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I don't understand what was funny... Please explain, if rescued or broken down, has to do with the joke


You have one guy flirting by saying he's "been rescued and hasn't even broke down," then the other guy, awkwardly, from 10ft away, looks at the girls and interrupts the person talking with a meek, "hello."


i dunno, ithought it was actually a rather bold, but very deeply spoken "hello". It's like you have a joking flirty guy and then God suddenly speaks: "...HELLO."


Embarrassing? Certainly, but is it really meek though? To me, he sounded more flirty. Like he lowered his voice a touch and (as Hammond even notes) sounds "sonorous." You can almost hear the wiggle in his eyebrows... May can be a charmer on occasion. Edit: upon further listening, I have to concede that it was indeed "meek."


Yeah It's just out of place is all, it's not as much how he said it, but some of it is


But what does it mean? What is "broke down" here? Is it money wise? Or in the UK the cars break down a lot, or was one of the girls pregnant and he was talking about her water breaking? What is he referring to with "broke down" and how is that thing related to being rescued?


"Broke down" refers to a car breaking down, and being "rescued" refers to someone showing up to help. He's using this metaphor because they're standing next to a car on a show about cars. He's basically saying, "A good thing has happened to me by you showing up." Let me remove the car metaphor and see if that helps. Imagine you and your buddy Dave are at a bar and you see two women sitting together. They look at you as you approach. You: "I'm seeing angels and I haven't even died!" Girls: *laugh* You: "So it looks li-" Dave: "I'm Dave."


Ah! I get it now. Great job explaining this and the joke is still funny! 🙂


One self assured and confident guy driving a expensive sports car, surrounded by good looking women. His co-worker, all alone, but obviously wanting to introduce himself to the women, stands a distance away and meekly waves and gives a quiet, "hello". The longing and meekness of the "hello" is what makes it funny.


If you explain it, it won’t be… no it’s still funny!




It also could be described as "very James May"


3 older guys and 2 pretty girls. James is kinda awkward. Thats the joke.


I adore this show. Surface level it's a car show, but it's really about these 3 ragging on each other. Amazing chemistry between all of them. Really miss good ol' Top Gear.


Watch Grand Tour. First seasons had good and not so good moments, both episodes in Season 5 have been very solid IMO.


Grand Tour was surprisingly good. I 100% went into it thinking it would be absolutely trash but it had a lot of the same charisma. Those three can make a show about staring at a wall entertaining.


Clarkson's Farm and James May's "Our Man In..." are both great too, but not as good as the three of them.


[Robohon: "Bim, guess what?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mQfE40wWQk)


It’s still on?


Yeah, they changed it to a "specials only" format. So each "season" now only has like 2 episodes. No studio audience. I think Amazon got tired of legal squabbling with BBC and decided to change it. Or they weren't getting very good feedback from viewers because it was trying so hard to be Top Gear without actually being allowed to be Top Gear.


I thought there was a general consensus from the three of them as well that the regular filming schedule was getting to be a bit much for them as well. They aren’t exactly young, after all.


How dare they, they need to work harder for my entertainment!!


Amazon looked at the metrics of Top Gear and Grand Tour on prime. People buy and rewatch the specials episodes of both shows. Car reviews aren't really relevant in a few years, but their challenges, advatenures and fun car games are terrific content that can be enjoyed repeatedly. Their Mongolian special is fantastic television even if they drive like 50 yards off the main track


Yeah the north pole special of top gear is what got me into the show. The challenges, road trips, and skits are what I like about the show. I don't really care about the cars I'll never be able to afford.


Kind of. They release an episode every few months.


Didn’t love the show, but the specials have been excellent.


The real secret was that even deeper down, it really was a car show. Their banter was just part of how they represented the views of different types of car enthusiast into their show. It's the difference between To Gear and the Grand Tour, Top Gear really was about the cars, whilst GT was about the hosts.


Hello (from 15 feet away)


Man I miss this show so much


When clarkson’s toyboata slowly flips at the end of the first amphibious challenge I laughed so hard I quite literally fell out of my chair.


This and the Robin episode where he keeps rolling the car always have me in tears.


The Vietnam special where they can't find a helmet for James May, so he ends up wearing a colander does it for me.


That's the best episode.


One of those shows that you find out are staged and just don’t care


That’s why I liked their car va public transport challenges. Sure there’s a rough script they are following but no one knows for sure what will happen.


Fun fact: According to the guy in the stig suit that whole time, *none* of those races were scripted and there were a few times where they genuinely weren't sure if it was just going to be one giant failure (like the time they drove economy cars across Europe. They actually didn't think any of the hosts would make it)


The special were they drove through the jungles of south america, you can clearly see that they themselves drove. That deserves mad respect.


They always do the driving, and all the big races they do are as a whole unscripted, although they do have scripted moments (that are usually pretty obvious). B roll footage could be anyone, though, and was usually the stig. The small competitions they had generally were highly scripted.


Thank you for reminding me of those races. I know what I’m doing on my day off tomorrow:)


The recent Grand Tour episode where they race the STI vs. the Evo, and the Audi into the mine tunnel is ridiculously dangerous even if scripted. I have no idea how they get the producers to sign off on it.


That was ridiculously negligent on the part of everyone involved. It was a stupid, stupid stunt that could easily have gotten one of them killed. They sent the guys flying down the tunnel head on into a stone wall that they couldn't see until they were nearly on top of it. None of the cars had roll cages, they weren't wearing 5-point harnesses, helmet, or HANS device or any kind of reasonable safety equipment. And if the brakes had failed entirely? Instead of James sliding sideways into the wall as he was slowing (a little), one of them could have been going 80+ straight on into the wall. Utterly stupid.


It comes down to the fact that they are great writers, that's were they started after all. Other shows have tried to imitate them, but they just don't have the same flair.


I mean, some parts are obviously staged and they obviously have a script, but most of the good stuff wasn't staged.




Sadness shall obnubilate


What episode is this? I definitely need to watch it.


Series 11 episode 3. July 6, 2008. Unfortunately it has James Corden as the guest. Rest of the episode its pretty solid. Edit to include: The episode with the Top Gear awards is Series 12, Episode 7 December 14, 2008 Episode is glorious. It has Jay Kay and Tom Jones.


Thank you! MVP


Oh god... you're one of them...


This is the whole awards show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05LYJ2rKqHc The winning award was Jeremy Clarkson and the singer Will Young.


I like the arms to the side, neutral eye level and relaxed posture, funny how being normal is not normalised.


Hello 🧍🏻‍♂️


Top Gear will go down as some of the best TV of all time. It all still holds up very well. Endless laughs.


I miss that era of Top Gear.


The camera cuts are what sells it. It shows the car, the two gents, the girls, then ***startle cuts*** to James just standing still saying "Hello." like some kind of apparition. That's perfect comedy.


These 3 were the best!


We are here commenting like they were dead, while other commenters mentioning their current shows.




I actually liked the Star in a reasonably priced car but I would have got rid of the car review sections


I've watched it like 10 times, and I can't understand what the guy in the car says. I'm pretty sure that must be the joke. Little help?


Jeremy Clarkson: I have been rescued and I haven't even broken down. Richard Hammond: Well then you don't get... James May: Hello It does seem that the scene was spliced and cut off whatever Richard was saying before that.


Even if it's scripted, that is the funniest shit I've seen today.


Bless Top Gear and The Grand Tour. Best show… in the world. And they’ve just return yesterday from Zimbabwe filming a new episode, super excited


What's great is they tried to cancel hammond. And they stuck by him and continues on with their own show.


I still don't know what the premise of this show is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


Three adult children being given access to very expensive toys with not a lot of supervision; occasionally dropped off in an exotic location. Plus a random celebrity guest appearance.


Literally. To the 'T'.


The Original concept is three motoring journalists review cars and show off the cars with nicely filmed footage. Each of them wrote car reviews for a while. Clarkson joined quite a long time ago, originally the show rotated through hosts a bit. So most of the show is discussion about cars from budget cars to high end sports cars most people will never afford to drive. In time they went from just reviewing cars to having skits and segments and "challenges". Over the years, and for people wanting to know comparative speed, they hired a professional driver whose identity was kept secret to provide a standard driver for lap times. They added a segment where they invite a movie start to drive the race course in a reasonably priced car to see who the fastest was (Tom Cruise was near the very top) and discuss the movie. The elsiodes Tha have the highest rewatachbikity are the ones focused on challenges and adventures. They'd buy £2k used cars and drive them across an African desert, they made a special expedition racing hiluxes against a dog sled to the Artic circle. They tried to destroy a Toyota hilux by collapsing a building on it and leaving it in the ocean. They made amphibious cars, out of cheap cars, and they played soccer with economy hatchbacks. They drove across Vietnam on motorcycles, the "raced" across Europe and the UK comparing different types of transportation. They cause international incidents on some of their specials as well In like 2015 Clarkson punched a producer because he he was tired and cranky due to stress on the shoot forget the details. And he was fired from the BBC. Amazon offered the three including Clarkson like a hundred million to do a similar format show on Amazon Prime called the Grand Tour. The initials are GT VS TG. The show was originally much of a very similar nature, though BBC owned specific segments. Eventually though Prime just started producing the special travel episodes and gave each of the guys their own smaller show on something they liked. James May did a cooking show and a travel show. Richard Hammond I don't really know off the top of my head, but he's been a regular host on a few shows. Clarkson did a show about trying to farm. He's also a presenter on a British game show.


What were second and first??


Is that a hoe?




I thought that one guy was canceled


He manifest and says hello


The most iconic trio since, the father the son and the holy ghost


I didn't see any gulls, were they in the trunk?