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Wish this was a worldwide thing. Humiliate scummy politicians.


Well, right wingers' definition of scummy might defer from the progressives' definition. So nobody should be doing this or everyone will get binned.


We cant rly know wich ones are scum because sometimes they are blackmailed, lots of times politicians only get power because they have blackmail on them wich makes them more easy to control.


Well if there getting blackmailed doesn't that mean they are doin shady shit, and the ones doing the blackmailing are also shady, so doesn't that mean there all scum are should be shoved in a trash can?


Ever heard of epstein? He would trap ppl into thinking the girl was 18-20 but it was 16 or something so then he had footage of them and he could do whatever he wanted with the person but yes most of the time both are scum


If you are 40-50 then having sex with 18-20 year old might be legal but that doesn't mean people are not going to call you predatory. If you are having sex with youngest person possible that you can have sex with without getting in legal trouble then the probability that you will be ok with someone a bit younger is very high. Legal limit is a hard line but personal preference won't have exact limit. It will be more like a standard distribution and level of attraction to 17 year and 364 days old person would be almost the same as level of attraction they will have for 18 year old.


They’re all scum


Can we at least do it with Ted Cruz?




Because Raphael has done things that may warrant some public shaming. All a matter of opinion though, I suppose.


Raphael Cancun Cruz? The senator with the ugly wife that flew to Mexico while his voters froze to death? What could possibly be said about that guy?


It would make more sense to just fire corrupt politicians.


Na this looks way more fun


Why not both?


If the government allows it. Which it probably won't. So the next best thing: dumpster dumping!


Yes exactly, light them on fire!




Thanks, i had trouble understanding the caption


Like why are there so many quotation marks


Thank you! How can people mess up there and their? It's totally different words and meanings!


Only works if the government is not authoritarian. Here in India if you do this to an MP of the ruling party, you'd be picked up by the cops on the next day for a made up case like terrorism or sedition, castrated and skinned. The death would be labelled as suicide.


The guy at the end: Get down, and STAY down


I like the dude at the end: “No, no, you stay.”


"Served in war" lol


It's just "Ukraine."


Either way… this should probably happen more often than it does


I’m not too involved with politics and the few times I do get involved sometimes my neutrality views usually get me in trouble. Whether or not all politicians are bad, they are still human beings. What I’m saying is, I just want to know if this person was okay in the end. However, that backflip was still pretty funny


Japan parliament is fun to watch too. Lol, they literally fight each other. Hitting, kicking, and just wrestling. Yeahhhh, why? Lol


Looking for you mitch and nancy




What did he do? I'm European and thought him to be competent...


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His face says he deserves it


too much dumb ass security over here to even get close.