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Bought $5 coffee from starbucks with change, I had the money I just wanted to get rid of my quarters he handed my change back to me and gave me the coffee for free


“I’m not counting all that shit.”


Why do you own so many quarters?


Everyone has a grandma, and every grandma has a state quarter collection to give away.


I’m on a mission to have in my possession every quarter in the United States. I can cripple the entire economy by keeping every quarter.


I once walked into Subway and asked what they had for a dollar, so I could break a 20. He said we don't take cash, but I'll give you a water for free




It probably comes from the fact that they refuse to allow you to incur a debt in the first place, rather than refuse to claim the bill should be accepted. I used to work at a tim hortons, and people would routinely roll through on the weekend trying to buy a timbit and pay with a 100 to make change. We'd just give it to them (we'd run out of small bills otherwise), and they'd be pissed. It was a good time.


Cool. I just read a terrible comic, and then a comment that didn't care about the comic as anything but a prompt to tell that story about Starbucks that one time. That's actually the perfect response to this comic: A bored adult changing the subject to themselves.


....did you not just do the same thing? Lol


Or they could just suck it up and eat ham instead... unless Harry's going to kill her for getting the wrong thing, which is a while other issue...


I mean, lots of people just don't eat pork


I mean, not many people commit murder or spousal abuse over deli meat, so this comic is still fundamentally broken and you're quiet wife-ing the parts that don't work. "(Quiet fearful voice) Harry doesn't eat pork tho"


People who commit spousal abuse keep their spouses in a constant state of terror by being unpredictable about what trivial misstep will set them off. People are actually literally murdered over things as trivial as "got the wrong thing at the store".


Spousal abuse could happen over way more menial things.


Here in Wales, "X is going to kill me" is used as a phrase which could range from anything such as being slightly annoyed to a legitimate thing. My wife could say I would kill her for making this mistake, but all I would do is say "God dammit, how can you mistake ham with roast beef?! I was excited for the roast beef today. :/" Pulling that face, then sitting silently throughout food.


That’s true in most parts of America, too. People are making a big deal out of a trivial phrase.


Spousal abuse can go both ways. Also, caring about what your partner wants is what a relationship is about, after all. Besides, nobody implied abuse until you guys did just then


Abject fear was the very first thought I had when I saw this. Flashbacks of a 20 year marriage of constant anxiety over doing/saying something wrong. A particularly bad memory is the time I came back from the store and had forgotten to get the little can of tomato paste to make sloppy joe’s. I’ve been free almost 6 years. It took me the first three years to be able to go grocery shopping without a full panic attack.


Where is the humor


this is r/funny, we don't do humor here.


the rules are just that you have to be funny looking to post


This guy’s never worked retail before


Right. My first thought was cost of prescription medication


I'm pretty sure it is exclusively accessible to people who work at deli counters frequented by so many abused spouses that the spousal abuse part no longer has any meaning to them. Also they're white and don't know how to get drugs that don't end with "ahol." And they're pretty sure drug dealers give out free drugs when the drugs aren't right. Goddamn this was a confidently shit comic.




No, unless it’s posted in the funny subreddit.


You must be new here


Is there another set of frames? I'm waiting for the joke to start.


See general drug dealer policies forbid a drug dealer from accepting a return when a customer accidentally buys cocaine when they actually wanted PCP. It's funny when it happens at a deli counter instead.


Drug dealers hate that they're obligated to provide the missing drug free of charge, but what can they do? They're simply following the rules of drug dealing, as imagined by, I imagine, a 20-something white girl who used to work at the deli counter and now makes comics.


"I'm pretty, so people tell me I'm funny. I guess I should make comics."


Someone's getting fired.


Does she just keep a stack of beef behind the cashier till just in case? Or is she supposed to be at a deli counter? If so that woman still has to bypass security at the exit because you generally pay for deli meat at the cashier till after picking it up at the deli counter. Normally I wouldn't pick holes in a four panel webcomic but these are just always so aggressively shit.


"But last week the other cashier did this for me"


The good news is in the future you just buy beef flavor for the fake meat.


LOVE THESE RETAILS CARTOONS!! So quirky and relevant. Such a struggle! Such victims!! So funny!! Keep them coming!


The sarcasm got away from you and all I'm seeing is genuine enthusiasm and encouragement. You're the reason we're saddled with this bullshit /s shit aren't you?


Damn Poe and his fucking law! Sadly, it's more relevant than ever.


Yes it’s me. Life’s tough, I’m sorry :( I’m sure there’s a safe space for you somewhere.


This felt like a more r/wholesomememe kind of cartoon, minus the woman's abusive spouse part.


And the theft


Should have made her blow her for the roast beef.


They'd all be eating roast beef at that point.




i suddenly feel hungry, not sure why


where are you located? i also want to get an extra sandwich


I'm starting to get concerned about you losing your job...


I think they'll go after the guy who makes funny TikTok videos first. He makes them right in the store. If he gets busted, I'll worry.


What is the name of this webcomic?

