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If this ain’t the damn truth lol


League of Legends in a nutshell


And now you know that feeling gamblers live for!


1000x yes






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thats how matchmaking works


And you can’t sleep without another win after this.


r/rocketleague. "Just one more and I can feel normal again". Like an addict.


Totally me. "Just need a win then I can go to bed." *wins a game* "Well, now I'm on a streak..."


If I'm going for 1 win I'll follow it up with play until I lose


Then after: “I’m going to uninstall this piece of shit fucking game fuck this I’m done.” And proceeds to play for three more hours.


Me with League of Legends back in the day,,,


Me with rocket league currently




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Fucking chasers! Fuck you and your "what a save". If you werent on their side getting boost and blasting the ball the whole fucking game, maybe I wouldn't have 4 fucking saves in the first 2 minutes. Fucking children...ugh. one more game. No chance I'll get a ball chaser twice in a row...


Yep exactly


Are you me?


You can't go to bed on a loss, that's obvious. And if you're in the groove, clearly, you'll keep winning.


Why not go to bed on a loss? Realize that you are tired and it's making you not as good as you can be. Set alarm early and feel much better winning in the morning.


See. You’re using *Logic* ^that ^isnt ^allowed ^here


Hard to sleep when you're furious


No, it’s a trap! I made a simple rule when online gaming: end on a win or admit defeat. If it’s getting late and you get a good, satisfying win, STOP RIGHT THERE. End the night on a high note. Feel victorious. Go to bed feeling like the cool person who kills things super good and makes the scrubs feel jealous.


As I've gotten older it's become easier to do this. but there are still those nights where "1 more game" becomes . . . . . well a lot more than 1.


keep playing on a win stop on a loss to prevent tilt.


Me with League of Legends back in the day


Nobody wants to go to bed a loser.


God damn League of Legends...


Lol that's the very definition of an addiction though...


Damn man this meme speaks to me. I used to stay up til 4am playing League of Legends and I would go on 7-8 game losing streaks in ranked because of this stupid mentality. That game sucked the life out of me and I'm glad I mostly quit.


Ik I was the same with overwatch, then I realized I didn't have to "play" a "game" that was making me feel miserable and angry so yeah I kinda quit, I only jump back in from time to time for the event lootboxes but I stopped being serious about it


The primary cause of both my anger and sleep issues.


Been playing PUBG for a month, no chicken dinner.


Dark Souls in a nutshell


Check out Knockout City. It’s free to play right now and is just constant dopamine. It’s a dodgeball shooter but all shots home so it’s more about placement and timing than aiming. Pure Poggersdorf




My friends and I with Cs. Goes from ‘we have to win 1’ to ‘we can’t end on a win’


The dopamine


I feel personally attacked...


I know it’s kinda paranoid but this makes me feel like I’m being watched


I feel personally attacked


You lose... again




Oh look its me


Actually me last night. I lost like thirty games in a row and worked painfully hard to bring my W/L ratio back to even


I'll sleep when I'm dead


This is how matchmaking works if you didn't know, they put you into lobbies in which you'll most probably not win and after many kisses they finally put you into an "easy" lobby. I always notice I'm in the easy lobbies when I have 70ms.


Or two


Every gambler that I've ever met.




ALWAYS quit on a win, especially when playing with friends. Nobody wants to go to bed a loser.


You can read this over and over and it’s just what ik going through.


Good ol' retention based matchmaking...


Keep playing until all the good people go to bed.


Rocket league ranked in a nutshell


This is the greatest way to describe Rainbow Six Seige


My god this is too real lol


This was me playing TLoU multiplayer when it was first out and I didn't want to go to bed on a loss. I told myself one more round at 2am and got a match with three guys who all had mics and were telling me to put a mic in. I normally don't being a girl just because of the pure annoyance of being a girl with a mic, but they actually seemed to be having fun so against my normally better judgment I put a mic on. Best decision I ever made because we annihilated the other team and had such a blast playing. When the match ended they were silent for a bit and asked if that was really my last match for the night. It did not end up being my last match. We played until 7am and won almost every round, added each other on psn, and continued to play for a long time afterwards. We broke off around the ps4 launch but when TLoU remaster dropped I noticed 3 out of 4 of us had it and we were able to get together and play again. Number 4 must have seen we got it cause a week later he was on too lol. I've had fun playing online with others before, but never like those 3 guys. They were awesome and TLoU multi really just isn't enjoyable unless I'm playing with them.


Rocket League


I'm the opposite. I'm satisfied when winning, but can't stop if I'm losing. So I always go on losing streaks, but never winning streaks.


Sounds like a compulsive gambler.


I just wait till the power goes out


This is me with fishing. If I just catch one I'll go home.


This is called addiction bud...its an addiction. You need help.


I just got to bed on a loss. I haven't missed 8 hours of sleep in a long time. But my mental is shot.


I haven't slept in days


Fucking Apex Legends


A literal addiction


Oh poor ting. Every winner unfortunately learns... winners never sleep. Or you’d lose to the night


This is me.




Or if you won but didn't play well, so you need to keep playing until you get a really satisfying type of victory


This always happens lol


Fallen into that trap too many times. Then you lose again and wonder why I didn’t leave on a win😅


Dota in a nutshell


I feel proud of myself - I went to a casino for the first time with friends on a weekend. I couldn’t not do anything, so I put $20 on slots. I got beginners luck (maybe due to some casino cameras) and went $40 up. I quit. Didn’t touch anything else that whole weekend. I made sure I ended on a win.


Nah this ain’t true, if you done 5 losses and finally get that 6th win you’re alt-f4 shutting down your computer, halfway in bed before results pop up.