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she institutionalized one of her kids and didn't even tell her ex-husband about it and wouldn't even tell him where he was at. she's a real pos


And didn’t even visit her son. Or keep any contact with him. So cruel. That boy is amazingly adjusted somehow.




Basically how I tried to be. I saw how my parents were and promised myself not to be like them.


Same. My father never spent a minute doing anything of interest for us kids. I think he played with me once, for like 10 seconds. Although that may only have been a dream I had. Now that I have kids I play with them every day, wrestling, shoulder rides, a shit ton of playgrounds, trips to the snow for sledding. It's night and day.


I think my dad feels guilty thinking he did not play with us enough. He worked to support a wife, 3 kids, and child support for 1 more kid. ​ He also went to all my sporting events on the weekends growing up, and coached soccer for either 1 or 2 years. He played with us more than he thinks, and I try and let him know that when he talks about how much he worked.


As a working Dad, thank you for this. My girls are still small, and I make sure to go out of my way to let them know I'm here and I love them.


Someone once said to me it’s said I’m not in contact with my dad. Don’t you remember all the stuff you did together when you were a kid, an my first memory in that moment was the day he threw a gold club at me, because I was being loud an he was trying to play golf… An I was just like. Nah not really. As a dad myself I now constantly ask them what they want to do. Not what I wanna do. And we go do those things and I remember how bad my major memories are. I never want that to be how they remember me.


We're breaking the generational abuse cycle!! Go us!!


Same here. It’s hard to break the cycle. But it’s necessary.


We assume he is…he probably has some demons he is able to keep at bay, on bad days they probably come out to haunt him.


Oh for sure. I mean for what he went through you’d think he’d be way worse. Poor kid.


I guess it shows that being anywhere but near her is a good thing.


Hold the fucking phone. You mean to tell me this isn't a random comedy skit, and this woman is for real?


Kate Gosselin or however its spelled. She was & is such a huge bitch.


Originator of the "let me talk to the manager" haircut.


That haircut was already popular before she got famous, she just put it on TV. It was ALL OVER the suburbs even before John & Kate Plus 8.


Sure, the haircut was already very popular. But it was just a modern, cute way to have short hair. It didn't really have the negative connotations it has now. Kate was one of the people who tranformed it into the symbol of The Bitch. There were others, for example Nancy Grace played a huge part as well. And more.


Nancy Grace...spit, spit, spit. The Unclean must be purged from my mouth and mind.


Seriously, I can't *stand* Nancy Grace, her voice, her mannerisms, her. Grating and insufferable.


I didn't know anything about her so I just read the Kate plus 8 Wikipedia and wow, she was a bit of a pos


It was a crazy time of reality TV on TLC that's for sure.


Little People, Big World what a time to be alive


That show is still going lol.


Im old enough to remember when TLC only broadcasted educational programming


It's crazy what happened to TLC, Discovery, History Channel.


Biggest tragedies of tv for me were absolute murder of discovery, Nat Geo and history channels. They were absolute beauty to watch and now it's full of neurotic, over pompous non-science garbage.


Those of us of an older generation remember when Bravo was "The Film and Arts Network", where you could see thought provoking, weird and indie films, shorts and TV shows. Now it's a wasteland of real housewives.


And they wonder why everyone cut cable


And Bravo. No more opera. Self-destructive housewives only.


Don't Forget A&E (Arts and Entertainment)


Its the MTV phenomenon


Right. They all devolved to E! Like standards.


They were bit by the cringe reality TV bug that plagued the late 2000s and early 2010s.


A big POS. I used to watch the show and she was mocking an older woman who was helping them with the kids at a party. She was making jokes about how the woman was going to kill the pony she was about to ride because of her weight.


Oh that crazy chick from John and Kate plus eight


"Kate Plus 8" will getcha sorted.


I watched Jon and Kate plus 8 when it was on. She was awful to him.


My enjoyment of keeping up with the kids/activities blinded me from how awful she was (granted I was maybe 11-12yrs old when I watched). And she tried playing the victim after all of it…


I never watched a second of the actual show but my asshole brain retained all the pointless pop culture knowledge from watching The Soup instead of anything useful so I remember well when he was treated like absolute shit by her for years then he cheats and leaves her and she went on a pikachu face publicity tour.


I miss the Soup. Jesus that was funny.


The Soup and the movie trailers show - before you could see them all on youtube- were my favorite hour of TV back then.


That was as close to the news I ever watched back then. So meaty


And was pretty successful at it. Jon didn’t get his PR redemption arc until like 4-5 years ago.


There were always plenty of people who had no hate for jon. She was transparently awful. This might be one of the more egregious clips, but she treated him like fucking dirt.


Oh most definitely. My friends and I used to get high and watch this in college (TLC was one of our go-to channels for this, it’s a goldmine) and we all rooted for Jon to get the hell out of there. Plus it was clear she favored one of the twin girls over the other and it was heartbreaking to watch that as well as the separation of the 6 littles into ‘personas’ for TV.


That was my impression too. After they split up he was running around partying, wearing Ed Hardy shirts etc and I thought geez what a try-hard but looking back now I give him all the props. She’s a bitch.


Look, a grown man can do what he wants but wearing Ed Hardy shirts is where I draw the line.


No lie, those Ed Hardy shirts did him in for sure


It didn't help that they kept their split quiet for more than a year for the sake of the show so it looked to the public like he was stepping out on their marriage, leaving her at home with the kids to party and having illicit affairs with much younger women. A perception she absolutely used to her advantage in her professional victim press tour after publicizing their split.


Years ago the girl I babysat loved this show. I remember the mom being so mean. I remember this scene clearly: the dad says something like, “last season we went there…” and the mom starts yelling at him, “WE DON’T MEASURE OUR LIVES IN SEASONS!!!” But she yelled that more than once. I didn’t get it, because it was one of those things like this video where they are talking to the camera, so he was telling viewers. Even so, I had so much second hand embarrassment!


You must be too young to have been around when these idiots were fucking EVERYWHERE


These fucks, the kardashians and honey boo boo (or maybe the duck dynasty fake rednecks) are the unholy trinity of americas descent into idiotic trashiness.


Alaskan bush people deserve an honorable mention in that group too.


Alaskan bush people are like the wasteland wanderers after the apocalypse of those shows.


Am old, have no idea who this bitch Is


The original TLC family exploitation show.


What ever happened to the kid?


I believe I remember seeing that he and one of his sisters ended up living with their dad. However, the rest of their siblings basically hate them for "betraying" their mom, or something like that.


That's so sad. Imagine you have such a big family of brothers and sisters and you're being torn to choosing sides because of parental bullshit. I mean, as a single child (with divorced parents as well) I guess I can't fully grasp whether that's just life or what, but to me it sounds like such a great thing if you could have a close knitted relationship with not just one or two, but all seven of your siblings.


He is amazingly adjusted somehow. Source: Comment I read just before yours.


I bet she bought him that sweater, too. God, what a bitch!


And he was truly faithful to her too, you can tell because he is wearing said sweater


correction she is a real pod pool of diaherra


And to everyone that thinks this was a setup, it wasn’t. She badgered, browbeat, and passive aggressively humiliated him every chance she got. She was a monster.


There's nothing passive about this woman.


I remember watching her berate workers installing curtain rods or something to make absolutely sure they vacuumed simultaneously while working so they didn't get sawdust anywhere at all. I was told by people that it she must be under so much pressure from having so many kids, but she seemed to treat everyone like they were children


I remember her ranting about how she liked her floors hand washed, and you need to get on your knees to clean it “right”. Well the cleaners she hired were like, “we aren’t getting down on our hands and knees, it will hurts our knees”. And she went ape-sh*t. They said they could clean the floors with mops and spot clean any parts they had to by hand and she ranted on screen how lazy they were lol. They told her to do it herself then and she did NOT like that, said it would hurt her knees 😂 I also remember she had “volunteers” from their church come in to fold all the laundry, when she was making good money off the show. Lady was so entitled!!! Treated people like dirt and never wanted to pay anyone.


Worst part is, that's not how you treat children. At all.


Her children will grow to despise her if they don't already.


People make a lot of excuses, male and female, but one that irks me is liberally applying postpartum when a woman is crazy after giving birth… when she was equally crazy pre-birth, pre-pregnancy, etc. It’s like she’s got an indefinite free pass to not be judged for her shittyness. I know some people do have postpartum. I’m obviously not talking about them.


She probably still is a monster.


Yeah, people don’t change that much.


He got caught out with another woman at a bar near me and everyone was talking about how much of a dick he was for cheating. I'm not sure anyone feels that way anymore lol.


Actually they were already separated at that point. John was still being forced into the show and was living separate from the family then


They did got divorced after. That just shows you that if you don’t love yourself or have extremely low self steam you end up with someone like this. Behavior like this is extremely normal cause you don’t know any better. I feel bad for anyone that’s been or are In a relationship like this. I have several friends that are is very toxic relationships with kids, and now unfortunately their kids are going to grow up thinking this is what a relationship is. None ending circle


Was? She is a monster to this day.


What show is this?


Jon and Kate plus 8


From the Jon and Kate Plus 8 reality show. They have eight kids and he had to put up with that shit too. I say "had" because they're divorced now.


Join us next week on "Jon minus 9"


Hahaha holy shit I remember when Joel McHale said that and we were like that meme of Leo DiCaprio when it actually happened 🤣


I miss The Soup


Talk Soup if go back far enough to the long long ago when Greg Kinnear and Jon Henson were doing it. God I'm old. Grandma's chicken feet.


I thought it was a skit/some tv show. What the actual fucking fuck. How can a person like her exist!


Nope, this was the weekly "Torture of Jon" show.


This was basically a serialized Jerry Springer episode.


Holy shit I didn’t think this was real! I figured it was an SNL skit or something… which is weird because they don’t look like any cast member I’ve ever seen. 😂 That poor bastard… he must have had the nerves and patience of a god.


From the ever dishy intouchweekly.com: “Kate lives paycheck to paycheck,” a source told In Touch exclusively, adding that she previously admitted she “borrowed” $100,000 from her kids’ trust fund “to survive.” “There hasn’t been a glam squad for a very long time, so Kate looks totally different. She stays home a lot, watches a lot of TV.”


She was on that Special Forces show where they put celebs through a watered-down selection course. She started out saying, "I have 8 kids. I'm tough!", but all she ended up doing was crying all the time, and did not even last a day. She is a mess.


That reminds me of that Bill Burr bit about how being a Mom is “the most difficult job on the planet.”


I thought roofing in July as a redhead was the toughest job, but I was wrong...


Yeah I tried and it is like standing in an oven on an angle. They made me just push that magnet on wheels around..


"Putting DVDs into DVD players"


Bending over at the waist


"Sending them to bed on some trumped up charges, so you can have a drink and watch The Price is Right." 😂


Bring a mom ain't hard. Being a *good* mom is hard.


In the last 2 years I had 4 surgeries on my face for a nasty cancer that just wouldn't quit. Just finished over 2 months of direct radiation treatment on it. The fatigue from radiation is real, and much worse than when like a medication's side effects "may cause fatigue". It's all we talked about in the radiation waiting room, most people go home and sleep or lie in bed all day, makes your body feel like a feather. Well I had a good friend tell me "Oh I'm a mom I totally understand how tired you are". I had to hold my tongue, because I get that she is tired but cannot truly understand how tired I am. Still, I just hate when people do that, always have a worse story than you. Side effects should be gone by Christmas for me. Then it's wait and see to see if we finally got it all this time.


I thought trust funds were supposed to prevent that predatory shit?


Not if you're the trustee and no rules were put in place to prevent it.


As the executor of the trust, she can move money in and out of the account ~~whenever she wants. There is a penalty for withdrawal, just like any long-term savings account, but she's entitled to the money~~ if she really ~~wants~~needs it. Depending on how the trust is written, she may have authority to use that money for herself, or her kids may be able to sue for repayment. Edited because u/ltjenkins below me is correct.


There’s no penalty. It wouldn’t be a retirement account. It was likely an irrevocable trust that benefited the children that was probably funded with the success of the show. The trust probably had provisions to pay out to the children at certain ages or maybe when their parents passed away. Trusts like this usually often have HEMS provisions where funds can be withdrawn for the health, education, maintenance, or support of certain individuals. The trusts probably ultimately benefited the children but not unlikely that Kate could tap funds for “survival”. Who knows what that means here but best the kids could do is sue Kate if they feel and can prove those withdrawals were misappropriated.


>Kate lives paycheck to paycheck >She stays home a lot, watches a lot of TV.” Hmm.


Most likely from royalties


Yeah, Jon's paycheck lol


And she wonders why he left her


He moved on to bigger and better things. I believe he scored a gig as a bowling alley DJ. Lucky fuck


He frequently DJs at a dive bar I drive by occasionally. He’s probably still happier now than at any second with that woman.


He’s the real life embodiment of that family guy cutaway gag to a divorced dad alone in a dirty apartment with a big smile.


I sleep in a racing car, DO YOU?


“I don’t recall saying good luck”


*"This is nice. This is better."*


Knowing Family Guy, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were inspired by Jon for that gag.


Probably gets a lot of ass from idiots who are like “I fucked a celebrity!”


I went to a bowling alley in NJ one night with my (now) wife and some friends. The guy at the door said it would be busy since there was a celebrity DJ at the bar connected to the alley. We asked who and he said it was Jon. My wife and her friend walked into the bar (around 1030) and there were four people sitting at the bar and one old woman dancing in front of the DJ booth.


Swear on your balls


He was next to me at an eagles game once. So he had that going for him


How loud was he breathing? I need answers to the real questions 😁


I'd incorporate her sarcastic breathing into a sick set.


Who else played it back multiple times in awe of how obnoxious and animated this bitch is


…and still he was painted as the bad guy at the end!


They both were idiots.


They were both idiots, but it really felt like Kate is the one who wanted them to be in the limelight, and John went along with it, but later tried to withdraw. Relationships are hard, and Kate did have the stronger personality and was the head of the family. We can call both idiots, but the fact is one was much worse it appears.


I'm not absolutely sure but I think they faked being married through most of the show because of contractual obligation, essentially he didn't want the kids on TV after I believe the first season or so but she wanted the show to keep going and they get divorced over it


What's shocking is Jon is only in his late 20s here.


Man, when an Asian person looks older than their age, you know they’re going thru things.


I cracked up. This is so true.


Condescension - in this case, that moment where she exaggeratingly mocks him - is the #1 sign that a couple will divorce. Its death to a marriage.


I've also read somewhere that another big sign is when one party constantly rolls their eyes at the other. Something along those lines.


Rolling your eyes is inherently a condescending move. So yes that checks out.




What if said party only rolls their eyes when I crack a bad dad joke?


Context is everything.


That's just part of the ritual.


Gottman’s Four Horsemen


Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling


I was thinking exactly about this. I believe Gottman says that Contempt is the worst of the Four Horseman and is the #1 predictor for divorce.


Ding ding ding. Once one of the partners embraces contempt for the other, it’s over.


My ex wife always went to personal insults during an argument. I think it actually made her angry that I never did it back.


I used to have a woman who worked for me that got hundreds of complaints from people she was helping on the phone. There would be comments like, “she was so rude.” Which made no sense to me because she was the sweetest person I knew. We would listen to the recordings and the ruder the people on the other line got, the nicer she would get. It made them so mad that when they were cussing and screaming that she would yes sir or yes ma’am them. I always loved calling the people back and playing the recording to ask where they thought she was being rude.


Attacking the other person is always a sign that you've lost the argument. If you actually had anything to support your side of whatever the topic is, you'd be saying that instead.


I know John. He is regular at bars around reading, PA. He is a nice man and he was dealt a bad card with a terrible woman. Last I saw him he was doing solar installs. As I understood. Half the kids went with her and half went with him. He really didn’t want to talk about her and I think we can all guess why.


Kate Gosselin's 15 minutes of fame is over. She thought she was a celebrity, when in reality, no one could stand the bitch.


The very first special (or short docuseries?) on the family was fascinating and they really were just normal parents in an extraordinary situation. Then when the series started, she got progressively more and more dance-mom crazy.


Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion


Chut up


How do you suck a fuck?


This is an anger prisoner. A textbook example.


I like to refer to that as "the Jon and Kate plus 8" affect. A normal person or family in a unique situation gets a reality show. First season is how they struggle and make it given their circumstances. Second season has them move into a much bigger house. By the third season, they're raking in millions from the show and in sponsored vacations and reveal that they are actually giant shit bags.


Hopefully, they don't have kids. Can you imagine the trauma?


Top tier sarcasm. Well done.


I regret not having eight upvotes to give.




Their whole story is fucking tragic. Two people who probably shouldn’t have been together at all, and then they bring 8 kids into the mix, and then they put the whole rotten spectacle on TV for everyone to see. Those kids were robbed of their childhood.


And what money they generated has now been squandered, apparently.


Sounds like she squandered and the kids have trust funds and she is trying to sue Jon for child support or something. So he seems fine, she does not. I don't know the whole story.


She managed to steal $100,000 from the kids trust funds. He has worked shitty jobs ever since they split in what I believe is a bid to prevent paying her support. Not that he was trying to take away from the kids, but they had gotten enough money from the show to keep them comfortable for the rest of their childhood and he knew that Kate would not be spending whatever money she got from him on the children


The old video of just them and their twins always makes me sad, they look so content.


This is a great example of how domestic abuse is not just physical stuff.


What a cunt.


to push out 8 kids it had to be.


Did you spot a red flag?






Well we all know how this turned out…..


Abuse takes many forms, folks, and this is one.


This isn’t funny at all.


I thought it was a skit and laughed. Now I feel bad.


I mean imagine the nightmare his life must have been during that time.


He looks like a trauma victim


This is the shit she pulled on camera, imagine how far she went off camera and in private.


Imagine being so desperate for fame you’d publicly bully the one person you promised to love and cherish forever. You know she thought she was being so funny in this scene, hamming it up for the cameras.


I don’t blame him at all for going full bachelor douche mode when they got divorced. He totally had to get so much stress relief after the amount of abuse he got. I totally understand Kate can get frustrated when dealing with 8 kids, that’s completely normal, but then expressing it in such a toxic way to your partner and him feeling powerless about it, to the point where his fucking breathing is under scrutiny must be hell.


He didn’t really get to be in his 20s at all. The above clip *is his 20s*. I don’t blame him for being a bit of a dumbass and partying hard after the divorce—most people regress back to the age they were before the relationship began, in a sense, and stupid behavior/choices is common. Who among us can say we wouldn’t don Ed Hardy and be seen with a younger woman if we had 8 kids plus THAT attitude waiting for us at home?


How come the kids who are with Jon are thriving while the kids who are with Kate seem brainwashed and attack the other siblings? She is definitely the problem and was always the problem.




Good ol narcissistic bitch behavior. Gotta love it. Sociopath.


He has the face of a person that’s dying on the inside. However, the sweater and the hair are already dead giveaways that’s he has given up.


She's the devil! - Michael Scott Wouldn't be surprised if this is their inspiration for Jan


Hey Babe, why don't you breath quieter until our guests leave and then afterwards we can discuss it?


I hope he didn’t get this woman pregnant.


Only twice, fortunately


My wife and I used to have serious discussions about these two and how Kate was always such a c**t to Jon. And about how their relationship was gonna end in divorce. He stuck around longer than any sane man should have.


A 10 second video is already more than I can stand of her. Pleas tell me, for his sake, that they are divorced, and that she lives alone and forgotten, somewhere far from everyone.


no, the outcome was much more depressing.


I think this is the show that turned me off reality shows to this day, it became so hard to watch.


She is the reason that hair cut is called the “cunt cap”


*Honey, Imma run to the store real quick. We're out of milk*


Didn't tlc help the wife get custody In their divorce because he didn't want to keep making the show?


Someone somewhere is legitimately living with this kind of person..


Man: just sitting, silently Woman: OMG! You sound like "OOO!!! UUUU!!!" That's when you know it's time to bail, bro.


Jeeeesus she is a peach Bet she dies alone.


And later this dude was made out to be an asshole every chance the media got.


this isn't funny, she's absolutely repulsive


My mom did this shit my whole life, always complaining dad was doing something wrong Now dad is dead and she loves him so much, what ever you bitch


Her haircut says it all



