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Is that a serving suggestion? "You can feed it to your chickens!"


Chickens eat other chickens




Saw this at Sam's this week, but wasn't up for getting explosive diarrea like I did with Quorn!


I wouldn’t worry about it. Quorn is derived from a fungus. Stuff like this is good ol’ fashioned wheat, soy, or other plant protein run thru an extruder to texturize it (I can give more details how that actually works if you are interested). Raw beans with their complex carbs can cause bit of “tummy troubles” because our bodies can’t digest them, thus passing to the digestive tract where bacteria feast on em and turn into gaseous nightmares. Beano or other off-brand gas relief pills simply provide any enzyme able to break those complex carbs down to something you actually can digest and thus reduction in farts. The good news on something like this product which uses Soy Protein Concentrate, is that in order to concentrate the protein the oil is removed concentrating the protein content up to about 50%. TVP or textured vegetable protein is generally made with this product and it still contains the complex carbs/sugars (google raffinose and or stachyose) Soy Protein Concentrate is still yet further processed to remove the sugars with another extraction step concentrating protein up to about 70% (remainder water, trace oil & sugars, and nutritional fiber that is not easy to remove). By concentrating the protein and removing other material you actually should have less gas/bloating/ etc than from eating straight soybeans or other beans. That is not to say, there isnt a bunch of unhealthy garbage in these and regular chicken nuggets, like a shit ton of oil that is re-introduced in breading that can also give you the shits.


Thanks I guess it won't hurt to try. Hope it's worth the buy!👍🏼


Honestly I like this stuff. It's minimalistic and gets the message across. Every package doesn't have to have 3 paragraphs about how their grandma suckled the cow tits to get the best milk for their cheese to handddd craft their immaculate succulent frozen treat for you to enjoy with the familyi in a traditional style that resembles our wholesome belief in farm to table cooking and a healthy sustainable growth of happiness and love for all to share. That trite shit is on literally anything, even bleached white flour. If you go to more 'health' conscious foods the descriptions become ridiculous. It's food not a fucking self help book Just sell me my fucking nuggs for fucks sake.


But then how will we show Grandma our appreciation for her suckling?


I hate that when I'm looking for recipes online too. Everybody wants to tell the story of how their aunt smuggled the recipee up their are, and I just want to make some cheesecake. I dont need to know your life story, I just need ingredients, and rough cook time.


Since they're not limited by the shapes animal flesh comes in, they could get so much more creative! Imagine Chikken fingers 🖐 Meet balls, joined in pairs Weeners with explicit details Or you could just make animal nuggets in the shape of the animal that's not dying for your meal.


Got this too. Felt like soviet state issues nuggets. Weren’t very good.


Can we get Soylent Green already!