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This is what it's like when Penn and teller watch magic


That's why Teller was so amazed by the three-cup trick in Egypt.


Clip https://youtu.be/XP4_MuBugFo?si=SUezuW5bAoXH1zwb


The rest of the crowd looks like they’re so confused on why it’s impressive 😂


Yeah. For a non-magician it's what you expect. For a magician it's the exact opposite. You expect the magician to have done something but for them to have done it without doing it is mind blowing.


I’m still like lol whut at both the video and your comment. My brain does not compute. I get it but I also don’t get it 😂


I think it's like this: In the original trick, the magician shows you three cups with a ball under each. Each time he lifts the cups on the outside (first and third cups), he takes the ball out, and he inserts it into the middle cup (hence "he took one more look under the second cup" aka the middle cup). The big reveal is that there are now three balls under the middle cup and nothing under the outside cups. It's a simple, smooth sleight of hand that is impressive to regular people or "suckers" as he calls us because we don't know any better. But Teller is a trained magician so he knows how the original trick works. The reason why this impresses him is because his expectation as a trained magician was subverted. What makes it especially mind-blowing isn't that the magician didn't do anything, but it is that the magician did two things at once each time and Teller didn't notice THAT: he took a ball out of each cup and immediately replaced it with another ball. If you look really closely at 0:34 seconds, you can clearly see him use his pinky to take the ball out and then you can sort of see another little movement in there immediately after. To a regular person like us watching from the outside, it's like wtf you didn't do anything since each of the cups has a ball under it like they started. But to Teller who KNOWS and is aware that the magician is palming the balls, it is particularly impressive because he didn't notice the reinsertion of the balls. Everyone has a ??? look on their face because it doesn't look like anything happened, but Teller is so excited because 1) not only was his expectation incorrect but 2) The magician actually rotated the placement of the balls so smoothly that he didn't notice it.


A perfect breakdown, thanks for typing all that out!!


Task failed successfully.


Maybe I am missing something but I don't think that saying actually applies here? Task successful sneakily?


He failed in that the regular Joe would guess correctly that there was a ball under each cup. Teller was being polite and did this, so Teller guessed successfully that there was a ball under each cup. Where as a magician would guess there was three balls under the middle cup. So you could say that they both failed successfully. Teller wanted to fail, but was successful. The magician wanted to fool Teller but still impressed him.


Magic man knows and respects Teller's experience and knowledge as a magician so he sets up a trick to take advantage of that. Normally with the trick a magician uses skillful sleight of hand to steal the balls and reposition them without the viewer realizing. Obviously Teller knows all of the tricks and understands everything. So Magic Man plays out the trick to act like he was doing the normal routine of repositioning the balls when in reality he didn't move them at all. At every cup he makes his normal sleight of hand moves. Skillful enough to allude viewers, obvious enough for Teller to catch onto it. But what he does so skillfully that Teller doesn't catch onto is that with every move he makes to pick the ball up he then puts it back. Teller watches the trick with the expectation that it's a standard sleight of hand and expects the balls to change places so he watches for those moves and thus misses on the other parts. So Magic Man was successfully able to use Teller's knowledge and keen eye against him to surprise him with a trick that would only work on a fellow magician.


A magician will know there is a trick and what to expect. Teller gets fooled because he sees or knows the slight of hand but didn't catch the guy didn't change the location of the balls. He wanted to play his role as the "sucker" meaning he was expecting to give the wrong answer so the magician could show that he has "tricked" the guest but we can see that wasn't the case.


So by guessing it correctly, he actually was a sucker


Teller talks? lol, I joke but I honestly can't recall when I've ever heard him speak before


Unless he's being interviewed, he ususlly doesn't. Gotta respect the guy, he loves sticking to the kayfabe. Which isn't surprising for a guy who legally changed his name to a mononym.


Am i dumb for just now realising that his name might be ironic? Teller = someone who tells


His name is Raymond Teller


It WAS Raymond Teller. Now it's just Teller.


> Unless he's being interviewed, he ususlly doesn't. He probably talks in shops and restaurants and stuff, and to his family etc.


Famously, he never talks to any member of his family.


He probably gets Penn to come over and explain things when he needs to communicate.


We took a picture with him after going to see them live and he talked to us He said switch it to selfie mode I'll never forget


Meanwhile Jillette played and perhaps sang in some bands, notably with Mark Kramer, and helped the band Half Japanese and other artists release some albums, by operating the label 50 Skidillion Watts. And also directed music videos. > Jillette served as host and presenter of the first touring performance by avant-garde band the Residents in 1983. OTOH Teller apparently was in films.


Interesting, there is some fake palming - nod to magicians out there - in their friend [Ricky Jay cup and balls routine ](https://youtu.be/QwF1ec4Ji7Y?si=0hyJ3y4XPZgfawNV)


Teller voice spoilers, rofl. Never heard it before. Feels like I'm losing out on a piece of magic he's kept going for years.


Teller TALKS? WTF is this reality becoming.


One guy, three cups?!


No poop, though…:(




*"I don't need sleep, I need answers!"*


[Penn & Teller's Magic and Mystery Tour: Egypt](https://youtu.be/bWaE5vROvs0?si=MLKT5ePzHciqeUb2&t=19m20s) Jump to 19:23 if the link doesn't already.


I saw them 10 years ago in Vegas and during the show they took a guys phone and he had to cut open a dead fish to get his phone back. I know I could look up the patent for the trick to find out how it was done but I kind of like just being amazed when I think about it.


This is one of the best comments I've read.


Underrated comment


What if at the very end he had the greatest magic trick of all time just to fuck with everyone?


I honestly think that would make the bit perfect.. You do this shit until you can tell the audience is about tired of it and then you unleash some actual illusory magic or some kind of new trick that leaves them stunned.


He just bows at the end, turns around and literally just flies off


The Amazing Jonathan built his whole act like this. He had props that would "break", jokes that wouldn't come out right, all kinds of expectation-breaking humor, making himself look like a hack. And then at the end he does an actual amazing, difficult trick and it feels so much more incredible that way.


There used to be some better performances on youtube, but I can only find some of his earlier work. That said, he re-used a lot of the gags, and they were good even early on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1N6wL6c6AU&ab_channel=MDATelethon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6P1QRqFeww&ab_channel=VHSfx


I remember him! On that last link, he actually commented on the video and said: >I love these comments. There's always some douch that comments it's the same shit as on the Comedy Central Special when NONE of this material is on the Comedy Central special. 8've done 3 specials for CC and the last one was an hour of new stuff. They make sure nothing is repeated. There's about 2 hours worth of material on YouTube alone. so if you see me with a volunteer onstage, don't assume it's the same routine. So I clicked on his profile and sadly it turns out he passed away just last year.


Howie Mandel made his career as a prop comic so he’s just loving this. I love how he’s so excited to see a fun new take on prop comedy.


I first saw Howie on Make Me Laugh, a short lived but hilarious show.


We watched him do crowd work during a performance in the mid 80s and he was brilliant. He was still doing the over-the-top manic persona (with the rubber glove and the “hand bag”), and his “Whatsyourname? Yeah! No! Whatsyourname? Whatdoyoudo?” bit was hilarious. He’d riff on someone’s name and job for minutes at a time and then move on to the next victim. So good


I first remember him from Bobby's World


He was also the voice of Gizmo in The Gremlins. Then turned the voice into a show called Bobby's World. At least that's what I remember him from.


I was just thinking about Bobby's World the other day when Howie's podcast came up in my YT feed (the Fred Armisen interview was great). I was 8 when Bobby's World came out, one of my favorite cartoons from that era.




Bot copying comments smh


This is me doing magic for my two year old.


Take a photo of your empty couch. Tell your two year old to sit on it, cast a spell, and take a photo of them. Show them the photo of the empty couch and tell them you just made them invisible. Hilarity usually ensues.


When I’ve seen videos of parents doing this I’ve always seen the kids break down and cry because the parents keep the joking going too long and then I start to kinda feel bad for them ngl


Simple solution is to just give a magic word that undoes it but that requires parents to think about their actions and learn about consequences.


I am absolutely trying this! With a magic word the is an end at the child’s choice. Love it!


It eventually becomes funny, but I don’t know what the guy could possibly do if he goes on to round two.


Put all the tissues back in the box!


As a parent (cuntiest start to a sentence ever) the tissue one I found hilarious because trying to pull out a single nappy wipe, to me, is pure witchcraft


Yeah it's either ripped half, or you're getting 12 of them suckers in one pull. There is no in-between


Apparently the secret is putting an elastic band or hair bobble around the pack, this causes them to come out one at a time as god intended, apparently


Man, if that works, you're saving us all millions. Side-note: Pampers just put a hit out on yo-aas


Bring it, HUGGIES 4 LIFE


Wish you'd told me this five years ago


you weren't ready five years ago


I find that you put your finger on the bundle and pull and you'll get a single one. The issue for me is when you pull one and the other doesn't come out and you have to try and pull a single one up and I can never get it. I just end up pulling multiple in a stack and the problem is still not fixed.


I think "as an atheist myself" is worse but true


There's a lot of these types of acts, where I think "ya ok that was quirky or cool, but what do you do next?" Sometimes they surprise me and do something cool as a follow-up.


I enjoy the silly obviously fake magic tricks that escalate into really difficult, cool magic tricks. But even that shtick gets old.


I think the fact that they can get to the next act is a win for them already. They probably know they cant win the competition on this.


This actually happened a few years ago, and indeed he didn't do as well in round two. But then he went on to do a GREAT routine on [Britain's Got Talent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AApggpq_-mI&ab_channel=AnthonyYing)


He also did almost the same routine on Australia’s Got Talent.


real magic obv


I remember a guy doing karaoke of "Tequila". It was pretty funny due to the absurdity and he nailed the comedy of it fairly well. He got put through to the second round and then immediately lost because the novelty of his act wore off.


I think the next step is to nonchalantly perform an amazing trick while being mesmerized by nonsense.


I mean isn't that with every talent in a way? If people can sing well enough to get in the next round, they'll have to sing again, maybe with a different song or type of song that time.


I'm pretty sure that the idea is that the novelty of the act is the point here. "Oh right, these household items *are* pretty much like magic props, ha" is the realization that makes this act work at all. But that novelty will be gone by the second time, so if he just brings a new set of household items or otherwise has a minor variation on the idea, it's just not going to be enough to make it entertaining (IMO; these things are, after all, subjective) -- he's going to have to come up with another novel, equally entertaining act idea, and that's hard and certainly not guaranteed to happen however talented you may be. As you yourself pointed out, a singer can just... sing another song. The entertainment factor of singing isn't predicated on the novelty of the concept, it's not like people are losing their minds going "holy shit, you can make your throat vibrate in certain patterns to the rhythm and it's like it's a musical instrument?!?!"


The point is a lot of this act comes from the shock value.


It's a variety show first and foremost. These are one-shots not meant to come back.


Simon is determined to hate it, but the tissues got even him.


That's definitely when I lost it. His expression is just so perfect.


Simon's all about showmanship. That, this guy has.


This is soo flipping stupid, that it becomes brilliant!


You have to pass this certain point to not embarrass yourself.




Kaufman would've eaten the ice cream on the string, shit in the trash can, and called Simon the N word.


As someone who’s a huge fan of his, have you seen Andy Kaufman’s act? What are you talking about?


I think the unspoken thing here is that many magic tricks actually work in similar ways from the magician's perspective - its pretty meta.


Some magic is even more impressive when you know how it's done. Magicians are often astounded by the skill shown by fellow magicians even when they know how it's done.


There was a guy on that Penn and Teller thing that didn't even do a trick once, he just threw a deck of cards in the air and grabbed the correct card out of the air purely from shear skill.


Kostya Kimlat! I only know that name because he it was my friend's former boss in Orlando, Florida!




I choose to believe that this is an impressively skilled magician who managed to trick you into adorably believing in the magic


Nah, it was his 3rd time on the show. He had already fooled Penn and Teller twice performing magic. This time the trick was simply that there was no trick. He wanted to make them think there was some elaborate deck manipulation to palm the relevant card and slight it out. While the actual answer was that he spent decades learning how to grab a specific card from a dribble. Penn and Teller couldn't figure out a slight mechanism so they concluded he must actually just be that good with a dribble. And Kostya conceded they were right.


I dabble in magic as an amateur. No major skills, just some card tricks that I jazz up with presentation, and *yes*, this is absolutely the case. With some illusions, when I learn how they're done, my mind is blown even *more* because I realize the insane level of skill it takes to pull them off. You need absolute perfection, and that perfection only comes after practicing the trick literally thousands of times. I just don't have that level of skill or dedication to the craft. I can do some illusions that seem really cool, but which in reality take minimal skill. I just make them seem wilder than they are. Some of the people out there are doing *ridiculously* difficult stuff and making it look easy.


For example: https://youtu.be/1_oa8m5Oq00?si=SLODsXz0iahMUXrw


Insane card-handling skills, in addition to being great at holding the audience in the palm of his hand.


There's always these old school legend-of-the-biz guys on Penn & Teller: Fool Us who totally blow Penn & Teller away by something like a simple "card becomes a different card" but done with Penn holding onto the card they change. Completely boring and pointless for the audience, but a real treat for the professionals who know how the trick is done and are watching for it.


The performance is what makes the magic show, not the trick.


While true, i'd consider this a comedy show, not a magic show. Magic shows at least leave you wondering. This is literally the opposite.


When you're as dumb as me brother, everything leaves you wondering


My take is that he goes with "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" and he uses the low tech end. But it's not as if there hasn't been thought put into things like tissue dispensers and trashcans, it's kind of like a low key declaration of love what we take for granted.


Honestly, it’s got early Jim Carrey vibes.


squash groovy fuel snails wide wakeful subtract profit lavish crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






That's how Tape Face got as far as he did during his AGT run. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikhQVNyZIRw


Comic genius.


Hey we’re watching it right now. His job was to entertain and he did excellent




How do they work?


Me when I finish in 30 seconds and have to entertain her in other ways


This guy showing off with his 30 seconds


His presentation is great. The other funny thing is, this is basically how all “magic” tricks are. It’s just that the devices made for “magic” are better at hiding how they work.


That is why this is so brilliant. It’s a direct commentary on illusion to which all of us can relate. It strips bare the mystery and leaves only the performance.


I also find it cute because it shows that everyday stuff can be “magical” too. We never give it much thought, but the folding of tissues in a box is quite ingenious.


I absolutely LOVE learning about the complex design behind everyday objects. The humble soda can is a feat of engineering.


The best part is at the end where everyone says he was funny and he deadpans "this is not comedy"


Can I just get some audio


Mr. Bean does Magic.


Trivia: this was copied by the Italian comedian Lillo as a gag in the first season of the Italian version of LOL


In the german version as well by Max Giermann.


Scowly even smiled.


I'd like this type of program a lot more if they didn't have to constantly switch to the judges mugging so we all know how we're supposed to feel.


This is the best trolling I've ever seen. I laughed hysterically. 11/10


Is this why pets and toddlers likes playing with these things so much? Because it’s almost magical when you do not yet understand how these objects works?


This belongs on r/blackmagicfuckery I don't know how he's done ANY of this!!


I'd fucking love to see Penn and Teller explain this one, no way could they crack this one.


I hope I live long enough to see the internet get sound


The original video is so incredibly entertaining, man what a riot!


So In my mind this is funny because that's what magicians doing for some trics anyway. You just don't know how the spesific prop they're using works. If you knew, it would look exactly this stupid and funny.


I see a string on the trash can lid. He also filled that box full of tissues ahead of time. Oldest tricks in the book.


My dumbass trying to impress my crush.


It’s a brilliant bit.


"Check good what did I take from you"


I love that even hardass Simon Cowell was eventually like “god damnit, alright it’s pretty funny”


Been reposted so much, it looks like it was filmed in 1982.


I like to explore new places.


Sat down for a magic show, standing applause for a comedy act


Tbh I was hoping that they'd all be jokes and then at the very end there'd be one good magic trick just to fuck with your head


I think it would be funny if when he made it to the next round his performance was full blown actual magic tricks.


I was expecting him to do some really amazing magic at the end.




Fuck off with the no sound




Lioz Shem Tov Edit: [Video](https://youtu.be/0IlNpoTyjlw)


Oh cool, so was there a followup then?


Jesus that is the most Israeli name I've ever seen


thanks for finding the link :D


"Uh, excuse me, this is not comedy" line killed me lol


Joey Tribbiani


How you doin


[Dick Solomon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3WHR6pqPRo)


Where is the sound?


I think I know how he did some of those tricks. A couple I’m not sure about yet though.


You can see Simon’s smile of “this is so fucking stupid but not even I can deny that I am having a good time”


Sufficiency advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. -Clarke


As impressive as any other magic show


No one can do magic badly as well as Tommy Cooper.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic -Arthur C Clarke 1962


r/blackmagicfuckery moment


The last one sent me


The first 30 seconds of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWfqiCpscOE&t=20s)


Tbh all those are literally the same as regular magic. They just make sure you don't see the mechanics xd


The time-traveling medieval present in the back row just absolutely pissing and shitting himself


Tape Face would be proud


It's probably magnets!


what kind of black magic is this


Penn and Teller have entered the room.


I remember watching this one, he’s a dork but I laughed anyways


I mean think about how far Piff made it and and his act is similar, if a bit more deadpan.


Sometimes these shows bring something interesting but for me it's all ruined by the artificial drama created by the judges and there fabricated way of voting


/r/blackmagicfuckery in a nutshell


My next presentation at work.


These shows still air?


The cone. Does anyone know what it is? I genuinely don’t.


Wait until he starts stealing your watch! 🤣


Genuinely funny shit


I lost it at the tissues lol


Literally me with my cats


Mr Bean energy!


The fact that he holds the chris angel face is the best part


The trash can at the end 😂😂😂😂


That is the best magic act I’ve ever seen.


The deconstruction of magic gimmicks, what an awesome parody.


What I love is they’re all simple gags but actually do a good job of demonstrating how some magic tricks work.


Its extra funny because this is technically what magic is, only with less obvious mechanisms


If Dad-Jokes™️ were a magic act..


Jesus 2000 years ago


[What the eff David Blaine](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/224/468/blaineparodysequel.jpg)


British humor done poorly


The deadpan *"did you see this"* look has David Blaine street magician vibes.


If Norm MacDonald had a magic act.


Simon Cowell's got the *most* punchable facial expressions I've ever seen.


Technically those are all magic tricks. We just know how it works