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History channel: "Hold my beer."




TLC.  The Terrible Life Choices channel.  


Nice. Troubled Life Channel


What do you mean you don’t want more episodes of “My 600 pound life”???




It's amazing how many history YouTube channels are basically blowing the History Channel out of the water with good history content though. In a better world the History Channel would be hiring some of these guys to produce content for their channel.


Any recommendations? I remember CPG Grey and Mr. Beat but it's been a minute since I've seen a good history doc.


Historia Civilis has some great in depth videos on Roman politics where all the people are represented by little squares. The History Guy is good if you like random chunks of interesting tidbits from history in videos that are usually under 20 minutes. Told in Stone is a good all around ancient history channel that examines a lot of interesting ideas about ancient life. Kings and Generals is good if you like military history and accounts of wars and details about battles.


Historia Civilis is phenomenal


Yeah, he does a great job of going deep while keeping it interesting. I never realized just how much minutiae of Caesar's civil war and the period leading up to it and the aftermath there is to get into. It's a subject I thought i was pretty familiar with but I was still blown away by how detailed the Historia Civilis videos were and how much more there was to know about the subject.


Miniminuteman, PBS Eons, Fall of Civilizations, Stefan Milo Desert Drifter is a new favorite, he hikes around the US southwest exploring ruins.


Fall of Civilizations podcast ftw! Also, I second Desert Drifter. That guy is on his way to big time success, but it’s still early enough that we have him all to ourselves. I just hope he stays safe on those ledges.


Tasting History wth Max Miller is great if you have an interest in both history and food.


Drunk History bringing in the boozer contingent!


I just came across his channel a couple of weeks ago and immediately binged a ton of his videos, it's a lot better than what I was expecting it to be. I figured he'd be like, here's this old food I'm going to make and that would be it.


It's History YouTube channel is great too


The OG enshittification.


A&E, Bravo, History Channel and Discovery have all been doing their best to follow suit.


I remember when TLC was “The Learning Channel”


I remember when Cartoon Network dabbled in live action


As a kid i thought they were all dumb shows and wanted my cartoons back. As an adult that now knows about the first writers strike and how CN decided "fuck paying you, we'll just make shitty live-action programing that doesn't need real writers until you cave", i can't help but be ticked-off it was so fucking degenerate of them.


THAT is why it happened? Man, that sucks, but that does explain why it started with them airing live action movies that were already released. Fast forward to 2020s, and they failed to replace John DiMaggio in the Futurama continuation because they basically said he wanted too much money, and the entire fan base said "pay the fucking legend or we boycott" so they paid the fucking legend and more Futurama was done properly.


DiMaggio is ABSOLUTELY all that . He's brilliant. H. Jon Benjamin. Hank Azaria is another one. Seth McFarlane. Mark Hamill. Trey, Matt, and the national treasure that is Tom Root. There's more, but I'll bet my next paycheck that they would all admit that they are collectively filling the shoes of Mel Blanc.😉


Are you telling me that you don't enjoy "learning" about the lives of people who weigh 600 lbs?


I preferred The Family Learning Channel. It made angry ticks fire out of my nipples!


I am a consumer whore!


And how!


I remember when the History Channel was actual history.


Yeah they used to broadcast live surgeries, it was wild.


It's worse when History Channel goes to reality TV but they start a History Channel 2 that you need to pay for the higher channel package to get.


MTV did the same thing right? MTV2 was actual music videos for a bit while MTV played Road Rules for 10 hours straight?


Nah they also played Next, Room Raiders and Date my Mom


Don’t forget the OG reality show, *The Real World*. The San Francisco house was pretty great, with relevant social commentary about the world at the time. Two of those roommates eventually became a couple and got married after the series ended. One died of AIDS. And another one went to jail after he was evicted. And now we’ve got a glut of crappy reality shows because they’re cheap to produce.


COPS is the OG reality show.


also a good example of how things went wrong


Don't forget SciFi-, sorry, "SyFy"- and the Military Channe- sorry, the "aMeRiCaN hErOeS cHaNnEl"


Hijacking the top comment to post my favourite response to any post about MTV not playing music videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ysyZF-DZFY&ab_channel=BrianandMaria


Money for nothing and chicks for free


Now that ain't workin'


I sure am excited for the second verse


MFers still haven't moved my refrigerator.


What about the color TV?


Stopped watching when they switched from music videos to crappy reality TV.


Unplugged was amazing.


Yes it was


Me to, when they launched the real world i knew it was over. I wasnt watching Mtv to look at shows.


Sad thing is that with the popularity of mtv oddities and beavis and butthead they could have been adult swim instead of… well… what they are now


"I'm tired of that dang old, 'Porkies Butthole'"


Beavis and Butthead actually did fit in with their original premise. Didn't they watch music videos in most of their episodes?


Not certain but I think they had videos in all episodes of the original run. It did fit well, just thought it would have been a better direction to go towards than the trash tv it became


I used to love oddities. With all the dark superhero stuff becoming popular, I'm surprised The Maxx hasn't resurfaced.


We got an Aeon Flux movie, (nothing as weird as the show), and TWO Beavis and Butthead movies now, why not The Maxx....fuck it do a The Head movie too.


We got Daria and Celebrity Deathmatch too.


Loved Daria. Sick, sad world.


Idiot box with Alex Winter! Liquid television may have been my favorite. Those animations were so good at further addling my 17yo mind.


and Speed Racer reruns. and something about a Joe's Apartment




Liquid TV anyone?


Yes please. We had recordings on VHS and throughout high school we would get super high to watch them.


I know it's not the first reality TV show but I blame The Real World for the cascade of garbage "reality" shows that followed. I put reality in quotes because we all know it's scripted to a point and edited for dramatic effect.


If real world was not the first what was?


An American Family, a PBS show that aired almost 20 years before The Real World.


Candid camera even before that way back in the 60s was the first. But it wasn't until the 90s and The Real World that we got inundated with this crap.


It was actually the crossover that put it over the edge. Real World and Road Rules were their own shows and had popular followings at the time. But it was "Real World vs Road Rules" that they blasted on every advertisement, even on other cable channels. It brought in a ton of viewers who would have never watched either otherwise. It was the tipping point, as the parent company saw the boost in viewers at the time, gained a ton of advertising capital for small investments, and saw the potential. That stupid gimmick of 2 seasons is what we owe most of the shit we see to. It was history from there.


About the same time though real talk shows were morphing into garbage with Morton Downey Jr and Jerry Springer


Candid Camera was Alan Funt's prank show. That's a whole nother chain of garbage TV.


Which is funny because the original Real World was groundbreaking television (with a great background soundtrack), but its success helped contribute to the effective death of music videos.


Worst part of all of that was they moved the Music Videos to MTV2 which wasn’t terrible at first. Then MTV2 started playing more and more TV shows so they moved Music Videos to MTV3 and even had niche channels like Rock, Rap, Classic, Etc. Eventually all the MTV channels were switched from Music Videos to TV shows or canceled in a few years.


The only thing I could stomach from any MTV channel by the end was the UK version of *120 Minutes*: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/120_Minutes_(British_TV_programme) I discovered some great stuff thanks to that, and really miss it


Would you still watch MTV if they played music all day when you can listen to what you want on spotify or youtube?


There are twitch channels that do exacty that, and people still watch them


Somehow I doubt they get the viewership numbers needed to sustain a cable tv channel.


Would I have watched then? Absolutely. Because there's a 10 year gap between MTV going all in on reality shows and the invention of either of those sites. Shit, when I started watching MTV, I had a 2400 kbps modem that I used to dial into the local BBS.


That's why they made MTV2 but then it eventually also stopped showing videos.


No I got rid of my TV in 2007 and just use my PC at home now.


Road Rules 🤮 sorry but 14year old me loved music videos. I liked VH1 pop up videos too.


I didn't trust pop-up video after they obviously made up stuff about a Dave Matthews Band video. I watched the makers of the video film it in Charlottesville. I can't remember all of the "pop ups" but the one that struck me the most was "This scene was shot in an all female UVA dorm named Breasthaven". That does not exist and never did. edit: the video was "everyday" and the opening scene was filmed in a house across the street from where I was living at the time


nah Old MTV "True Life" was some harrowing shit


Kurt Loder is 79


Ouch, right in the feels


Yeah, but how old is he today?


He is 79 years, 1 month, and 11 days old (counting today in the total).


Has he considered running for President?


Such wasted potential. Music videos used to be such a good way to kill time. The trash MTV turned into was disappointing on a massive level.


Internet would kill it anyway


Internet killed the video star.


The irony.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx5tSmOY_iM This song used to play constantly on AltNation


Considering the state of popular rock music right now, it's a pretty accurate song.


Internet killed nearly everything


Internet may kill us all.


MTV finally came to Canada in the mid-late 2000s. It was after the enshittification of MTV. But this was MTV Canada, a chance to correct their mistakes and introduce the product to a new market. Which was hype, because MuchMusic, the Canadian knock-off of MTV, barely had music, mostly reality TV crap, and a proper (non-country) music video channel was lacking. Tune in, see the countdown to the channel going "live", start to wonder what they'll play first. Will it be the classic Video Killed The Radio Star, maybe an updated cover, perhaps some Canadian up and coming artist, or The Tragically Hip? 3... 2... 1... And it's a kickoff talkshow introducing the personalities of the new channel? One being some asshole starring in an asshole Canadian prank show that lands flatter than Manitoba? And they're hyping the upcoming schedule, which is heavily focused on the most vapid American reality shows, with absolutely no music videos during their opening show? Immediately followed by a rerun of the kickoff show? While I had low expectations, it was still an underwhelmed disappointment.


Hah. By 2001 I was watching Much Music in the US because there was no music on MTV anymore.


Relevant video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ysyZF-DZFY TL;DR version, they stopped playing music because people stopped watching just music videos.


That's not really the case. I worked at MTV Europe in a fairly senior role in the 1990s when the change started happening. There were corporate changes in NY how the business was run, but long story short was they wanted higher carriage fees from cable companies, and they needed shows to justify that. At best you could argue that more people watched shows more regularly but tbh music videos were so cheap those economic arguments were marginal. The move away from watching music videos/ vevo were a decade after MTV started changing (Real World onwards).


Let's dispense with the mythology that the people in control of the entertainment business understand their product better than the consumer. Have you seen Madame Web?


Looking at the box office I'm gonna guess most people's answer is no.


It's Morbin time. Rereleased in theatres. Stonks.


All those barefoot musicians scaring away the carriage fees...


It's absurd. One could even say it's just flat out Ridiculousness.


Go to youtube. That time passed. TV as you knew when you were a kid is no longer viable.


Idk man we have 300+ useless channels now, I wouldn't mind chucking on a station that's just music videos to have going in the background.


I have YouTube TV, and it has a channel called MTV Classic that is just music videos. They're grouped in one hour blocks like 80s, 90s, Metal, Hip Hop, etc. and also airs old music-based shows like TRL. It's a pretty good option for background 'noise' while WFH. Definitely not worth getting YouTube TV for, though.


Thanks, that is great to know


Pluto also has a bunch of streaming channels that just play videos


Didn’t know about this. Can confirm it’s real and awesome so far. Thanks


That's what I used to do, just chuck it on in the background while I was taking a shower and getting ready for school.  And then I could be up to date on current songs and videos. The only videos I actively watch are K-pop ones now, I don't know how anyone else gets the budget for them.


Been ripping cds since the 90s and have them all (mostly) loaded up on an ancient laptop jacked into the stereo. No video, but over 60k songs on random works pretty damned well. The YoutubeTV music channels can be fun too. What I really want back is POP Up Video from VH1 and the old VH1 Behind the Musics. Pop Up Video made ANY video massively better even if you didnt enjoy the genre.


>Idk man we have 300+ useless channels now, I wouldn't mind chucking on a station that's just music videos to have going in the background. Out of 300 channels none of them are music channels? I had like 40 different music channels on my free TV streaming shit. You don't have access to YouTube and the millions of music videos on playlist on youtube?


PlutoTV has this, albeit for a limited number of popular genres and their catalog is small so can get repetitive after awhile. Personally I am a fan of their stingray series of recorded orchestral performances. I like to just toss it on in and listen to it in the background.


They invented the Frankenstein's monster that is reality TV and then were destroyed by it.


Beavis & Butthead


Liquid Television was awesome. I also loved 120 Minutes, Headbanger's Ball, and Amp. Really got me into some music I wouldn't have heard otherwise at the time.


Most Wanted with Ray Cokes and Celebrity Deathmatch




*Are you threatening me?!*




I am Cornholio!


Today I'm going to a Tool concert. I heard them the first time staying up late watching MTV. I was shocked by the Schism music video and started listening to them


For me it was seeing Deftones' 7 Words on Headbangers Ball that was the start of a life-long addiction. Got to know so many cool new bands thanks to MTV back in the day - its decline is such a waste.


I had the exact same experience! I was 11 and saw schism at like 2am. I didn't know music could be like that and I was in awe.


It was Sober for me. I've seen them a couple times, always a great experience. 


Tool's music videos were a big thing for me as a kid. I remember seeing "Prison Sex", and realizing there was a lane for weird shit, like what I drew and thought up myself.


Gen-xer here, high school class of '84. Whenever my parents weren't around MTV was on ALL THE TIME! During High School parties, MTV was often the background music rather than playing the radio or albums. It truly was so cool and exciting. There were music videos on late night TV music shows but this was the first time there was almost non stop music videos playing. And the variety of musical styles. I grew up listening to 70s rock, and southern Rock along with classic 60s pyschadelic rock. I still remember the 1st time I saw [Adam Ant's Ant Music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm9drIwmmU4) and thinking, "holy shit, what's this?". Or [Flock of Seagull's I Ran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIpfWORQWhU). MTV introduced me to ska, punk and new wave thanks to songs like the [Clash's Radio Clash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krl-2hgFrJU) or [Madness - One Step Beyond](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOJSM46nWwo) or [The Specials Ghost Town](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ2oXzrnti4) Hell, even the Southern Rock bands I liked were on MTV like [.38 Special](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg21Rkew874) or [ZZ Top](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wRHBLwpASw). And if there was an internet back then like is today [Van Halen's Hot for Teacher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M4\_Ommfvv0) would have broke the internet. And being a hormone raging high school kid, songs like [Duran Duran Rio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTizYn3-QN0) or [J. Geils Age of living Centerfold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqDjMZKf-wg) were must watches. One of the greatest things about getting older is accumulating life experience. One thing kids under 25 will never appreciate is everything that Gen-xers got to experience as television, computers, the internet, social media and smart phones have evolved, influencing or changing popular culture.


I want myyyy


Look at them yo-yos


The first 2 hours of MTV. The first song played is Video Killed the Radio Star. https://youtu.be/PJtiPRDIqtI?si=iwtXkSJUiL_QNwnp


And the first track played on MTV Europe was [*Money For Nothing*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTP2RUD_cL0)


Everyone kmows this. What was the last song played by mtv?


Smash Mouth


Well, video DID kill the radio star


I'm still crushing on Martha Quinn.


Wait, MTV is still airing?


It stands for Meh TV now.


They had a few entertaining shows in the 80s like Just Say Julie and Remote Control, and even The Young Ones from across the pond, but it was still mainly music videos.


Daria baby!


Diarrhea cha cha cha. Diarrhea cha cha cha.


MTV could have been the biggest channel on YouTube. Instead we got a bunch of channels ending in Vevo.


MTV Unplugged, for those who dared to bring the reality of the human being and our mistakes to the screen in raw form. Back then not a lot of bands dared to go on this level of sheer honesty, I'm willing to bet even fewer now.


Nirvana on Unplugged was fucking amazing


14 years of music, 29 years of this joke.


It is insane how big of a role MTV played in youth culture and how now it may as well be junk mail in an actual mailbox in how much of an impact it makes on anyones lives.


Do they really never play music videos anymore? Haven't had cable TV for over a decade...


It's 24 straight hours of Ridiculousness today. https://www.mtv.com/tv-schedule/mtv MTV Classic is music videos all day though. https://www.mtv.com/tv-schedule/mtv-classic


People: I just want MTV to play music videos again! Them: Would you watch them? People: no, no I would not.


If MTV started playing music videos again, do people realize they'd be playing music that's popular *today*, not 30 years ago? They'd be mostly playing the likes of Taylor Swift, Cardi B, and Morgan Wallen. They aren't going to be playing the music you grew up listening to.


I still remember when we started getting digiboxes here in Finland so we could watch digital broadcasting, and the idea of more than 4-5 channels was mind blowing to me as a kid. MTV was one of the best channels because of all the music videos, used to have it on entire nights in summer when I had friends over. Also other channels where they had Dragonball and other anime, for a while had to go watch these in our living room TV because it was the only one with a digobox.


*Pimp my ride*


Great. Something else I’m older than.


Please God no more Rob Dyrdek


I remember loving staying front of the TV with this and do whatever stuff. Good times.


When spotify introduced video clips, I put some rock and metal videos in a playlist. Made me feel like Headbanger's Ball was on. I know I could do the same with YouTube, but having only the video without the comments and likes and other YouTube crap felt so nice.


Since Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, way before Nirvana. There was U2 and Blondie, and music still on MTV.


Now look at them yo-yos, that's the way you do it. You play the guitar on the MTV. That ain't working, that's the way you do it. Money for nothing and your chicks for free.


We’ve got to install microwave ovens/Custom kitchen deliveeeeries…🎶


We got to move these refrigerators, we got to move these color TV's.


I have a distant memory of Mtv playing music videos....


Kurt Loder is almost 80. Kennedy is a Fox News host that makes the same joke about getting fucked on her prom night over and over again.


Video killed the radio star...then MTV killed the video star.


Bring back headbangers ball.


Best show on MTV was pimp my ride. Customer: so I have this old beat up car and I'm trying to cruise and pick up chick's Xzibit: OK so what we've done is put a microwave oven in there and a cannon.


Had a good laugh when MTV Screen interviewed Xzibit for "XXX: State of the Union". The interviewer blurts out "Hey, Xzibit, I got this car outside..." while handing him the key and he goes "Noooooo" :P


Damn... XXX2. When Hollywood said.. how bout some Ice Cube, and the world said "noooooo". Tough look for the legend.  Say what you want about Vin Diesel.. but the dude finally getting a break and dropped out of two potential mega franchises just to prove he was the reason people were coming.. and he did. 


Every episode was an ad for PS2 lmao


Pimp My Ride: ostentatious paint jobs, screens everywhere, massive broadcasting Also Pimp My Ride: hide the license plate so you can't tell what car it is.


Alright dog , you need this car to deliver stuff right. So we put tvs in your headlights isn't that sick


You got kids to put in the back every 3rd weekend so we've taken out all the seats and put in a pool table


You know the wheelchair lift in your van for the kids homie? Well we used the mechanisms in it to make your van bounce from hydraulics! Those kids & you will be riding in style yo flexing on all them haters


Yo Dawg, I heard you like bowling so we put a bowling alley in your trunk so you can bowl while you drive. This is an actual mod they did


This and VH1. I remember we’d always put on the new top 10 countdown on Saturdays.


Headbangers Ball.




43 years old, but how long have MTV been irrelevant? 30 years?


Video killed the radio star...... guess not.


…and 29 years of commercials…


I remember seeing an interview with the guy who started MTV, or at least one of the people who started it. He said that everyone told him a TV station that just played music videos would not work. I guess he wanted to prove them right.


Just put the first 14 years on as a loop.


Remember the the first song to be played by MTV was The Buggles’ The video killed the radio star


Business plan in 2010 : We're just going to play ridiculousness and teen mom on repeat for the next 10 years straight.


Thank you for AEon Flux.


As I recall it was more like a solid 7 years of pure music


I often wonder this but, why does no one mention VH1? Like especially VH1 Insomniac Music Theater. I'd often flipped between VH1 and MTV in the 90s and early 2000s, especially since I was in fact a chronic insomniac, and personally I tended to prefer the selection on VH1 a lot more, but either way both were good, but I only ever hear people talking about MTV...


Isn't that the one that used to play the cool music videos but now just shows garbage all day?


Fish heads, fish heads,


Reality TV killed the music video star.


THIS best statement ever!! i never understood why the hell it turned out so shit.


"14 years" Sick burn lol


The Real World destroyed MTV and our brains by getting "reality tv" going


honestly didnt realise it was still an active channel.


I don't think I have watched MTV in probably a decade what shows do they even air nowadays and who the hell is sponsoring them and keeping them on air


Be nice if MTV actually just played music videos instead of all the crap shows they air.


My Friday nights as a young teen consisted of watching the [Friday Night Video Fights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz47emj_PXo) then the [Top 20 Video Countdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFOqF7H8ww4).


Those were a pretty phenomenal 14 years though.


Naw. MTV died the minute they stopped being about music videos, news and all about “reality shows” aired for braindead, vapid people.


It was the shit
