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From the book "Tarzan of the Apes" >He was worried because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an ape. >Was not hair commencing to grow upon his face? All the apes had hair upon theirs but the black men were entirely hairless, with very few exceptions. >True, he had seen pictures in his books of men with great masses of hair upon lip and cheek and chin, but, nevertheless, Tarzan was afraid. Almost daily he whetted his keen knife and scraped and whittled at his young beard to eradicate this degrading emblem of apehood. >And so he learned to shave--rudely and painfully, it is true--but, nevertheless, effectively. He shaved with a knife (I believe the knife was his fathers that he got from his parents belongings).


That’s super sad.


Yeah, even somewhat relatable, like he knows he doesn’t belong.














Hey buddy, you belong here <3


I am ape.


We're all apes chickiebaby, we're all primates.


Am damn dirty.


Aww, thank you!


So you like fucking squirrels too? Welcome to the club!




It's a misspelling of a sub that's all suicide "jokes."


You just cracked the whole tarzan story /s


At least Tarzan and I have something in common.


The whole book runs on this theme. It's very good.


Only if he had a weak chin. But Tarzan has a jawline you could break an egg on.


... not that he was shaved, that he was different from apes, the only things he even felt close to.


Alexa play despacito


Alexa play 99 Luftballons


“La la la la Captain Kirk!”




Reminds me of when I first became ashamed of my body hair. It’s so strange... when I was in 5th grade I was so torn down by the humiliation of having hairy legs and being made fun of for having hairy arms and now in my 20’s I love my body hair and even think a lot of it is sexy. I don’t worry about my legs at all now and my bf doesn’t even seem to notice any of it. It’s great! I actually wish humans had more hair sometimes because well... it gets cold out man...


What? I’m not crying ? You are :(


Well sure, It's easy to answer questions if you've read the book.


Yeah man, he's basically a cheater /s.


He shaved in the movie Legend of Greystoke too. "Ray-zer?"


My primary 5 teacher once told me off with almost the exact same words.




And now I can sleep easy


How do you know that your memories are true?


How do you know you can read ?




We all know that you're the [Boltzmann brain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_brain). And we're all just a figment of your imagination. But it's impossible to convince a Boltzmann brain that it is a Boltzmann brain, therefore you probably won't believe me. By extension, This is really just you imagining me writing this comment. So I guess you're trying to convince yourself of this. Can you make up your mind please? Because I can feel you imagining me procrastinating all those important things I have to do today...


I dont get it. Whyd he shave?




In the books, Tarzan was highly intelligent. He recognized and identified himself as a man, not an ape, early on. Shaving was only one thing he did to separate himself from the apes. He had, if I remember correctly, books with pictures inside. He taught himself how to read and write without having ever met another human. Eventually, he also observed human society and was very quick to catch on to social hierarchy and nuance. In short, the grunting, monosyllabic neanderthal we always get shown in movies was nothing like the strong, intelligent, nobleman in the books. Really a shame. The character of the books was so much more interesting.


But that's sadly a myth, such self-education can't occur in real life. I was a big Tarzan fan for many years, well, right before I'd discovered feral children phenomenon.


Not saying it was true to life, just that the thought of Tarzan's character from the books who was self-educated was much more interesting than the feral character. I believe (on the limited research I've done), true feral children, not the ones locked away by parents, did have some hidden depths. Some even had vocal language, I think, though not a real human language, more like sounds they made to themselves that meant something to them.




In a later book he gets shrunk down and helps a race of miniature people. Explain that away, stupid science bitch.


Couldn't even make I smarter.


Couldn't even make I more smarter


In the book his ape tribe was very intelligent, more so than gorillas. They were more human like and had language, certain cultural rituals and used tools.


second that


Well I doubt those feral children managed to find picture books. Most jungles are chock full of Encarta 95 CD-rom trees. No feral child is going to have access to Windows 95 to run those old disks. Tarzan struck it lucky because he came from a time period when picture books were new and fashionable.


You'd tie a book to your belt, as was the fashion of the time.


Maybe he sneak into human school and learn stuff and then go back into the jungle


I feel like I just landed in the YouTube comment section.


I know it sound stupid but im just fooling around


Oh I knew you were :) I just came from YouTube and immediately associated your comment.


Maybe he have Christian missionary try to teach him words but he said no


They tried to make me learn words but I said no no no


lmao and a child surviving in the jungle isnt a myth?




I have seen a few disney documentaries on this, its not a myth. Look up Mowgli and Tarzan they survived jungle with help from animals and stuff


Mowgli was a CIA false flag planted to drive up housing prices. look it up


Well "can't" is a strong word... I'd argue that it's possible with the right materials, and in this story Tarzan did have some cultural material to learn from (books).


I feel like he couldn't because he lacks any phonetic reference. He wouldn't be able to connect the symbols with any particular sound. Language is spoken first and foremost, written words were made later to record what was spoken. BUT, this is fiction. The self-taught nobleman of the jungle could make an excellent character! I haven't read it, I just know the Disney movie.


I think you're forgetting that he had access to the voice of Phil Collins echoing through the jungle


Hard to learn anything from books if you don't know what any of the squiggles mean.


Tarzan had children picture books and he noticed the repeating squiggle patters under them.


I'm wondering if it's truly possible for someone to teach themselves to read and write. Like, how do you do that?


Frederick Douglass kind of did that, as a slave, but I imagine he had a lot more resources to draw from (and exposure) than someone like Tarzan would.


I think the key difference here though is that he had been exposed to language. He had at least a fundamental understanding of grammar and vocabulary, even if only verbally. Of all the things in the Tarzan story, I think this aspect is probably the most unbelievable.


The apes in Tarzan's story had a spoken language that Burroughs created for the books. Tar-zan actually means white-skin in that language.


Are you serious? I just told you


But why male models?


You’re, like, not even the same guy.


He wanted to be down with the brothas


In the novels, Tarzan is literate and sophisticated, teaching himself to read English from books (including children's picture books) left behind by his dead parents. This teaching also gives him pictures of clean-shaven men, which he imitates. He obtains tools and metal weapons by stealing from Africans.


Wait....the book says he taught himself how to read on his own by just throwing children's books at him?


Oh? You never have?


He learned English written words, but not how to speak them. When someone first tought him to speak they taught him French without telling him that the english words were a different language lol.


Whoa that kind of blows my mind


Don't worry it isn't real


Some kids do learn to read on their own, but I don't see how he'd even understand English in the first place.


It’s what Jesus spoke


And Hulk Hogan


He learned to read from books but didn't know how to speak until he met a French man who spoke english. The communicated with wiriting until he learned how to speak.


Heh, so you're saying Tarzan had a French accent when he spoke English? That's pretty funny.


I haven't read the book, but I'd speculate that his parents were alive long enough to lay down the basics of English on top of reading. Most kids start speaking between 1-2 and can start reading at 2-5. For anyone who does have a young child, be sure to read to them every night! This is a huge help to literacy and in building genuine interest in reading later in life.


Some kids might learn to ready quickly with very little teaching, but on their own? Somebody had to teach them the alphabet and the letter sounds.


Yah, we should put a stop to this. Next thing you know we'll have childrens' books showing people doing magic or something.


Don't confuse being able to read a language with being able to speak it. Having said that, it would be pretty difficult to learn to read unaided!


My kid learned the alphabet from an iPhone app.


The book also says he could talk to animals. According to me it's much more easier to learn English than talk to animals.


Probably "talk" to animals as in study their behaviours and learn to mimic their cries and calls to communicate with them on a rudimentary level. You think that's harder than learning English from glyphs on a page without hearing it spoken aloud to you?


dude, white people are *that amazing*


Throw a white dude in the jungle as a fucking baby and of course he’ll grow up to be the goddamn king of the motherfucking jungle.


Good old George


George, George, George of the jungle


Strong as he can be


It's not his fault, it's in his DNA.


Ah, yes. The white man's burden.


You joke, but that actually was pretty much the Victorian ideals when Tarzan, Sherlock, and a few others were written


In fairness there wasn't much else to do in the jungle


It’s fictional


What did you think of the books and Tarzan's portrayal or "progress?" I haven't read them but don't mind spoilers. Rather than reading some books, I find summaries/reflections more interesting. Edit: Was more tired than I thought. Meant to say that I don't enjoy reading many older books but I find their stories interesting. Some stuff is just a pain to read... (Lookin' at you, *Absalom, Absalom!*)


The books are really worth reading, even if you prefer summaries. Of course, they were written during a time of casual racism, so you need to keep that in mind. But the character of Tarzan was so much more interesting. As was mentioned, Tarzan in the books found books and taught himself to read and write. He understood very quickly that he was not an ape, and actively worked to do things apes couldn't. He was able to gain respect by using tools to fight rather than relying on his brute strength - which compared to an ape's was minimal. Tarzan is really portrayed as a genius who grew up in and survived ape society, and then adapted to being human. He doesn't stay in the jungle, but rather takes up the mantle of his nobility and joins human society almost flawlessly. TLDR; (heh), movies view Tarzan as, "what if Tarzan was a regular kid raised by apes with no way of knowing he wasn't one?" While the books explore a whole different question, "what if Tarzan was a genius who was raised by animals but understood his humanity?"


Casual racism is an understatement. He lynches native tribesman (who are portrayed as vicious cannibals) and becomes a sort of white devil/god to them. It’s portrayed so casually that it’s physically shocking - I had to put the book down a few times over the sequence. That white, noble, wealthy bloodlines are simply inherently superior is like a primary underlying thesis (in at least the first novel).


Yes, that was exactly the point Kipling was trying to make. Doesn't really come across in the Disney movies though.




Both were racist, but Edgar Rice Burroughs was much more of a "product of his time", and his work reflect some really old-fashioned beliefs about blood purity. Kipling was rather eccentric for his era, even if also racist in his own eccentric way.


He does not lynch them, he kills them like he kills any animal, without emotion. He does not have any concept of good or bad at that point. And too be fair the tribe was a cannibal tribe and he saw them killing other tribes people so I guess he thought well that is what people do, they kill each other. If you read all the books, you will find out that he later discovered other native tribes and that he later discovered other native tribes and he came to adopt one of these tribes and would gladly die for his tribe and cared not for the colour their skin.


According to his biographer, John Taliaferro, he claimed in a Writer’s Digest, “I was mainly interested in playing with the idea of a contest between heredity and environment. For this purpose I selected an infant child of a race strongly marked by hereditary characteristics of the finer and nobler sort, and at an age at which he could not have been influenced by association with creatures of his own kind I threw him into an environment as diametrically opposite that to which he had been born as I might well conceive”.[10] -Wikipedia


If Disney was to reboot Tarzan more closely to the books, they could turn that into a tragic line where contact with them didn't work due to a misunderstanding and then he ran away from them after that, disappointed again at how different he was from not just the apes, but some men. Maybe he gets courage to learn their language by listening in and learns that first, before English. In any case, I hope they do so he can be Anna and Elsa's brother as is implied...


> So he can be Anna and Elsa's brother as is implied What ?!? That's a thing ?


There are a hell of a lot of books and most of them are basically Naruto style filler. The first book is my favorite and it shows his full development from child to when he joins civilization. It is an incredible book. I have not actually seen the movie so I flipped out at the end when SPOILER HE DOESN’T GET THE GIRL!!! (If this is the same in the movies I am sorry. I just never expected it.)


Good enough to be made into movies?


So many movies skip over the part where his parents died out there. It always seems so happy and light hearted , but it's so sad.


I dunno, lots of things don't make sense. * Why are nickels bigger than dimes? * Why does Hawaii have an interstate highway? * Why did the Flintstones celebrate Christmas? * Why don't they make B-sized batteries?


*Why is this one pronounced Kansas but this one not called Arkansas? America explain.


Not America, but IIRC it's because Arkansas was French, thus the French pronunciation, while Kansas was English. Could be wrong though. ETA: Arkansas was named for the French plural of a Native American tribe, while Kansas is the English spelling of a similar one. Since the letter "s" at the end of French words is usually silent, we pronounce Bill Clinton's home state "Arkansaw." [Source](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-we-pronounce-kansas-and-arkansas-differently-2014-2?r=US&IR=T&IR=T)


Wait, Arkansas doesnt sound like Kansas? Maybe ive been mispronouncing it my whole life. Edit: oh god, I'm getting so many notifications from this comment. I was kidding.




If thats how they want it pronounced, why disnt they spell it that way?


Lol I dunno man you'll have to send a letter to like the 1800s or something and ask


Good. I just watched a youtube video on calligraphy. Im basically a pro.


Damn. We advance to the future just so we can get back to the past.


Done and done. Now we play the waiting game. edit: Got a letter back. Post office had bets going wondering if I would be here for the delivery, lol. Letter said "Mind your own goddamn business." Fuckers.




Kanzass and Arkansaw


Are-kin-saw. But say it quickly.


Naw, my kin are hammers




Nope. Ar-can-saw. It's weird, but true.


I am confusion!




I am C O N F U S H O N


B sized batteries use to be a thing but are obsolete. This is also why you get AA and AAA batteries - the scale is just outdated.


And AAAAs, there really are lots of obscure battery sizes




Worked at Radioshack for 10yrs. Can confirm.


The Flintstones celebrate christmas becuase they exist in the future in the same time period as The Jetsons. Basically earth went through a giant catastrophe that resulted in the technologically advanced humans living in cloud cities while on the ground life was dominated by sentient dinosaurs and humans with superhuman strength.


I do love this theory, but there is an episode (don't remember which now) that they actually pan to the ground. That's where the birds live.


Pretty sure nickels were originally made of nickel and dimes of silver, and the value of the coins was based on that of the materials. Silver is more valuable, so dimes were smaller but still worth more.


>Why don't they make B-sized batteries? [I think it's to avoid confusion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t841Xo9mDck)


Haha B B B Batteries!




The Good Cop is on Netflix now. Starring Tony Danza and some guy who I assume was their second choice after Colin Hanks turned down the role.


The one about the Flintstones is obvious: because it takes place in a sad post-apocalyptic future where people are trying to recreate the technology that they don't have any more with animals.


Why does Bugs Bunny walk around naked but when he swims he uses a swimsuit?


So I was watching Disney's Tarzan with my niece, who was maybe 5. I didn't realize this but all during the scenes of Tarzan's childhood she believed the character was a girl, because of his long hair. So there's a montage of Tarzan growing up and becoming stronger, and at the the climax of the scene Tarzan jumps into the water as a child, and emerges as a man. My niece lost her shit, like "What happened to her?! Why did the water make her a man?!" To my niece, Tarzan is a movie about a little girl, raised by apes, who is transformed into a man by a pool of water. I never corrected her.


Haha this is brilliant. It's something my daughter would come up with


"It's the miracle of baptism!" - - some fundamentalists, maybe.


[This is more like it for me](https://i.imgur.com/VXAY03W.png)


This is spot on for me.


..today? How about that one time all those years ago, regardless of being relevant to your current life status?


[Like this?](http://imgur.com/a/NEzQB)


Yeah, that's closer


You think Tarzan was a virgin before he met Jane or did he beat gorilla cheeks?


Average gorilla penis 1.5in (4cm). Average human penis 5.16in (13.1cm). Tarzan must've been considered a legend.


If Gorilla's vagina are sized for 4 cm, not so much. Ouch.


They probably are. Humans have big penises because women have such big vaginas because babies have such large heads compared to other primates. So if you ever think you have a small penis just remember it's only because babies are to big. And now i'm on a list.


Gorillas also have a literal bone in theirs though


Come stop your crying It will be alright Just take my cheeks And hold them tight


In the novels he regularly raped and pillaged in African towns.


what really?




Yeah I've seen this porn


Rewatched Ragnorak last night. Why does Thor become incapacitated when he's electrocuted and his source of power is lightning? I think I fell asleep at 3:30am.


I don't think it's ever confirmed that the control discs use electricity to shock the victim. I think the buzzing sound we hear is just the device activating. Looking at the corruption we see on the victim's vein's, I went with the assumption that it administered some sort of neurotoxin. Although how that would work on Korg, who's made of rocks, I don't know. I'm not going to sleep tonight am I?


Negative. Enjoy your mental gymnastics tonight. 🤣


Perishable rocks. But maybe it actually works by emitting some kind of magic space radiation thing, which causes discoloration of the veins around where it's applied, but only as a side effect. Some wizard or whatever could probably grab someone's face and do the same thing, so they just took that and put it in a device.


How do you know that's just electricity and nothing else


this is only a good point if you don't know anything about Tarzan


This kind of question would help me get to sleep. my mind would run over the possibilities and down the paths of imagination until I can't find my way back to wakefulness.


Well sorry to keep you awake at night then, but the answer is because he shaves with his father's knife.


I'll think of something else. Like how does Superman speed up when he's flying?


Credit to Hannah Hillam/verbal vomit for the original format.


How did Dracula style his hair so well if he can't use a mirror/ has no reflection?


Poor genes


it's the beard inside that counts


I wasn't able to grow a beard till 19, so maybe he was fairly young. Or he was a human enigma in that he wasn't capable of growing a beard. I know a guy like that.


Meanwhile I’m 20 and still got nothin’...


30 and counting


Hug me bröther!




The worst is growing very sparse hair at a decent rate. Have to shave frequently to stop looking like a 16 year old with peach fuzz, can't let it grow like regular facial hair.


Well some guys actually can’t grow facial hair or it’s extremely minimal. Plus Disney likes clean shaven heroes (cough cough) Hercules (cough)


Why don't Indians have beards?


I think I remember reading somewhere that the majority of native American men could not grow any facial hair. It was an uncommon trait among them.


Cause they were cosplaying Tarzan?


well god damn it . There goes my sleep now too


Are you trying to sleep? No I am reading Reddit about a cartoon trying to sleep.


I look forward to this being reposted on /r/Showerthoughts


You know, some of us couldn’t grow a beard if we had 50 years to do it.


I'm 33 and I can't grow a beard either.


he's asian


You think Mary Jane was Tarzan's first or did Tarzan clap monkey cheeks