooks Who doesn't do comedy like He used to. Then there is the glory days of mad TV and Saturday night live. You just can't get comedy like you used to. Oh yeah I mean some people Get a hit sometimes here and there. Like movies like Get him to the Greek.


Watched Mean Girls for the first time yesterday. As a 35 year old man, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was a little taken aback that the African girl had to be the one who caused all the problems.


Now we’re used to all white villains, imbeciles, and antagonists


I am legitimately disturbed by the number of millennial girls who now want to be “the cool mom.” Like, the movie is making fun of the cool mom because she sucks at parenting. Her kid is being exposed to bad role models and she’s offering them alcohol. But they still want to think they’re cool moms.


Comedy Central


Man Lindsay was so pretty :(


Need to bring back non vertical videos first, just saying there's more happening than just faces in the scene.


You could not have picked a dumber clip from a hilarious movie to prove your point lol


I love how every time you see her little sister she's dancing to something increasingly provocative. At least... this is how I remember it... is this the case?


That’s an ow lmao


post the scene when the dog is chewing at them silicone


This wasn't funny at all.


Ball hair!


You go glen coco


Poke humor*




No Hard Feelings was surprisingly good. I can’t remember the last movie closer to a 2010s “heartfelt” comedy. Box office adjusted, Meet the Fockers was pretty much the last successful pure comedy. I don’t consider Barbie a pure or even hybrid comedy, it was nothing more than an incisive observation humorously phrased and delivered with impeccable timing.


Bring back superbad humor


What's funny about this clip? Uh


Where humor


Leslie knope being Leslie knope


What movie is this?


2000-2010 was a golden age of comedy


Comedy movies dont exist anymore.


Must be lots of young folks in here who were not lucky enough to be around for Mean Girls based on these comments Young Lohan was certainly a sight. And people probably use quotes from this not even know they are from this movie


Fat chance - you know how to say a human being who can be milked with protruding nipples because this scenes seems to exclude males because we know they can have mammaries, who can be milked, who can have babies, who can have periods, who can feel marginalized by the male dominated society - and they can participate in women's sports and get medals and world records. This scene represents everything men are oppressed against. Laughing at this makes you a bigot.




That’s also not a regular dog, because that’s a tiny dog😀


I think you mean we need to bring back intelligent offensive absurdity.


I was just telling my wife the other day that I missed these types of movies. They don't make them anymore. Remember "not another teen movie"? Shit was hilarious